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American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers

2013 Q&A and

Technology Forum
Conference Daily Published by HYDROCARBON PROCESSING

DAY ONE Sunday/Monday | October 6/ 7, 2013

Welcome to Dallas
and to the 2013 AFPM
Q&A Technology Fo-
rum. We at AFPM are
always glad to get back
to Texas, which is home
to many of our members
and to a number of our
guests this week. Your
participation each year
is essential in making
our industry one of the
safest and most innovative today.
The Forum is an opportunity for groups to meet
and to address the problems and challenges that
fuel and petrochemical manufacturers must deal
with daily. Through sharing of best practices, listen-
ing to experts in the feld and engaging in an open
dialogue, we can work to maximize our industrys
growth potential. Yet, while the possibilities are
great, we face an increasing number of regulatory
obstacles that threaten our industrys ability to grow
or even survive in the future.
Years of information sharing and unprecedented
innovation has put our nation on a track toward en-
ergy independence. Vast energy supplies are being
explored and developed in almost every region of
the country, setting in motion a future of economic
prosperity. A resurgence of domestic oil and natural
gas production is providing not only affordable en-
ergy, but the raw materials necessary to jump-start
a US manufacturing renaissance, particularly in the
petrochemical sector. For the frst time in decades,
manufacturers are viewing the United States as an
optimum place to do business. Left unimpeded, the
nation could once again compete in a global market.
Unfortunately, there are some in Washington, DC
intent on slowing, or even halting further growth
altogether. Energy policies of the Obama Admin-
istration and the Environmental Protection Agency
today are inundating domestic refners with costly
and often conficting regulations that threaten our
competitiveness and offer little to no environmen-
tal benefts. The regulations are numerous, complex
and often nonsensical. From EPA greenhouse gas
regulations to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS)
to Tier 3 and more, these regulations are creating
uncertainty in the market.
The impact of the RFS alone threatens to drive
up consumer fuel costs, while putting their car and
equipment engines at risk of damage and in need
of costly repairs. All the while, the original reasons
for enacting the RFS are no longer valid. A decade
ago our nation looked at a future dependent on
foreign oil imports and some saw the RFS as the
On a track toward energy independence
CHARLIE DREVNA, President, American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers
See WELCOME, page 8
Opportunity crudes from shale are
readily available in North America
with incentives on cost. However,
these typically lighter crude oils dont
come without some processing chal-
lenges. For starters, because they are
lighter, they need to be blended with
other crudes to get the right balance
for best utilization of existing pro-
cess units. In addition, having a con-
sistent feed to the crude unit allows
opportunity to optimize operation;
if inconsistent blends, the operators
are in a reactive mode just trying to
run the unitsnot necessarily opti-
mally. If lighter shale oil feeds are
not blended, the greater percentage
of lighter components can bottleneck
the crude overhead and naphtha pro-
cessing units, with limited produc-
tion of other fuel products like diesel
and jet fuel.
Some refners are blending more
than two crudes to get the right bal-
ance of feed qualities, which can in-
troduce unknown issues with crude
incompatibilities. When crudes are in-
compatible, accelerated fouling occurs
in the crude unit heat exchanger train
due to a rapid increase in asphaltene
precipitation. Accelerated fouling can
lead to additional energy costs with
the crude unit fred heater, limiting
throughput when the fred heater be-
comes duty limited, or causing an ear-
lier shutdown for exchanger cleaning.
All these negatively impact the proft-
ability of the refnery. The traditional
approach to monitor heat exchanger
fouling through Excel spreadsheets
with manual entry of temperatures that
are not in the database makes it diff-
cult to identify which crude blends are
incompatible, thus the same condition
for accelerated fouling may likely be
repeated in the future.
Today, refners around the world
are taking advantage of adding tem-
perature measurements around all the
crude unit heat exchanger bundles that
were not included in the original pro-
cess design, and using software ap-
plications to monitor heat exchanger
fouling to gain a better understanding
of accelerated fouling due to crude in-
compatibilities, and to identify which
tube bundles require cleaning. Typi-
cally, there are overall temperature
measurements in and out of a group of
tube bundles, but not in-between bun-
dles. Fouling across the bundles is not
linear, so determining which bundle is
fouled and needs cleaning can be dif-
fcult to determine without all the pro-
cess measurements like temperature,
fow, and differential pressure.
New challenges with shale oil refining
and crude blending
TIM OLSEN, Emerson Process Management
See EMERSON, page 9
FIG. 1. Data collection alone is not sufficient for a monitoring strategy. A combination of
data collection, analysis, awareness and action is necessary for a successful program.
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2013 Q&A and Technology Forum | American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers Sunday/Monday, October 6/7, 2013 3
simple refning capacity in the US Gulf Coast (USGC) and narrow spreads
between Light Louisiana Sweet (LLS) and Mars after 2014, according to
ESAI Energys fve-year refning outlook. So far, the region has managed the
mismatch between refnery confguration and domestic crude production by
backing out light crude import volumes. However, USGC refners will likely
eliminate light sweet imports next year. With throughput growth also limited
by weaker exports of products to Latin America, USGC refners will struggle
to process additional domestic light crude.
The addition of topping units and condensate splitters are helping refners
process lighter crude oil, but to entice more complex refneries to substitute
lighter domestic volumes for preferred medium sour crude, prices will need
to adjust. ESAI Energys analysis of the refneries on the USGC indicates that
for the refneries with more signifcant residual upgrading capacity and crude
slates that are mainly medium to heavy crudes, the LLS-Mars price differen-
tial will have to move close to parity.
Energy, a North American subsidiary of Centrica plc. The sale price was re-
ported as $1.025 billion (B). Hess energy marketing business supplies natu-
ral gas and electricity to 23,000 commercial, industrial and small business
customers in the eastern half of the US. The transaction is part of the pre-
viously announced plan for Hess to exit the the downstream business as it
transforms itself into a pure play E&P company. The sale of energy market-
ing, along with the sales of four producing assets earlier this year, brings total
year-to-date divestitures to $4.5 B.
the National Institute of Standards and Technology is inviting industry to help
address two information technology challenges faced by the energy sector.
The center is seeking feedback on two proposed use cases whose solution
would provide centralized control of access to structures and systems and
reduce security blind spots in their operations. The frst proposed use case is
focused on energy companies need to control physical and logical access to
their resources, including buildings, equipment, information technology and
industrial control systems. This requires the ability to authenticate identity
with a high degree of certainty and to enforce access controls consistently,
uniformly and quickly.
The second use case solution would allow security analysts to see opera-
tional and information technologies as a cohesive whole, making it easier
for them to detect issues that could disrupt services. Energy companies rely
on two distinct types of IT systems. Business enterprise systems run their
billing, personnel and other enterprises functions while operational systems,
which rely heavily on so-called cyber-physical systems, allow them to gener-
ate, distribute and meter power.
December. Local offcials recently announced the timetable for implementing
the Shanghai V (5) standard for fuel. This includes the Shanghai V standard
for gasoline and ffth-phase standard for diesel. The cleaner fuel will be
available at two or three fuel stations as a trial starting in September. It then
goes on sale citywide in December. The present cap on sulfur content is 50
parts per million (ppm) and the new regulations will bring that number down
to below 10 ppm. The local standard is similar to the European V automobile
diesel standard and the Beijing standard V for automobile gasoline, accord-
ing to the deputy director of the Shanghai Quality and Technical Supervision
Bureau. The new regulations are not expected to affect fuel prices in the area.
program for Gunvors receivables portfolio to fnance part of Gunvors Ger-
man refning business. The deal is a part of Gunvors broader strategy to
diversify its fnancing base while reducing liquidity risk throughout its busi-
nesses. Gunvor is one of the frst trading houses to establish a factoring pro-
gram as a way to diversify how it supports its operations. This deal represents
the largest single receivable fnance program in Germany.

