Southern Cross Institute

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Southern Cross Institute


Instructor: Michelle Whelan

Creator: Liam Tran

1. Animation format.....................................................................................................2
2. Organization profile and location........................................................................2
3. Target audience.......................................................................................................3
4. Budget........................................................................................................................3
5. Time scale..................................................................................................................4
6. Meetings.....................................................................................................................4
7. Changes.....................................................................................................................5
8. Full Path – Longest/ hard path.............................................................................5
9. Shortest/ easy path.................................................................................................6
10. Consulting with experts and colleagues.......................................................7
11. Language...............................................................................................................7
1. Animation format
“Recycle” is a short animation created using Adobe Flash CS3
Professional and will be given to three urban preschools and primary
schools in Melbourne Australia, as an educational entertainment
encouraging kids to recycle their rubbishes and dispose them in the
right places. The animation will be about 2 to 3 minutes long and
consist of real life photographs and simple cartoon drawings.

2. Organization profile and location

In this short animation there will be two main characters
including a general rubbish bin and a recycle rubbish bin that urban
kids can see anywhere in Melbourne city and surrounding suburbs.
Organizations that this animation is produced for include
(assumptions) Queen Vic Preschool locating in Melbourne CBD, St
George Primary School in Carlton and The Royal Melbourne Primary
School in Richmond. All these schools locate in the city or within 5
miles from the city. Pupils going to these schools are kids both male
and female from 4 to 12 years old.

This brief not only outlines the project but also proposes to receive
sponsorship from ABC catering company who supplies meals to
these three schools. Company name and logo will be shown at the
beginning and end of the animation.

3. Target audience
Target audiences are therefore preschoolers from 4 to 6 years old
and tweenies from 7 to 12 years old, both male and female. These
age groups are chosen as the perception of willingly protecting
environment and recycling rubbish should be taught from early age
so that it will become more of a habit rather than an effort. Kids going
to these urban preschools and primary schools are targeted also
because there will be more possibilities that they spend most of their
time in the area to live, learn or going out with their families and
interact with rubbish bins themselves. Income and occupation are not
4. Budget
This animation is made by a volunteer therefore budget will be
minimized and for non-profit purposes.

Computer and software program (Adobe Flash CS3 Professional) will

be provided by one of the three schools, so cost for these is $0. If
these can’t be provided by school, a computer having this program
will be hired ($5 per hour, total of 12days (6 weekends of 2 days
each) x 8 hours x $5 = $480)

Transport: public transport weekend 16 days = 4 tickets (5 time

weekend) = 4 x $15 = $60

Per hour of work $0

Actors: In this animation there will be photographs of real hand

movements. This requires performance of two actors that can be one
male student and one female student for just one hour each. $50 per
hour total $100

Music: there can be a few options with music for this animation.
Background music could be chosen from school musical
performances of pupils and teachers of these schools. Music teacher
might help in composing a short simple and cute song. Otherwise, it
is also possible to ask for permission to use songs of local music
composers as this animation is purely for education purpose. If not
any of these options can be done, a short song can be written by a
musical student for $800 (approx 16 hours of work)

Sound (voice): 2 local students with nice warm voice $50 per hour;
total of 2 hours each student, equal $200

Studio: $0
– Small working space with white background for photographing
will be provided by one of three schools
– Small quite room for recording voice will provided by one of
three schools
Hire studio ($300 per day, 2 days = $600)

Budget summary Ideal budget Backup budget

Computer and software $0 $480
Transport $60 $60
Animator (volunteer) $0 $0
Actors (student) $100 $100
Music $0 $800
Voice $100 $100
Studio $0 $600
Misc $100 $100
Total $360 $2240

1. Time scale
Real time schedule of 8 weeks
Deadline is strictly within 8 weeks by Christmas 2009 so animation
will be shown in the new term 2010 after Christmas and New Year
break. The project will start from Saturday 24th October 2009 and will
end on the 20th December 2009.

