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CONGOMA (Council for Non-Governmental Organizations in Malawi) recognizes that there is an
information gap in the general public on how one can go about starting a Malawian NGO/charitable
organization in Malawi.
To this effect the following are the main steps/procedures to follow if one wants to start and register a
Malawian NGO in Malawi.
NGOs are in most case ideas of individuals or a group of individuals. What is required is for the
initiator(s) to clearly conceptualize what they want to do and why they want to do it. Also in the
conceptualization phase one needs to address the general framework of how his/her ideas would be put
to practice or implemented.
After Conceptualization, formulate a Constitution of the NGO. You may ask for the input of a legal expert
and colleagues. However, in general terms the Constitution should provide information at least on the
1. Name of the NGO
2. Description and use of Common Seal and Logo of the NGO (also see step # 4 below)
3. Address of the NGO
4. Mission (main purpose) of the NGO
5. Vision (desired state of affairs in the development field of the NGO)
6. Objectives of the NGO
7. Board of trustees/Executive committee of the NGO including how many will they be; how will
they be put into and out of office.
8. Secretariat of the NGO and its functions
9. Meetings and Quorums
10. Management of Financial Resources
11. Membership of the organization (if required)
12. including who shall be eligible for membership; duties/roles rights and responsibilities of
members, acceptance and dismissal of membership etc.
13. Procedures for amendment of the Constitution including who shall amend the Constitution,
what notice is required for amendment, what majority of people should be allowed to amend
the Constitution etc
14. Dissolution. How will the NGO wind up should need arise? Who should decide on a resolution to
dissolve and by what majority?
15. What happens to the funds and assets after dissolution? Under Trustees Inc Act, any remaining
funds and assets after settling of all debts of a dissolved Trust must be donated to any other
organization with similar objectives, or donated to Government but can not be shared among
Trustees, members of staff of the NGO or any individual.
When the draft Constitution is ready, identify the Trustees of the NGO. These should be people of high
standing in society and who are interested in what you want to do. They should be from different
professions depending on what you want to do and should be willing to work on voluntary basis because
they are not supposed to get a salary. Trustees are the legal custodians of the NGO/Trust. Discuss with
them the constitution you have drafted and make changes if need be.
Also convene a formal meeting of the Trustees you have identified to endorse the Constitution and
agree to register the NGO. You may have interim positions of the Board also filled at this meeting.
Minutes of this meeting should be available. (This step number 3 should be done together with step
number 4 below).
Your NGO should have a Logo and a Common Seal.
A logo is basically a symbol that identifies your NGO while a Common seal is an embossed stamp
(different from a date stamp) with words like Common seal of the registered Trustees of (name of
NGO). The issue of Common Seal and logo should also be discussed with the identified members of the
board of Trustees and agreed upon. The Common seal and Logo should be mentioned in the
After your Constitution is ready and Trustees identified, register your NGO with The Registrar General
(you may find their contact details in a Telephone Directory and enquire from them what they require
for registration). In general terms they would require your Constitution, the names of the people in your
Board of Trustees, a filled form/affidavit from them and payment of a fee, instrument of your common
seal stamped on paper (or whatever they may advise you) among other requirements. Thereafter, the
Registrar General submits the application to the Ministry of Justice for approval.
When you have a Certificate of Incorporation from Registrar General issued by Ministry of Justice, you
are expected to apply to CONGOMA for Registration under the NGO Act. CONGOMA is a designated
NGO coordinating body in Malawi. It has the functions to collectively represent the interests of NGOs,
strengthen their capacity, advocate for a conduncive environment, coordinate NGO work and assist
NGOs to operate within the NGO Act 2000.

To register with CONGOMA you are required to submit the following:
Form (available on request).
A copy of the NGO Constitution
A copy of minutes of the first meeting of the Trustees at which it was agreed to form/ register
the NGO (these minutes are from the meeting of step # 3 and 4)
A brief Concept Paper outlining the Activities that the NGO intends to undertake in Malawi.
Sworn in Affidavits/ particulars of Trustees and/or Directors, giving their names, citizenship,
occupation and address. This is one of the legal documents of the NGO and as such the swearing
and signing of this document must be conducted by a Commissioner for Oath/public Notary and
certified by his/her official staff and signature. Preparation of the affidavits should be done by a
legal person and may be at a fee or not.
A copy of the Trustees Declaration certified (signed and stamped) by a Commissioner for Oath.
This may be done at the time you register with Registrar General. Registrar General can provide
more details on the contents and how the declaration is administered.
A copy of Certificate of Registration with the Registrar General
Payment of a non refundable Processing Fee of MK 2000.00 (this is subject to review at any
After you register with CONGOMA a Malawian NGO pays an annual membership subscription
determined by the CONGOMA Annual General Assembly from time to time.
The NGO Board of Malawi is responsible for monitoring activities of NGOs on behalf of Government
under the NGO Act. It is therefore imperative that all NGOs register with the NGO Board if this
responsibility is to be met. In registering with the NGO Board, the following requirements as per NGO
Act should be fulfilled:
A filled prescribed form (available on request)
A constitution of the NGO
Payment of registration fees (prescribed by the board)
A plan of activities planned or intended to be carried out by the NGO,/lI.
Memorandum of understating (MOU) or any other agreement with the Ministry or Ministries
responsible for the activities to be undertaken by the NGO concerned
Proof that the NGO is a member of CONGOMA A statement that the NGO will not engage in
partisan politics
A statement on the sources of funding of the NGO
For details, please contact the Registrar of NGO Board on 08 367 208.

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