Dynamic Modeling of Vinyl Chloride Suspension Polymerization

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Proceedings of the 5Ih WorldCongress onIntelligent Control

and Automation, J une 15-19, 2004, Hangzhou, P.R. China

Dynamic Modeling of Vinyl Chloride Suspension
Haitian Pan, Luyue Xia, Yijun Cai, Xiaofmg Sun, Mengfei Zhou
College of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 3 10032
(E-mail: htpan@zjut.edu.cn)
Abstract-A dynamic model of vinyl chloride suspension polymerization is studied. Based on heat transfer process form the
reactants to the reactor wall and from the inner wall to the coolant in the jacket, the dynamic heat balances for the PVC reactor is found.
Since the changes in both the mass of the reactants in the reactor and its specific heat are considered, the model can he used to exactly
describe the dynamic characteristic of VCM suspension polymerization. Since VCM suspension polymerization reaction is exothermic,
the monomer conversion is on-line estimated by using the model based on the heat balances of the PVC reactor. A comparison between
predicted conversion based on the dynamic model and a comprehensive kinetic model is made, the result is satisfactory. The model
provides the basis for dynamic behavior analysis, process predictive control and optimization ofVCM suspension polymerization:
Keywords-vinyl chloride, suspension polymerization, dynamic modeling, conversion,.estimation. , .
0-7803-8273-0104/$20.00 02004 IEEE 3335
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