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Shot List

300 seconds = 5 minutes

RED Lucy Room

1. Facts, figures and quotes.
2. Film title
3. Side shot of Lucy on her bed / Close up of Lucys Face: 3 seconds
4. (Intercut) Close up hand held shot of Lucy running in through the
front door. Upset. (HHS - Hand held shaky): 1.5 seconds
5. Back to shot 1 setting. Mid shot of Lucy on bed she sighs. : 2 seconds
6. (Intercut) Mid shot of Lucy as she slams the door. (HHS) : 1.5 seconds
7. Long shot of Lucy as she picks up her phone from her lap. The light of
the phone brightens her face.: 3 seconds
8. (Intercut) Mid shot of Lucy running upstairs her mum/dad calls after
her but she ignores them. (HHS) : 2 seconds
9. Over the shoulder shot of Lucy as she looks through the contacts on
her phone she stops on the number of the charity. : 3 seconds
10. (Intercut) Mid shot of Lucy entering her room from the outside.
(HHS) : 2 seconds
11. (Action Match) Mid shot as Lucy enters her room (HHS) : 2 seconds
12. Long shot of Lucy on her bed the phone still in her hand. : 2 seconds
13. Split screen mirrored. One Lucy puts the phone to her ear while the
other throws her phone gets up and walks out. : 5 seconds
14. Action match mid shot of Lucy leaving her room and heading for the
bathroom. Bathroom door slams on the camera. (HHS) : 2 seconds
15. Action match mid shot as she enters the bathroom having closed
the door and slumps against it resting her head. (HHS) : 2 seconds
16. Mid shot of Lucy walking to the mirror. She looks at herself make up
run eyes blotchy etc. : 1.5 seconds
17. Close Up of the tap as Lucy turns it on.: 1 seconds
18. High angle as Lucy splashes her face. : 2 seconds
19. Back to shot 16. She stares at her own eyes in the mirror. (this is quite
lengthy shot) : 4+ seconds
20. (Cut away.) Long shot of Lucy walking beside a road. She seems sad
wrapped up in warm clothes. : 2 seconds
21. Over the shoulder of Lucy looking around nervous as she continues to
walk. Its obvious she is very self-conscious. : 1.5 seconds
22. (Cut Away) Long shot Back in Lucys room, this time in the day she is
in front of her mirror in tight clothing. She looks at herself unhappily. : 2
23. (Cut away) midshot Lucy is in a busy public place sitting on a bench.
(bubble effect) : 6 seconds This shot is sped up, so that everyone else is
moving very quickly, Lucy remains still.
24. (Eye Line Match) Close up of someones food they are holding as
they walk past. : 1.5 seconds
25. (Eye Line Match) Back to shot 23 long shot. Lucy looks around as
people pass her making lots of noise that she cant really hear. She gets a text
looks at her phone and the bubble fades. : 4 seconds
26. Over the shoulder shot of Lucy looking at her phone. The text is from
her mum asking if she is eating tea at home or not.: 3 seconds
27. Close up of Lucys face as she types. : 2 seconds
28. Back to shot 26. Lucy has replied no, as she has already eaten / is
eating out. : 3 seconds
29. (Cut away) Long Shot. Lucy in her room on her bed crying she is
listening to her music through headphones. : 2 seconds
30. (Cut away) Wide Shot. Lucy is sitting on the swings with her friend.
They are lightly moving and talking/ not talking. : 2 seconds
31. Side shot close up (almost over the shoulder but face instead as
Lucy's face is in focus and behind that you can see her friend out of focus) not
talking. : 3 seconds
32. Close up on Lucy's face. She seems to be contemplating with telling
her friend. She closes her eyes. Opens her mouth to speak. Turns to face the
friend. : 4 seconds
33. (Action Match) Wide 'Two' shot Lucy is alone on the swings (she
waited too long to tell her friend who has left) : 2 seconds
34. (Cut away) Close up shot. Lucy is looking either straight at the
camera or just behind it. She looks unhappy. (shot 22 setting) : 2 seconds
35. Long shot. Back to shot 22 set up. Lucy is in front of her mirror. She
looks unhappily at her reflection and turns to the side. : 4 seconds
36. (Action match) Hip shot Lucy is out of focus. Her refection is in
focus. / other way round - we'll see what works. : 2 seconds
