FFSC October 2014 Calendar

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Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October 2014
Meeting your needs
At home...and
At sea


In This Issue:

Domestic Violence Awareness

AHRN Mobile

Columbus Day

The Navy is observing Domestic Violence Awareness Month as a tool to inform the
Navys Sailors about domestic violence prevention, how to identify the warning signs
and how to report abuse.

The concept of Domestic Violence Awareness Month began as a Day of Unity in
October 1981, and soon after evolved into an entire week. In 1987 the first monthly
observance took place. Two years later Congress passed a law officially designating
October as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Each year, leaders and advocates across the nation proclaim October as Domestic
Violence Awareness Month. But a yearly proclamation isnt enough. The severity of
the problem calls for every person to be engaged in ending domestic violence, year-
round. The Navys theme this year focuses on blending our voices to stop it: One
Voice Against Domestic Violence. Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles,
cousins, neighbors and co-workers are challenged to step up and speak out against
domestic violence.
The Family Advocacy Program (FAP) assesses, treats and educates thousands of do-
mestic violence victims and offenders each year. However, until the entire communi-
ty becomes proactive, domestic violence will continue its insidious existence in the
shadows of our family lives. Everyone needs to speak up when they suspect someone
is in danger; staying silent can have grave consequences.
The more people get involved, the more American families will get help with this
persistent yet hidden threat to safety and welfare. In addition to reporting violence,
we need to become educated about the dynamics of abuse. Through education and
encouragement, we can begin to dispel the myths that discourage involvement with
this issue and can promote healthier communities as a whole. Take a stand and make
a difference!

For more info please contact the Fleet & family Support Center 817-782-5287
The FFSC has a virtual Job Board
where jobs are listed daily. You
can visit our board online at:
Hours of Operation
M-Fri 0730-1630
Centrallized Scheduling To make an ap-
pointment for Clinical, Marriage, or Fami-
ly Counseling. Please call 866-293-2776

Safe Help 24/7
Sexual Assault Support
Click here for more information
or Call 877-995-5247

SARC Corpus Christi

Where will you or your family be when an emergency or disaster strikes? Emergen-
cies and disasters strike quickly and without warning and can force you to evacuate
your neighborhood or confine you to your home. What would you do if basic services
water, gas, electricity or telephones were cut off?

Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster, but they cannot
reach everyone right away. If disaster strikes, you need to know how to take care of
yourself and your family.

People can cope with disaster by preparing in advance and with families working to-
gether as a team. Preparing for a disaster or emergency is a responsibility that begins
with each individual. We can't control all the emergencies that will occur in our lives,
but we can be ready to face them by knowing what to do and taking action to prepare.

Two things that will always help you in an emergency or disaster are clear thinking
and quick reactions. If you can stay calm in a crisis, you'll be better able to make the
right decisions. Once you decide the best action to take in a particular situation, do it!
There's no room for hesitation in a disaster or emergency.

Should an event take place where we will need to account for your whereabouts, you
must communicate your location, situation and intentions to the chain of command as
soon as you are able. Contact the Fleet and Family Support Center for more infor-
mation on Disaster Preparedness.

A U.S. natonal holiday since 1937, Columbus Day commemorates the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New World on October
12, 1492. The Italian-born explorer had set sail two months earlier, backed by the Spanish monarchs King Ferdinand and Queen Isa-
bella. He intended to chart a western sea route to China, India and the fabled gold and spice islands of Asia; instead, he landed in the
Bahamas, becoming the frst European to explore the Americas since the Vikings set up colonies in Greenland and Newfoundland
during the 10th century.

The frst Columbus Day celebraton took place in 1792, when New Yorks Columbian Orderbeter known as Tammany Hallheld an
event to commemorate the historic landings 300th anniversary. Taking pride in Columbus birthplace and faith, Italian and Catholic
communites in various parts of the country began organizing annual religious ceremonies and parades in his honor. In 1892, Presi-
dent Benjamin Harrison issued a proclamaton encouraging Americans to mark the 400th anniversary of Columbus voyage with pat-
riotc festvites, writng, On that day let the people, so far as possible, cease from toil and devote themselves to such exercises as
may best express honor to the discoverer and their appreciaton of the great achievements of the four completed centuries of Amer-
ican life.
In 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed Columbus Day a natonal holiday, largely as a result of intense lobbying by the
Knights of Columbus, an infuental Catholic fraternal benefts organizaton. Originally observed every October 12, it was fxed to the
second Monday in October in 1971.

Columbus Day Traditons
In many parts of the United States, Columbus Day has evolved into a celebraton of Italian-American heritage. Local groups host pa-
rades and street fairs featuring colorful costumes, music and Italian food. In cites and towns that use the day to honor indigenous
peoples, actvites include pow-wows, traditonal dance and lessons about Natve American culture.
IN 1492

In fourteen hundred ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue. He had three ships and lef from Spain; He sailed through sunshine,
wind and rain. He sailed by night; he sailed by day; He used the stars to fnd his way. A compass also helped him know
How to fnd the way to go. Ninety sailors were on board; Some men worked while others snored. Then the workers went to sleep;
And others watched the ocean deep. Day afer day they looked for land; They dreamed of trees and rocks and sand.
October 12 their dream came true, You never saw a happier crew! Indians! Indians!" Columbus cried;
His heart was flled with joyful pride. But "India" the land was not;
It was the Bahamas, and it was hot The Arakawa natves were very nice; They gave the sailors food and spice.
Columbus sailed on to fnd some gold To bring back home, as he'd been told. He made the trip again and again,
Trading gold to bring to Spain. The frst American? No, not quite. But Columbus was brave, and he was bright.

01OCT14 Protective Orders 0900-1000 For more info contact 817-782-5287
02OCT14 Preventing Spouse abuse 0900-1100 For more info contact 817-782-5287
03OCT14 Freedom House Speaker Quarters 0900-1000 For more info contact 817-782-5287
06OCT14 Breaking Cycle of Abuse For more info contact 817-782-5287
07-09OCT14 Wealthy Warrior 0800-1600 For more info contact 817-782-5537
07OCT14 DV Clothesline Project 1000-1300 For more info contact 817-782-5287
08OCT14 DV Clothesline Project 1000-1300 For more info contact 817-782-5287
09OCT14 Pre-Separation Briefing 1300-1430 For more info contact 817-782-5290
09OCT14 Family Emergency Preparedness 0900-1000 For more info contact 817-782-5287
11OCT14 Ombudsmen Assembly 1000-1100 For more info contact 682-233-1056
13OCT14 FFSC Closed in observance of Columbus Day
14OCT14 Communication Skills 1000-1100 For more info contact 817-782-5287
15OCT14 Preventing Child Abuse 0900-1100 For more info contact 817-782-5287
15OCT14 DAVA Resource Fair 1100-1400 For more info contact 817-782-5287
16OCT14 Monthly VA Training 1000-1100 For more info contact 817-782-5287
17OCT14 Stress Management 1300-1400 For more info contact 817-782-5287
20-24OCT14 SAPR/VA Training 0800-1600 For more info contact 817-782-7796
22OCT14 In Her Shoes Training NOSC Drill Hall 0900-1100 For more info contact 817-782-5287
23OCT14 Family Emergency Preparedness 0900-1000 For more info contact 817-782-5287
27-31OCT14 TAP/GPS 0800-1600 For more info contact 817-782-5290
27OCT14 Effects of Domestic Violence 0900-1000 For more info contact 817-782-5287
29OCT14 To Protect & Serve 0900-1100 For more info contact 817-782-5287
31OCT14 Happy Halloween

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