Monologues: Expressing Opinions

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In my opinion / In my view / Personally / To my mind (= I think)
I think that I reckon (colloquial)
I feel that / If you ask me
The way I see it, + ! + "#
I consider that / It seems to me that
$rankly / %onestly / In all honesty / To &e honest (with you) / To tell you the truth
's far as I(m concerned )
I*m for / I*m in favour of / I*m a+ainst (+ ,oun / u&-ect + I,.)
/+0 I*m for cosmetic sur+ery0
I*m a+ainst people takin+ pictures of others without their knowled+e0
Formal examples for essays etc.:
'ccordin+ to the latest research )
I stron+ly &elieve that)
I would ar+ue that) I do not &elieve / a+reee that) I am unconvinced that)
$irstly / econdly / Thirdly
1et me start / &e+in &y sayin+ that )
To start with / To &e+in with
$irst of all, I want to say that ) / $irst of all, I would like to say that )
's for / '&out / 's re+ards
's far as the Internet is concerned ) / 's far as new technolo+ies are concerned )
%owever / ,evertheless (formal)
$urthermore / 2oreover / #esides / In addition to this
) has &oth advanta+es and disadvanta+es (= draw&acks) (= downsides) / pros and cons
3n the one hand / 3n the other hand
3ne of the main (dis)advanta+es of ) is that )
$or e4ample / $or instance / 'n e4ample of this is / Take the case of ) / like / such as
It*s said / thou+ht / &elieved that ) It*s a well5known fact that )
(.erman people) are said / thou+ht / &elieved to &e (cold and hard5workin+)
$inally / To sum up / In conclusion / To conclude
's you may know, ) / 's I*m sure you know, )
'pparently, ) / upposedly, ) #elieve it or not )
It*s (well) worth (+ I,. / ,oun)
/+0 It*s (well) worth a visit0 It*s (well) worth a try / +o0
Adapted from Collins Cobuild Advanced 6 other sources
7ell, I was thinkin+ of ) 1ook, I*ve &een thinkin+ a&out )
I have a su++estion / an idea0 It*d &e +reat if we could ) 7ell, may&e we could )
7ouldn*t it &e +reat if )8 7hat if we )8 hall we )8 7hy don*t we )8 1et*s )
7hat / %ow a&out + I,. )8 7ould you consider + I,. 8 7ould you like T3 + I,$ )8
houldn*t we )8 9ouldn*t we )8
:on*t you a+ree / think that ) 8 Isn*t it true that )8 :on*t you see that )8
7hat do you think8 7hat do you think a&out )8 %ow do you feel a&out )8
%ow does that sound8 %ow would you feel a&out that8
:o you know what I mean8
That*s ri+ht &ut ) / ;ou*re ri+ht &ut )
I suppose that*s true &ut don*t you think that <<< would also &e a +ood idea8
I a+ree (with you) to some e4tent / I quite a+ree with you, &ut )
;ou*ve +ot a point there, &ut ) I take / see your point, &ut )
I know what you mean, &ut ) $air enou+h, &ut )
I hope you don*t take this the wron+ way, &ut )
To &e honest with you, it doesn*t +ra& me
To tell you the truth, I*m not so sure a&out that
I can*t make up my mind / I*m in two minds a&out it / I*m torn &etween ) and )
I (don*t) feel like (, or I,.) I*m (not) in the mood for (, or I,.)
/+0 ee, the thin+ is I don*t feel l$%e a party / partyin+ toni+ht0
ee, the thin+ is I*m not $& t'e moo( for a party / partyin+ toni+ht0
orry, &ut I*d like to ) I*d rather (I,$) ) I*d prefer to )
/+0 orry, &ut I think I)( l$%e to stay at home rather than +o out0 (= today)
orry, &ut I*( rat'er stay at home than +o out0 (= today)
orry, &ut I*( prefer to stay at home rather than +o out0 (= today)
orry, &ut I prefer cookin+ to eatin+ out0 (= normally)
orry, &ut I prefer cookin+ rather than eatin+ out0 (= normally, + formal)
orry, &ut I don*t a+ree with you orry, &ut I totally disa+ree with you
I*m sorry, &ut I don*t think that*s a +ood idea / I*m not so sure / I*m still not convinced
,o way>
That*s a +reat / fantastic / (really) +ood idea
ounds +reat / ounds +ood to me / That sounds +ood
I (completely / totally) a+ree with you 7ell, why not8 3k, let*s do that / 1et*s +o for )
7ell, you know I*m (not) a &i+ fan of ) / I*m (not) really into ) I really like ) / I can*t stand
I*m very / really / quite %ee& o& ) I*m not that keen on )

Adapted from Speakout Upper Intermediate 6 other

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