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Welcome to Archiving in T24 learning unit of the T24 Administration Course.

In this
learning unit, you will learn about the archiving process in T24.
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
learning unit, you will learn about the archiving process in T24.
After completing this learning unit, you will be able to:
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
1. Analyze the importance of archiving data in T24
2. State the archival process in T24
3. Identify the importance of ARCHIVE application in T24
4. State the advantage of the archival process in T24
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
Lots of transactions could be processed on a normal working day in a bank. Whenever you
input an FT transaction, statement entries are generated. STMT.ENTRY is the application
that contains details of all entries over customer and internal accounts. Entries are
generated in this file by every on-line and batch process which involves debiting or crediting
Accounts. On a normal working day there could be lot of entries updated in this application.
Over a period of time this may occupy a lot space in the database and could be a
performance hindrance. In order to avoid such problems data in these files can be archived.
1. Archiving process removes data from the application and moves it to historic data
2. In T24 the archived records are stored in a $ARC file in T24 and it is deleted from the
3. The archived records are stored for future reporting purpose
Files to be archived need to have an entry in ARCHIVE application. Lets now look at the
fields of the ARCHIVE application,
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
fields of the ARCHIVE application,
DESCRIPTION A general description is specified in this field
Based on what factor are you going to archive the records? Lets say that you are going to
archive records based on date,
PURGE.DATE In this field you specify a valid T24 date. Records older than purge date will
be archived.
RETENTION.PERIOD If you do not specify purge date you may specify the date in the
RETENTION.PERIOD field. Records older than the retention period will then be archived.
Value in this field is specified in the format NNY or NNM where, NN is either a number of
months or years. This field is only used if the field PURGE.DATE is null. For example lets
say TODAY is 31 March 2010. In RETENTION.PERIOD the value specified is 01M ,
meaning the records older than 1 February 2010 will be archived.
ARCHIVE.DATA By specifying a value Y here, you tell the system to archive data in the
$ARC files.
Where are the archived records stored in T24?
$ARC.PATHNAME Specify the pathname of the directory where the $ARC file will reside.
If the directory does not exist, it will be created. If this field is left blank and ARCHIVE.DATA
is set to 'Y', the $ARC file will be created in archive directory which will be created under Always specify the path name for the archive files.
ARC.FILENAME This field contains the names of all the $ARC files which will be created
when archiving is run. This field is populated when the record is delivered. For
CATEG.ENTRY the files that are to be archived are CATEG.ENT.ACTIVITY ,
Field range ARC.FILENAME to MODULUS are related multi-value fields, which describe the
archive files which will be created.
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
archive files which will be created.
FILE.TYPE - When the $ARC file is created, the file type will default to the file type of the live
file. However, if a file type is entered here, this will be used in preference. This field is used
in older database (Universe)
MODULUS - When the $ARC file is created, the modulus of the file will default to the
modulus of the live file. However, if a modulus is entered here, this will be used in
preference. Lets say that your live file has 10000 records and you want to archive only 5000
records , based on the number of records you may specify the modulo here.
Can you stop the archiving process after a certain number of records are processed?
STOP.INDICATOR - When this field is set to Y the archiving process is halted. This field
works in unison with the CHECK.NO.OF.RECS field
CHECK.NO.OF.RECS Here you specify the number of records processed each time
before STOP.INDICATOR is checked. This field may be changed whilst archival is running
and will take effect the next time the record is checked. The default value is 1000 records.
ROUTINE T24 core routine name is specified here. This field is populated when the record
is released and should not be changed unless a site specific program has been written. This
field holds the core routine that actually performs the archival process for CATEG.ENTRY.
Field range COMPANY.RUN.IN to TIME.ENDED are related multi-value fields, which are
system populated when archiving is run. They maintain a history of each time archiving was
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
system populated when archiving is run. They maintain a history of each time archiving was
COMPANY.RUN.IN The company for which archival was run. This field is updated by T24.
TIME.STARTED- Time when the archival was started is updated here
USER.ID T24 updates this field with the user id who initiated the archival process
DATE.SELECTED PURGE.DATE selected for the archival process by the user is updated
STOP.REQUESTED This field is updated to YES if stop indicator is requested by the user
else it is updated as NO.
RECS.DELETED Total number of records that were deleted from the main file when
archiving is run
RECS.PROCESSED Total number of records that were processed by the archival process
TIME.ENDED End time of the archival process is updated here
Note: There are a few more fields in the ARCHIVE application which would be discussed
later in this course.
The application ARC.GENERIC.REQUEST is used to initiate the actual archiving process .
ARC.GENERIC.REQUEST application has only one record with id as SYSTEM.
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
ARC.GENERIC.REQUEST application has only one record with id as SYSTEM.
ARCHIVE.ID Here you specify a valid ARCHIVE record id. This is a multi-value field hence
you may archive the other files also.
To initiate the archiving process the record in ARC.GENERIC.REQUEST should be verified.
