Frontpage: 72Nd Community in Panic Over Ebola

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EBOLA News Extra
VOL 8 NO.691
These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of
the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The
rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials
banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Research, Policy and Planning Department,
Central Bank Liberia,
Monrovia, Liberia
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 L$84.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1
L$84.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1
L$85.00/US$1 L$84.00/US$1
EBOLA - pg.3


Government weighs court action
against man who transported
Ebola to America

Following news of his illness in the US, people in Thomas Eric Duncans community are
panicking. Already three people linked to the pregnant woman he helped take to the hospital
have died and several others quarantined. But as a closely knit Community, the Block C area
of the 72nd SKD Boulevard area, where Duncan lived many are scared to death about who
will be next in the clutches of Ebola.

Hurting Efforts To
Educate Liberian Girls
Page 2 |
Friday, October 3, 2014
"Out of an abundance of caution,
we're starting with this very wide
net, including people who have
had even brief encounters with the
patient or the patient's home. The
number will drop as we focus in on
those whose contact may represent
a potential risk of infection."
spokeswoman Carrie Williams
disembark from
a school bus
outside The Ivy
where a man
diagnosed with
the Ebola virus
was staying
in Dallas,
October 1, 2014.
homas Eric Duncan, the Liberian who transported the
deadly virus in the U.S. that has now led to reports that
more than 100 persons may have been infected lied on
the Passenger Health Screening Form at the Roberts
International prior to boarding an SN Brussels 1241 Flight. Duncan
Denied making contact or touching anyone with Ebola even though
he helped a pregnant woman unsuccessfully fnd a hospital before her
death to Ebola, just fve days before his departure.
Duncan, according to the government, lied on a questionnaire obtained
by FrontPageAfrica, which all departing passengers are asked to fll
out at the Roberts International Airport (RIA) by answering NO
when asked if he had had contact with anyone infected with the virus
in the past 21 days.
Duncan was specifcally asked whether he had been stuck with a
needle used on an Ebola patient; had body fuids of an Ebola patient
in his eyes, nose or mouth; had taken part in burial or funeral rites,
touched body of someone who had died in an area where there is
Ebola, stayed in a house with or had other casual contact with an
Ebola patient, whether he had taken care of an Ebola patient or come
into contact with body fuids of an Ebola patient or worked in a
laboratory that processes body fuids of confrmed Ebola cases. He
responded NO to all of the questions listed on the form at the RIA.
Denial has been cited as one of the major reasons for the fast spread
of Ebola across Liberia, with patients, suspected patients and people
who knowingly make contacts with family members or others who
die from the virus denying association.
Prosecution awaits Ebola victim
Liberian offcials have expressed anger as what is being described
as false declaration by Duncan on the screening questionnaire form
flled at the airport.
Binyah C. Kesselly, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Liberia
Airport Authority(LAA) disclosed Thursday, plans by the government
to prosecute Duncan for false declaration should he recover from his
illness and return to the country.
Said Kesselly: Knowingly making false declaration is not a joke.
We ask you these things because we dont want a police state where
everybody is put under a hundred percent quarantine. Where we can
follow you every minute of the day to monitor every movement that
you make. We expect people to do the honorable thing but we also
want to unequivocally state that if you leaving the country you are
screened there separate times.
Kesselly says while the government wishes one of its citizens, Mr.
Duncan a speedy recovery, the Minister of Justice is of the opinion
that he can be prosecuted and the ailing Liberian will face justice
should he return to Liberia.
The LAA board chair added: There are a couple of things we need
to make abundantly clear. At the airport, we have a health care
questionnaire that we developed in collaboration with the international
SOS group and with the center for disease control. It has actually
been revised a number of times where there is declaration of all of the
activities you have done within the last 21 days. After we take your
temperature your name and everything else we put on top of the form
you have to fll in and you have to use the honor system. It is virtually
impossible for the government of Liberia and any of you sitting in this
room or listening to my voice to follow somebody every single day
and know whether or not they come in contact with any individual
who has Ebola. We ask you, have you come in contact with anyone
who has had any of the symptoms? Its a whole list of questions. To
all of these questions Mr. Duncan answered no.
FrontPageAfrica has learned that some suggestions foating around
government circles is a proposal to quarantine passengers departing
Liberia for 21 days prior to departure. But concerns about method
and public reactions appear to be shooting the suggestion down but
it remains one option on the table, a government source told FPA
In the 72nd community in which Duncan resided prior to his departure
has reported several deaths but offcials here are yet to quarantine the
area or carry out contact tracing to track those who interacted with
Ebola patient.
It is a common practice in Liberia that before foreign travels
especially to destination such as the United States of America, family
members, friends and close associates spent the last days wishing the
person a safe travel, engaging in ceremonies, a situation that raises
more fears that there might be more contacts with Duncan before his
travel even though a Ministry of Health offcial has allay fears, stating
that Duncan could not have transmitted the virus before his departure
since he was not showing signs and symptoms.
Tolbert Nyenswah, Assistant Health Minister said Thursday The
reason this is important is that if his last day at work was on September
4, 2014 then the Safeway cargo family is not at risk of the disease.
Because at the time on the fourth he did not develop symptoms, he
traveled on the 19 he did not develop symptoms and he developed
symptoms in the United States. And the epidemiology of this disease
is if you dont have symptoms you cannot transmit the disease.
It has been reported that health offcials in the United States are
reaching out to as many as 100 people who may have had contacts
with the frst Ebola patient diagnosed in the U.S., a spokeswoman
with the Texas Department of State Health Services said Thursday.
These are people who are still being questioned because they may
have crossed paths with the patient either at the hospital, at his
apartment complex or in the community.
"Out of an abundance of caution, we're starting with this very wide
net, including people who have had even brief encounters with the
patient or the patient's home," spokeswoman Carrie Williams said.
"The number will drop as we focus in on those whose contact may
represent a potential risk of infection."
The number of direct contacts who have been identifed and are being
monitored right now is "more than 12," a federal offcial is said to
have told CNN on Thursday.

Denial Risk US Ebola Spread
Denial could help spread the virus in the US as according to newswire,
the Lover to Duncan only known as Louise has said she did not make
contact with the body fuid of the Ebola patient.
Despite the close contact, Louise "does not feel that she came into any
contact with any (bodily) fuids" from Duncan, Anderson Cooper who
spoke with the Liberian woman said.
"She says he didn't vomit on her. She wasn't cleaning up after him. She
said he was very much sort of prideful, would take care of himself, go
into the bathroom when he had diarrhea," Cooper said.
Louise and her family are in isolation with sheets and towels used
by the Ebola-stricken Duncan, Cooper said. Louise did use bleach
to clean her apartment, "but it's not clear to me how systematic the
cleaning was," he said.
Duncan half brother Wilfred Smallwood also told CNN that his
21-year-old son is among those quarantined in Louise's apartment.
Smallwood said he became disturbed when told of Louise's accounts
about his brother's sweat-stained sheets in the apartment and the lack
of food.
"I'm skeptical now" about the CDC response, Smallwood said. "That
worries me now, yes."
Fear in Duncans neighborhood
Many residents of the community in which Duncan resided at home
now fear that they might be carrying the Ebola virus.
Irene Senyou lives in an apartment next to Duncans one-bedroom
apartment in a three one-bedroom-apartment fat; she says she is
scared what might happen to her family now that Duncan has Ebola.
She said Duncan helped their landlord carry his sick now dead
6-month old pregnant daughter to the hospital.
"I feel very, very bad. Im afraid, my life, my childrens life, she
says. When the girl got sick, he helped to carry the girl. He helped to
put the girl in the car to take her to the hospital. When they brought
her back he helped to put her in the house.
Members of the community are in panic, they think they have Ebola
and it is just a matter of time that they get sick. Patient Zeros mother
and father are now in isolation and the woman who helped wash her
clothes when she was sick just died yesterday.
Nora Gleyah is a relative of the woman who just died in Duncans
neighborhood and used to care for the pregnant young 19-year-old
woman Weve been interacting because none of us in the yard knew,
she says. We have all been visiting each other and no one knows that
they have the virus. Really, it is proven it is Ebola because all those
who went near the body have started getting sick and they are dying.
The 72nd SKD Boulevard community has come into the spotlight for
the wrong reason and residents of the area are watching each other.
Who will be next?

Friday, October 3, 2014 Page 3
Following news of his illness in the US, people in Thomas Eric Duncans community are panicking. Already three people linked to the
pregnant woman he helped take to the hospital have died and several others quarantined. But as a closely knit Community, the Block C area
of the 72nd SKD Boulevard area, where Duncan lived many are scared to death about who will be next in the clutches of Ebola.
ine-year-old Mercy
Kennedy sobs as her
neighbors tell her
about her mothers
death. She had gone happily to
fetch water with her friends and
some women in the community
yelled at her to leave the
neighborhood well for fear she
might infect the well and their
children with Ebola. Mercys
mother Marie Wreh is among
a string of deaths traced to the
19-year-old pregnant woman
that Thomas Eric Duncan came
in contact with before leaving
Liberia to visit family in the US.
Mercys mother Wreh had taken
care of patient zero Marthaline
Williams who was six months
pregnant in the Duncan Ebola
saga before she died. She washed
Williams clothes and even fell
over her corpse when she died on
September 16, 2014 according to
family members.
Shock Mixed with Panic
The 72nd community, where
Duncan lived was in a state of
shock mixed with panic after
they received news that Duncan
42, had been diagnosed with the
deadly Ebola virus in the US.
Irene Senyou, lives in the
apartment right next to Duncan
in a three-bedroom fat, she has
a one-year-old baby girl and she
is worried about the safety of her
I feel very, very bad. Im afraid,
my life, my childrens life, she
Senyou admits that her next-door
neighbor Duncan helped their
landlord when his (landlord)
pregnant daughter who later died
was sick. She said Duncan had
told her that he was traveling to
the US to see his family, but she
was not surprised to hear that he
was sick.
When the girl got sick, he helped
to carry the girl. He helped to put
the girl in the car to take her to
the hospital, she says.

