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You have to complete this exam in ___ minutes
1. The forearm is a/an _____ area.
a. antecubital
b. antebrachial
c. cephalic
d. crural
2. A _____ fracture occurred in the elbow area.
a. dorsum
b. buccal
c. carpal
d. cubital
. The central abdominal area is the _____ re!ion.
a. iliac
b. h"po!astric
c. peritoneal
d. umbilical
#. $nte!ration and coordination are properties of the _____ s"stem of or!ans.
a. nervous
b. circulator"
c. excretor"
d. muscular
%. The structures called _____ are intracellular areas with specific livin! functions.
a. inclusions
b. or!ans
c. or!anelles
d. macromolecules
&. A s"stem is defined as a !roup of _____ that function to!ether.
a. cells
b. tissues
c. molecules
d. or!ans
'. The removal of a compound that the bod" no lon!er requires is called _____.
a. secretion.
b. excretion
c. movement
d. di!estion
(. )urface features and anatomical structures beneath the s*in can be readil" identified throu!h
a. observation
b. palpation
c. both a and b
d. none of the above
+. The external !enitalia of a female are within the
a. pelvic re!ion
b. abdominal re!ion
c. perineal re!ion
d. !luteal re!ion
1,. The second rib is located at the level of the __________.
a. -u!ular notch
b. sternal an!le
c. xiphisternal -oint
d. costal mar!in
11. The axilla is clinicall" important because of the subcutaneous position of _______.
a. sebaceous !lands
b. ma-or nerves
c. dermal cells
d. all of the above
12. .hen the buttoc* is used for an intramuscular in-ection/ care must be ta*en to avoid the
a. femoral arter"
b. sciatic nerve
c. si!moid colon
d. obturator foramen
1. .hich of the followin! is 01T found in the nucleus2
a. 3"toplasm.
b. 3hromatin.
c. 0ucleolus
d. 40A.
1#. A cell membrane is ___________.
a. permeable.
b. partiall" permeable.
c. impermeable.
d. permafrost.
1%. 0ormall" the c"toplasm of the cell 415) 01T contain ___________.
a. chloroplast.
b. mito*ondria.
c. ribosomes.
d. chromosomes.
1&. .hich of the followin! mechanisms requires ATP ener!"2
a. 6acilities diffusion.
b. 1smosis.
c. 4iffusion.
d. Active transport.
1'. $n what state of mitosis do all chromosomes ali!n in one plane2
a. Anaphase.
b. Telophase.
c. Prophase.
d. 7etaphase.
1(. .hich of the followin! or!anelles is most important in providin! ener!" to the cell2
a. 7itochondria.
b. 3entrosome.
c. 0ucleus.
d. Peroxisome.
1+. 0ame the membrane valves that open and close for potassium efflux and sodium influx9
e. $on chanels.
f. :acuoles.
!. 3apillaries.
h. 1smose.
2,. .hich or!anelle sometimes mer!es with food vacuoles and functions chemical h"drol"sis2
a. ;"sosomes
b. 3hloroplast
c. 0ucleus
d. 7ito*ondria
21. <ow man" !ram !lucose to ma*e it approximatel" isotonic 1,, ml !lucose solution=
a. #/#%#
b. #/%##
c. %/#%#
d. %/%##
Note: Molecule weight of glucose 180, Dalton
22. Anatom" is a term/ which means the stud" of _____.
a. ph"siolo!"
b. morpholo!"
c. cell functions
d. human functions
2. The stud" dealin! with the explanations of how an or!an wor*s would be an example of
a. anatom"
b. c"tolo!"
c. teleolo!"
d. ph"siolo!"
2#. The process of turnin! molecules that are in!ested into forms that are compatible with the
or!anism is _____.
a. di!estion
b. absorption
c. assimilation
d. circulation
2%. The removal of a compound that the bod" no lon!er requires is called _____.
a. secretion.
b. excretion
c. movement
d. di!estion
2&. .hen a nurse ta*es someone>s temperature/ the" are directl" assessin! a _____.
a. metabolic activit"
b. si!n of illness
c. vital si!n
d. core temperature
2'. The divison of spermato!onia into primar" spermatoc"te occurs throu!h...
a. meioisis $
b. meiosis $$
c. mitosis
d. meiosis $ anaphase
2(. The divison of menin!ens which is ver" vascular is the...
a. 5pidural
b. subdural
c. duramater
d. arachnoideamater
e. piamater
2+. The cranial nerves which are responsible for the movement of the e"es are...