36:30 p.m. Registration/Badge Pick up
5:306:30 p.m. Q&A Kickoff Networking Event
7 a.m.6:30 p.m. Registration
88:55 a.m. General Session
Presentation of the Lifetime Service Awards:
RecipientJ.W. Bill Wilson, refining advisor-FCC,
BP Products North America
Keynote Address: James M. Stump, vice president,
refining operations, HollyFrontier Corp.
910 a.m. Plant Automation: Keynote Address
Climate change, Steven Sondergard, refinery manager,
Sinclair Oil Corp., and author of Climate Balance:
A Balanced and Realistic View of Climate Change
9 a.m.12 p.m. Principles and Practices: Measurement and
Instrumentation Q&A: Gasoline Processes
Panelists: Patrick Bullen, UOP, LLCA Honeywell Company;
Ronald Gropp, GE Water & Process Technologies; Craig Meldrum,
Phillips 66; Eric Streit, KBC Advanced Technologies, Inc.
1010:15 a.m. Coffee Break
10:15 a.m.12 p.m. Plant Automation: The Great Shift Change
Asset Virtualization, Paul Oberle and David Reinhart, INOVx
Gray 2K: The Great Shift Change, Blair Morgan, Innovatia
Steam System Management: A Case Study in Procedural
Automation, Doug White, Emerson Process Management
122 p.m. Lunch in Exhibit Hall
23:30 p.m. Plant Automation: Risk Management
Real Time Process Safety Risk Monitoring,
Emerson Process Management
Improving Safety and Communication with Industrial
Wireless at a Leading Chemical Facility, Chris Witte,
BASF Fina Petrochemicals
25:15 p.m. Principles and Practices: Gasoline Processes
Q&A: Hydroprocessing
Panelists: David Gates, Motiva Enterprises; Glenn Liolios,
DuPont; Danna Sharpe, Flint Hills Resources, LP;
Rajesh Sivadasan, UOP LLCA Honeywell Company;
Montri Vichailak, Criterion Catalysts & Technologies;
Brian Watkins, Advanced Refining Technologies
3:303:45 p.m. Refreshment break
3:455:15 p.m. Plant Automation: Risk Management
Management of ChangeFor More than Just Process Safety,
David Drerup, Operational Sustainability
Lessons from Surviving a 300 gbps Denial of Service Attack,
Matthew Prince, CloudFlare, Inc.
5:156:30 p.m. Reception in Exhibit Hall
Bret Ronk
Billy Thinnes
Production Manager
Angela Bathe
AFPM Contacts
Rebecca Adler
Diana Cronan
Sandra Garcia
Contributing Editors
Adrienne Blume
Ben DuBose
Stephany Romanow
2 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1020
Houston, TX 77252-77046
AFPM ................................................... 19
Albemarle ............................................ 11
Alfa Laval ............................................... 8
Baker Hughes ...................................... 10
BASF ................................................... 20
Cameron .............................................. 13
Criterion Catalysts & Technologies ....... 14
Grace ..................................................... 1
Haldor Topse ........................................ 9
Johnson Matthey ................................... 2
Linde ................................................... 15
UOP ....................................................... 7
Published by Hydrocarbon Processing
as three daily editions, October 6/7,
October 8 and as an electronic edition on
October 9. If you wish to advertise in this
newspaper, or to submit a press release,
please contact the editor via email
2013 Q&A AND
4 Sunday/Monday, October 6/7, 2013 American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers | 2013 Q&A and Technology Forum
Mark Adams, HollyFrontier Corp. is a senior eco-
nomics and planning engineer for HollyFrontier in
Dallas where he does economic analysis, short-term
and strategic planning, project evaluation and plan-
ning process improvement. He received a master of
arts degree in economics from The University of
Texas-San Antonio, an MBA degree from The Univer-
sity of Houston-Clear Lake, and a BS degree in
mechanical engineering from Michigan Technologi-
cal University.
Jeff Bull, Valero Energy Corp. is the senior manager
of refinery models in San Antonio, Texas. He is
responsible for leading the effort to build and main-
tain kinetic models and refinery flowsheets to sup-
port unit monitoring, short and long term planning
and process studies across Valeros refining system.
He holds a BSChE degree from Case Western
Reserve University and has over 20 years of experi-
ence in the refining industry.
Patrick Bullen, UOP is manager of the technology
service gasoline group in the technical service
department of UOP. He holds a BSChE degree with a
minor in chemistry from the University of Delaware.
David Gates, Motiva Enterprises is a process engi-
neering manager for Motiva Enterprises in Convent,
Louisiana. He leads a technical team in support of
refinery process safety management, technical
assurance, project identification, catalyst manage-
ment, operations technical monitoring and turn-
around support. He has worked in refineries in North
and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Mr.
Gates holds a BSChE degree from Iowa State Univer-
sity of Science and Technology.
Steve Gim, Technip Stone and Webster, is a man-
ager of financial and technology valuation for Tech-
nip Stone and Webster. He oversees the process
modeling group for the refining technologies division
and holds a BSChE degree from the University of
Texas and a MBA degree from Rice University.
Ronald Gropp, GE Water & Process Technologies
is the fuel additives leader at GE Water & Process
Technologies Center of Excellence in The Wood-
lands, Texas. He leads a team responsible for techni-
cal applications support and marketing for GEs fuel
additive and H2S abatement programs. Mr. Gropp
holds a BS-ME degree from the University of Texas
at Austin and has over 31 years of experience in the
hydrocarbon production and processing industries.
Jon Herlevich, Jr., Marathon Petroleum Co. is the technical services
department manager for Marathon Petroleum Co. at the Detroit, Michigan,
refinery where he is responsible for the refinery optimization, process design
engineering and process control teams. He holds MSChE and BSChE degrees
from Michigan Technological University.
Steve Hodges, Athlon is the director of marketing and strategic accounts
for the company. He joined Athlon when it was spun off after the Champion
Technologies merger in 2013 and he now oversees both the global market-
ing and strategic accounts units. Mr. Hodges received a BSChE degree from
the University of Texas.
Catherine Inkim, PETROTRIN
Jeff Koebel, Grace Catalysts Technologies worked
for a process licensor for 14 years. During that time,
he engaged in a variety of roles related to the FCC
process, including design engineering and technical
service. Mr. Koebel joined Grace in 2004 and works
with customers in North America to optimize FCC
unit operations. He has BS degree in mechanical
engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-
Mel Larson , KBC Advanced Technologies
Glenn Liolios, DuPont is the global business man-
ager for DuPont with over 35 years of experience in
technology licensing in the petroleum refining indus-
try. He focuses on building multi-cultural technical,
sales and business teams and providing leadership
and strategic direction for global licensing busi-
nesses. Mr. Liolios has authored numerous papers in
the refining industry and is a recipient of the 2008
Lifetime Service Award.
2013 Q&A and Technology Forum | American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers Sunday/Monday, October 6/7, 2013 5
Craig Meldrum, Phillips 66 is a principal engineer
in the refining technical services department based
in Houston, Texas. He has been the alkylation net-
work lead for the past six years and also has duties
as a principle advisor with the reforming and isom-
erization networks. Mr. Meldrum holds a BSChE
degree from the University of Utah, a MBA degree
from Colorado State University and is a professional
engineer in New Mexico.
Phil Pribnow, CITGO Petroleum Corp. is an area
manager of the cracking department at CITGO Petro-
leums refinery in Lemont, Illinois. Mr. Pribnow holds
a BSChE degree from the University of Purdue and
has over 18 years of experience in the refining
Danna Sharpe, Flint Hills Resources i s a
hydrotreater subject matter expert for Flint Hills
Resources in Corpus Christi, Texas. She is respon-
sible for technical support of operations, process
safety management and catalyst selection. Ms.
Sharpe also mentors operations engineers. She
holds a BSc degree from Texas A&I University.
Bob Shenkle, Flint Hills Resources provides pro-
cess engineering support to the Flint Hills Resources
refinery in Corpus Christi, Texas, for the crude, coker,
SRU, and ULSD hydrotreater area and is currently the
refinery optimization lead. Mr. Shenkle is a graduate
of Montana State University with a BSChE degree.
Rajesh Sivadasan, UOP is a senior technology specialist for UOP in Amster-
dam, The Netherlands. He has over 15 years of experience in the hydropro-
cessing area and is responsible for providing technical services to licensees
and customers in the EMEA region. Mr. Sivadasan holds a BSChE degree
from Kerala University.
Andrew Sloley, CH2M Hill
Srini Srivatsan, Foster Wheeler USA is a process
manager for heavy oils and coking technology. In this
role, he provides input for optimizing overall unit
design by finalizing design parameters and assess-
ing technical risks. While at Foster Wheeler, Mr.
Srivatsan has worked on a number of delayed coking
projects (both grass roots and revamps). He has a
MSChE degree from Oklahoma State University.
Eric Streit, KBC Advanced Technologies is a senior
staff consultant. He specializes in the hydrotreating
and naphtha reforming areas and has experience in
crude distillation, steam-methane reforming, hydro-
cracking and utilities. He has expertise in process
modeling and has developed many unit-specific and
full-refinery process simulations for use in opportu-
nity identification and evaluation. Mr. Streit holds a
BSChE degree from Texas Tech University.
Montri Vichailak, Marathon Petroleum Co.
Brian Watkins, ART
Yokogawa Electric Corp. recently released an
enhanced version of the companys fagship pro-
duction control system platform, CENTUM VP
R5.03. Yokogawa is continuously developing
CENTUM VP as the foundation of its IA business
VigilantPlant vision for operational excellence.
New features in the CENTUM VP R5.03 up-
date are integrative and intuitive:
A wide-area communication router enables
a CENTUM VP system to remotely monitor and
control equipment over a wide-area network. The
router enables reliable, secure and inexpensive
monitoring and control of widely distributed fa-
cilities, such as the production platforms in deep-
water offshore oil and gas production; pumping
and compressor station controls along pipelines;
and wellhead, gathering treatment and separation
facilities in shale oil and gas onshore felds.
The CENTUM VP R5.03 batch package is
based on ISA-88 and has enhanced functions that
allow greater fexibility when accommodating
changes in production procedures. The number of
operating procedures has been increased, and the
recipe procedure has been provided with addition-
al levels of granularity, simplifying the process of
making recipe changes. CENTUM VP R5.03 is
ideal for companies that employ complex batch
production processes and are engaged in special-
ty chemicals, pharmaceuticals and foods.
The platform supports the IEC 61850 com-
munication protocol, enabling it to integrate data
from intelligent electrical devices. This allows
better integration with the electrical equipment in
process plants, eliminates the need for multiple
systems in the plant, and enables the monitoring
of electrical energy in process plants, enabling
better plant energy management.
A new keyboard has been released with sets
of dedicated function keys that can be used to
simultaneously adjust eight control loops. This
keyboard has been designed to make it easier for
plant operators to perform tasks.
6 Sunday/Monday, October 6/7, 2013 American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers | 2013 Q&A and Technology Forum
Achieve maximum FCC profitability
with unconventional feeds
The North American refning industry has been
revitalized by the boom in production of domes-
tic, unconventional oils and natural gas. The de-
livery of crude by rail has opened up new markets
not only for shale or tight oils but also for other
unconventional feed stocks such as condensates,
waxes and oil sands. While the industry undergoes
a renaissance, the new feeds present challenges as
well as opportunities. The new crudes can be high-
ly paraffnic and lower molecular weight than con-
ventional feeds. Many refners report that while
they are beneftting from favorable crude prices
they often are struggling to keep downstream pro-
cess units full. The fuid catalytic cracking unit
(FCCU) may have spare capacity due to insuff-
cient vacuum gas oil (VGO) and resid yield from
the crude unit. At low FCC utilization rates, the
alkylation unit can be unconstrained, leading to an
octane shortage.
Unconstrained downstream units are one of
the many challenges faced by refners processing
unconventional crudes. Unconventional oils can
vary widely in composition. Receiving crude in
batches via rail, truck or barge can result in FCC
feed changing rapidly over the course of weeks
or even days. The lighter shale oils can result in
refnery imbalances. To increase utilization rates,
heavier crudes may be blended with lighter tight
oils, resulting in barbell crude, which has high
levels of material boiling at each end of the boil-
ing point curve, but little in the middle, reducing
VGO yield for the FCC. Some refners have even
tried to charge whole crude to the FCCU in order
to boost utilization rates, to the detriment of other
key yields such as FCC naphtha octane.
At the FCCU, the challenges range from dif-
fculty maintaining heat balance when the feed is
very light to unexpected coke make when con-
taminant metals rise rapidly. When operating
with light feeds, the FCC may become circulation
constrained due to low regenerator temperatures.
Refners have reported spikes of both conven-
tionalsodium (Na), nickel (Ni) and vanadium
(V)and unconventional metalsiron (Fe) and
calcium (Ca)when processing shale oil. Na and
V deactivate zeolite and suppress activity; Ni pro-
motes dehydrogenation reactions, leading to high
gas and coke make. Fe and Ca deposit on the cata-
lyst surface and prevent feed from reaching ac-
tive sites, leading to a lower conversion and an
increase in coke and bottoms. To maximize proft-
ability with rapidly changing feed quality, catalyst
fexibility is key.
Graces broad FCC catalyst portfolio can effec-
tively alleviate the risk associated with unconven-
tional feedstocks. Increasing catalyst activity, via
zeolite or rare-earth exchange can relieve a circu-
lation constraint and restore the heat balance to a
comfortable level. Increasing regenerator tempera-
ture via catalyst severity is preferred over use of
torch oil, which can cause localized hot spots and
accelerate catalyst deactivation. Catalyst severity
can be increased through higher catalyst addition or
with a more active fresh catalyst.
Conventional metal impacts are well under-
stoodmetal traps and high stability zeolites can
offset the negative impacts of Ni, V, and Na. ZSM-
5 based additives, such as Grace OlefnsUltra, can
be used to boost octane, but the associated yield of
propylene is not always desirable. A more desir-
able solution is to boost zeolite isomerization ac-
tivity within the catalyst to selectively increase the
yield of FCC butylene and iso-butane and keep the
alky unit full. Moreover, high-porosity matrix is
critical to mitigate the negative impacts of Fe and
Ca poisoning.
Robust functionality is absolutely critical for
processing unconventional feeds. Graces newest
FCC catalyst family Achieve is designed to provide
the fexibility to meet the challenges associated
with processing these new hydrocarbon sources.
Achieve features an optimized matrix technology
to provide coke-selective bottoms cracking espe-
cially in high metals environments, without a coke
or gas penalty. The high diffusivity matrix is based
Graces successful Midas technology, which has
been commercially proven to be more iron toler-
ant than competitive offerings. Achieve FCC cata-
lyst is also formulated with ultra-stable zeolite that
will retain activity in the face of contaminant met-
als spikes. Achieve catalyst can be tailored over
a range of rare-earth exchange levels and isom-
erization activities, to deliver an optimal balance
of LPG to gasoline yield and an optimum level of
butylenes to keep the alky unit full and maintain
refnery pool octane. Moreover, Achieve FCC cata-
lyst contains best-in-industry metals traps for Ni
and V, which are highly effective to minimize coke
and gas formation.
Finally, an equally critical component to mini-
mizing risks and challenges associated with pro-
cessing unconventional feeds is solid technical
service support. Grace has been providing indus-
try-leading technical service to the refning indus-
try since 1947. Grace retains qualifed, experienced
engineers to support FCC customers by providing
application and operations expertise, as well as
start-up and optimization assistance and industry
benchmarking. With the backing of advanced R&D
facilities and high throughput testing labs, Graces
technical service team can help you assess poten-
tial challenges before they occur in your FCCU via
feed characterization and pilot plant studies. Un-
derstanding feed impacts earlier allows opportu-
nity to optimize the operating parameters and cata-
lyst management strategies, enabling a more stable
and proftable operation.
Achieve maximum proftability with the latest
offering from Grace, the leading FCC catalyst sup-
plier in the world.