Wade C. L. Williams,
When they brought her back he
helped to put her in the house.
He was not looking sick and he
never knew the girl had Ebola.
She sits on her porch pointing
to the green apartment a few
feet ahead of her looking at the
home of the woman who brought
all the trouble on the whole
community. Her eyes are sad as
she shakes her daughter who she
holds in one arm.
We got to know it was
Ebola through this girl that
died yesterday; the signs and
symptoms she was showing,
she says.
Entire Family Getting Sick
The entire family is getting
sick. Im protecting them by
being inside, washing our hands
with chlorine.
Nora Gleyah is a relative Wreh
who just died in Duncans
neighborhood and used to care
for the pregnant young 19-year-
old woman, she says she is
confused about the number of
deaths that has come from her
community. Gleyah is worried
that more people will get sick in
the area if help does not arrive
soon to start contact tracing.
When this girl got sick and
died here, other people went
there. They were carrying her to
hospital and she died. All those
who went there and helped they
are the ones dying now. Marie
went and touched that body,
says Gleyah.
Weve been interacting because
none of us in the yard knew. We
have all been visiting each other
and no one knows that they have
the virus. Really, it is proven it
is Ebola because all those who
went near the body have started
getting sick and they are dying.
Gleyah says when the pregnant
woman died there was no Ebola
test done on the body and the
family with the help of some
community members quickly
buried her.
They went and got some kind
of quick death certifcate and did
the burial, Ebola people never
came. This is nothing small, she
Gleyah lives right next to a zinc
shack where the deceased lived
with her 9-year-old daughter.
She saysWreh died after she
was taken into isolation on
Wednesday and stresses that
shehad no contact with the
deceased but said the dead
womans eldest daughter who
lives in another community
helped to bathe her because she
was too weak to do it herself.
Used Chlorine on My Hand
I used the chlorine on my hand
and I held the curtain and asked
her if she had taken her bath
and she said no. Her daughter
another community and bathed
her, she says.
Since the death of Williams
who seems to be patient zero
in this Ebola saga, fve persons
including Duncan who tried to
help her while she was sick by
taking her to the hospital have
contracted the deadly Ebola
virus. The victims mother
and father are currently under
quarantine at the ELWA-
3 isolation center including
her boyfriend according to
community sources. There have
been three deaths including the
deceased brother only known as
Sonnyboy and the community
fears there will be more.
Prince G. Toe, a member of the
community Ebola task force
who has embarked on voluntary
contact tracing says they are
worried that more people will
get sick. He said members of the
family of the deceased pregnant
woman continue to die and
others who came close to her in
the neighborhood are worried
about their families.
Angeline Garway, 15, is still
grieving over the death of her
mother on Wednesday, which
sent the community into frenzy,
that the Williams family was
concealing the cause of their
daughters death thereby putting
the community at risk. Garway
is home alone with three other
siblings from the Williams home
including a three-year-old boy.
When her father called us
yesterday, they said they went
to a Lofa Clinic. They tested the
father and the father was malaria
positive, says Toe.
Clinging on to Life
They tested the mother she was
malaria positive and typhoid
positive. While going in the
bathroom she fell off the family
called us and within 45 minutes
she was dead. The father was not
feeling well and his eyes were
really red.
Duncan is clinging onto life at a
Texas Health Presbyterian but it
seems the Liberian government
is not taking his case lightly.
But he could face possible trial
upon his return to Liberia for
what authorities at the Roberts
International Airport are
describing as false declaration.
Mr. Duncan left Liberia via
SN Brussels on September 19
and arrived in the US on 20
Liberia Airport Authority board
chairman Binyah Kesselly told
a news conference Thursday
at the Ministry of Information
Mr. Duncans last temperature
test was at 36.3 and that he was
normal and never showed signs
and symptoms of Ebola prior to
his departure from RIA.
The partner of Ebola Duncan
is quarantined in her Dallas
apartment where Duncan
became sick with the virus after
his trip from Liberia.
The woman, who asked to be
identifed only by her frst name,
Louise, is quarantined with one
of her children under 13 and two
nephews in their 20s because
they were in apartment when
Duncan became ill, according to
the CNN.
9-year-old Mercy Kennedy is sad after
learning of her mothers death
The house where Duncan lived before
leaving Liberia

