Upstream CAE Test 10

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PROGRESS TEST 10 (Unit 10)

CLASS: .. MARK: ______/100
(Time: 50 minutes)
1 Choose A, B, C or D to complete each sentence
1 When will advertisers realise that most
people find radio ............ just plain irritating?
A tinkles C clinks
B rattles D jingles
2 The ............ performance of the current
computer system is affecting productivity.
A substandard C improper
B unseemly D uncouth
3 Some advertisements work by
transmitting ............ messages to the
A subconscious C underhanded
B subliminal D devious
Having been in the entertainment industry
for over twenty years, adonna has
become a pop ............ .
A image C icon
B symbol D emblem
5 ultinational corporations owe their
continued success to ............ marketing.
A offensive C aggressive
B attacking D coercing
! !ny budget review will re"uire a government
............ .
A authorisation C agreement
B appreciation D endorsement
" any ............ products, such as washing
powder, are harmful to the environment.
A household C home#based
B housing D homing
# !fter paying our rent and bills we barely
have enough left to make ends ............ .
A join C merge
B attach D meet
$ $t%s hard to keep my head ............ on what $
A in the sand C in the clouds
B above water D above the rest
10 The business was set up purely as a front
for ............ money.
A laundering C cleaning
B washing D rinsing
11 When &uth feels depressed she goes on a
shopping ............ .
A rage C binge
B spree D bender
12 $ can%t afford to go on holiday this year, $%ve
got a bit of a cash ............ problem.
A run C flu'
B rush D flow
13 Hugo (oss has just launched a big
advertising ............ to promote their new
A stategy C run
B campaign D operation
1 )ow there%s only one wage coming in, we%ll
all have to tighten our ............ .
A belts C waists
B pockets D hats
* +'press ,ublishing ,H-T-.-,$!(/+ 0
15 We paid for the television and video in
monthly ............ .
A stages C dosages
B instalments D chunks
1! !dvertisers deny that advertisements
contain ............ messages.
A concealed C coded
B jumbled D mi'ed
1" )ow that most people can afford brand new
goods, ............ markets are few and far
A small C public
B trinket D flea
1# ! huge neon ............ in the window read 1!ll
you can eat for 23.44.1
A signal C hoarding
B message D sign
1$ ! two#page ............ in the local paper
advertised the opening of the new
A spread C splash
B splodge D coverage
20 We had a ............ sale to sell off all the stuff
we found in the attic.
A parking C station
B garage D garden
! Complete the sentences "ith "or#s
$orme# $rom the "or#s in capitals
1 .................................. is a growing problem
in rich countries as well as poor.
2 5erry is a .................................. liar6 you
can%t believe a word he says. C&M'EL
3 $t has been .................................. proven
that cloning is possible. SC(ENCE
$ was .................................. at the
supermarket by ten pounds, but $ didn%t
notice until $ got home and looked at the
receipt. C%AR)E
5 $f you want to make a complaint, you%ll have
to follow the complaints ............................. .
! $f you are .................................. with this
product in any way, please return it to the
manufacturer within 78 days. SAT(S*+
" .ustomers are entitled to a
full .................................. if the clothing has
not been worn. *,ND
# Shopaholism, of which the majority
of .................................. are women, is now
recognised as a serious medical condition.
$ Studying +astern religions completely
altered my .................................. of life and
death. 'ERCE(-E
10 The bank was unwilling to ...................... an
e'tension to the loan. A,T%&R
* +'press ,ublishing ,H-T-.-,$!(/+ 9
arks: ::::
998 78
arks: ::::
908 98
% Un#erline the correct "or#
1 The blurb on the back cover of the book
made the author;s political st.n/in0 /
st.n1e / 23stu4e / .ttitu/e clear.
2 He was unable to 4ise / 5i6t / .43use / 733st
the film industry%s interest in his project.
3 The trend toward home entertainment has
become more intense / 243n3un1e/ /
s238en / intensi6ie/ of late.
! nice cup of tea would just 1.t19 / 0et /
8i18 / 9it the spot.
5 ajor supermarket chains have num7e4e/ /
24i1e/ / 13ste/ / 7u/0ete/ smaller
retailers out of the market.
! Take 7ene6it / 2436it / / ./:.nt.0e of
our fantastic two#for#one offer, for a limited
period only.
" The government have s14u77e/ /
s14.22e/ / s143un0e/ / s1.44e/ the
agreement to subsidise organic farmers.
# Travel agents are obliged to advise
holidaymakers to t.8e 3ut / 4e1ei:e / t.8e
in / 6in/ travel insurance.
$ $f you can%t afford a new cooker, why don%t
you buy one from the use/ / se13n/;9.n/ /
24e:i3us5<;use/ / 35/ store?
10 T< 13mme41i.5s / 13mme41es /
me419.n/ises / me41.nti5es are known to
e'aggerate the effectiveness of the products
they advertise.
& 'ill in the (aps "ith O)E "or#
1 $ never take any notice ...........................
promotions in supermarkets, $ only buy what
$ need.
2 He threatened the store ...........................
legal action if they didn%t give him a refund.
3 ! lot of people choose to invest their
money ........................... property.
The .onsumer Watchdog conducted an
investigation ........................... supermarket
pricing policies.
5 Talking to someone about your problems
sometimes puts things ...........................
! /ooking several years ...........................
future, online shopping will have become
" .onvenience foods, also
known ........................... ready#made foods,
are big business in the =>.
# ost consumers are ...........................
favour of environmentally#friendly
$ $%ll have my lawyer draw ........................... a
contract and then we can discuss the
10 We were forced to call ........................... our
trip because of a ferry strike.
* +'press ,ublishing ,H-T-.-,$!(/+ ?
arks: ::::
arks: ::::
908 98
arks: ::::
908 98

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