Invensys unveils next-generation

process automation system
Invensys, a supplier of industrial
software, systems and control equip-
ment to the hydrocarbon processing
industry, has unveiled its next-gen-
eration process automation system.
The announcement was made at the
companys annual client conference
in San Antonio, Texas.
With tools and applications deliv-
ered across a high-speed, fault-toler-
ant and cyber secure hardware plat-
form, including the integration of the
companys Triconex safety system,
the Foxboro Evo process automation
system was designed to improve op-
erational insight and integrity.
The three most important ways a
process automation vendor can help
its customers secure their future is
to protect the operational integrity
of their plants, enhance the opera-
tional insight of its people and enable
them to adapt easily and affordably to
change, said Gary Freburger, presi-
dent of Invensys systems business.
Our new Foxboro Evo system has
more powerful processing capacity
and other new, advanced applications,
the system allows our customers to
uncover new and hidden value from
within their operations.
The Foxboro Evo process automa-
tion system evolved directly from
the Foxboro I/A Series and Triconex
technology, both entrusted to control
and protect large and complex pro-
cess facilities and known for their
layered architecture. The system ex-
tends this approach through a com-
ponent object-based platform, which
can undergo major upgrades without
halting operations.
We needed to upgrade the vast
majority of our distributed control
systems (DCS), but like most sites,
we didnt have the luxury of a site-
wide shutdown to make a full change
possible, said Michael McKenzie,
distributed control systems special-
ist for BP in Brisbane, Australia.
We were facing a substantial obso-
lescence issue, which we had ranked
as a signifcant risk to ongoing op-
erations, so we needed a solution
that would allow us to upgrade com-
ponents as we needed them, without
sacrifcing functionality or usabil-
ity for operators. The new Invensys
system allowed for a much easier
upgrade of all components and will
ensure that we can keep our system
well away from obsolescence, so that
were not required to perform any ad-
ditional large-scale upgrades.
Because users can upgrade at their
own pace, the new system delivers a
low total cost of automation and high
return on assets. Additionally, its new
applications improve the ability of
plant personnel to contribute toward
the success of the business by stream-
lining and contextualizing the infor-
mation they need to make the right
business decisions at the right time.
As the pace of global business
accelerates, automation technology
becomes increasingly important in
helping manufacturers focus on fnd-
ing more value within their operations
and automation assets, said Chris
Lyden, senior vice president for In-
vensys. If users in the control room
and in the feld can better interpret the
growing volume and complexity of
the information they receive within
the proper context of procedures and
operational risk, then they will make
more valuable contributions to the
business. The Foxboro Evo system
is loaded with new features that will
help them do that, and it is structured
to evolve with them.
The Foxboro Evo system includes a
new high-speed controller, feld device
management tools, a maintenance re-
sponse center, an enterprise historian,
1-n redundancy and cyber security
hardening. Since the companys broad
portfolio of roles-based engineering
tools and productivity applications are
integrated within it, the system pro-
vides visibility into historical, real-time
and predictive operating information
to help drive production effciency.

FIG. 1. Invensys new flagship control

system promises to reduce operating
risk and enable greater visualization
of historical, real-time and predictive
operating information for personnel
on several levels of the plant.
UOPs propylene production technologies outshine the rest.

y p ro p s UOP
d e e t f s o w c o L
l p i h

e i g o l o n h c e t n o i t c u d ro p e n e l y
e r e h . T s t c u d o r d p l e i h y g i , h s k c o t s
r i d y l d n i

. st e r e h t e hin s ut o s e
r e n e r g o n f o i t a n i b m o r c e t t e o b s n e
y f l h l p i h

g n i t a

l p a c i m e h c o r t e p
, s r a e y 0 7 n a h t
e c n a v d P a O U
e v n n i n o r u t e r
a v d r a o . F e n o n
d y n , a e r o d m n a
R e n e l y h t d e n a

e n p r i e d a e y l r t s u d n n i s a . A s t o r l p
, en v o r p r e iv el d o t ues n i t n o c P O U
d O n ) a O T M s ( n e l O - o t - l o n a h t e d M e
o o l f a t n e m n o r i v n r e e l l a m , s t n e m t s
v i t a n r e t l e a s n u a u c o , y O T d M e c n a
e o u l a v - h g i e h h e t c u d o r n p a u c o d y
x c e e l d O e s a b m u n i t a l p e l b a l c y c e R

o y f g o l o n h c e s t s e c o r l p a c i m e h c o r t
e r d yiel - h ig h h t i w ns o i t u l so le b xi e
i e a h d i v o r s p e s s e c o r p x e e l d O
n o c e s s t i a h n t o i t a v o n n d i n t a n i r p t o
a r u t a , n l a o s c h a c u s s k c o t s d e e e f v
p o r g p n i d u l c n , i e c i o h r c u o f y n o e l e o
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e r o r m
. ns r u t e
r e h g
o d t n
s a l g
e n e l y p
r o e f c