The community is in shock and panic
Page 4 |
Friday, October 3, 2014
Rev. Torli H. Krua,, Contributing Writer
IT IS BECOMING increasingly clear, with every passing hour
and every single day, that some Liberians are determined to see
Liberia in a recurring state of failure, bad news and blame-gaming
without making the slightest effort to change the norms that has
done nothing but led Africas oldest republic down a spiral slope
of one bad dream after the other.
YESTERDAY, IT WAS the case of Patrick Sawyer, a government
consultant who was in full knowledge that he had been infected
with the deadly Ebola virus, had made contact with a patient, in
his case, his sister who later died of Ebola.
THAT ONE OF HIS employers, the steel giant, ArcellorMittal
had even put him on a 21-day quarantine, wrote employees that
his sister had died and that he had been asked to stay away; that
Samaritan Purse had warned him against travel and some of his
own government peers had begun to stay away from him because
of fears that he may have been infected with the virus. Even
the Chief Medical Offcer of Liberia asked him not to leave the
IN THE END, Sawyers life came to a tragic end. His denials
about his health, his health history and his unexplained mission
to Lagos for a conference, against medical advice, came crashing
down with his death from the deadly Ebola virus.
TODAY, IT IS Thomas Eric Duncan, a relatively unknown who
has put Liberia on the map of history makers once more for all the
wrong reasons, importing the deadly virus into America, putting
his girlfriend, her kids and entire Texas community in harms way
with reports Thursday suggesting that as many as 100 persons are
being traced for either coming in contact with him or those whom
he had made contact with.
ALL THIS SPELLS DOOM for a nation which has taken a detour
from its road to recovery and struggling to deal with a menacing
outbreak already out of control and now placed at the mercy of
the international community.
COMPLICATING MATTERS, our own government continues to
fnd itself trapped in a constant state of uncertainty, fip-fopping
its way out from issue to the next with really no sign of coherency.
THIS ISTHE SAME government which a few days ago welcomed
a word of caution from the World Health Organization(WHO)
when it declared that the number of Ebola cases in Liberia and
Sierra Leone could explode to a staggering 1.4 million in January
unless efforts are ramped up only for the President to declare days
later, in a France24 interview that the numbers projected by the
WHO are unrealistic.
media that US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)
last week was fat-out wrong. Even the WHOs initial projections
that some 20,000 would likely die in the affected countries by
January, even that is not going to happen, President Sirleaf said.
THE PRESIDENT continued: I am waiting for the next
projections and I hope they will admit that theyve just been
simply wrong, that all of our countries are getting this thing under
control, she said, referring also to Guinea which is among the
nations in West Africa that have been the hardest hit by the deadly
ACCORDING TO THE WHO, the total number of new cases had
fallen for the second week in a row, but warned they were likely
to be under-reported. Ebola has so far infected 7, 178 people
and killed more than 3,300, roughly half of whom have been in
WE STRONGLY HOPE that government is sincere and serious
about declarations made Thursday that it plans to prosecute
Duncan for importing the disease to the United States, saying he
lied on his airport health questionnaire.
DUNCAN WILLFULLY lied on a questionnaire obtained by
FrontPageAfrica, which all departing passengers are asked to fll
out at the Roberts International Airport (RIA) by answering NO
when asked if he had had contact with anyone infected with the
SEVERAL NEIGHBORS told FrontPageAfrica Thursday that
Duncan had helped a sick pregnant woman who later died of the
disease to the hospital.
n Friday, September 26, 2014, President Obama,
extended Protected Status (DED) to certain Liberians
who fed a brutal civil war and entered the USA before
October 2002. While it is commendable that this group
of Liberians have been protected, there are over 7000 similarly
situated Liberians excluded from this "foreign policy" inspired
immigration relief, whose plights have been overlooked for over
a decade. Additionally, as winter approaches in North America,
there are thousands of vulnerable (Africans) Liberians, Guineans
and Sierra Leoneans stranded in America because of Ebola who
deserve temporary protection. In our efforts to fght Ebola (www., I call on President Obama to exercise compassion
and on humanitarian grounds designate Guinea, Liberia and Sierra
Leone as countries appropriate for Temporary Protected Status (TPS/
DED). This request is consistent with the Immigration Act of 1990
("IMMACT"), P.L. 101-649, established by Congress to provide TPS
to immigrants in the United States who are temporarily unable to
return to their home country because of ongoing armed confict, an
environmental disaster, or extraordinary and temporary conditions.
The world is witnessing the height of the Obama Administration's
foreign policy initiatives overseas, which includes Operation United
Assistance-the deployment of 3000 American soldiers ($500 million
dollars) to fght the worst Ebola epidemic in the world and a bombing
campaign ($7.5 million dollars daily) against a brutal Islamic terrorist
organization called ISIL to protect ethnic and religious minorities in
Syria and Iraq. Even so, President Obama's foreign policy inspired
immigration relief must also be inclusive, compassionate, and
Among those excluded from President Obama's immigration relief
are over 7000 Liberians, including Liberian mothers of American
children who accompanied their American born children evacuated
over a decade ago. Also at serious risks are citizens of Liberia, Guinea
and Sierra Leone stranded in the United States because of the deadly
Ebola epidemic.
It may be recalled that in June 2003, President George Bush
ordered Operation Shinning Express to protect US Embassy in
Monroviaand evacuated Americans citizens to safety. The young
Americans are still without protection for over a decade. There are
no justifable reasons why vulnerable people from Liberia, Guinea
and Sierra Leone stranded in America this winter because of Ebola
and Liberian refugee women and American children evacuated by
the US Military over a decade ago should continue to suffer denial
of protection, despite repeated pleas from many, including the late
Senator Edward Kennedy-D-MA.
There are at least six compelling reasons why designating Guinea,
Liberia and Sierra Leone for TPSisan urgent necessity:
1. There is an existing statute; the Immigration Act of 1990
("IMMACT"), P.L. 101-649, established by Congress to provide TPS
to immigrants.
2. There is a clear and present danger facing these people both in their
homeland and in America as winter approaches.
3. Unlike the deployment of 3000 Troops ($500 million dollars) and
the bombing of ISIL (Up to $10 billion in a year), TPS costs US tax
payers nothing. In fact TPS generates revenue for government ($350
per person).
4. The equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment of the
Constitution supports equal treatment of people in similar situations.
5. Commonsense dictates that if America protects ethnic and religious
minorities overseas, America ought to also protect its own citizens
and Africans stranded by Ebola on American Soil.
6. Justice and fairness by American policy makers representpotent
and cost-free complementary arsenal of ammunition in the fght
against terrorism overseas.
The worsening Ebola Outbreak ravaging West Africa has killed over
3000 people and infected over 6000 people and it seems to be getting
"out of control." There are no vaccines for Ebola. To contain Ebola,
a state of emergency is in effect in Liberia- all schools, hospitals,
government offces and borders are shut down. Flights have been
cancelled. Many nationals from the worst hit countries stranded in the
USA cannot return home. Designation of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra
Leone for Temporary Protected Status (TPS/DED) would bring relief
and work permits to stranded nationals in the USA.
If there were no other reasons for compassion, fairness and justice in
granting temporary protection which opens access to the basic human
needs of food, clothing and shelter to vulnerable refugee women from
Liberia, a former colony of the United States or affording protection
for American children evacuated from Africa to safety in America
or for extending protected status to Guineans, Liberians and Sierra
Leoneans stranded in America because of Ebola- one thing is certain:
At a huge cost, America is risking the lives of American Service men
and women to protect ethnic and religious minorities in Iraq and Syria.
This fact begs the question: So who is going to protect vulnerable
Africans and African American children in the winter of 2014 on
American Soil, if the Obama Administration fails to grant temporary
protection which costs American tax payers nothing? Not Russia, Not
Cuba, North Korea, Not China and certainly not Venezuela. Alas,
"Charity begins at home." Mr. President, I ask that you kindly consider
designating Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone countriesappropriate
for TPS/DED. Thanks and God bless America!
Rev. Torli H. Krua is founder of the Universal Human Rights
International (UHRI) and YOUNG-Africa Inc. UHRI promotes
immigrant rights in the USA and democracy through ballot initiatives
in African countries. Rev. Krua may be contacted: www.fghtebola.
us or UHRI-20 Roche Brothers Way Suite 6-182 North Easton, MA
THIS IS WHY we are even more perturbed that a member of
Duncans family would suggest that he may have contracted the
virus in the United States and not in Liberia because in Wilfred
Smallwoods own words his brother, tested negative for the virus
when he left Liberia. "They took him back to the same hospital the
doctor now says that he has Ebola so our question is how does that
happen, what did he contract it from? He was tested in Africa as
negative and after the hospital after he got medication, he was OK.
How come he got Ebola after they gave him medication? That's our
major concern right now.
PERHAPS DUNCANS family are unaware on in denial as many
Liberians continue to be about an illness that is killing many. But
everyone in Liberia knows that no one is tested for Ebola when they
are not showing the symptoms.
THE ONUS was on Duncan himself to know that he had made
contact with an Ebola patient who later died, a fact attested by all
of his neighbors. He must have known the number of contacts he
made with the deceased woman and even knew that she died of
Ebola in the end.
DUNCAN OWED much to Liberia frst and himself second to
know that he could have prevented the drama and embarrassment
befalling Liberia if he had simply answered truthfully when asked
on the airport questionnaire whether he had made contact with
anyone with Ebola.
IT WOULD have saved us all the headache, the turmoil and
embarrassment. Most importantly, it could have kept Liberia out of
the headlines of the world for all the wrong reasons especially when
some regional airlines like Kenya Airways and Air Cote dIvoire
are pondering return to Liberia and Sierra Leone, two countries hit
hard by the outbreak. Those airlines, FPA has learned are being
pushed in the wake of the latest development. Denial is a curse,
Ebola is no death sentence but it can be avoided if caught early but
it is real.
SADLY FOR folks like Patrick Sawyer and Thomas Eric Duncan,
they chose to put their own interest ahead of Liberia to the detriment
of a post-war nation on the mends and now spiraling in a state of
Friday, October 3, 2014 Page 5
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The Reader's Page
Ngafuan, I see no truth in your entire speech. That's a complete dried dog
story. Ebola just broke up few months ago. The virus should not be used as
an excuse for your failure . I am quite sure the UN members just laughed at
you for delivering such an abstract report . What better have the government
done after 10 years when Liberians are still living in extreme poorvity .
Let people hear their ears yah, you all have failed Liberia and the Liberian
people . Anybody reading your speech will see corruption in it for sure .
Did I hear the Accountant saying that gains reversed........which gain if I
may ask? before Ebola president Sirleaf stated that the education system in
Liberia is a mess which implies that it was non existence, the health care
system was non-existent indicative of the fact the ordinary masses were
dying from curable disease while the minister and his family and other
offcials got medical services outside Liberia. Before Ebola there was no
electricity while the minister used government fuel and generator. I can go
on and on and names that there were no reversal of gains but the deplorable
living condition of the people have grown to horrible and acceptable level.
ministers make up to 20k while the few masses that are working make atleast
90.00 but again I and so many will not be surprise if such bold face lie from
a uncompassionate minister and his boss that have no interest in the Liberian
people welfare but to line their pocket.
Minister, you didn't mention the way forward for the Liberia. the people
u r talking know more about Liberia and the Ebola situation than what u
tried to tell them. we expected to present a blueprint of the way forward
from the Ebola situation. You mentioned nothing about capacitating the
manpower(health) problem. please, lets avoid making people to feel sorry
for us when we can do something about ourselves. Guinea has Ebola amidst
this Ebola crisis, it held investment conference with the Moroccans, air
France continues to fy there and guinea is still attracting other investors to
her country. Why should it be Liberia to tell the world of how bad situation
has become. that we should be begging and telling the people to feel sorry
for us. lets cross this bridge, mehn and stop the crying baby thing. the UN
awaits to receive practical recommendation for the way out of this crisis, do
not try to impress or lecture them
Edward, is it the Minister that is making "people to feel sorry for us"? What
will say when US President Obama, UN Secretary General and even the
WHO Director said similar things and continue to say it? Mr. Roye, are
you aware that Liberia is the only hardest hit country whose capital is an
epicenter which is the frst national capital city to ever be hit by an Ebola
outbreak? Air France still goes to Guinea cuz Conakry is not hit ; besides
what will you say of Air Ivoire and Kenya Airways' promise to return?
Ibrahim W. Varmah yes, Liberia has become the poster child for the Ebola
because of the government negligence. Offcials fying out of the country for
cut on their fnger. Guinea is hit but the word here is competence and ability.
All these cashiers from the US and the ones who cannot read a page trying to
impress us with what they know. What gains is he talking about? The river
toilet in Soniwen or the Western Union line that Liberians need before they
can eat? Everyone of them have failed and now they standing in front of the
Un crying and begging. Our offcials have no dignity.
Perhaps some people have ears that they don't use to hear. Speaking of
way forward, the Minister said Liberia and other affected countries have
one option and that option is to fght Ebola with all of the resources they
can muster. SN Brussels still comes to Liberia in case you didn't know. Air
Moroc and other airliners will come as well. For some of you doomsayers
and defeatists , what you wish for Liberia is the worst but you are dead
wrong because Liberia will rise and shine in spite of the current Ebola crisis.
The Minister did not deceive the world yesterday, he put it correctly; our
people are dying and we still need more help. Did you want him to say that
we are building rooms in the skies or would you have preferred him lie like
some of you would do at whatever little chance you get? I do not need any
personal favors from Ngafuan but I respect the man because of his love for
his people and will avail myself to defend him when ignoramuses and sheer
non entities who can hardly peep beyond their noses, venture out to impugn
his hard earned reputation.
Looking for excuses. What signifcant impact the government made prior to
the Ebola outbreak? The few nurses we had before the Ebola outbreak were
already complaining of less pay why you guys greedy siphon the country
resources, teachers were complaining of unpaid arrears and salaries, price
basic commodities were let loose, the US rate was skyrocketing, economic
crisis was on the increase, there was no electricity, safe drinking water,
unparalleled civil servants income, poor education system, infation, etc. Our
country will survive of this disease but let it not be used as excuse for this
useless government failure
The Editor,
he recent exposure of a human traffcking
network by FrontPageAfrica involving Lebanese
nationals using Liberian women as sex slaves in
Lebanon has deeply upset me. As I have realized
that these girls are not even represented in Lebanon by the
Liberian Government.
I have gone even further and personally contacted the
Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs seeking information
and clarifcation about this issue. To my surprise I was
told that the Liberian Government has an "embassy" with
a COM who is not Liberian but in fact Lebanese. His
name is Mr. Fouad Ghandour, a Lebanese national with no
diplomatic background or political experience, notably in
Liberia itself. He has a son Wassim Ghandour who runs
ISTC Liberia on his behalf and brother Mohamad Ali
Ghandour who is partner with him in the Powtertech Inc.
operating in Liberia.
This incident has led me to take a closer look at the
practice of appointing non Liberian nationals to serve
as the countrys ambassadors and using the sovereignty
and diplomatic immunities toward possible questionable
activities or at the very least human rights issues that as
this story are left un dealt with by the embassy due to
the fact that the Ambassador is not a National nor is he
interested probably by the plight or these girls. most likely
he doesn't even have the political clout neither in Lebanon
nor in Liberia to do something about it, leaving these girls
unrepresented, unprotected and abused.
This practice appears to be unique to Liberia and is done
under the protection of some senior level government
offcial in Monrovia, appointing ambassadors who are
wealthy non Liberian that have paid huge sums of money
for the privilege of a diplomatic passport. Most of these
men, seem to have a shady business background. This
to me appears to violate the norms of international best
diplomatic practices. Especially within a government that
has attempted to present itself as anti-corruption.
Mr. Ghandour is reportedly using the diplomatic mission
to smuggle goods and using the duty free exemption status
of the Embassy to generate a signinfcant monthly income
out of the dealings. Including issuing passport renewals
and other consular services based on payments without
background check with the Liberian MOFA.
While all this high stakes drama is being played out, the
Liberian people should demand accountability and an
explanation from President Johnson-Sirleaf on why these
appointments are being kept secret and made in clear
violation of international best diplomatic practice.
One thing is certain and that is Liberia has succeeded
in making itself the laughing stock of the international
community when it comes to the dubious way in which the
countrys sovereignty is so mindlessly been sacrifced at the
feet of a few wealthy, ill reputed businessmen.
Please kindly fnd the information listed and supporting
documents attached including a picture of Fouad Ghandour
next to the fag.
George Miller, currently a Senior Vice President at
Executive Action LLC, focusing on International Affairs,
the CIA, Offce of the Director of National Intelligence,
law enforcement, and Department of Homeland Security
matters. Mr. Miller is one of Americas leading foreign
policy strategist, and has published extensively in foreign
affairs journals. With thirty years of high-level experience
in homeland security, counterterrorism, and intelligence
issues, as well as extensive knowledge of the agencies and
departments responsible for them. Over the years, Mr. Miller
has worked with some of the worlds top business moguls
and has worked with several global election campaigns,
including that of the President of the United States, Barack
Obama. In politics, Mr. Miller has worked with foreign
candidates and governments including: Guinean President
Lansana Conte ; Russian President Boris Yeltsin and The
Dalai Lama. The numerous honors and merit awards he
has received include the Distinguished Career Intelligence
Medal and the Intelligence Commendation Medal. Mr.
Miller pursued doctoral studies at Indiana University, and
holds degrees from Dartmouth College.
Best Regards,
George Miller
Senior Vice President
Executive Action, LLC
8270 Greensboro Dr.
Third Floor
Mclean, Virginia 22102
Page 6 |
Friday, October 3, 2014
he Special
Representative of
United Nations
(SRSG) with UNMIL Karen
Landgren Thursday awarded
UN peacekeeping medals to the
Nigerian contingent (NIGCON 34
and 35) at Camp Abuja for their
dedicated services.
Landgren recounted Nigerias
peacekeeping contribution to the
UN, dating back to 1960 in Congo
and in Liberia in 1990 when it
intervened to help end the civil
Landgren said the contingent
serving with UNMIL has proven
to be a strong and dedicated
partner in Liberias development.
She reminded the peacekeepers to
adhere to the secretary-generals
policy of zero tolerance against
sexual exploitation and abuse.
And with a suspected Ebola case
involving the death of an UNMIL
female security offcer, Landgren
said Liberia is now faced with its
greatest threat since the civil war.
This is a frst for the country sadly,
and it is also a frst for the United
Nations peacekeepers. The UN
family and international partners
in Liberia are fully committed
to supporting the government-
led response to Ebola, including
support for surveillance and
contact tracing, medical expertise
and material resources, the UN
envoy said.
Landgren added Together
with Unicef, the World Health
Organization and other partners,
UNMIL community outreach
team and UNMIL Radio, UNMIL
military and police are playing an
important role in disseminating
information on prevention and
response in communities.
She then recounted the
contribution of the contingent
since the war on Ebola began in
UNMIL recognizes your
contribution to Liberias effort in
containing the spread of the Ebola
virus. The Nibatt 34 medical
team was at the forefront of
championing an Ebola awareness
campaign in eight communities in
River Gee [County]. Also Nibatt
34 secured the Helipad in Tappita,
[Nimba County] on 6 August,
ensuring the transportation and
delivery of supplies to the military
observers accommodation when
the whole team found itself
quarantined she indicated.
Our Nibatt 35 colleagues, you
have been conducting patrols to
monitor the security situation
around medical facilities,
including ELWA [in Paynesville]
and Redemption Hospitals in New
Kru Town through Operation
Resolute. You also carried on
Operation Referee to monitor
the security situation at West Point
during the 10-day quarantine there.
And in August you conducted the
two weeks Operation Response
in Bo Waterside to respond to any
kind of disorder related to Ebola in
that area, Landgren recalled.
She restated the UNs
commitment to fghting Ebola
with the establishment of the
United Nations Mission for
Ebola Emergency Response
(UNMEER)the frst in its
Landgren paid tribute to Corporal
Samaila Hussaini, who recently
expired while serving UNMIL and
all personnel who lost their lives
since the creation of UNMIL in
October 2003.
For his part, NIGCON commander
Colonel OF Nafu said the medal
ceremony marks a milestone in
their peacekeeping duties to the
UN and Liberia.
The head of UNMIL also said As