a. nervus $. $$/ :$$$

b. nervus $$$/ $:/ :$

c. nervus :/ ?/ ?$$
d. nervus $/ $$$/ $?
e. nervus :/ :$/ :$$$
,. Anemia pernisiosa is a result of lac* of=
a. vitamin A
b. vitamin @12
c. vitamin @
d. vitamin 3
e. vitamin A
31. The followin! is an example of a homeostatic event.
a. sweatin! durin! a test
b. shiverin! when it is cold
c. developin! a headache
d. muscle strain
32. A s"stem is defined as a !roup of _____ that function to!ether.
a. cells
b. tissues
c. molecules
d. or!ans
33. The structures called _____ are intracellular areas with specific livin! functions.
a. inclusions
b. or!ans
c. or!anelles
d. macromolecules
34. The followin! belon! to!ether except which one2
a. head.
b. arm
c. nec*
d. trun*
35. )imple squamous epithelium is a _____ term.
a. tissue
b. cell
c. or!an
d. patholo!"
36. Pars squamosa of the temporal bone is classified as ___________ bone.
a. short.
b. irre!ular.
c. flat.
d. sesamoid.
37. The bone that forms the boundaries of the cranial cavit" is __________.
a. mandible.
b. maxillae.
c. B"!omatic.
d. sphenoid.
38. )houlder !irdle consists of ___________.
a. 1 collar bone and 1 shoulder blade.
b. 1 clavicle and 1 humerus.
c. 1 scapula and 1 humerus.
d. 2 innominate bones and 1 sacrum.
39. The manubrium is the uppermost section of ___________.
a. ribs
b. sternum.
c. thoracic vertebrae.
d. humerus.
40. .hich one is a lon! bone2
a. 1s lunatum
b. 1s capitatum.
c. 1ssa metacarpalia.
d. 1s )caphoideum.
41. .hich one is a short bones2
a. )ternum
b. Cibs.
c. 3uboid.
d. Patella.
42. The coronal suture -oins _______________.
a. the frontal and temporal bones
b. the frontal and sphenoid bones.
c. the frontal and B"!omatic bones.
d. the frontal and parietal bones.
43. The axis refers to ________.
a. the 1st cervical vertebra
b. the 2
cervical vertebra.
c. the &th cervical vertebra.
d. the 'th cervical vertebra.
44. .hich of the followin! statements concernin! the *nee -oint is true2
a. 6ormed b" femur/ tibia and fibula bone
b. 6ormed b" femur/ tibia and *nee cap bone.
c. 6ormed b" femur and fibula bone.
d. 6ormed b" femur and patella bone.
45. The muscle involved to the forced respiration is ___________.
a. Pter"!oid
b. )acrospinalis.
c. TrapeBius.
d. )ternocleidomastoid.
46. .hich of the followin! statements concernin! the pronator teres muscle is true2
a. $t rotates the shoulder -oints
b. $t rotates the elbow -oints.
c. $t rotates the radioulnar -oints.
d. $t rotates the wrist -oints.
47. .hich of the followin! statements concernin! the pancreas is true2
a. The pancreas receives part of its arterial suppl" from the splenic arter".
b. The main pancreatic duct opens into the third part of the duodenum.
c. The uncinate process of the pancreas pro-ects from the corpus of the pancreas.
d. The bile duct Dcommon bile ductE lies anterior to the head of the pancreas.
48. The serous membrane that passes from the lesser curvature of the stomach and the upper
duodenum to the inferior surface of the liver is the ______________.
a. visceral peritoneum
b. mesenter"
c. !reater omentum
d. lesser omentum
49. Teeth are composed of a number of substances/ the bul* of which is __________________.
a. enamel
b. !in!iva
c. cementum
d. dentin
50. .hich of these is not one of the three pairs of extrinsic salivar" !lands2
a. Parotid
b. Palatine
c. )ubmandibular
d. )ublin!ual
51. .ithin the stomach linin!/ _________________ cells secrete h"drochloric acid.
a. parietal
b. !oblet
c. principal
d. ar!entaffin
52. .hich of these is a structural modification unique to the small intestine2
a. Plicae circulares
b. :illi
c. 7icrovilli
d. All of these are unique to the small intestine.
53. 4urin! which phase of !astric secretion is !astric -uice released2
a. 3ephalic phase
b. Fastric phase
c. $ntestinal phase
d. All of these are correct.
54. Activities of the di!estive s"stem are !enerall" increased b" _________________ nervous
a. s"mpathetic
b. paras"mpathetic
c. somatic
d. autonomic
55. The pancreas secretes enB"mes that enter the small intestine and chemicall" di!est ch"me.
3hoose the enB"meDsE that brea*DsE down fats9
a. 3arbox"peptidase.
b. Pancreatic lipase.
c. Tr"psino!en.
d. Pancreatic am"lase.