platinum standard
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UOP advanced Methanol-to-Olefins (MTO) and Oleflex
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For advanced MTO, you can use alternative feedstocks such as coal, natural gas and more,
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For more information about UOP olefins solutions, visit
2013 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.
8 Sunday/Monday, October 6/7, 2013 American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers | 2013 Q&A and Technology Forum
Divestitures drove US oil and gas
merger and acquisition (M&A) ac-
tivity in the second quarter of 2013,
according to PwC US. While second
quarter deal volume and value de-
creased 26% and 43%, respectively,
compared to the second quarter of
2012, interest in energy M&A transac-
tions remained robust.
For the three month period ended
June 30, 2013, there were a total of 39
oil and gas deals with values greater
than $50 MM, accounting for $17.2
billion (B) in deal value, a decrease
from the 53 deals worth $30.4 B in
the second quarter of 2012. On a se-
quential basis, deal volume in the sec-
ond quarter dropped by 5% compared
to the frst quarter of 2013, with deal
value falling by 37% during the same
time period.
There were two main factors that
caused a drop in announced deals dur-
ing the second quarter: companies re-
mained focused on the critical task of
integrating assets they acquired dur-
ing 2012 and sellers bringing deals
to market that are fully priced, said
Doug Meier, an executive with PwC.
However, interest from potential
buyers in acquiring quality assets con-
tinues. We are seeing dealmakers go
deeper and broader in their diligence
to assess whether current deal valu-
ations can deliver long term value.
Well-positioned buyers have the right
deal strategies, integration plans, and
controls in place to execute quickly on
opportunities, while successful sellers
are providing a clearer and more trans-
parent picture of their assets to mini-
mize transaction timing.
There were 35 total asset transac-
tions, representing 90% of total deal
volume, which contributed $11.4 B
in total deal value. Divestiture activ-
ity is expected to continue as oil and
gas companies continue to rebalance
portfolios in rapidly changing markets,
according to PwC. There were four
corporate transactions totaling $5.9 B
in the second quarter of 2013, a drop
from the 15 corporate deals that totaled
$18 B during the same period in 2012.
For deals valued at over $50 MM in
the second quarter, upstream deals ac-
counted for 22 transactions, represent-
ing 56% of total deal volume and to-
taling $6.4 B. Additionally, there were
10 midstream deals, accounting for
26% of total deal volume in the quar-
ter worth a total of $6.2 B. According
to PwC, demand remains strong for
gathering assets as companies look
to build out the infrastructure in shale
plays. Three downstream deals added
$1.1 B, while oilfeld services contrib-
uted four deals worth $3.6 B during
the second quarter of 2013.
Shale remained a key driver for
deal activity in the second quarter,
with 15 shale agreements with values
greater than $50 MM that contributed
$7.5 B, or 44% of total deal value. In
the upstream sector, shale deals repre-
sented nine transactions and account-
ed for $3.1 B, while six midstream
sector shale deals contributed $4.4 B
in the second quarter of 2013.
The most active shale plays for
M&A with values greater than $50
MM during the second quarter of
2013 include the Eagle Ford in Texas
with three total transactions contrib-
uting $1.5 B; the Marcellus shale,
with three deals totaling $416 MM;
and the Bakken in North Dakota, with
two deals totaling $910 MM. The Uti-
ca shale experienced no deal activity
for the frst time in seven quarters.
Financial investors deal activ-
ity continued its trend from the frst
quarter, with just two transactions in-
volving values greater than $50 MM
in the second quarter. Total deal value
was $686 MM, a slight increase from
the frst quarter of 2013, but a 90%
decrease compared to the same pe-
riod in 2012.
Lets talk numbers
Prize performance, capacity gains
Packinox heat exchangers pack up to 16 000 m

of heat transfer surface area into one single unit.
That makes them the largest plate heat exchangers
in the world.
The performance benefits of the Packinox design
include closer temperature approach, which gives
rise to lower fuel consumption, and reduced
emissions, plus a lower pressure drop. It all adds
up to gigantic savings on your infrastructure and
installation costs as well as your operating costs.
Those kinds of numbers really make you a winner. PPI00181EN
Divestitures drive US oil and gas deal activity
WELCOME, continued
from page 1
answer. But, today any intellectually
honest person would acknowledge
that those reasons are no longer valid,
and that the law has become an un-
necessary burden.
Another example is the administra-
tions repeated barriers to energy ex-
ploration and production, which are
contributing to higher refnery crude-
oil costs. The most glaring example
is the presidents long-term procras-
tination of making a decision on the
Keystone XL pipeline, a project that
would create jobs and provide our
nation with a more secure oil source,
greatly benefting American refneries
and consumers.
Our companies already support
more than nine million American jobs
in total and we could create more if
President Obama would halt the regu-
latory barrage. AFPM is not opposed
to sensible regulations, but this en-
vironment of overregulation, which
brings little to no beneft, must stop.
Naysayers in Washington fail to ac-
cept the important role that AFPM
members and other energy companies
play in the nations economy.
As American manufacturers of
fuel and petrochemicals, were fully
invested in doing everything we can
to ensure that the road to economic
recovery continues, but right now
we are hindered by an energy policy
based on ideology rather than reality.
I can assure you of one thing that will
never change; as you work to make
our industry better, well continue the
fght in Washington to allow you the
freedom to grow and to innovate.
Thank you for joining us here in
Dallas. I hope the event provides you
with new perspectives and information
that you can take home and prosper.
2013 Q&A and Technology Forum | American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers Sunday/Monday, October 6/7, 2013 9
Haldor Topsoe is proud to announce HyBRIM

, its next generation catalyst

production technology that builds on the proven BRIM

The new TK-609 HyBRIM catalyst designed for hydrocracker pretreat service
and high pressure Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel is 40% more active for both sulfur
and nitrogen removal compared to our current BRIM

catalysts. The higher
activity can be used to:
Achieve longer cycles at the same feed rate
Process tougher feeds
Increase volume swell
Increase throughput
Improved protability from new HyBRIM

catalyst technology
40% activity increase
with Haldor Topsoe's new TK-609 HyBRIM

One solution available is to add
wireless temperature and differential
pressure measurements for online pro-
cess conditions throughout the crude
unit heat exchanger train. Wireless
technology has considerably lowered
cost barriers to implementation, mak-
ing it easy to implement and monitor
the condition or health of process
equipment, not just heat exchangers
but also process pumps, control valves,
and other assets. However, having the
process measurements online is just
the frst step. There still needs to be
analysis of the data, alerts (awareness)
and, fnally, action. The action for heat
exchangers is to identify when there
is accelerated fouling, and when it
makes sense to clean a heat exchanger
bundle based on cleaning costs versus
additional fuel use in the fred heater
downstream. Some refners have in-
stalled block and bypass valves to al-
low tube bundle cleaning without shut-
ting down, but might have to cut back
on production. Typically refners will
need to reduce throughput and wait
to clean until the next scheduled turn-
around when the fred heater is limited,
unless the fouling is severe enough to
warrant a shutdown for cleaning.
When faced with selecting an as-
set management strategy, the ideal
approach for increased availability
and minimal maintenance costs is an
automated monitoring strategyone
that provides online indication of an
assets health (FIG. 2). Online indica-
tion of asset health provides advanced
warning and allows enough time for
spare equipment to be safely brought
online, eliminating process upsets,
off-spec product and safety incidents
that result from an unexpected trip.
Advanced warning arms maintenance
staff with the information they need to
determine when servicing is necessary
to prevent a failure, even on assets
that do not have spares. An automated
monitoring strategy can bring asset
management where it is needed: to
the crude unit process engineer, turn-
around manager, reliability engineer
or maintenance superivisor.
Manual data collection in the feld
can be minimized (FIG. 3). This is
important for the crude unit heat ex-
changer train as many refners use an
infrared temperature indicator where
metal is exposed, which can introduce
error if it is not always measured at the
right place, or may have to use a step
ladder around hot heat exchnagers to
use a handheld thermocouple in avail-
able empty thermowells. The latter
provides more accurate temperatures,
but generates a higher probability of
a safety incident. Also, those refners
using a differential pressure survey
require opening and closing available
access points which may not always
close properly after usea potential
for leaks. Also, these manual checks
may not be done unless there is sus-
picion of accelerated fouling or just
prior to a turnaround to determine
which tube bundles should be pulled
for cleaning. The better option is to
have online measurements, automated
analysis, and automated alerts for ab-
normal operation. Those solutions are
available today with the use of added
wireless process measurements with
monitoring and analysis software.

EMERSON, continued from page 1

FIG. 2. Pre-engineered software
applications collect, analyze and alert on
heat exchanger fouling. FIG. 3. Manual spot check measurements make it challenging to monitor accelerated fouling.