Danesius Marteh,
far back as the days of ECOMIL
and later ECOMOG, the NIGCON
have remained in Liberia, despite
the current unforeseen challenges,
as peace ambassadors with
I am highly elated to inform
you this morning that the support
we receive from our government
and the UNMIL leadership is
the very workable tools for the
troops dedication to duties and
commitment to serve in the
mission area either as individual
or groups, she furthered.
According her, the various
requests made by the United
Nations to the Nigerian Armed
Forces in peacekeeping operations
are clear indications that Nigeria
is fully accepted as a credible
member of the world community
and also confrms the belief that
Nigeria was distinctly destined to
play a brotherly role in African
Despite the fact that our mission
environment is far from our
motherland, we are always
stimulated by the words of our
national anthem to be good
citizens and fag bearers of our
great nation and people who love
peace and unity.
As we celebrate today your
Excellency [Landgren], I want to
assure you that the NIGCON will
continue to ensure that the labor
of our past heroesboth offcers
and soldiers who came to Liberia
to pay the utmost prizeis not in
vain, Nafu said.
One thousand, three-hundred
ninety-eight (1,398) members of
battalions 34 and 35, who have
assigned responsibilities in Grand
Bassa, Grand Gedeh, Margibi,
Maryland and River Gee Counties,
as well as in Monrovia, were given
UN peacekeeping medals for their
services to Liberia.
The contingent, Landgren said,
continued to strengthen security
through cross-border liaison and
concurrent patrolling with
It was a double celebration for
the soldiers away from home as
Nigeria celebrated 54 years of
independence from Great Britain.
A brief history of Nibatt 34
Nibatt 34 was inducted into
UNMIL on December 12, 2013
and was initially deployed to
Bomi, Grand Cape Mount,
Gbarpolu and part of Montserrado
In line with the phase two
drawdown plan, the unit relocated
to the southeast between 10
February to April 6, 2014 with
headquarters in Zwedru. Nibatt
34 currently covers Grand Gedeh,
Maryland and River Gee Counties
with a total area of about 15,597
square kilometers.
It has been involved in several
campaigns and missions within
and outside Nigeria, including
ECOMOG operations in Liberia
(1992-1995) and ECOMOG
operations in Sierra Leone (19
July 1998 28 February 2000).
Nibatt 34 is presently commanded
by Lt. Col. RT Utsaha.
A brief history of Nibatt 35
Nibatt 35 was inducted into
UNMIL on March 22, 2014 but
offcially took over responsibilities
from Nibatt 33 on April 1. The
unit is assigned with daily routine
activities which include and not
limited to the provision of armed
security escorts, robust patrols and
static guard duties.
Nibatt 35 is the fourth Nigerian
battalion to be inducted into
UNMIL for a period of one year
tour of duty. It served in Lebanon
(1979), Sierra Leone (1998-
2002 and 2003-2004), Liberia
and Sudan (2009). It is presently
commanded by Lt. Col. MU
right group, the
Consortium of
Rights Advocates
in Liberia has said it
is supporting the fndings from
the Ministry of Commerce and
Industry that the maro-iodised
salt is ft for consumption.
In a statement, the rights
consortium stated Having
conducted a thorough and
comprehensive probe into
grave claims by some members
of the public through the print
media, carried by the In profle
daily newspaper editions of
Tuesday September 16, 2014
and Wednesday September
24,2014 to October 3, 2014
respectively titled: Deadly
salt and Maro-iodised salt
contains particles, as well as
Offcial laboratory test result
of the Maro Salt in question
conducted by the Ministry of
Commerce as of September
24, 2014 under the supervision
of laboratory Director Steven
Y. Mambu predicated on a
complaint dated September
23rd 2014, the above mentioned
civil Society institution wants
to inform the general Public
that its own independent
laboratory analysis done on
the salt validates result of the
Public works Ministry that the
salt is ft for consumption and
has/poses no risk to consumers
as claimed by those whose
position was carried in two
separate editions of the highly
respectable inprofle daily
newspaper; publications which
have raised fears of concerns
in the minds of the consuming
The group further indicated
Furthermore, we would like to
make it exceedingly clear that
the Commerce Ministry is, as
best as we know it, cognizant
of its constitutional duty to
the Liberian people and would
no day conduct itself in ways
that jeopardize/compromise
the health and safety of its
people. The information being
published that the ministry has
failed to examine consumers
goods before letting out in
the public for consumption
is baseless, malicious,
blackmailing and has the
proclivity to bring the ministry
and its hardworking staff to
unwarranted public discredit,
while making it less likely
for entities to continue doing
business with the Ministry.
According to the Consortium,
it seizes the opportunity to
categorically condemn all
those involve in what it termed
the blatant act of Blackmailing
through the usage of sprouting
out unfounded claims which
have the tendency to instill
deadly fear in the gullible
public for the sole purpose of
extorting money and benefts
from well placed trusted
Government Offcials and
reliable Entrepreneurs of the
Liberian Society.
In a statement signed by
Amos B.S. Kanneh, Executive
Director, the consortium
noted that for the sake of
transparency, it calls on any
and all concerned members
of the public who doubts this
independent verifcation of
ours relative to the Maro-salt,
proof of which was carried
by an Inquirer Newspaper
publication and other credible
sources, to conduct a follow-
up probe with the sole intent
of validating or negating our
laboratory results on which
we base our arguments against
claims that the salt is chemically
unft for consumption and
has led to the demise of a
person after its consumption
as claimed by a Lady from
Pipeline named Theresa
Gbawee. Thank you and May
God bless us all and protect our
common denominator, Liberia.
Friday, October 3, 2014 Page 7
n what has been described
as paving the way for career
accomplishment for one of
its fnest professionals in
the person of Arthur Wolobah
Bomo Fumbah in joining the rank
of partners, Liberias premier
Accounting outft, Baker Tilly
Liberia, formerly VOSCON
Incorporated, has thus recorded
another milestone in human
resource expansion in the enviable
Fumbah now joins two other
former senior colleagues as
partners. They are accomplished
Liberian professional accountants,
Mr. George Fonderson and Mr.
Theophilus Dekonty Joseph.
This development brings to three
partners now running Baker Tilly
Liberia, thanks to an able team of
the countrys best minds in the
accountancy industry.
For the new Partner Arthur W.B
Fumbah this elevation represents
a singular career success every
qualifed accountant aspires
His colleagues described him as
very humble, honest, focused and
hardworking, virtues that no doubt
account for his career success.
According to his colleague Partners
admission of Mr. Fumbah into
partnership at Baker Tilly Liberia
is not only a validation of his
professional achievements and
contributions to the frm over many
years, but also, a manifestation of
the frms continuing goal to build
a professional practice that is led
primarily by Liberian Partners
and staffed primarily by Liberian
Mr. Fumbah is a Mason Fellow
and holds an MPA Degree in
Public Policy with emphasis in
Public Financial Management from
Harvard Universitys Kennedy
School of Government. He is also a
Chartered Accountant and member
of the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Ghana, a Certifed
Public Accountant and member of
the Liberian Institute of Certifed
Public Accountants, as well as a
Chartered Tax Practitioner. Mr.
Fumbah has been in professional
practice for over 20 years and has
gained deep experience in audit and
advisory services in West Africa.
He has the track record of having
served between 2008 to 2011 as
Deputy Minister for Expenditure
and Debt Management at the
Ministry of Finance, Republic of
Prior to serving in the public sector,
he was Manager for Audit and
Taxation at Baker Tilly Liberia
(then operating as VOSCON
In the 1990s, he spent a number of
years on secondment to VOSCON
(Ghana) and Deloitte & Touch
(Ghana). This was when VOSCON
(Liberia) was affliated with
Deloitte & Touch.
While on secondment at Deloitte
(Ghana), Arthur won the award
for best participant at the Deloitte
Milestone II Audit Training held
in Ghana in 2005. He won the
best accounting student award
in succession in the junior class
and senior class at the University
of Liberia. Arthur was the
valedictorian of the class of 83/84
at the Booker Washington Institute
in Liberia.
He is an adjunct lecturer in
accounting, auditing, taxation,
fnancial management and public
sector fnance at the University of
Liberia, Stella Maris Polytechnic,
and the Liberian Institute of
Certifed Public Accountants. He
has participated in over a dozen
workshops and conferences
on private and public fnancial
He has been a lynchpin in crucial
Public Financial Management
reforms in Liberia in the areas
of: the Direct Deposit Scheme,
Automation of the Budget
Execution Process, development
of the Comprehensive Public
Financial Management Law and
the accompanying Regulations, the
Comprehensive Chart of Accounts,
the Internal Audit Strategy, the
Debt Management Strategy and
the adoption of the Cash Basis
International Public Sector
Accounting Standards (IPSAS).
He was the Chairman of the Steering
Committee for the establishment
of the Liberian Institute of Tax
Practitioners (LITTP). Due to
the exemplary leadership Arthur
exhibited in the formation of the
Tax Institute, he is now referred to
as the father of the Tax Institute in
Also to his name are meritorious
credits of being an active member
of the Liberian Institute of Certifed
Public Accountants ( LICPA);
Chairman of Education and
Training Committee of the LICPA
and the LICPAs representative
to the Council of the Liberian
Institute of Tax Practitioners;
Liberias representative on the
Harmonization Committee of the
Accounting Technician Scheme
for West Africa (ATSWA) and
also represented Liberia on the
Committee of the Association
of Accountancy Bodies of West
Africa (ABWA) responsible for the
adoption of International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS)
and International Public Sector
Accounting Standards (IPSAS).
He joined Baker Tilly Liberia, the
erstwhile VOSCON in 1992 and
in 1996, he was sent to Ghana on
secondment to work, study and to
qualify as a Chartered Accountant.
During his stay in Ghana, Mr.
Fumbah acquired useful industry
experience, serving as General
Manager for Finance at Margins
Group of Companies for a period
four years (2000-2003).
Baker Tilly Liberia is a full member
frm of Baker Tilly International,
a network of high quality,
independent accountancy and
business services frms, all of whom
are committed to providing the best
possible service to their clients in
their own marketplaces and across
the world, wherever the client needs
He is now a Partner in a member
frm of one of the worlds top ten
accountancy and business advisory
networks, represented by 161
member frms operating out of 738
offces in 137 countries, worldwide.
In addition to his ongoing
responsibilities in the frms
Assurance practice, Mr. Fumbah
will focus on developing Baker
Tilly Liberias Public Sector service
line, an area in which he possesses
wide-ranging experience.

