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BUGEN 1530




Billy, Team Members, Coach, Joseph
Main Argument:
To win the national championship the team made a rule that nobody will drink any alcoholic
product but Billy (team captain) knew that one of the player Joseph was drunk before their
tournament start.
Reasons and Rationalization:
It is ethical to inform to the coach and his teammates about joseph and he should be penalized.
Joseph is the best friend of Billy so if Billy penalized him then he might be angry with him.
Joseph break their major rule before their tournament and because of that the team might lose
their game as well.
Most powerful and rational response
In my view Joseph is not serious about their tournament and their teams goal so he break the
major rule so he have to feel that he did wrong. As they have created the rules before joseph
have to get penalized by one game suspension and he have to realize that he did wrong and
because of only one player they can lose the game.

INTRODUCTION: Good morning everyone. Today we are doing this scenario and the title of our
presentation is No I in Team . Sanjeev is playing the main role of Billie. Adarsh is doing the role of
Joseph as well as Coach. Bimala will be narrating the whole scenario. The main theme of this play is to
show the importance of teamwork in the game rather than supporting one player and not putting any
other players at stake. This is about the fair judgments and giving values to all the players equally.

NARRATOR: Billy, being the best player of the soccer team in his senior season, has been elected as a
captain by his coaches and team members. He accepted the challenge and took this huge responsibility
to achieve their ultimate goal which is winning national championship. This season and the whole team
meant the world to him. As a captain, he along with other coaches and team members, wanted to
implement rules and regulations which will bound the players to do the best for the games. After having
some discussion over some obstacles that might be created, Billy wanted to share these rules to other
team members.
BILLY: Thanks to all of you for giving this privilege to lead this team as a captain. Since the game is
approaching, we are having lots of pressure at this stage. So to nail this game, we all have decided to set
out some important rules which will boost in our practice session. We can develop more confidence.
Thats why regular attendance is compulsory. Remember this is a team no a one-man show and each of
us will have to work harder. We have also realize that our biggest hurdle is distraction caused by alcohol.
So what we think is we should to staying away from alcohol during this season and lets put our best
effort to win this championship. Do you think this idea is right way to proceed forward?
TEAM MEMBERS: Yes, thats great idea we totally accept it. Lets make it a dry season.
NARRATOR: Billy also reminds them about the penalty for violating rules.
BILLY: ok guys, the penalty for violating this rule is one game suspension and it applies strictly to all of
us. Please bear in mind, there would be no excuses acceptable. I want make sure everyone is in the
same page.
NARRATOR: Everyone agrees. Billy, as a team captain, have to make sure that there is no such mistake
by any one of the players which would let the team spirit down. Billy also handled all those minor
problems quickly and resolved in a way that was reasonable and consistent with team rules. But, later
on, before their tournament he got notified that his own best friend who was also the best player,
Joseph, violates the major team rule. Their mutual friend had seen joseph having drinks at the party.
Billy was completely socked, he couldnt believe his ears. He is completely torn by this disobedience
shown by one of the best team player. He asks himself;
BILLY: Shouldnt joseph be taking these rules seriously? When we all team members mutually agreed of
having dry season for the sake of our game, why did he breach the rule? Should I believe in what I just
heard? Should I be confronting him just to make sure if it is true? What if it is just the fake rumor to
lessen our team spirit? But anyways I have to know the fact for all my team sake.
NARRATOR: Billy confronted Joseph and found out that he was drinking that night. Joseph was
extremely apologetic.
JOSEPH: I truly apologize for my misconduct. I know I have let you down but trust me it wont happen
again. Please let it be for this time. We are best friend remember? Lets keep this as a secret between us
and no one will ever know what had happen. Let bygones be bygones and start it as a fresh chapter.
Trust me ...if we both zip our mouth and act like nothing had happened, no one will know about it.
NARRATOR: Now Billly is in a situation of dilemma. He doesnt want to let his team members down as it
will be completely unfair to them if he does joseph a favor. At the same time, he doesnt want to betray
his best friend. There are so many things rumbling in his head.
BILLY (to himself): I am just trapped in the situation where I dont want to lose the faith of my best
friend and I dont want to unfair to my team too. I am the leading example to them and it doesnt suit
me to take favor of the guilty and double cross my team member. We all have equally worked hard to
get there and I should leave no stone unturned to give honest information and punish joseph for his
irresponsible activity. Yeah.. its all about fair behavior that I as a captain, have to show my fellow team
members. I should raise this issue to my coach and team members and discuss what we should be
NARRATOR: Billy goes to the coach to discuss over this serious issue.
BILLY: Hi coach. Sorry for the interruption but I have a very serious issue that needs to be sorted out
COACH: oh! What happened Billy?
BILLY: Actually, I want to point out the mistake by joseph. Being one of the best player, he has violated
our major team rules. And I think he deserves to get penalized. My understanding says the rule of
penalizing is equally imposed to everyone who breaks the rule: doesnt matter if he is my best friend. I
cant act dishonest and save joseph for his mistake in this situation. So to be fair to all, joseph needs to
be penalized.
COACH: Hmm. I totally agree with what you say Billy. Joseph needs to get suspension, no doubt in it. At
least he has to realize his mistake of letting everyone down.
NARRATOR: Billy also addresses this situation to all team members including joseph so that they know
what was happening and he also makes joseph clear about the rules.
BILLY: sorry joseph. Rule is rule. Just because you are my best friend I cant change this rule and show
unfair behavior to all the teammates. Look, its not our personal issue but I have to make it clear to you
as a captain of the team. We all believe in team work and we have to keep up with this team spirit. In
fact you as the best player, should be acting as a leading example to all the teams here rather than being
disrespectful to our team rules. Well, we all feel completely bad for not having one of the best player in
our next game but this would give you a chance to rectify it.
JOSEPH: oh... Thats alright. I know I have let you guys down. And I am quite embarrassed for what I
have done. Cmon I will not take it personally I know its part of your job. I respect you and your decision
and I make sure this wont happen again. I understand when I comes to the rules like this, there should
be fair and honest judgments like this.

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