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Why did Dredd fop at the box ofce? By Louis Pollock.

The flm Dredd 3D is based on the classic comic strip 2000 AS Judge
Dredd. Released in 2012, Dredd 3D as up against some o! the most o!
the biggest flms released in the 21st centur" such as A#engers Assembled
and The Dar$ %night rises hich both came out be!ore Dredd 3D. There
are a lot o! reasons to h" this flmed !ailed but the main 3 reasons to h"
it !ailed are !rom these three main parts& 're( 'roduction, 'roduction and
'ost 'roduction. )rom these three parts sho a di*erent reason to h" this
flm +opped.
)irstl" be!ore this flm as released, a flm in the ,0-s as made !rom the
comic strip as ell and li$e Dredd 3D this flm as also a !ailure hich as
ritten b" the same man in Dredd 3D. The flm in Dredd 3D as more
related to a martial arts flm than a comic boo$ character hero and as
also similar to a flm that as released in the same "ear as ell The Raid.
.oth flms had to go up le#els to the top o! a building a de!eat the enem"
or the main problem o! the flm. The Raid came out be!ore Dredd as ell
hich made the Dredd flm loo$ li$e it as cop"ing it and this is another
reason to h" it !ailed because this then put people o* atching the flm
as it as made out as it as the same flm.
Secondl", the certifcate o! the flm is an 1/ hich alread" restricts the
audience to 1/ "ears old or o#er, hich in result o! this made it get a lot
loer #ies in the cinemas than it should o!, compared to the A#engers
Assembled hich as a 12 certifcate, the" could iden there audience
more then Dredd could. This as the main issue to h" the flmed !ailed
because ha#ing the certifcate at 1/ is too high age range and some
people are put o* b" 0ust loo$ing at the certifcate because the" !eel as i!
there ill be too much blood and action in the flm.
A third reason to h" the flm !ailed at the bo1 o2ce as because o! it-s
lo budget. .ecause o! it-s lo budget it onl" had under 340 million at the
bo1 o2ce hich is #er" lo e#en !or a lo budget flm. 5n their opening
ee$end the" onl" made 36,27/,8,1. 9omparing this to their ri#al flms
that "ear this total amount as too lo to compete against these other
bloc$ buster flms. A e1ample o! the other ri#al flms budget as an
a#erage o! 3280 million ith the A#engers spending 3230 million and The
Dar$ %night rises spending 3240 million hich automaticall" puts Dredd
on the bac$ !oot. This is mainl" due to The A#engers and The Dar$ %night
Rises are apart o! the :ar#el !ranchise hich again brings in a large
audience 0ust because o! the !ranchise. Also their riter;producer as Ale1
<arland hich is un$non to me and un($non to man" people hich
alread" made a ma0or set bac$ as some people are attracted to flms
because o! the directors and the riters o! mo#ies and also the most
popular directors ma$e flms more en0o"able because the" are ell $non.

Another reason to h" Dredd !ailed is because it didn-t star a A(list star in
it. .ut because o! the lo budget that Dredd had it as impossible to ha#e
an A(list star in their mo#ie, !or e1ample in the A#engers Assembled, the"
had lots o! A(list stars, one being Robert Done" Jr, as he cost 340 million
to star in the A#engers Assembled hich then e1ceeds the budget !or the
hole Dredd flm, but ith someone li$e Robert Done" Jr in "our flm
ould dra a big audience because o! his status as an A(list actor. Due to
the lac$ o! A(list actors and actresses in Dredd, it did not ha#e the appeal
in bo1 o2ce compared to their main ri#als The A#engers Assembled and
The Dar$ %night Rises. The actors and actresses !or Dredd ere %arl =rban
ho pla"ed Judge Dredd, 5li#e Thirlb" ho pla"ed Anderson and >ena
?eade" ho 'la"ed :a(:a, comparing this to the A#engers, most o! these
Actors and Actresses ere un$non ere as in the A#engers the" had
stars such as Samuel > Jac$son, 9hris @#ans, Scarlett Johansson and man"
more A(list stars.
An the Dredd flm, it didn-t change location throughout the flm, because o!
it-s lo budget this then suited it #er" ell. The Buarter o! the building
that the" built !or the flm suited the flms budget but !or the rest o! the
building, this as then green screened hich again as a cheaper a" to
flm b" not renting out a hole building. .ecause the flm as based
around one location, this then could put o* people atching this flm
because it lac$s #ariet" o! the location and could end up boring people
hal! a" through the flm as the" ould !eel that it has a predictable
ending and also a predictable stor" line. 9omparing this to the A#engers
Assembled the" changed location throughout the flm due to the #ariet" o!
characters !rom di*erent flms coming in as one CThe A#engersD hich b"
changing the location !or each super hero in the mo#ie made it more
entertaining as "ou could see the di*erent homes o! the heroes in the flm.
This is another reason h" the Dredd flm as a !ailure because o! its
location and its lac$ o! #ariet" o! locations in the flm hich made the flm
less entertaining to atch.
Another reason to h" the flm +opped as because the technolog" used
in flm as not best technolog" the" could o! used. The flmed originall"
named Dredd 3D because the flming o! Dredd as mainl" done ith 3D
technolog". .ecause o! using this technolog" in the flm, it le!t the flm to
be produced #er" cheapl". This lead most o! the flming to be done in 9ape
Ton, South A!rica hich as an ideal location !or the flm to be flmed in
but it as also a cheaper option !or flming than in locations such as >os
Angeles here most bloc$buster flms are flmed but do not come at a
cheap price. .ecause o! this cheap location this meant the flm could
concentrate more on the technolog" and special e*ects. The special
e*ects hich stood out in the flm as the slo(mo e*ect, at the start o!
the flm A !elt that this e*ect as a good edition to the flm as it ma$es "ou
!eel as an audience atching !eel in#ol#ed in the flm, but as the flm ent
on the e*ect as used more and more and this then made the e*ect less
entertaining than it as at the start.
An conclusion this flm as a !ailure all o#er !rom its 1/ certifcate hich
restricted an audience to atch the flm and put o* most people atching
the flm, comparing this to the li$es o! A#engers and The Dar$ %night
Rises, both being 12 certifcate ere aloud to iden there audience than
Dredd. Also being a lo budget flm this puts the flm on a bac$ !oot as the
ri#al flms in 2012 ere all high budget flms hich again a*ected them as
the" could not get as man" A(list stars that the" need to ma$e this flm a
bloc$buster flm such as The A#engers, and also it restricted their location
ith the lo budget hich again ma$es the flm less entertaining because
o! the same location throughout the flm. Although the flm +opped at the
bo1 o2ce, in the long run ith the flm going out on DED, E5D C#ideo on
demandD and being shon on TE, this is the a" in hich the flm ill
ma$e it-s proft that the flm deser#es but all in all the flm as a !ailure.

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