Admits Fumbah as Partner
Henry Karmo (0886522495)

Samaritans imports tons of Anti Ebola
Materials for household use
he Christian relief organization Samaritans Purse
Thursday brought into Liberia hundreds of tons of
protective equipment and supplies on board a 747 jet
that landed at the Roberts International Airport.
The materials according to Samaritans Purse which include;
rubber gloves, face masks, rubber boots and disinfectants were
brought into the country as assistance from the organization to
Liberia as a result of the rapidly growing numbers of people
contracting Ebola in Liberia.
Medical facilities cannot keep up with the demand and often
do not have room for additional patients. Many others are too
frightened to seek medical help, the organization said in a
It disclosed of plans to assist families who are in need of help but
to no avail because of limited capacity and promised to develop a
community based care program to train and equip people to care
for their loved ones and protect them from the deadly disease.
Presenting the items to the government of Liberia, Mr. Nathan
Glancy head of the Samaritans Purse disaster assistance team said,
the materials brought into the country will be used for services
such as clinical care, home based interaction and awareness.
He said, the equipment will beneft counties in the southeast,
Lofa, Montserrado, and Grand Bassa counties where Samaritans
Purse has operated over the past decade.
Mr. Glancy said: We will give clinical care to Ebola patients,
suspected where we will have smaller ETU at community level
where people will go rather than stay home especially when
the bigger centers are full, and we will also join in educating
communities to stay Ebola free.
The materials he said, value a million United States dollars.
Receiving the items on behalf of the Liberian government, Vice
president Joseph Boakai thanked Samaritans Purse for the
donation and told reporters that the donation was made possible
as a result of efforts from the government who continues to solicit
international good will.
Vice president Boakai said, Samaritans purse has being a good
partner to Liberia and the government value the partnership and
pledged all support needed to ensure that its planned programs are
implemented to assist Liberians.
He disclosed that shortly another consignment of materials for
Ebola will be brought into the country from London, and will
come through the Free Port of Monrovia.
Dr. Kent Brantley and Nancy Whitebol, working with Samaritans
Purse in august of this year got infected with Ebola while working
in Liberia to cure patients at the ELWA hospital in Paynesville.
The pair were airlifted back to the US where they underwent
treatment and recovered from the Virus with the use of the
ZMAPP trial drugs.
Samaritans Purse is among many international NGOs and
Friendly countries that are supporting with Personal Protective
Ebola materials to be used by nurses on the frontline of the fght
against the deadly Ebola virus but up to present the availability of
those PPEs still remains a challenge for health workers especially
those working in the rural parts of Liberia.
Suakoko, Bong County
ealth workers at the
newly constructed
Ebola Treatment Unit
(ETU) Wednesday
abandoned the center over pay
and poor working conditions,
leading to the death of two
Ebola patients, sources hinted
"The workers decided to stop
working because they claimed of
not being paid their allowances
and lack some tools," Dr.
Sampson Arzuakoi, head of
Bong County Health Team said.
The workers told FrontPage
Africa reporter that clothing to
protect them was inadequate
and there was only one broken
stretcher to carry both patients
and corpses, increasing the risk
of infection.
In a further sign of strained
resources, nurses and members
of the burial team in the county
said the government had stopped
paying their wages of $US50 a
The aggrieved health workers
claimed that the International
Medical Corps (IMC) the
group managing the ETU has
refused to pay their arrears in
the tone of US$ 500 as per their
contracts signed.
They said the frst contractual
period with the IMC has elapsed
and they want a new agreement
signed before resuming work
for October. The nurses told
FrontPage Africa their stance is
based on the IMCs decision not
to hire them without a formal
The workers also complained
that despite agreement with the
county health team to provide
them food at the ETU, IMC
has failed to do so. They are
also requesting the County
Health offcer, Dr. Azouarkoi to
intervene quickly.
In response to the workers
claims, IMC said that the health
workers and support staff did not
work for 30 days, saying that
they have resolved to pay them
US$ 350.
Meanwhile, Dr. Azouarkoi,
appealed to the workers to
remain calm as the health team
and other stakeholders intervene
to address their plights.
He told health workers and
support staff that Liberia was
going through a diffcult period
and attempt to abandon the
treatment unit would badly affect
the country and reverse efforts to
contain the Ebola virus disease.
In a related development, the
Bong County Health Team has
announced 17 new suspected
Ebola cases in Mahwah, Fuamah