56. .hat is the primar" purpose of the liver in aidin! di!estion2
a. Produces di!estive enB"mes
b. Produces al*aline solution to neutraliBe stomach acidit"
c. Produces bile to emulsif" fats in the small intestine
d. Produces substances that aid the lar!e intestine in water absorption
57. After a traffic accident Aartubi can not do verbal communication but still understands others.
Part of the brain that mi!ht have been dama!e is _______.
a. visual area
b. auditor" area
c. @roca area
d. .ernic*e area
58. $n order to locate postGcentral !"rus/ "ou have to identif" __________.
a. lateral fissure
b. central sulcus
c. superior frontal sulcus
d. inferior temporal sulcus
59. Part of diencephalon that control the bod" temperature is __________.
a. thalamus anterior
b. subthalamus
c. h"pothalamus
d. epithalamus
60. Part of the brain important to process intellectual thin*in! is _________.
a. .ernic*e area
b. @roca area
c. preGfrontal area
d. auditor" area
61. ParaGs"mpathetic nerve cells in the spinal cord is located in __________.
a. cervical se!ments
b. thoracic se!ments
c. lumbar se!ments
d. sacral se!ments
62. Primar" motor cortex is located in ____________.
a. preGcentral !"rus
b. postGcentral !"rus
c. superior temporal !"rus
d. an!ular !"rus
63. Part of menin!es that directl" cover the brain is called _________.
a. duramater
b. arachnoid
c. piamater
d. falx cerebri
64. .here are ox"tocin and antidiuretic hormone DA4< or vasopressinE released into the blood
a. Parotid !land
b. Parath"roid !land
c. 0euroh"poph"sis
d. )eminal vesicle
65. $dentif" the 31CC53T statement9
a. 3ollectin! ducts are not permeable to water in the presence of antidiuretic hormone.
b. )tratified squamous epithelium lines the distal part of the male and female urethra.
c. The principal function of the thin tubule of the nephron is the resorption of
nutritionall" valuable substances from the primar" urine.
d. 1smotic pressure is the drivin! force behind the formation of approximatel" 12% ml
primar" urine per minute.
66. $dentif" the $031CC53T statement9
a. The tunica media of veins is t"picall" wider than the tunica media of arteries.
b. The compression of l"mph collectin! vessels b" the surroundin! tissue is important
for l"mphatic draina!e.
c. The increase of the total diameter of the vascular tree from aorta to capillaries results
in a decrease of blood pressure.
d. 5ndothelial cells and the basal lamina can act as selective filters between the blood
and the tissue surroundin! the blood vessel.
67. .hich part of the conductive portion of the respirator" s"stem resembles the trachea in its
histolo!ical or!aniBation2
a. @ronchus
b. 1lfactor" epithelium
c. Alveolar duct
d. @ronchiole
68. .here are ox"tocin and antidiuretic hormone DA4< or vasopressinE released into the blood
a. Parotid !land
b. Parath"roid !land
c. 0euroh"poph"sis
d. )eminal vesicle
69. The exchan!e of !ases between the blood and the cells of the bod" is called _________.
a. external respiration
b. internal respiration
c. pulmonar" ventilation
d. cellular respiration
70. .hich of these functions cannot be attributed to the mucous membrane that lines the nasal
a. .arms incomin! air
b. 6ilters particles from incomin! air
c. 7oistens incomin! air
d. $initial !as exchan!e between air and blood occurs here
71. .ithin the bronchial tree/ which tubes are small branches that enter the lobules of the lun!s2
a. Terminal bronchioles
b. Alveolar ducts
c. $intralobular bronchioles
d. ;obar bronchi
72. ThinGwalled outpouchin!s of the alveolar ducts of the lun!s are the ___________________.
a. alveolar ducts
b. alveolar sacs
c. alveoli
d. respirator" bronchioles
73. The force of exhalation is primaril" due to _____________________.
a. !reater atmospheric pressure outside the lun!s than inside
b. elastic recoil of thoracic muscles
c. forceful blowin! to remove air from the lun!s
d. muscular contraction
74. 5ven after the most forceful exhalation/ a certain volume of air remains in the lun!s. This
volume is called the ________________.