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
You will now learn the archival process in T24,
1. Before you start the archiving process, ensure that you take a back-up of the T24
2. Decide the file that is to be archived. Archiving is run on a set of files in T24. Lets say
that you are going to archive the category entries. The archive record for category entries
is CATEG.ENTRY. The Files that will be archived are
3. After you have decided the file, specify the retention period in the archive record. You can
also specify the path where data has to be archived
4.Now verify the SYSTEM record in ARC.GENERIC.REQUEST
5.After you set the system for archiving data, start the TSM
6.Finally launch the tSAs to archive the records
Before you archive the records you can take a count on the number of records in all the live
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
1. Create a VOC to fetch the record count of all the three files namely ,
2. When you execute the VOC you could see the total number of records stored in each
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
The archival process is initiated as a service in T24. All the services are defined in
TSA.SERVICE application and for archival process the record defined in TSA.SERVICE is
BNK/ARC.GENERIC. The field SERVICE.CONTROL in TSA.SERVICE will be set to start
once you verify the SYSTEM record in ARC.GENERIC.REQUEST. The TSM will request
you to manually launch the tSAs once it is started in the foreground mode.
Launch the agents in a separate telnet session.
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
Lets now see how the records are archived ,
The archival files are created under the archive directory. Then the date of the
CATEG.ENT.ACTIVITY record is checked against the PURGE.DATE , if the date of the
record is less than the PURGE.DATE then the record is copied to the $ARC file and then it
is removed from the main file. Else the record is retained in the main file.
The CATEG.ENT.ACTIVITY records are processed first then the corresponding
CATEG.ENTRY records are processed. Once all records on CATEG.ENT.ACTIVITY have
been processed, RE.CONSOL.PROFIT will be examined for any records older than the
purge date and these records will also be archived.
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
Lets now see how purge date is calculated for archival process. Assume that T24 date is 31
March 2010.
1. When PURGE.DATE is set to 1 FEB 2010, the calculated value for purge date is 1 Feb
2. Now lets say that instead of specifying the PURGE.DATE you have set
RETENTION.PERIOD to 01M . What is the value calculated for the purge date?
Purge date value is 1 Feb 2010. When RETENTION.PERIOD is specified always the
purge date is calculated to the first day of the month.
After the archival process is over, check the record count of the $ARC files.
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
The archived records are stored onto the $ARC files. Use the LIST command to view the set
of records stored under the CATEG.ENTRY$ARC and CATEG.ENT.ACTIVITY$ARC files.
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
of records stored under the CATEG.ENTRY$ARC and CATEG.ENT.ACTIVITY$ARC files.
Temenos provides you a set of files that can be archived. Some of them are
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
Using enquiries you can view the records stored in $ARC files. You can copy the existing
enquiry of CATEG.ENTRY and change the field FILE.NAME to CATEG.ENTRY$ARC file.
Using this enquiry you can view the records in $ARC file.
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
Here you see a list of records that are store in the CATEG.ENTRY$ARC file.
Note: DEFAULT.ARCHIVE.VIEW is the generic enquiry used to view the archived records.
There is an alternative method of performing the archival process. A new record is created
in the ARCHIVE application where the record id can be any user defined text. The fields
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
in the ARCHIVE application where the record id can be any user defined text. The fields
from DESCRIPTN till CHECK.NO.OF.RECS is updated in the same way as explained in the
earlier method. Now we will discuss some more fields that will be used in this method.
ROUTINE This field should be updated with the generic archival routine, i.e.
GENERIC.METHOD This is set to Y, denoting the generic archival method used
MAIN.FILE This field should contain a valid application name that needs to be archived
FILTER.RTN- Accepts a valid routine name which has an EB.API entry. This routine gets
executed during archival service. Applications can place business logic and determine if the
record needs be archived or not.
RELATED.FILES.RTN This field accepts a valid routine name which has an entry in
application EB.API. This gets executed during archival service. Applications can place
business logic and determine if the related files need be archived or not.
FIELD.TO.CHECK - This field specifies the date field contained in the contract which should
be checked when the decision to archive a record is made. If no field is specified here the
standard date and time field is used for comparison.
Once all these fields are updated in the newly created record (TEST), the SYSTEM record
of ARC.GENERIC.REQUEST should be verified. This will automatically set the
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
of ARC.GENERIC.REQUEST should be verified. This will automatically set the
SERVICE.CONTROL field of ARC.GENERIC service to START. Further, by executing the
necessary tSAs required for the service, the specified files would be archived and stored
under the respective $ARC folders.
1. Archived records are stored in a $ARC file and it is deleted from the application True /
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
Answer : True
2. In the archive record it is mandatory to specify the value for fields RETENTION.PERIOD
and PURGE.DATE True / False
Answer : False
3. The archival process is executed as a service in T24 True / False
Answer: True
4. Services for archival need to be started manually by the user True / False
Answer: False
5. In the ARCHIVE record when STOP.INDICATOR field is set to Y the archiving process is
halted after processing a certain number of records as specified in
CHECK.NO.OF.RECS field - True / False
Answer : True
1. Archiving process removes data from the application and moves it to historic data
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
2. Archived records are stored in the $ARC files
3. Files to be archived need to have an entry in ARCHIVE application
4. ARC.GENERIC.REQUEST application has only one record with id as SYSTEM
5. The archival process is initiated once the SYSTEM record is verified in
6. Enquiries can be used to view the records stored in the $ARC files
In this learning unit, you have learnt about the archiving process in T24. You will be able to,
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01
1. Analyze the importance of archiving data in T24
2. State the archival process in T24
3. Identify the importance of ARCHIVE application in T24
4. State the advantage of the archival process in T24
ADM10 Archiving in T24-R10.01

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