Selma Lomax,
Mahwah is the latest town to be
hit by Ebola in Bong County.
The virus was reportedly taken
to town by a man who reportedly
escaped from quarantine in
Kakata, Margibi County.
According to the County Ebola
Response Task Force at least
eight persons have died of the
virus in the town.
Sierra Leone has only one other
Ebola treatment centre, however
the World Health Organisation
(WHO) shut the laboratory this
week and withdrew staff from
the Kailahun facility after one
of its health workers caught the
virus there.
More than 120 health workers
have died from the virus across
the region.
In Kenema 26 staff members
have already died from Ebola,
following the death of physician
Sahr Rogers.
"It is with a deep sense of sadness
that we have lost one of our
fnest physicians in the line of
duty at a time like when we need
a lot of them to help in out fght
against Ebola," Sierra Leone's
new health minister Abubakarr
Fofana said on Saturday.
His predecessor, Miatta Kargbo,
was sacked the previous day
over her handling of the Ebola
Transmitted through the blood,
sweat and vomit of the infected,
Ebola has spread quickly among
health care workers who often
lack the
Page 8 |
Friday, October 3, 2014
Baker Tilly Liberia is pleased to announce that Mr. Arthur Wolobah Bomo Fumbah has been admitted as a Partner at the frm. Mr.
Fumbahs admittance takes effect from October 1, 2014. Arthur proudly joins two other distinguished and accomplished Liberian
professional accountants, Mr. George Fonderson and Mr. Theophilus Joseph, as Partners at the frm.
Mr. Fumbah is a Mason Fellow and holds an MPA Degree in Public Policy with emphasis on Public Financial Management from
Harvard Universitys Kennedy School of Government.
He is also a Chartered Accountant and member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ghana, a Certifed Public Accountant
and member of the Liberian Institute of Certifed Public Accountants, as well as a Chartered Tax Practitioner. Mr. Fumbah has
been in professional practice for over 20 years and has gained deep experience in audit and advisory services in West Africa.
Between 2008 and 2011, Mr. Fumbah served as Deputy Minister for Expenditure and Debt Management at the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Liberia. Prior to serving in the public sector, Mr.
Fumbah was Manager for Audit and Taxation at Baker Tilly Liberia (then operating as VOSCON Liberia). In the 1990s, he spent a number of years on secondment to Deloitte & Touch (Ghana),
when VOSCON (Liberia) was associated with Deloitte.
Arthur led major public fnancial management reforms in Liberia, including the Direct Deposit Scheme, automation of the budget execution process, development of the comprehensive Public
Financial Management Law and the accompanying regulations, and development of the comprehensive Chart of Accounts. Other initiatives in which he played pivotal roles were the Internal
Audit Strategy, the Debt Management Strategy and the adoption of the Cash Basis International Public Sector Accounting Standards.
Mr. Fumbah was the Chairman of the Steering Committee for the establishment of the Liberian Institute of Tax Practitioners. Due to the exemplary leadership he exhibited in the formation of the
Tax Institute, he is now referred to as the father of the Tax Institute in Liberia.
Arthur joined Baker Tilly Liberia (then VOSCON) in 1992 and, in 1996, was sent on secondment in Ghana to work, study and qualify as a Chartered Accountant. He qualifed as a Chartered
Accountant in 2000. Apart from his work in professional practice in Ghana, Arthur also obtained useful industry experience, serving as General Manager for Finance at the Margins Group of
Companies for a period four years (2000-2003).
Arthur is an active member of the Liberian Institute of Certifed Public Accountants (LICPA). He is the Chairman of the Education and Training Committee of the LICPA and the LICPAs
representative to the Council of the Liberian Institute of Tax Practitioners. He is Liberias representative on the Harmonization Committee of the Accounting Technician Scheme for West Africa.
He also represented Liberia on the Committee of the Association of Accountancy Bodies (ABWA) responsible for the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards and International
Public Sector Accounting Standards.
Arthur is an adjunct lecturer in accounting, auditing, taxation, fnancial management and public sector fnance at the University of Liberia, Stella Maris Polytechnic, and the Liberian Institute of
Certifed Public Accountants. He has participated in over a dozen workshops and conferences on private and public fnancial management.
The admission of Mr. Fumbah into partnership at Baker Tilly Liberia is not only a validation of his professional achievements and contributions to the frm over many years, but also, a
manifestation of the frms continuing goal to build a professional practice that is led primarily by Liberian Partners and staffed primarily by Liberian professionals.
Baker Tilly Liberia is a full member frm of Baker Tilly International, a network of high quality, independent accountancy and business services frms, all of whom are committed to providing
the best possible service to their clients in their own marketplaces and across the world, wherever the client needs help. Baker Tilly International is one of the world's top 10 accountancy and
business advisory frms. The network is represented by 161 independent frms, operating out of 738 offces in 137 countries. Clients enjoy the advantages of a local, client-focused service model,
combined with the breadth of resources expected from a global organization. Member frms of Baker Tilly International provide a broad range of audit and assurance, tax and specialist advisory
services. All frms within the network adhere to uniform quality standards specifed by the networks Quality Assurance Team, and monitored through a program of regular quality assurance and
peer review visits.
In addition to his ongoing responsibilities in the frms Assurance practice, Mr. Fumbah will focus on developing Baker Tilly Liberias Public Sector service line, an area in which he possesses
wide-ranging experience.
Mr. Fumbah is happily married to Mrs. Lucretia Yede Fumbah and the union is blessed with two children.
September 30, 2014
Friday, October 3, 2014 Page 9
Credit No. IDA 48420-2LR
Project ID: P120660
Supply, Delivery and Installation of CCTV Survillance for Bushrod
National Competitive Bidding (NCB)
1. The Government of Liberia has received additional fnancing from the
World Bank toward the cost of the Liberia Electricity Sector Enhancement
Project (LESEP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments
under the contract for The Supply, Delivery and Installation of CCTV
Survellance for Bushrod Island.
2. The Liberia Electricity Corporation is the implementing agency
now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the Supply, Delivery and
Installation of CCTV Survillance for Bushrod Island as set out in the
Schedule of Requirements below:
Schedule of Requirements
3. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding
procedures as specifed in the World Banks Guidelines: Procurement of
Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services under IBRD Loans and IDA
Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers (Procurement Guidelines,
January 2011), and is open to all eligible bidders as defned in the Procurement
Guidelines. In addition, please refer to paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7 setting forth the
World Banks policy on confict of interest.
4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Liberia
Electricity Corporation; Attention: IT Director, cc: abufahmed@yahoo., and inspect the
Bidding Documents at the address given below from 09.00 to 17.00 hours,
Monday to Friday excluding public holidays. More information on how to
purchase bidding documents can be obtained by contacting Thelma Saunders
or Alfred Cassel at and acassell1194@yahoo.
com respectively.
5. Qualifcation requirements include: :
a) Legal
i. Bidders must provide a Certifcate of Registration;
ii. Bidders must provide Manufacturers Authorization form.
b) Financial Capability
i. Minimum average annual turnover of US$200,000.00, calculated
as total certifed payments received for contracts in progress or completed,
within the last two (2) years;
ii. The Bidder shall also demonstrate that it has access to fnancial means
(evidence of a line of credit), suffcient to meet the cash fow amount of
iii. Bidders must provide audited Financial Reports for the last two (2)
years 2012 and 2013, depending on the fnancial year of the frm.
c) Experience and Technical Capacity
Bidders must have successfully completed at least two (2) similar contracts
done within the last three (3) years, of similar nature and complexity. For
a joint venture partners should collectively meet this specifc experience
provided each Joint venture Partner has had relevant experience in the
component contract it is designated to perform.
A margin of preference for eligible national suppliers shall not be applied.
Additional details are provided in the Bidding Documents.
6. A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by
interested eligible bidders upon the submission of a written application to the
address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of US$100.00. The
method of payment will be by Bankers Check in favor of LEC or paid in cash
to the Chief Accountant Offce, 1st Floor, LEC Central Offce. Alternatively, a
direct by payment into Liberia Electricity Corporation Project Account No:
10610000012034, (Swift Code No. ECOCLRLM) held with ECO BANK
LIBERIA LTD and submitting the payment advice as evidence to collect
the Bid Documents. An additional amount will be charged for deliveries by
7. Bids must be delivered to the address below, at or before, 10:00 am
local time on Monday, October 27, 2014. Electronic bidding will not be
permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of
the bidders representatives who choose to attend in person at the address at
the end of this IFB at 10:00 am local time on Monday, October 27, 2014, in
the LECs Central Offce Conference Room on the 3rd Floor.
All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Securing Declaration in the form
specifed in Section IV of this Bidding Document.
8. The addresses referred to above are:

For obtaining information and bid submission:

Liberia Electricity Corporation
3rd Floor, Conference Room
Water Street, Waterside,
P.O.Box 10-165
1000 Monrovia, 10 Liberia

For Bid Opening:

Liberia Electricity Corporation
3rd Floor, Conference Room
Water Street, Waterside,
Floor, Conference Room
P.O.Box 10-165
1000 Monrovia, 10 Liberia

Description of Goods

Quantity Delivery Date
(as per
Supply, Delivery and Installation of
CCTV Survillance for Bushrod Island

Set 3 to 4 weeks
following date of

Page 10 |
Friday, October 3, 2014

MOSCOW (Reuters) -
resident Vladimir
Putin dismissed
Western sanctions as
"utter foolishness" on
Thursday and said they would
not stop Russia developing into
a stronger economic power.
Attempting to take the higher
ground in a speech to foreign
and Russian investors, Putin
said he was relaxed about
the measures imposed on his
country over Ukraine even
though they had broken the
fundamental principles of the
global economy.
Addressing fnanciers worried
about the weakening economy,
capital fight and a possible
increase in state intervention,
he said Russia was well placed
to weather the storm
Mursitpinar (Turkey) (AFP) -
slamic State fghters were
at the gates Thursday of
a key Kurdish town on
the Syrian border with
Turkey, whose parliament
began debating military
intervention against the
In Iraq, the other major focus
of the US-led anti-jihadist
campaign, the Islamic State
(IS) group launched attacks
on two police and army bases
that left dozens dead, mostly
It came as Kurdish militiamen
backed by US-led air strikes
were locked in ferce fghting
to prevent the besieged Syrian
border town of Kobane from
falling to the IS group.
Heavy mortar fre around
the town was heard across
the Turkish border, an AFP
correspondent reported.
MECCA, Saudi Arabia (AP)