2013 International Lubricants
and Waxes Meeting
Thursday, November 14 to
Friday, November 15, 2013
Hilton Houston Post Oak
2001 Post Oak Boulevard
Houston, TX 77056

General sessions provide technical
experts and marketing representa-
tives a chance to discuss the latest
developments in lubricants, fuels,
and waxes. Attendees also have
excellent networking opportunities.
10 Sunday/Monday, October 6/7, 2013 American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers | 2013 Q&A and Technology Forum




. A



Controlling parafn buildup in barges, tanks,
and pipelines mitigates HSE risk and reduces
operating disruptions by minimizing the need
for pigging and cleaning services.
Contact Baker Hughes today to nd out
how we can help you reduce transportation
and storage costs and improve your
renery economics.
Cut the parafn in
shale oil, not the prot
Technology converts syngas directly to fuels
Primus Green Energys proprietary
STG+ technology combines and im-
proves upon prior commercially prov-
en methanol synthesis and methanol-
to-gasoline (MTG) processes into a
single-loop process that converts syn-
thesis gas (syngas) directly to gaso-
line. The STG+ process promises to
be more effcient, less expensive to
build, and more scalable than other
technologies for converting syngas to
gasoline. In addition to the gasoline
product, the STG+ process can pro-
duce jet fuel, diesel and high-value
chemicals with simple changes to the
catalysts and operating conditions.
How STG+ technology works.
The Primus STG+ technology con-
verts syngas to liquid fuels through
a proprietary catalytic thermochemi-
cal process that minimizes complex-
ity, improves product quality and
increases yield. The technology con-
verts more than 35% of syngas by
mass, or more than 70% by mass of
natural gas, into liquid fuelswhich
is the highest documented conversion
effciency in the industry. The plus
in STG+ stands for the multiple end
products yielded by the process. FIG. 1
shows a schematic diagram of the Pri-
mus STG+ process.
The Primus STG+ process follows
four principal steps in one continuous
process loop. This process comprises
four fxed-bed reactors in series, in
which a syngas is converted to a high-
octane synthetic gasoline:
Reactor 1 (methanol synthesis):
Syngas is fed to Reactor 1, the frst of
four reactors, which converts most of
the syngas (CO and H
) to methanol
OH) when passing through the
catalyst bed.
Reactor 2 (dimethyl ether syn-
thesis): The methanol-rich gas from
Reactor 1 is next fed to Reactor 2, the
second STG+ reactor. The methanol
is exposed to a catalyst and much
of it is converted to dimethyl ether
(DME), which involves dehydra-
tion from methanol to form DME
Reactor 3 (gasoline synthesis):
The Reactor 2 product gas is next
fed to Reactor 3, the third reactor
containing the catalyst for conver-
sion of DME to hydrocarbons includ-
ing paraffns (alkanes), aromatics,
naphthenes (cycloalkanes) and small
amounts of olefns (alkenes), mostly
from C
(number of carbon atoms in
the hydrocarbon molecule) to C
Reactor 4 (gasoline treatment):
The fourth reactor provides transal-
kylation and hydrogenation treatment
to the products from Reactor 3. The
treatment reduces durene (tetrameth-
ylbenzene)/isodurene and trimethyl-
benzene components that have high
freezing points and must be minimized
in gasoline. As a result, the synthetic
gasoline product has high octane and
desirable viscometric properties.
Separator: Finally, the mixture
from Reactor 4 is condensed to obtain
gasoline. The noncondensed gas and
gasoline are separated in a conven-
tional condenser/separator, which is
the far right element in FIG. 1. Most of
the noncondensed gas from the prod-
uct separator becomes recycle gas
and is sent back in the feedstream to
Reactor 1, leaving the synthetic gaso-
line product comprising paraffns,
aromatics and naphthenes.
The advantages of STG+ tech-
nology. The STG+ process has sev-
eral advantages over other gas-to-liq-
uids (GTL) technologies, including
higher yield, lower capital and op-
erating costs, reduced process com-
plexity and higher product quality. In
addition, the STG+ technology can
use fexible feedstocks and produce
multiple products.
Syngas is produced by several
commercially available technologies
from a wide variety of feedstocks
(e.g., natural gas, biomass and munic-
ipal solid waste). The STG+ process
can also produce different products,
such as jet fuel, diesel and chemicals,
in addition to gasoline, by simply
changing the catalysts and operating
conditions of the process. For more
information on Primus Green Energy
and the STG+ technology, visit www.
FIG. 1. The Primus STG+ process converts syngas directly to liquid fuels.
Dont miss two great networking
opportunities at this years Q&A.
Sunday evening at 5:30 is the kickoff
networking event. Monday evening
at 5:15 is when the gala reception
will commence. Finger foods and
adult beverages will be available as
delegates catch up with old friends
and make new business contacts.
And be sure to stop by and say hello
to all of the tabletop exhibitors!
2013 Q&A and Technology Forum | American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers Sunday/Monday, October 6/7, 2013 11
Need more information on the products, services, and know-how
Albemarle can provide to your operation? The guru is in.
your guru is here.
Searching far and wide for answers to rening challenges? Relax.
Your quest is over. Because in addition to Albemarles top-ight HPC,
FCC, and isomerization offerings, weve expanded our capabilities
to provide more catalysts and services, and new products for use in
more processes. In order to achieve this, Albemarle has reorganized
our Renery Catalyst Solutions group into two business units:
Heavy Oil Upgrading and Clean Fuels Technologies. These new
areas reect a holistic approach, combining a wealth of knowledge
and resources that allow us to offer the industries we serve
an even more robust portfolio of refining solutions, all while
continuing to provide the rst-rate value and technical support
they expect from Albemarle.
Dallas is the 9th largest city in the
US and the third largest in Texas with
a population of 1,241,162.
The Dallas-Fort Worth Arlington
MSA consists of 12 counties: Collin,
Dallas, Delta, Denton, Ellis, Hunt,
Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall,
Tarrant and Wise and has a popula-
tion of 6,700,991. The Dallas-Plano-
Irving MD (metropolitan division) is
slightly smaller with a population of
4,426,611 and is composed of 8 coun-
ties: Collin, Dallas, Delta, Denton, El-
lis, Hunt, Kaufman and Rockwall.
Dallas is located in the Central
Time Zone in North Central Texas, 35
miles east of Fort Worth, 245 miles
north, northwest of Houston and 300
miles north of the Gulf of Mexico.
450750 feet
Sales8.25%; Hotel Occupancy13%
29.97 million domestic visitors
There are more than 30,000 hotel
rooms in the city of Dallas; with over
75,000 available throughout the area.
Average minimum temperature is
55 degrees Fahrenheit ; average maxi-
mum temperature is 76 degrees Fahr-
enheit. Dallas has an average annual
rainfall of 33.3 in.
The Dallas area is home to 18 For-
tune 500 companies including Exxon
Mobil, JC Penney, AT&T, Texas In-
struments, and others. The Dallas area
is also home to seven of the worlds
most admired companies.
Dallas is home to fve professional
sports teams: The Dallas Cowboys
(NFL); Dallas Stars (NHL); Dallas Mav-
ericks (NBA); FC Dallas (MLS) and the
Texas Rangers (MLB) plus NASCAR
and Indy racing. The area is also home
to more than 200 golf courses.
The frozen margarita machine
was invented in Dallas
The integrated circuit computer
chip (which became the microchip)
was invented in Dallas in 1958
The 52 foot Big Tex statue that
greets visitors at the annual State Fair
of Texas is the tallest cowboy in Texas
With the roof enclosed, the en-
tire Statue of Liberty could ft into the
Cowboys Stadium
During the winter holiday sea-
son, the Galleria Dallas is home to the
countrys tallest indoor Christmas tree
The largest permanent model
train exhibit in the country is on dis-
play in the lobby of Dallas Childrens
Medical Center
The Dallas Arts District is the
largest urban arts district in the US
The Trinity River Corridor Proj-
ect, when completed, will be more
than 10 times the size of New Yorks
Central Park
Highland Park Village Shopping
Center, developed in 1931 has the
distinction of being the frst planned
shopping center in America
The frst convenience store,
7-Eleven, got its start in Dallas and
the corporation is headquartered there
Lamar Hunt, founder of the
American Football League and son
of oil tycoon H.L. Hunt, was a noted
Dallas resident when he coined the
phrase Super Bowl.
A few celebrities from the area:
Angie Harmon, Luke and Owen
Wilson, Nastia Luikin, Lee Trevino,
Norah Jones, Erykah Badu, Jessica
A few of the movies/TV series
filmed in the area: Dallas; Silk-
wood; Places in the Heart; Robo-
Cop; Born on the Fourth of July;
Walker, Texas Ranger; Prison Break
(more listed at http://www.dallas
The Dallas area is the largest
metropolitan area in the nation not on
a navigable body of water
The Dallas-Fort Worth Arlington
Metroplex is the No. 1 visitor and lei-
sure destination in Texas.
The Dallas Public Library perma-
nently displays one of the original cop-
ies of the Declaration of Independence,
printed on July 4, 1776, and the First
Folio of William Shakespeares Com-
edies, Histories & Tragedies
The Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex is
home to 23 of the richest Americans.

Stats and fun facts about Dallas

The downtown Dallas skyline, captured at dusk.
Dallas hosts the Texas State Fair, running until October 20 this year.
AFPM President Charles T. Drevna issued the following statement:
AFPM is disappointed by the decision of a divided panel of the Ninth
Circuit. The District Court explained compellingly why the California
Low Carbon Fuel Standard violates the Commerce Clause of the Constitu-
tion. Although the LCFS is a California law, its broad reach and intended
scope means that implementing the LCFS will have adverse consequences
throughout the nations fuel refning facilities and supply chain far beyond
Californias borders. AFPM will be evaluating its options regarding further
court proceedings in upcoming weeks.


