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EAST 2224 Japanese for Research

General and Subject-Specific Resources (Literature, Film) in Japanese

and English
How to find out transliterations of Japanese names
The library catalogue of Waseda University
Webcat Plus
How to search for articles in Japanese
Although no comprehensive full tet databases are available! in institutional
repositories it is possible to find more and more full tet articles:
"A#$% &"apanese #nstitutional $epositories %nline': you can search for articles &full
tet optional' and theses.
i!lio"raphical #ata!ases
(i)ii articles &*cholarly and Academic Article )avigator'. +ou can also search for
boo,s. *ome articles are full tet. (ontains -!.//!/// citations! which include
0//!/// full1tet.
)23 %PA( &The )ational 2iet 3ibrary journal inde'
+ou can select databases and type of material: it will be for journal
articles. )o full tet.
+ou become a member of )23 &you can fa/post a completed application form'. After
you are issued with a username and password! you can then order articles to be
photocopied and posted to you &you pay with credit card'
Su!ject$!ased i!lio"raphical %itation #ata!ases
4rom the )ational #nstitute of "apanese 3iterature and 3inguistics:
$esources on the "apanese language and "apanese language education:

$esources on "apanese 3iterature &from the Taisho era to the contemporary age':

2atabase on "apanese #ntellectual 5istory &-67718/-/'

&here to Start:
9enii & ' is a good starting point. This is a platform to .
databases: (i)ii Articles! "A#$%! WebcatPlus! :a,en! and )ii12;$.
WebcatPlus provides information with tables of contents of boo,s. 9ood for finding
boo, chapters. Again! also good for finding the readings of "apanese names.
(i)ii Articles contains -!.//!/// citations! which include 0//!/// full1tet.
When an article is not found in the databases above! try 9oogle *cholar.
Japanese !oo's a(aila!le in major European Research li!raries )*eeds not
<uropean Union (atalogue of "apanese ;oo,s
+ou can order boo,s and articles through the 2ocument *upply *ervice =3eeds
University 3ibrary &but it costs >.'
*tart from Research Guide to Japanese Film Studies &eds. 9erow and )ornes'! in
the 3eeds library
4or general information about "apanese films: credits! director! actor and crew
names! etc.: the #nternet ?ovie 2atabase
;o office data
?otion Picture Producers Association of "apan! #nc. &Eiren)
" # $ % & ' ( & ) * + , - $ . &
How to find !oo's and articles on Japanese literature/film/etc in En"lish:
(you need a Leeds username and password if you are off-campus, and you need to
access them via the lirary catalo!ue - otherwise they would not reco!ni"e your #$
address and will deny you access)
4ilm 3iterature #nde*earch.jsp
4ilm #nde #nternational
#nternational #nde to the Performing Arts
All these three mainly boo,s and periodical articles on film in general! some full tet
;ibliography of Asian *tudies: specifically about "apanese film! literature! etc.
periodical articles and boo, sections
?3A international bibliography: in general on the arts and humanities
"*T%$: journal articles full tet
Project ?U*<: journal articles full tet

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