audi Arabia sought
to assure the public
that the kingdom
was safe and free of
health scares as an estimated
2 million Muslims streamed
into a sprawling tent city near
Mecca on Thursday for the
start of the annual Islamic hajj
Earlier this year, Saudi
authorities banned people
from Sierra Leone, Liberia and
Guinea the countries hardest
hit in the Ebola epidemic
from getting visas as a
precaution against the virus.
The decision has affected a
total of 7,400 pilgrims from the
three countries.
Kano (Nigeria) (AFP) -
oko Haram leader
Abubakar Shekau
dismissed Nigerian
military claims of his
death in a new video obtained by
AFP on Thursday and said the
militants had implemented strict
Islamic law in captured towns.
"Here I am, alive. I will only die
the day Allah takes my breath,"
Shekau said, adding that his
group was "running our... Islamic
caliphate" and administering
strict sharia punishments.
Boko Haram has shown images
of extreme violence before but
the latest video shows at length
graphic scenes of an amputation
and a stoning to death as well as
a beheading.
It also purports to show the
wreckage of a Nigerian Air
Force jet that went missing in the
northeast on September 11. Boko
Haram said its fghters shot it
down but the military denied the
The military announced last
week that Shekau was dead and
that a man who had been posing
as the group's leader in the videos
had been killed after fghting
with troops in the far northeast.
Security analysts and the United
States questioned the credibility
of the military's claim.
The new 36-minute video shows
Shekau, in combat fatigues and
black rubber boots, standing on
the back of a pick-up truck and
fring an anti-aircraft gun into
the air.
Standing in front of three
camoufaged vans and fanked
by four heavily armed, masked
fghters, he then speaks for 16
minutes in Arabic and the Hausa
language widely spoken in
northern Nigeria.
There was no indication of
where or when the video was
shot. Shekau appears in separate
images from the violence.
- Propaganda claims -
The heavily bearded Shekau,
who appeared to be the same
man as those in previous clips,
said the military's claim that he
was dead was propaganda.
"Nothing will kill me until my
days are over... Some people
asked you if Shekau has two
souls. No, I have one soul, by
Allah," he said, apparently
reading from a script.
There have been two previous
claims by Nigeria that Shekau
had been killed or "may be dead"
but Boko Haram later issued
video denials.
Elsewhere in the new video, the
militant leader said the group had
implemented strict Islamic law
in the towns that it had captured
in the northeast in recent weeks.
"We are running our caliphate,
our Islamic caliphate. We follow
the the land of Allah,"
he said.
On the air force jet, Boko Haram
fghters are seen apparently
picking through the wreckage of
the downed Alpha aircraft and
the military's green and white
logo is clearly visible.
But air force spokesman Air
Commodore Dele Alonge told
AFP: "For any group to claim
they shot it down is mere
propaganda and rubbish."
Military top brass suggested
images of the plane could have
been manipulated but said they
were studying the claims in the
video, even though they had not
seen it.
They maintained they had
provided "incontrovertible"
evidence about the death of the
Shekau impersonator but there
was no "proof of life or currency
such as screen time or date" on
the video.
"The video did not make any
reference to anything that has
happened since the impostor's
reported death," a statement said
- Extreme violence -
The video showed footage of a
man being stoned to death for
adultery, another having his
right hand cut off at the wrist for
theft and a man and a woman
receiving 100 lashes for sex out
of wedlock.
Crowds of men, women and
children are seen watching the
The scenes of graphic violence
are not unprecedented but come
as other groups in the wider
jihadi network, particularly
Islamic State (IS) militants in
Syria and Iraq, have issued
similar footage.
In a Boko Haram video obtained
on August 24, footage showed
the apparent execution of about
20 men captured in town of
Gwoza in Borno and two others
beaten to death with rocks and
Richard Downie, deputy director
of the Africa Programme
at the Center for Strategic
and International Studies in
Washington, said Boko Haram
has likely adapted its videos to
model the IS group, which has
captured global attention by
broadcasting grotesque violence.
Extremist groups "learn from
each other, certainly in terms of
communication", Downie told
AFP, describing Shekau as a
"savvy media character".
But, he added, the infuence of
the IS organisation on Boko
Haram is likely minimal,
describing the group as still
focused on Nigeria with limited
interest in Arab jihadis.
"I'd be wary of the notion that the
Middle East drives everything,"
Downie said.
HONG KONG (Reuters) -
ong Kong police
promised on Thursday
to respond frmly to any
attempt by thousands
of pro-democracy protesters to
occupy administrative buildings,
and authorities urged people to
immediately end their blockade of
the city center.
The mostly young protesters have
demanded Hong Kong's leader,
Leung Chun-ying, step down by
the end of Thursday, and want
China to introduce full democracy
so the city can freely choose its
own leader.
Several protest leaders, frustrated
at the government's refusal to meet
their demands, have threatened to
occupy government buildings if
Leung fails to resign.
But the chief executive, appointed
by Beijing, has refused to budge,
leaving the two sides far apart in
a dispute over how much political
control China should have over
Hong Kong.
Steve Hui, senior superintendent
of the Hong Kong police force,
said police would take action
in accordance with the law if
the protesters tried to enter
government buildings.
"Whenever there are violent and
major incidents and crimes such
as fghting and any other situation
that jeopardizes safety and public
order, police will take resolute
and frm action to restore public
order," Hui said, when asked how
police would respond should the
students carry through with their
"We assure (you) that police will
have enough manpower to deal
with every single situation."
Riot police used tear gas, pepper
spray and baton charges last
weekend to quell unrest, the
worst in Hong Kong since China
resumed its rule of the former
British colony in 1997.
Tens of thousands of people were
on the streets of central Hong
Kong on Thursday night, below
peak numbers seen during six
days of mass demonstrations but
still signifcant.
Some protesters said they would
go back to work on Friday after a
two-day public holiday, but they
planned to continue to support
the movement by returning in the
Several thousand people gathered
outside Leung's offce in Central
business district, where they faced
more than 100 police offcers
wearing riot gear. The situation
was calm so far.
The area is seen as a potential
fashpoint as the student
deadline approaches, and some
demonstrators wore goggles and
face masks. Hong Kong Cable
TV showed police moving boxes
marked as containing rubber
bullets and tear gas into Leung's
The "Occupy Central" movement
presents one of the biggest
political challenges for Beijing
since it violently crushed pro-
democracy protests in Tiananmen
Square in 1989.
Universal suffrage is an eventual
goal under the "one country,
two systems" formula by which
China rules Hong Kong. Under
that formula, China accords
Hong Kong some autonomy and
freedoms not enjoyed in mainland
However, protesters calling for
free elections reacted angrily when
Beijing decreed on Aug. 31 that it
would vet candidates wishing to
run in Hong Kong's 2017 election.
Protesters across the city have
dug in, setting up supply stations
with water bottles, fruit, raincoats,
towels, goggles, face masks, tents
and umbrellas.
The Hong Kong Federation
of Students, one of the protest
organizers, has urged people
to surround more government
buildings from Friday unless
the authorities accepted their
Protest leaders addressed
supporters camped near the
government headquarters,
preparing them for a potentially
tense night ahead.
"In the coming days we will team
up to support the movement and
provide resources. We will fght
until the very end," teenaged
student leader Joshua Wong said
from atop a ladder, to huge cheers.
The three main protest groups
have started to work more closely
together, perhaps aware that one
of the risks to their movement is
its lack of a unifed leadership.
The Hong Kong government said
the unrest was affecting public
order and public services.
"About 3,000 government offcials
will try their best tomorrow
to return to work. To maintain
public service, the government
headquarters must operate as
usual," the government said in a
"We urge the Occupy Central
leaders and organizers to stop the
movement immediately."
China has dismissed the pro-
democracy protests as illegal, but
it faces a dilemma.
Cracking down too hard could
shake confdence in market-
driven Hong Kong, which has a
separate legal system from the
rest of China. Not reacting frmly
enough, however, could embolden
dissidents on the mainland.
A government source with ties to
Leung said the Hong Kong leader
was prepared to play a long-game,
intervening only if there was
looting or violence.
"Unless there's some chaotic
situation, we won't send in riot
police ... We hope this doesn't
happen," the source said. "We
have to deal with it peacefully,
even if it lasts weeks or months."
Leung could not be reached for
A front-page editorial on
Thursday in the People's Daily,
the Communist Party mouthpiece,
lauded Leung's leadership and the
police response to the protests.

Boko Haram leader dismisses claims of his death in new video
Friday, October 3, 2014 Page 11


ionel Messi insists
that he has no interest
in competing with
Cristiano Ronaldo for
the title of the world's greatest
Having claimed the last six
Ballon d'Or awards between
them, the pair are regularly
compared to one another, with
their respective merits discussed
at length by players, pundits and
fans alike.
However, Messi insists that he
has no interest in the perceived
rivalry between the two,
explaining that he is not driven
by personal prizes - but club
oy Hodgson has
omitted Daniel
Sturridge from his
England squad to
face San Marino and Estonia
and has handed call-ups to
Jonjo Shelvey and Nathaniel
Fraser Forster, Ben Foster, Joe
Leighton Baines, Gary Cahill,
Nathaniel Clyne, Kieran Gibbs,
Phil Jagielka, John Stones
Fabian Delph, Jordan
Henderson, Adam Lallana,
James Milner, Alex Oxlade-
Chamberlain, Jonjo Shelvey,
Raheem Sterling, Andros
Townsend, Jack Wilshere
Rickie Lambert, Rooney,
Daniel Welbeck
ose Mourinho is
confdent Diego Costa
can fully recover from
his hamstring problems if
given a break from Spain's next
round of Euro 2016 qualifers.
The striker notched his eighth
goal in just six Premier
League games as the Blues
maintain their strong start with
a dominant 3-0 victory over
Aston Villa at Stamford Bridge
on Saturday.
Mourinho admitted Costa is
struggling to train between
games and feels the forward
can return to "top" ftness if
given a break by Spain - who
face Slovakia on October 9th
followed by Luxembourg three
days later.