2. Meetings
Three meetings with expert (Michelle) for consultation
Week 2: Briefing, Shaping idea and concept and Planning
Week 4: Transferring story board and concept into actual
animation, adjust animation and making sure the animation is on right
track and serve its purpose.
Week 8: Finalize project and making final adjustments
Three meetings with clients/ organizations
Week 3: With representatives from the three schools and
ABC catering company to show idea, concepts, objectives of project,
planning, design brief, character design, planning and storyboard.
Week 5: With representatives from the three schools to
discuss about process and direction of the project (e.g. language,
images, etc) to ensure they are suitable for kids this age.
Week 8: With representatives from the three schools and
ABC catering company to show final product and also receive
possible feedbacks for final adjustments.

(Refer to meeting dairy for contents of meetings)

3. Changes
Most possible changes are in budget part because this project is non-
profitable and most of it depends on support of many parties. Without
these helps and supports, the project will be done in a more
expensive way as outlined in “backup budget” part. Other possible
changes could be from meetings with clients. More specific
requirements might be raised for the animation to target and
communicate with their pupils better.

4. Full Path – Longest/ hard path

(The best path for this project)


Develop concepts

Consultant meeting 1


Character Design


Consultant meeting 2

Client meeting 1


Photographing hand movements

Recording voices

Build flash animation


Client meeting 2

Combining all parts of animation

Consulting meeting 3

Editing and adjusting

Client meeting 3

Final adjustments

5. Shortest/ easy path

Planning , Develop concepts , Brief ,
Design characters , Storyboard , Script

Consultant meeting 1&

Client meeting 1

Photograph hand movements , Record

voice , Build Flash animation , Music

Consultant meeting 2&

Client meeting 2

Combine all parts of animation

Consultant meeting 3&

Client meeting 3

Final adjustments

6. Consulting with experts and colleagues

Consulting will be implemented through three main meeting outlined
in time scale part. There will also be on going communication and
receiving ideas and feedback from colleagues on every working day.

7. Language
Language will be kept a minimal amount, short, simple and preferably
with a sense of humor that is suitable for kids at younger ages.
Project Schedule
1. Diary: Research and evaluate “Halo in the

Draw a rubbish bin
Street background
Recycle rubbish bin
Two rubbish bins
2. Dairy: design and plan.
One page of drawing and doodles and sketches

Meeting with client

What might work and clients want to keep
– Concept
– Sketches of rubbish bin
– Familiar Melbourne street background
– Combination of real images and animations
– Length of animation

What didn’t work

– Clients don’t have resources to compose music
– Simple short songs that are familiar with children can be
1. Diary: Visual impact
Two main characters are made to be different:
No body
Square face
Big round eyes
Big mouth
Small legs and feet with shoes
No arms/ hands
Happy go lucky
Lively and full of energy
Drawings of two characters
Thin lines
Light colors
2. Dairy: Color
Main colors will be light for a few reasons
– Strong colors can be used to emphasize certain details such as
shoes, eyes, etc
– Drawings will be clear and clean and so emotions of characters
will be clearer
– Create contrast of real images and animations

Drawings of chosen colors

1. Diary: Third dimension
Rubbish bin

A front view

Back view

Side views
Recycle bin

A front view

Back view

Side views
2. Diary: Facial expression
What is the character going to look like with emotions
One page per character
3. Diary: characters’ personality
Who is your character
What are their goals
How is it going to help the product
Add this to the diary.
4. Diary: backgrounds
Draw by hand or computer of background you are going to use.
Add to the diary why these colors and these design.
One page per background.
5. Dairy: Meetings and Changes
Please when you do write out your diary please put details in, also
write it out like you are really having these meetings with the
client. Also if you change your mind on things thought out the
animations, explain that you did change your mind, but write it out as
if the clients change their minds. Also explain with certain things
with the project that it was both you and the client coming up with
the idea.

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