12 Sunday/Monday, October 6/7, 2013 American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers | 2013 Q&A and Technology Forum
Vapor-lift technology shows its true colors
SERGIO A. ROBLEDO, Haldor Topse, and TROY WITHERILL, Superior Refinery
Over the course of its life, it is likely
that a reactors operation will change
signifcantly from its original design.
As a result, existing distribution trays
may no longer be capable of providing
adequate vapor/liquid distribution. Hy-
droprocessing reactor internals play an
important role in determining the over-
all performance of a reactor, and even
a reactor with an excellent catalyst will
not perform as expected if the gas/liq-
uid distribution is uneven. Therefore,
the performance of the existing distri-
bution tray is a very important issue to
consider for the modern refner.
Topse recognized early that tighter
product specifcations would acceler-
ate the need for improved reactor
internals, and in 1990 started the de-
velopment of better distribution trays.
Since then, Topse has continually
improved its reactor internals technol-
ogy. Topses sales of reactor internals
have increased year after year and the
current market status is that more than
650 Topse designed vapor lift technl-
ogy (VLT) distribution trays are in op-
eration around the world.
In the past two years, improve-
ments to Topses distribution trays
and mixing sections have been made
with specifc emphasis on reducing
the installation height as well as ease
of installation. Improvements to our
reactor internals for hydrocracking
units have also been accomplished in
order to complete the portfolio for any
trickle-bed reactor service.
The Topse VLT operates on a va-
por assist principle where the treat
gas pulls the liquid up through the
riser through the vertical slots on the
side. The oil and gas is thoroughly
mixed trough the riser and down the
center nozzle. The velocity of the gas
through the open part of the slot will
determine the amount of liquid that is
pulled up through the riser and thus
constantly adjust the liquid on the tray
to the same level. This self adjusting
principle of the VLT design is the rea-
son why the VLT tray operates per-
fectly through out the cycle from low
to high operating temperatures as well
as a wide range of process conditions.
Topse reactor internals technolo-
gy has been patented or is covered by
pending patent applications (FIG. 1).
Key Topse VLT distribution tray
characteristics are:
Self adjusting performance at a
very wide range of operating conditions
Highest element distribution den-
sity among all the other commercially
available distributor trays
Very low sensitivity to tray un-
evenness for liquid distribution
Enhanced unit turndown fexibility
Low fouling potential
Easy installation
Quick-release man-ways for faster
installation during catalyst change-outs.
Case history. Calumet Superior refn-
ery operated a diesel hydrotreater that
processed a feed blend consisting of
atmospheric and light cycle oil (LCO)
with properties shown in TABLE 1 and
The reactor used to operate in low-
sulfur diesel (LSD)/ ultra-low-sulfur
diesel (ULSD) mode using Haldor
Topses catalyst. The refnery went
through some upgrades and revamped
the reactor to operate in ultra-low-sul-
fur kerosene (ULSK) mode. During
the project planning phase, Haldor
Topse offered to replace the exist-
ing competitors internals. However,
Calumet was assured by the tray li-
censor that they did not have to pay
for a brand new tray but instead a
small modifcation to the existing tray
would make it able to operate in its
new service. The tray was therefore,
removed from the reactor and worked
on at an off-site shop to make the
modifcations. Fortunately, this was
done during a period where lost pro-
duction time did not affect the refner.
The reactor was returned to its new
service with Haldor Topse catalyst
installed in the reactor. The unit was
now processing straight run kerosene
to make ULSK. The new feedstock
properties and operating conditions in
Calumets existing reactor are shown
in TABLE 3 and TABLE 4.
With the modifed old distribution
tray the unit was now having issues
meeting the minimum kerosene say-
bolt color specifcation of 16 about
50% of the time. Haldor Topse ad-
vised Calumet that a new tray de-
signed specifcally for this operation
would fx this issue. Calumet decided
to take a planned outage solely to
change the distribution tray and the
same catalyst load was left in place.
As seen on FIG. 2, the kerosene prod-
uct color has signifcantly improved
since the installation of Haldor Top-
ses VLT distribution tray.
The initial days after the tray was in-
stalled, the unit was operated at its low-
est treat gas rates of the cycle (FIG. 3).
The treat gas rate was increased in or-
der to ensure that the proper hydrogen
partial pressure was maintained at the
outlet of the reactor As seen in Fig 3,
even though the current gas rates are
still lower than before the VLT tray was
installed, the product is now meeting
color specifcation 100% of the time.
Conclusion. Topse has a full portfolio
for hydroprocessing reactor internals
to help the client meet its production
targets. Topses patented VLT al-
lowed Calumets reactor to meet the
required product color in its new ser-
vice which the competitors tray could
not do. Reactor internals are an inte-
gral part of the unit performance to
ensure maximum utilization of the in-
stalled catalyst and will easily pay for
themselves very quickly.
Topses latest generation internals
include features for faster installation
and shorter access time to the catalyst
beds thus minimizing down time.

FIG. 1. Operational principles for VLT

distribution tray.
FIG. 2. Topses VLT technology significantly improved the reactors catalytic performance.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Run days

As a result of lowest treat gas
rates seen in the cycle.
Min. saybolt color
specication = 16





FIG. 3. Treat gas ratio is an important factor for meeting kerosene color specification.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Run days








TABLE 1. Feed properties
Feed gravity 30 API
Feed MeABP 530550F
Feed sulfur 0.8 wt%
TABLE 2. Operating conditions
Reactor inlet pressure ~600 psig
Treat gas H
purity 9095%
Liquid hourly space velocity 1.2 hr
Treat gas rate 400 MSCFH
TABLE 3. New feed properties
Feed gravity 3940 API
Feed MeABP 430440F
Feed sulfur 0.25 wt%
TABLE 4. New operating conditions
Liquid hourly space velocity 1.1 hr
Treat gas rate 80 MSCFH
The US Energy Department
has granted conditional approval
for Dominion Cove Point LNG
to export domestically produced
liquefed natural gas to countries
that dont have a free-trade agree-
ment with the US.
Subject to environmental re-
view and fnal regulatory approv-
al, LNG exports at a rate of up to
770 MMcfd of natural gas for a
period of 20 years will be allowed
from a terminal located in Calvert
County, Maryland, that is one of
the nations largest LNG import
The Energy Information Ad-
ministration projects gas output
will climb to a record 70.42 Bcfd
in 2014, a rise of 14.8% from fve
years earlier.
Dominion Resources said its
proposed liquefaction facilities
for gas export are expected to
cost $3.4 billion to $3.8 billion.

CAMER-1058_PRS_refine_AFPM_rev.indd 1 9/24/12 9:08 AM
14 Sunday/Monday, October 6/7, 2013 American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers | 2013 Q&A and Technology Forum
US energy sector
The US Department of Energy
(DOE) has released a report that as-
sesses how critical US energy and
electricity infrastructure is vulner-
able to the impacts of climate trends.
Historically high temperatures in re-
cent years have been accompanied
by droughts and extreme heat waves,
more wildfres than usual, and several
intense storms that caused power and
fuel disruptions for millions of people.
These trends are expected to continue,
which could further impact energy
systems critical to the US economy.
The US Energy Sector Vulner-
abilities to Climate Change and Ex-
treme Weather report notes that an-
nual temperatures across the US have
increased by about 1.5F over the last
century. In fact, 2012 was the warmest
year on record in the contiguous US,
and it also included the hottest month
since the country started keeping re-
cords in 1895. Implications for the US
energy infrastructure are explored in
this report.
Climate conditions have increased
the risk of temporary partial or full
shutdowns at thermoelectric power
plants because of decreased water
availability for cooling and higher
ambient air and water temperatures.
A study of coal plants, for example,
found that roughly 60% of the existing
feet is located in areas of water stress.
Energy infrastructure located along
the coast is now vulnerable to damage
from rising sea levels, increasing inten-
sity of storms and higher storm surge
and fooding. Such weather patterns
can disrupt oil and gas production,
refning and distribution, along with
electricity generation and distribution.
Energy companies and consumers
also now face increased risks of dis-
ruption and delay to fuel transport by
rail and barge during more frequent
periods of drought and fooding that
affect water levels in rivers and ports.
Another potential problem pertains to
higher air conditioning costs and risks
of blackouts and brownouts in some
regions if the capacity of existing
power plants does not keep pace with
the growth in peak electricity demand
due to increasing temperatures and
heat waves.
In addition to identifying critical
areas at risk from climate change and
extreme weather, the report identifes
activities already underway to address
these challenges, and discusses poten-
tial opportunities to make the energy
sector more resilient.
Potential future opportunities for
federal, state and local governments
could include innovative policies
that broaden the suite of available,
climate-resilient energy technologies
and encourage their deployment; im-
proved data collection and models
to better inform researchers and law-
makers of energy sector vulnerabili-
ties and response opportunities; and
enhanced stakeholder engagement.
The report says these activities will
increase the resilience of the US energy
infrastructure by hardening existing
facilities and structures to better with-
stand severe droughts, foods, storms
or wildfres, and by contributing to
smarter development of new facilities.
Hurricane Sandy is one recent ex-
ample of energy sector vulnerability.
Sandys storm surge caused eight mil-
lion customers in the US Northeast to
lose power while fuel pumps at gas
stations ceased functioning across the
region. Six refneries with a cumula-
tive capacity of 862,000 bpd were
forced to shut down or severely re-
duce output.

Our scientists surpass
the norm to create catalysts
that set the standard.
Connect with Criterion at the
AFPM Q & A meeting!
The team that brought you CENTINEL GOLD, ASCENT,

is proud to present the next generation

in catalyst technology: CENTERA

DC-2635 CoMo and


DN-3636 NiMo. Advanced nanotechnology

helps refiners continue to push beyond ULSD, achieving
a 20% increase in performance by elevating the
dispersion of active metals, ensuring maximum
sulfidation, and enhancing retention activity.
Leading minds. Advanced technologies.
Technology from Honeywells UOP has been selected to produce key ingredi-
ents for fuels and synthetic rubber in China. Chinas Panjin Heyun New Material
Co. will use UOPs C4 Olefex process to produce isobutylene. This is UOPs
third C4 Olefex license in China this year. Panjin Heyun New Material Co. will
also use UOPs Butamer process, which converts normal butane to isobutane.
Southeast Asia is the worlds largest producer of rubber, and China is the larg-
est consumer, accounting for 33% of the worlds rubber consumption, accord-
ing to a 2012 report. Chinas economy is expected to grow about 8% this year,
further increasing the countrys need for key materials.
The new unit, which is expected to start up in 2014, will process approxi-
mately 400,000 tpy of isobutane feedstock at its facility in Liaoning Province,
China. UOP will provide the engineering design, technology licensing, cata-
lysts, adsorbents, equipment, staff training and technical service for the project.
The C4 Olefex process uses catalytic dehydrogenation to convert isobutane
to isobutylene. Compared with competing processes, UOP says its Olefex tech-
nology provides the lowest cash cost of production, the highest return on in-
vestment and the smallest environmental footprint, enabled by high isobutylene
yields, low energy and water consumption, and use of a fully recyclable plati-
num alumina-based catalyst system.

