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spate of action, threatened strikes
and protests show the anger that
is bubbling away over pay and other
issues among bus workers.
In Wigan Unite members at
Stagecoach have already struck for two
days. Tey plan further strikes on 8 and
14 October.
In Bedford its also Unite members at
Stagecoach who are involved. Tey plan
strikes on Monday 6 and Wednesday
8 October, over a two-year below
ination pay oer.
In September Unite members at
London United threatened strikes,
which would have caused chaos in
West London. But the mere threat of
action won them signicant movement
from management.

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Buses 02/10/14
Tis came soon after a
demonstration, organised by Unite, by
hundreds of bus workers in London.
It was over the question of central
bargaining and getting one rate for the
job across the capital.
Te squeeze on wages and a race
to the bottom has continued for years
across the industry.
Tory privatisation and deregulation
got us here. But it continued under
Labour. If the Labour Party wants
money from Unite members (and we
donate millions) it should bring the
buses back into public hands as soon
as they are back in oce.
Deregulation and privatisation has
meant that the employers can pile
up the prots while they drive down
wages and conditions.
Te competition between operators
fuels the assault on wages, but also
leads to two and even three tier rates
of pay for new starters at companies
around Britain.
Real terms pay cuts wrapped up as
pay rises have been the norm at many
companies for years.
Like millions of other workers, bus
workers were asked to tighten their
belts during the recession.
Well, according to the Tories the
recession is over so why cant workers
have a fair deal on pay now?
Te action in Wigan and Bedford
shows the way forward.
Bus workers have the power to win
far more than they are getting, but that
power has to be brought to bear by the
unions. Tat means more strikes.
Striking Stagecoach workers in Wigan
Stop the
bombing of Iraq
British planes have now joined the US led
assault on Iraq. Already there is talk of
spreading the bombing to Syria.
Many people will have been shocked by
the growth of Islamic State and the footage
of executions. But the idea that more
bombs will stop the violence is absurd.
This is the third war in Iraq. Each time
we are told that war will stop extremism.
Each time the opposite happens.
Successive British governments have
claimed we dont have enough money to
spend on our public services. But they
can always nd billions when they want to
launch another disastrous war!
To complement the war abroad,
Theresa May has launched a new attempt
to brand Muslims as the enemy within at
the Tory conference.
But Muslims arent the enemy the
Tories are. Dont let them divide us.
Say no to the war. Join the Stop the
War demonstrations this Saturday, 4
October. Assemble at:
London: 1pm at Temple Place,
Embankment, WC2R 3BD.
Glasgow: 1pm Buchanan Street,
(at the steps of the Royal Concert Hall)

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