Westbourne Baptist Church

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Welcome to our Service!

Thank you for worshiping with us

today. We trust you will be blessed
and encouraged by the Word of

Please use the Connecting Card
attached to this Bulletin to share
any concerns or prayer requests
you may have.

Our Ministry Staff Contact Info
Senior Pastor Bill Finch
Worship Director Alfredo Faundez
alfredo@ westbourneministries.ca
Childrens Director Maria-Jose Faundez
Admin Assistant Bonnie Baldwin

Offices located at: #221 Westbourne Place

Nursery: 0 - 3 years old
Childrens Church: 4 - 10 years old,
during the sermon.
Library: Open for an hour both
before & after the service.
Upstairs across from the kitchen.
Contact is Betty Ferguson

At that time the disciples came to
Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in
the kingdom of heaven?
calling to him a child, he put him in
the midst of them
and said, Truly, I
say to you, unless you turn and
become like children, you will never
enter the kingdom of heaven.
Whoever humbles himself like this
child is the greatest in the kingdom of
Matthew18:1-4 ESV

Pr ocl ai mi ng the gl or y of God to the Nati ons
Gods Antidote
Pastor Bill Finch
Matthew 18:1-4
Oct. 5, 2014

Missionary Memo
October 5, 2014

We think often of the WT missionaries who work in closed places--
families who put everything on the line for Christ. When one hears
their stories it gives us the burning desire to go back in time or
somehow renew ourselves in order to join them in their quest.

Prayer is needed for these people who cannot be named and for others
to be motivated to go to such regions.

Pray for the arrival of the money we have been expecting from the
government to build a campus; a basic one. It has been in the works for
a while now and we so much need a dedicated place to teach rather than
the temporary conditions we are in now.

Pray for Art as he continues to teach young men who will become
pastors and Christian leaders in the national churches.

Pray for the people we minister to - the local people frequently
succumb to the major diseases of typhoid, malaria and aids to name the
biggest causes of death.
Pray that the cycle in the medical and education fields will be broken -
let me explain briefly....the government trains and employs medical
personnel and teachers to work in villages and they get a monthly salary
and rice supply. The majority of these people do not go to their place of
service consequently the villagers do not get education or medical
help. The workers continue to get their wages but live in town. Sad to
say, those who consider themselves Christians do not act
differently. It is heart breaking to visit villages to hear of their
unnecessary suffering.
Pray for peace and our safety during the next few months. Thank
you so much for your interest and prayers. Love from Art and Carol

Missionaries of the WeekArt and
Carol Clark working with World
Team in Indonesia (Papua)
S p e c i a l An n o u n c e me n t s

Mark your calendar for 5 Pin Bowling
Paradise Lanes 3411 17 Ave S.E. Calgary
Start time 6:00 pm Approx. 10.00 each
Dennys Restaurant afterwards.
Please call Sharon Whitlock for more info. 403-615-5103

Oct. 24 & 25
National Mens Conference
Bow Valley Christian Church Calgary
Group of 10 men registered by Oct.5 - $55.00
If less than 10, cost will be $60.00
Registration after Oct. 7 cost will be $70.00-$80.00
Please sign up at the Welcome Centre

We are currently looking for volunteers for Childrens
Sign-up sheet available at the Welcome Centre

Please note: We are also looking to hire a part-time Admin.
Assistant for the Pre-School.
For information please see Maria-Jose Faundez after the service
or email: maria-jose@westbourneministries.ca

The Bible recognizes no faith that does not lead to
obedience, nor does it recognize any obedience that
does not spring from faith. The two are opposite sides of
the same coin. A. W. Tozer

Where does the Bible talk about the Fruits of the Spirit?
A. Psalms
B. Galatians
C. Luke
D. Genesis
Answer: back of bulletin
Happening This Week
We invite you to join us!
Our small groups gather once a week to pray and study Gods word in
the series Recovering Redemption by Matt Chandler and Michael

Speak with Pastor Bill to find out where you can be connected into
a small group in your area!

Prayer and Praise for:
Celebration and prayer for Henry & Daphne Tucks
Diamond Wedding Anniversary!
Small Group Study teams- Pray that we are not the same people
after 12 weeks of learning Gods Word!
Operation Christmas Child-Pray for their ministry
The Arabic church which meets here on Saturday evenings
Pray for W.B.C. Finances Jerry Derksen
Budgeted income for first quarter.$54,375.00
ACTUAL income for first quarter....$30,889.19

Ongoing Announcements
For Calgary Tower Pass / Canada Parks Pass, contact Ruth Lee
Donations accepted via PayPal at www.westbourneministries.ca
New Announcements to the Office no later than 10:00am Thurs prior.

Answer: B. Galatians (Galatians 5:22-23)

823- 64th Avenue NW Calgary, AB T2K 0M6
Phone: (403) 274-1440
Recovering Redemption, what does it mean?
Because we have a tendency to drift from the
gospel, we must be reoriented back to the
gospel. We must recover a right
understanding and application of the gospel.
We must see that the gospel is the fuel for
salvation and sanctification and the panacea
to fix all things.

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