UOP licenses technology

to China isobutylene unit
2013 Q&A and Technology Forum | American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers Sunday/Monday, October 6/7, 2013 15
EDT Corp. has added Type E So-
lution bearings to its Solution line of
severe service bearings. Type E Solu-
tion bearings have high load capacity
and the same dimensional footprint
of industry-standard Type E tapered
roller bearings, along with the advan-
tages of being fully noncorrosive and
completely greaseless.
Type E Solution bearings are con-
structed with a 304 stainless steel
housing, a Polysphere plane bearing
made from a high-performance poly-
mer, and a 316 stainless steel locking
sleeve. Plane bearings work without
rolling elements, so grease is unnec-
essary and seals are eliminated. Plane
bearing design also makes it possible
to offer completely split inserts in ad-
dition to split housings.
EDT Type E Solution bearings are
available in one piece or in split styles
of pillow blocks, four bolts and pilot-
ed housings for shaft sizes from 1
in. to 5 in. Split units are drop-in re-
placements for popular spherical roll-
er bearings, with the added options of
split bearings and split sleeves.
In locations where the environ-
ment compromises the grease of stan-
dard roller bearings or where more
corrosion resistance is needed, EDT
Type E Solution bearings can provide
a superior alternative when used in
appropriate locations. EDT can as-
sist in identifying applications where
Type E Solution bearings will last
longer, reduce maintenance and save
signifcant operating costs over time.
The Oil Film Dynamic (OFD) wip-
er ring from HOERBIGER improves
compressor reliability and cuts oper-
ating costs by eliminating crankcase
oil losses and oil contamination.
The wiper rings innovative de-
sign and operating principle elimi-
nates the leakage paths, oil pumping
action and sharp edges that charac-
terize conventional oil wipers. As
a result, it pushes oil back into the
crankcase instead of outward, as do
conventional oil wipers. The OFD
ring is made from hard-wearing
polymer instead of metal, ensuring
long life without damaging the pis-
ton rod or impairing lubrication.
Oil wiper rings are used on the pis-
ton rods of reciprocating compressors.
They stop crankcase oil from contam-
inating the gas being compressed in
the cylinders, without compromising
the lubrication of the machine.
Operators of reciprocating com-
pressors typically waste oil and suf-
fer reduced reliability because of the
poor design of conventional metal
oil wiper packings. Outward leakage
leads to crankcase oil losses as high
as 5 liters (1 gallon) per day per com-
pressor. At the same time, oil carried
back into the crankcase can be con-
taminated with process gases, such
as corrosive hydrogen sulfde, which
can damage the compressor and re-
quire more frequent oil changes.
Extensive testing, both in-house
and on 25 feld applications, has
shown a large reduction in oil leak-
age with almost no wear. Four fac-
tors characterize the design and
performance of the OFD oil wiper
ring. The frst is geometry. The OFD
wiper ring features a two-piece de-
sign based on two concentric rings of
L-shaped cross-sections. Each ring
covers the gaps in the other, closing
off oil leakage paths. The inner ring
has a carefully engineered profle for
best oil control.
The second factor is a new spring
plate that applies a side (axial) load
to the OFD rings. This stops the rings
from moving, eliminating the shut-
tling effect that plagues convention-
al wiper rings.
The third factor is a change in ma-
terial. The OFD ring is made from
a high-performance polymer that
eliminates leaks because it follows
the shape of the piston rod accurately.
The polymer is durable yet soft, so
there is no danger of rod damage.
These three design aspects com-
bine to create the fourth key differ-
entiator of the OFD wiper ring: their
innovative working principle. The
OFD ring uses elasto-hydrodynam-
ic effects to pump oil back into the
crankcase without losing the vital lu-
bricating flm, while their soft mate-
rial avoids rod damage.
For process gases and natural gas,
the ability to combine oil wipers and
pressure packing in the same housing
gives reliable performance at high
speeds, in vertical or horizontal con-
fgurations, and with rod diameters up
to 130 mm (5 in.). Where condensa-
tion is an issue, a double seal arrange-
mentwith oil wipers mounted on
each side of the pressure packing
keeps liquids out of the crankcase.

A new name, a long history.

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Oxidation/incineration technologies
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16 Sunday/Monday, October 6/7, 2013 American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers | 2013 Q&A and Technology Forum
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Capturing maximum value
with tight oil feeds in the FCC
The production of light crude oil is
changing the US refning landscape.
While of higher quality, many US
refneries have been confgured to
process the increasingly heavy sour
crudes previously projected to be
available. For the FCC, this can mean
a change in operating strategy. Typical
challenges facing FCCs processing
these crudes include: high amounts of
LPG, maintaining heat balance, higher
alkali metals, higher iron and reduced
feed availability. BASF is helping
customers capture maximum value
with tight oil feeds through innovative
catalysts and a strong commitment to
technical service. BASF has a diverse
catalyst portfolio that can provide the
fexibility required to help solve these
problems, including high activity, op-
timum delta coke, high alkali metal
and high iron tolerance.
Processing shale oil in the FCC
brings benefts and challenges to re-
fners. The VGO cut of tight oil is
typically light, low carbon producing,
and low in contaminant sulfur, nitro-
gen, nickel and vanadium. TABLE 1
shows the VGO cut of two tight oils
compared to WTI and Maya. The re-
sid cut of tight oils show the same
trends in properties as the VGO cut
including being light and low car-
bon producing. The light, low boil-
ing point feed is easily converted to
lighter products. However, the high
conversion and high LPG yield may
limit the gas plant throughput and
thus the FCC rate. Low coke ten-
dency can constrain the unit on heat
balance and catalyst circulation.
While traditional contaminants are
low, tight oil crudes can contain high
sodium, calcium and iron requiring
higher catalyst addition rates. Iron,
in particular, is a concern to many
refners. Iron deposits on the outside
of the catalyst forming iron nodules
which are spike-like protrusions on
the surface of the catalyst. FIG. 1
shows a BASF equilibrium catalyst
(ECat) having 1.5wt% iron from pro- FIG. 1. Iron nodules on ECat.
FIG. 2. Histogram of ECat iron ranges for all ECats analyzed in the second quarter of 2013.
All data
0-0.4 0.4-0.5 0.5-0.6 0.6-0.7 0.7-0.8 0.8-0.9 0.9+