a. tidal volume
b. expirator" reserve volume
c. vital capacit"
d. residual volume
75. The maximum amount of air a person can exhale after ta*in! the deepest breath possible is the
a. total lun! capacit"
b. inspirator" reserve volume
c. vital capacit"
d. expirator" reserve volume
76. .hich structures pla" the !reatest role in warmin! and humidif"in! air2
a. 5thmoid sinus
b. )oft palate
c. 3onchae
d. 6rontal sinus
77. .hat are the most powerful stimuli for breathin!2
a. <i!h p<H hi!h 312
b. ;ow p<H low 312
c. ;ow p<H hi!h 312
d. <i!h phI low 312
78. .hich la"er of the heart or pericardium serves the dual purpose of linin! the pericardium and
formin! the outermost wall of the heart2
a. 6ibrous pericardium
b. Parietal pericardium
c. :isceral pericardium DepicardiumE
d. 7"ocardium
79. The la"er of the heart that forms a smooth/ protective linin! of the heart chambers and valves
is the ___________ .
a. endocardium
b. m"ocardium
c. epicardium
d. parietal pericardium
80. The _____________ has the thic*est wall because it pumps blood to the _________.
a. ri!ht atriumH s"stemic circuit
b. ri!ht ventricleH lun!s
c. left atriumH lun!s
d. left ventricleH s"stemic circuit
81. @lood is drained from the face/ scalp/ and superficial re!ions of the nec* b" the
a. carotid arteries
b. external -u!ular veins
c. internal -u!ular veins
d. brachiocephalic veins
82. 3ardiac output can be determined b" the followin! formulaI
a. <C G ):
b. <C divided b" ):
c. <C J ):
d. <C x ):
83. The walls of l"mphatic vessels are similar to those of cardiovascular _____________.
a. arteries
b. veins
c. capillaries
d. distributin! arteries
84. .hich of these is not a function of l"mph nodes2
a. <ouse l"mphoc"tes and macropha!es
b. 6ilter l"mph
c. Produce red blood cells
d. Produce l"mphoc"tes
85. .hat is the role of the th"mus in protectin! the bod" a!ainst disease2
a. $t houses deca"in! l"mphoc"tes/ rec"clin! the nutrients within them.
b. $t is the site of maturation of T l"mphoc"tes and the production of th"mosin.
c. $t is the site of production and maturation of @ l"mphoc"tes.
d. 7acropha!es and monoc"tes are produced here and mi!rate to other tissues of the
86. )elect the statement that is true about the spleen.
a. The spleen filters the l"mph much the same wa" the l"mph nodes filter the blood.
b. The spleen harbors eosinophils waitin! for parasites to attac* the bod".
c. The spleen is the ma-or site of red and white blood cell production in the adult.
d. The spleen filters the blood much the same wa" the l"mph nodes filter the l"mph.
87. .h" do tissues swell durin! inflammation2
a. Tissues swell durin! inflammation because of the volume of bacteria present in the
b. Tissues swell durin! inflammation because of the number of blood cells attac*in! the
c. Tissues swell durin! inflammation because the increased permeabilit" of capillaries
causes fluids to accumulate in the area.
d. Tissues swell durin! inflammation onl" because of pus accumulation.
88. .hat traits characteriBe anti!ens2
a. Anti!ens ma" be proteins/ pol"saccharides/ !l"colipids/ or !l"coproteins that
stimulate an immune response.
b. Anti!ens come onl" from forei!n microor!anisms.
c. Anti!ens are immuno!lobulins the bod" produces in response to exposure to forei!n
d. Anti!ens are proteins that stimulate an immune response.
89. .hich t"pe of immuno!lobulin molecule is passed on to nursin! infants in breast mil*2
a. $!F.
b. $!7.
c. $!A.
d. $!5.
90. .hich of these would not be found in l"mph fluid2
a. Proteins
b. )odium ions
c. 0eutrophils
d. 5r"throc"tes
91. )pecificall"/ where are sperm cells formed within the testes2
a. .ithin the tunica albu!inea.
b. .ithin the mediastinum testes.
c. .ithin the seminiferous tubules.
d. $n association with interstitial cells.
92. .hat portion of the sperm cell contains the twent"Gthree chromosomes2
a. <ead.
b. Acrosome.
c. 7idpiece.
d. Tail.
93. .hich of these is not a function of the *idne"s2
a. The *idne"s deactivate vitamin 4 and stimulated the activit" of osteoclasts.
b. The *idne"s help control the rate of red blood cell production.
c. The *idne"s help to re!ulate blood pressure.
d. The *idne"s re!ulate the composition/ volume/ and p< of bod" fluids.