37. (Cut Away) Mid Shot. Lucy is sitting at the bottom of the stairs. You
can hear two people arguing. She puts her head in her hands. She then gets
up and walks upstairs. : 5 seconds (HH)
38. (Cut Away) Mid shot Back to shot 29 setting HHS : 2 seconds
39. Close Up on Lucy's face her eyes are closed and she has headphones
on. HHS : 2 seconds
40. (Cut Away) Close up on Lucy's face again but the setting has changed
and no headphones. She is outside in a big open space on the top of a hill. She
breathes in deeply. : 2 seconds
41. Wide Shot. Action match as Lucy breathes. Camera is behind Lucy,
who is sitting on the ground on the top of the hill. She picks up her phone
from beside her. : 3 seconds
42. Close up of the phone. The charity number is on the screen ready to
ring. : 2 seconds
43. (Intercut) Mid/ Close up HHS shot of Lucy getting up the hill. : 2
44. Mid Shot. Lucy decides again not to call. She places the phone on the
floor. : 4 seconds
45. Lucy reading food box, making notes in her notebook about calories.
Mid Shot HHS
46. High Angle Close up HHS of Lucys feet on a set of weighing scales. : 4
47. Mid Shot, HHS. Lucy stumbling to her room shes really dizzy. She
goes to her bed. I will use effects to make it feel really dizzy.
48. Medium Long Shot of Lucy lying on her bed. She is unconscious her
sleep is very deep and worrying. Her phone starts to ring beside her; she
doesnt move or react. Hand held
49. Low Angle Long Shot from the corner of the room. We hear someone
calling Lucys name (the voice is echoed) again no reaction. Hand held.
50. Close Up of Lucys face. Unconscious.
51. Mid Shot so that the bed is in the middle of the frame and you can see
over it to the door where Lucys parent rushes through the door and runs up
to her. (The sound Lucy! Lucy! Lucy! Continues over the next few shots)
Hand Held Shaky.
52. High angle medium close up as Lucy is put into the backseats of the
car. Hand Held Shaky.
53. Long Tracking shot as the car drives away. (Sound of a heart beat
54. High angle medium close up of Lucy lying in the back seat.
(Heartbeat monitor.)
55. Rewind of shots to 13.
56. Back to shot 13. The split screen follows in the same way. : 5 seconds
57. Medium Close up of Lucy on the phone: 5 seconds
58. (CUT AWAY) Over the shoulder. Lucy on her laptop looking at
anorexia websites and the site of the charity she called. 4 seconds
59. (CUT AWAY) Two shot of Lucy sitting on parents bed with her
parent. 4 seconds
60. Side shot (similar to swings) Lucy telling her parent that she is
anorexic. 4 seconds
61. Back to shot 59 parent reacts to being told this. 3 seconds
62. (CUT AWAY) High angle close up as Lucy steps on the weighing
scales. 3 seconds
63. Wide two shot, Lucys parent is with her while she stands on the
scales, they look at each other. 4 seconds
64. Wide Panning Shot. Lucy walks beside a road again, she is still cold
and nervous. 4 seconds
65. (Cut away) Medium long shot. Lucy is in a busy public place sitting
on a bench, the same bench as before with the bubble effect however this
time its interrupted as her friend walks up to her, sits next to her and they
chat. 6 seconds
66. (CUT AWAY) Long Shot Lucy sitting on her bed similar to the
headphone shot but this time she is on the phone to that charity people
67. (CUT AWAY) Two shot of Lucy and her friend at her table at home. 3
68. Over the shoulder shot. Lucy with food in front of her. 3 seconds
69. Close up. Eye line match: Lucys view of her food. 3 seconds
70. Back to shot 68, Lucy puts the food on the fork and eats it. 3 seconds
71. Back to shot 67: Two shot of them eating, they both look happy. 3
72. (CUT AWAY) Medium Long Shot. Lucy in front of her bedroom
mirror. She turns to the side. 3 seconds
73. Close up on her face.
74. Back to shot 72 Medium Long Shot, Lucy turns back and looks at her
reflection. She sighs and slightly smiles to herself. She then looks directly at
the camera and holds this slight smile.

75. Rewind to shot 13
76. Shot 13 again before Lucy gets up.
77. Credits.

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