Fe, wt%
TABLE 1. Properties of VGO cut from different crude sources
VGO cut properties TX Shale Bakken Core WTI Maya Blend
API gravity 31.9 24.5 26.3 21
Sulfur wt% 0.18 0.27 0.46 2.05
Acidity mg KOH/g 0.049 0.053 0.095 0.085
Nitrogen wt% 0.01 0.11 0.13 0.18
Refractive index 67C 1.4588 1.4824 1.4759 1.498
Nickel ppm 0.09 0.47 0 0.64
Vanadium ppm 0.08 0.14 0 4.48
Con Carbon wt% 0.03 0.68 0.01 0.47
2013 Q&A and Technology Forum | American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers Sunday/Monday, October 6/7, 2013 17
cessing tight oil. The nodules reduce
the ECat apparent bulk density, and
at very high levels can cause pore
mouth plugging. BASF catalysts
have high porosity giving excellent
tolerance to iron. FIG. 2 shows a his-
togram of all ECats BASF analyzes
across the globe. The BASF units
are highlighted in red showing how
BASF supplies the majority of high
iron FCC units.
Heat balance is normally the main
challenge for refneries processing
tight oil. Low coke producing feeds
cause low regenerator temperatures
and result in catalyst circulation
constraints. Minimum regenerator
temperature is set by maintaining ef-
fcient coke burn, typically 1,250F
to 1,260F. Operating moves to in-
crease bed temperature include: us-
ing a CO promoter to reduce after-
burn and heat up the bed, reducing
partial burn or going into full burn,
increasing feed preheat, and using
oxygen injection. Increasing delta
coke through increasing HCO/slurry
recycle and feeding more resid to the
FCC also increase bed temperatures.
Catalyst solutions to increase delta
coke include higher ECat activity,
higher rare earth content or changing
to a less coke selective catalyst.
The infuence of tight oil on the
FCC will be different depending on
the operating strategy of the refner.
Next are three industry examples of
different ways tight oil feeds impact-
ed operation.
The frst example is a unit process-
ing unhydrotreated VGO and going to
100% Eagle Ford with BASF Naph-
thaMax catalyst. The feed gravity
shows a large increase from 22 API
to 28 API (FIG. 3). Both nickel and
vanadium decreased by half. Sodium
increased signifcantly from essen-
tially no additive sodium to 0.1wt%
additive sodium on the ECat (FIG. 4).
The ECat iron also increased from
0.7wt% to 0.8wt% (FIG. 5). With the
higher sodium and iron, NaphthaMax
continued to provide high activity
and high iron tolerance. The lower
coke making properties of the feed
decreased regenerator temperature,
and slurry recycle was increased to
maintain the bed temperature (FIG. 6).
Conversion on the unit increased an
impressive 11 vol% with the feed
(FIG. 7). The LPG increased sig-
nifcantly from 24vol% to 30vol%,
which can limit the gas plant. With
the more paraffnic feed, the gasoline
RON decreased 1.5 numbers.
The second example is of a refnery
processing 70% hydrotreated VGO
which transitioned 80% of the feed
to Eagle Ford. The refnery is using
BASFs NaphthaMax II catalyst. The
impact of tight oil is less on the hy-
drotreated feed unit as the hydrotreat-
er conditions are also adjusted,
modulating the infuence (TABLE 2).
Feed gravity increased 0.7 num-
bers, and feed contaminants stayed
relatively constant. Conversion in-
creased 2 vol% with 1 vol% increase
in liquid yield. To maintain regenera-
tor dense bed temperature, preheat
was increased, lowering the coke
yield and contributing to the liquid
yield increase. Notable is the refn-
ery stopped ZSM-5 addition and yet
LPG increase 0.9vol%. Throughout
the change, NaphthaMax II catalyst
continued to give high performance
and deliver value to the refnery.
The last example is a unit process-
ing Bakken. Prior to Bakken, the
FCC processed only VGO. However,
the Bakken crude VGO yield is less
leaving extra FCC capacity. To take
advantage of the extra capacity, the
refner decided to send resid to the
FCC which improved economics.
Concarbon increased from 0wt% to
1wt%, nickel and vanadium doubled,
and iron on the ECat increased from
0.60wt% to over 1wt% (FIG.8, FIG. 9
and FIG. 10). The unit also saw ex-
tremely high levels of sodium due to
higher levels of sodium in the feed
(FIG. 11). The average sodium level of
0.7wt% on ECat is in the top 1% of
all units BASF analyzes. To give the
refner improved operation, the unit
changed catalyst from BASFs VGO
NaphthaMax catalyst to our resid cat-
alyst Fortress. The trial is still going,
with Fortress providing the refnery
excellent metals tolerance and activity
retention with this challenging feed.
In summary, tight oil production
will continue providing economical
feedstocks to US refneries. FCCs
transitioning to tight oil feeds are
generally experiencing higher con-
version, heat balance concerns, high-
er sodium, higher calcium and higher
iron. Increased LPG yields may limit
the refnerys gas plant, and gasoline
octane can be short. FCC catalyst
technology and service must be fex-
ible to meet the changing feed quality
and operating conditions associated
with the crude. BASF is the market
leader for tight oil FCC application
with a wide range of experience pro-
viding solutions to meet these unique

FIG. 3. Feed API of a VGO unit

processing tight oil.

FIG. 4. ECat sodium of a VGO unit
processing tight oil.

FIG. 6. Slurry recycle rate for a VGO unit
processing tight oil.



FIG. 7. Conversion for a VGO unit
processing tight oil.

FIG. 8. Feed CCR of mild resid unit
processing tight oil.


FIG. 9. ECat Ni and V of mild resid unit
processing tight oil.


Ni V
FIG. 5. ECat iron of a VGO unit
processing tight oil.

FIG. 11. ECat Na of mild resid unit
processing tight oil.

FIG. 10. ECat Iron of mild resid unit
processing tight oil.

TABLE 2. Yields shift of hydrotreated unit processing tight oil
Operation Base Change
Feed gravity API 26.6 0.7
Feed sulfur wt% 0.5 0.1
Feed nitrogen ppmw 960 90
Feed concarbon wt% 0.16
Preheat temperature F 625 43
Reactor temperature F 965 3
Cat to oil ratio wt/wt 5.8 0.2
Dense temperature F 1270 3
Catalyst addition tons/day Base
ZSM-5 additions Yes (5%) No
Equilibrium catalyst
ECat FACT wt% 77
Ni + V ppm 1500 50
Fe wt% 0.62
Na wt% 0.19 0.01
Normalized yields Base Change
conversion vol% 80 2
Dry gas wt% 1.8 0.1
C3= vol% 8.4 0.4
LPG vol% 27.7 0.9
Gasoline vol% 63.6 1.9
LCO vol% 15.3 1.7
Slurry vol% 4.8 0.3
Coke wt% 4.1 0.05
Total liquid yield vol% 111.3 0.9
2013 Environmental Conference
Monday, October 21Tuesday,
October 22, 2013
Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel
#2 Poydras at the River
New Orleans, LA 70140
The AFPM Environmental Conference
focuses on regulatory and policy issues
at the plant level. The meeting format
consists of both technical presentations
and question and answer sessions.
The sessions are designed to address
the impacts of various environmental
regulations on reneries and petrochemical
plants and to provide solutions and
compliance mechanisms for a facility.
18 Sunday/Monday, October 6/7, 2013 American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers | 2013 Q&A and Technology Forum
Advanced Refining Technologies ... 41/43/45
Albemarle Corporation ............................... 7
Altran ....................................................... 19
Applied Instrument Technologies .............. 28
Apprion ...................................................... 2
Arkema, Inc. ............................................. 48
Athlon Solutions ....................................... 37
Baker Hughes............................................. 9
BASF ...................................................39/40
Cameron Process Systems ...................... 18
CB&I ......................................................... 29
CHEPCatalyst & Chemical Containers..... 12
Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP ..... 6
Clean Harbors .......................................... 32
Commonwealth Engineering
& Construction ..................................... 25
Criterion Catalysts & Technologies ........... 11
Crystaphase Products, Inc. ....................... 46
Daily Thermetrics Corp. ............................ 13
Dorf Ketal Chemicals, LLC ........................ 36
DuPont Sustainable Solutions ................... 35
Emerson Process Management ................. 8
Eurecat U.S. ............................................. 38
Forum Energy Technology ........................ 23
Foster Wheeler USA .................................. 14
Gayesco, L.L.C. ......................................... 21
GE Water & Process Technologies ............ 47
Grace Catalysts Technologies ........ 41/43/45
Gulf Chemical & Metallurgical
Corporation .......................................... 15
Haverly Systems, Inc. ................................. 5
Hunter Buildings & Manufacturing, LP ...... 34
Innovatia Inc. ............................................ 22
Intertek Pilot Plant Services ...................... 17
Invensys ................................................... 16
KBC Advanced Technologies, Inc. ............. 30
KBR .......................................................... 33
Linde Engineering North America Inc. ....... 31
MANTRA Innovative Systems ................... 27
Merichem Company ................................... 3
NALCO Champion................................42/44
Refined Technologies ............................... 24
Saint-Gobain NorPro .................................. 4
TRACERCO ................................................. 1
VEGA Americas, Inc. ................................. 26
Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies ..... 10
Exhibitor information is provided solely
for the use of attendees to search
for products and services offered
by exhibiting companies. Use of this
information for solicitation purposes
of any kind, by anyone other than a
registered attendee, is strictly prohibited.
Albemarle Majestic 2 Monday
Athlon Solutions Majestic 5 Monday, Tuesday
Axens North America Majestic 6 Monday, Tuesday
BASF Corporation City View 6 Monday, Tuesday
CB&I City View 8 Monday
Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP/Reactor Resources Majestic 7 Monday
Clariant Corporation Suite TBA Monday
Criterion Catalysts & Technologies/Shell Global Solutions Majestic 8 Monday
Dorf Ketal Chemicals, LLC Suite TBA Sunday, Monday
DuPont Sustainable Solutions City View 7 Monday
Emerson Process Management Suite TBA Sunday
Majestic 3 Monday
Haldor Topse, Inc. Suite TBA Monday, Tuesday
Johnson Matthey/Tracerco Majestic 1 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Technip Suite TBA Monday, Tuesday
UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company Remington Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Fluors ICA Fluor industrial
engineering-construction joint
venture with Empresas ICA was
awarded an additional new $95
million contract by Pemex to de-
velop the frst phase of the overall
project to reconfgure the Miguel
Hidalgo refnery, located in Tula,
Hidalgo, Mexico. Fluor will book
its $48 million share of the con-
tract in the third quarter of 2013.
ICA Fluor will be responsible
for the basic and detailed engi-
neering for the process plants,
auxiliary services and integration
works required to increase the re-
fnerys distillate production ca-
pacity from 63% to 80%
Pemex expects its total invest-
ment to be approximately $3.5
2013 Q&A AND
Plan to join us at the
industrys most important
event of 2014
Peabody Hotel
Orlando, Florida
March 23 25, 2014
The AFPM Annual Meeting
brings together the rening
industrys most important
players each year. Be a part of
the action. The 2014 program
has something for everyone;
keynote sessions feature top
government ofcials and
corporate CEOs; breakout
sessions cover nearly every facet
of rening technology, as well
as public policy issues impacting
the industry; and networking
opportunities abound at our
receptions and afliate-hosted
events. So mark your calendar
and plan to broaden your
horizons at the AFPM Annual
Meeting in Orlando!
Registration at
opens in November.

status quo loves change
Challenge the status quo and discover transformational
change in your refnery. BASFs innovative FCC products,
services and solutions deliver value to enhance
sustainability and performance.
At BASF, we create chemistry for a sustainable future.
Visit BASF in Booths 39/40 at the AFPM Q & A
and Technology Forum October 7 - 9, 2013
Tuesday, October 8, 5:30 PM - Midnight
BASF Hospitality Suite
City View 6
Wednesday, October 9, 8:00 AM
FCC Catalyst Selection Workshop,
FCC Principles & Practices Session

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