94. .hich male accessor" !land lies inferior to the urinar" bladder and surrounds the urethra li*e
a donut2
a. 5pidid"mis.
b. bulbourethral !lands.
c. vas deferens.
d. prostate !land.
95. A number of hormonal secretions be!in or increase durin! pubert". .hich hormone appears to
initiate the process of pubert"2
a. Testosterone.
b. ;uteininBin! hormone D;< or $3)<E.
c. FonadotropinGreleasin! hormone DFnC<E.
d. 6ollicleGstimulatin! hormone D6)<E.
96. .hich la"er of the uterus is shed once monthl" durin! menstruation2
a. the m"ometrium.
b. the perimetrium.
c. the endometrium.
d. the exometrium.
97. .hat does an ovulated ooc"te first come into contact with2
a. Kterine tube
b. 6imbriae
c. Kterus
d. 1viduct
98. .hat is the source of the male andro!en testosterone2
a. )eminiferous tubule
b. $nterstitial cells
c. 5pidid"mis
d. Prostate
99. L"!otes is normall" implanted on the wall of ______________.
a. cervix uteri
b. corpus uteri
c. fundus uteri
d. tuba uterina
100. The re!ion on the retina that produces the sharpest vision is called the
a. sclera
b. aqueous humor
c. fovea centralis
d. optic dis*
101. The abilit" to sense bod" position is related to _____ receptors.
a. !eneral
b. pain
c. pressure
d. proprioceptors
102. The actual receptors for hearin! and balance are the _____.
a. mechanoreceptors
b. otoliths
c. cochlear cells
d. hair cells
103. A sensor" receptor capable of detectin! chan!es in h"dro!en ion concentration is more
accuratel" described as a ______________.
a. thermoreceptor
b. pain receptor
c. mechanoreceptor
d. chemoreceptor
104. <airs arise from which la"er of the s*in2
a. 4ermis.
b. )tratum basale of the epidermis.
c. )ubcutaneous la"er.
d. 3onnective tissue.
105. 7odified sweat !lands/ called __________________ !lands/ secrete wax in the ear canal.
a. sebaceous
b. eccrine
c. apocrine
d. ceruminous
106. The stren!th of the dermis would mainl" be due to _____.
a. the amount of blood vessels
b. the distribution of elastic fibers
c. the presence of colla!en fibers
d. the thic*ness of the la"ers
107. Adipose tissue is most abundant in the ________________ la"er of the s*in.
a. epidermal
b. dermal
c. subcutaneous
d. transdermal
108. The la"er of connective tissue that separates the muscle tissue into small sections is called the
a. aponeuroses
b. epim"sium
c. perim"sium
d. endom"sium
109. $nto what does the neuron release its neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular -unction2
a. 7otor end plate
b. 3"toplasm of the muscle cell
c. 3isternae
d. )"naptic cleft
110. 5ach muscle fiber is directl" surrounded b" connective tissue called the _____.
a. perim"sium
b. fascia
c. endom"sium
d. epim"sium
111. @ranched nerve fibers that conve" impulses toward the cell bod" of a neuron are called
a. axons
b. dendrites
c. axon collaterals
d. axon terminals
112. $n response to a stimulus/ if the membrane potential becomes more ne!ative than the restin!
potential/ we sa" the membrane is _______________.
a. h"perpolariBed
b. depolariBed
c. unGpolariBed
d. polariBed
113. .hich term does not belon! with the others2
a. @rain
b. )pinal cord
c. 30)
d. )pinal nerve
114. .hich items should not be !rouped to!ether2
a. )pinal nerve
b. 3ranial nerve
c. )pinal cord
d. Peripheral nervous s"stem
11%. .hich male accessor" !land lies inferior to the urinar" bladder and surrounds the urethra li*e
a donut2
a. epidid"mis
b. bulbourethral !lands
c. vas deferens
d. prostate !land
11&. The outermost structure of a *idne" is the _____.
a. cortex
b. medulla
c. capsule
d. pelvis
11'. .hich structure is last in the sequence of urine flow2
a. ureter
b. *idne"
c. bladder
d. urethra
11(. The final branches of the interlobular arteries !ive rise to the _________________ that carr"
blood to the nephrons.
a. interlobar arteries
b. arciform arteries
c. efferent arterioles
d. afferent arterioles
11+. The maximum amount of air a person can exhale after ta*in! the deepest breath possible is the
a. total lun! capacit"
b. inspirator" reserve volume
c. vital capacit"
d. expirator" reserve volume
12,. The surface area of the stomach is enhanced b" the presence of folds called _____.
a. ru!ae
b. villi
c. microvilli
d. plicae

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