he north Londoners
were heading for all
three points in the
Europa League until
Vlad Chiriches conceded a
penalty which was ruthlessly
dispatched by the former Chelsea
Mauricio Pochettino was denied
a maiden win in Europe as
Demba Ba struck late on against
Tottenham to claim a 1-1 draw
for Besiktas and prolong the
north Londoners' wait for a win
in the Europa League group
The visitors threatened early on,
with the dangerous Ba lashing a
furious shot against the bar, but
Spurs slowly took greater control
of proceedings and found a
breakthrough when Harry Kane
unleashed a stingy drive into the
far corner.
The north Londoners were unable
to build on that goal though and
were indebted to captain-for-the-
night Hugo Lloris for keeping
the Turkish giants at bay, with
the French shot-stopper making
a string of fne, refex saves.
Lloris could do little about
Besiktas's late equaliser,
however, with Vlad Chiriches
handling the ball inside the
box and gifting the away side
a penalty which was ruthlessly
dispatched by the former
Newcastle and Chelsea forward.
Pochettino made 10 changes
from Saturday's 1-1 draw at
Arsenal with only Lloris keeping
his place, and the goalkeeper
survived a scare as early as the
second minute when Sahan side-
footed wide after capitalising on
poor defensive play from Spurs.
Besiktas went even closer to
opening the scoring 10 minutes
later, Ba crashing a shot off the
crossbar, and Gokhan Tore fred
wide of the right-hand post
midway through the half as the
visitors made an assured start to
Their positivity was punctured
in the 27th minute, however, as
Kane received a pass from Nabil
Bentaleb and struck a sweet left-
footed shot low into the bottom-
right corner from 25 yards.
Lloris brilliantly denied Sahan
six minutes later, somehow
diverting the forward's close-
range effort wide of the post with
his trailing leg.
As the game opened up, Kane
brought a save out of Tolga
Zengin with a thumping effort
from a tight angle.
Spurs began the second half
brightly and Andros Townsend
curled a shot off target from 20
yards after linking up well with
Benjamin Stambouli.
Once again Lloris kept out
Sahan, leaping high to his left to
tip the ball over the bar after the
Turkey international had been
played in by Ba.
Bentaleb fred narrowly wide
just before the hour mark, and
Sahan's acrobatic volley few
wide of the upright in the 64th
minute with Lloris motionless.
Kane was denied a second by a
fne reaction stop from Zengin
19 minutes from time, before
Besiktas substitute Mustafa
Pektemek headed over with his
frst touch.
Lloris performed heroics again
fve minutes later to tip Ba's
powerful effort from eight yards
behind for a corner but, just when
it seemed Tottenham would
escape with a win, Chiriches
needlessly handled under
pressure from Pektemek and
Ba stroked home the resulting
penalty to rescue a draw.
Spurs have now won only one
of their past seven matches in
all competitions, and both they
and Besiktas have two points
from as many group fxtures
in the Europa League - though
Ba's late strike at least ensured
a happier return to north London
for the Turkish side, who crashed
out of the Champions League at
the hands of Arsenal earlier this
incent Kompany has
leapt to the defence
of Manchester City
team-mate Yaya Toure
after criticism of the midfelder's
recent form.
Toure enjoyed a superb 2013-14
campaign, with his return of 24
goals in all competitions helping
City to a Premier League and
Capital One Cup double.
The Ivory Coast international
has failed to match those high
standards so far this term, though,
with his only goal do date coming
in the 7-0 rout of Sheffeld
Toure's commitment has also
been called into question amid
rumours of a falling out with City
during the close-season, with the
star reportedly angling for an
exit after club offcials failed to
acknowledge his birthday.
However, Kompany insists Toure
remains a talisman for Manuel
Pellegrini's side and believes it is
only a matter of time before his
colleague shows his class once
"He's done so much for this club,
he's always played brilliantly," the
city skipper said. "He is always an
important player - when he does
well, the team does well.

Tottenham 1-1 Besiktas: Late Ba penalty punishes Spurs
Page 12 |
Friday, October 3, 2014
Henry Karmo (08865224950
rontPageAfrica has gathered that the Liberian National
Police has arrested a Truck load of Relief rice intended for
people who homes are being quarantined in Nimba County.
According to sources, two hundred bags of rice, ffteen
gallons of oil and ten bags of beans donated by the World Food
Program (WFP) for Nimba County were arrested between the towns
of Ganta and Saclepea.
The Truck was in route from Tapppita to Ganta for Homes quarantined
by the government of Liberia but was later found in route to Saclapea.
The offcers who arrested the vehicle said it was being escorted by a
police offcer who escaped the scene, one source told FPA.
The sources disclosed that up to present the true identity of those
behind the sale of the ration has not been established but said, a man
identifed as Alex Kruah who is believed to be the brother of a famous
business woman in the county was arrested on the Vehicle.
When contacted the head of the County Health team, Dr. Pollins
Bowah said, he could not speak much to the issue because he has
little information on the matter. Dr. Bowah said that he is currently
in Monrovia attending a workshop but confrmed receiving similar
information from the county.
Col. Reginald Mehn, Nimba County chief inspector via mobile phone
said, the truck full of rice was arrested because of procedural errors
as according to him the County health team did not follow the regular
I am the county inspector; I am supposed to approve the food
before it leaves the warehouse to be distributed to people who are
quarantined. But yesterday while I was inspecting clinics around the
county that the president is expected to visit during her visit in Nimba
County they were to wait for me but they rather went ahead and put
the food on a commercial truck which is against the procedure. We
transport food in our various government vehicles that were given to
us by the National task force, Mehn added.
He said those involved in the transportation of the ration have been
arrested and taken to the police station and are currently undergoing
He named Kou Yedbo head of the county psychosocial team and
Bleh Vah warehouse manager as individuals currently undergoing
Investigation continues.

rom Hunger to Harvest a
local non-governmental
organization that seeks to
empower communities
in agriculture, education, and
health is continuing its Ebola
awareness campaign in central
Monrovia with calls for Liberians
to take precautionary methods.
Speaking at the Monrovia launch,
FHTH (From Hunger to Harvest)
Executive Director Abraham
Jeneka expressed the need for
household to take preventive
measures. He said the increase in
death toll as a result of Ebola was
alarming and it shows that more
needs to be done in the fght.
According to him, in early
August his organization held a
day sensitization in District 14
on Bushrod Island, and it was
followed by other awareness at the
Freedom Fellowship Ministries
Church located in the Duport
Road Community on August 15,
FHTH Director Jeneka said
from Hunger to Harvest has also
carried out pre-Ebola outbreak
awareness campaign in Grand
Cape Mount County and it lasted
for three days. He noted that they
have also called out to disaster
philanthropists to come to the aid
of West Point dwellers, at the time
the slum community was under
Also speaking, Momodu Sombai,
Health Coordinator explained
that the Ebola awareness in
central Monrovia will also be
taken to communities, because
communities are areas where
Ebola starts.
Sombai said they will also carry
out behavior change messages
into communities so that people
will change their attitude when
it comes to the issue of Ebola.
He said they have also visited
Churches, Mosques and have
talked to Imams about how they
could keep safe from Ebola.
For his part, the Assistant
Executive Director of FHTH
Varney Kiazolu called on
Liberians to believe that Ebola
exist and to stop the state of
denial. He expressed the need
for collaborative effort to have
the Ebola virus eradicated in the
soonest possible time.
Kiazolu informed the gathering
that Hunger to Harvests focus
lies not only on Liberia, but the
world at large, with emphasis
on sub-Saharan Africa. With its
undertakings rooted in Liberia
and buttressed in the Diaspora by
the founder and Chief Executive
Offcer (CEO) based in the United
States of America; seeks to help
communities help themselves.
He indicated that over the years
from Hunger to Harvest Liberia
established an Adult Literacy
School in 2002, located in Marvii
Sonii Jr High School, Clara Town,
and Bushrod Island.
He recalled an enrollment that
began with 25 nursery students
and said the school has extended
to senior high (12th grade) with
385 students, staging two separate
Advancing its operations, FHTH
Liberia on March 16, 2014 visited
a self help clinic in Senbehun
Community, Grand Cape Mount
County to ascertain the standard
of services. Information given
by nurses and some patients were
visibly seen and felt by FHTHs
feld outreaches, as the building
was unfnished and lacked
some necessary drugs, sanitary
conditions unft, etc.
Assistance available from FHTH
for the Senbehun Community
was agriculture in nature which
included roots and tubers
(cassava, cucumber, corn)
cultivation delivered on March
16, 2014. Announcement of the
outbreak of Ebola in Liberia was
for the frst time told by FHTH to
this community during this visit.
Continuing its Ebola awareness,
FHTH on March 16, 2014 had
a day sensitization in District
14 on Bushrod Island, suburb of
Monrovia followed by awareness
at a church located in the Duport
Road Community named
Freedom Fellowship Ministries
on August 15, 2014.
Pre-Ebola outbreak awareness
campaign was carried out in
Grand Cape Mount County in
three days. On September 1,
2014 FHTH called out to disaster
philanthropists to come to the
aid of West Point dwellers, a
suburb also of Monrovia that
was quarantined due to the Ebola
outbreak after the organization
toured the community.
FHTH on September 9, 2014
responded to questionnaire sent
However its fnancial struggles to
continue duties as spelt out in the
operational objectives.
From Hunger to Harvests focus
lies not only on Liberia, but the
world at large, with emphasis
on sub-Saharan Africa. Its
endeavor in this reference is
rooted in Liberia, buttressed in the
Diaspora by the founder and Chief
Executive Offcer (CEO) based
in the United States of America.
FHTH seeks to help them.

visiting delegation of
the Health Education
and Relief through
Teaching (HEARTT)
Foundation and its collaborating
partner, AmeriCares has held
a meeting with President Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf at her Foreign
Ministry offce.
According to an Executive
Mansion release, the head
of delegation, HEARTT
Foundations interim executive
director Masmina Sirleaf,
informed the Liberian leader that
the visit was aimed at briefng her
about HEARTT and AmeriCares
intervention in West Africa and
Liberia in particular in light of
the outbreak of the deadly Ebola
virus disease now ravaging the
She pointed out that HEARTTs
response to the West African
Ebola outbreak has focused
on support for Liberian health
facilities and protection of
the frontline health workers.
Through our partners and donor
networks, we have provided
shipments of personal protective
equipment, IV fuids and other
life-saving supplies worth more
than $500,000 to hospitals,
clinics and treatment centers,
Mrs. Sirleaf stressed, adding,
Over the next several days,
HEARTT will distribute three
shipments from AmeriCares
and one from Liberia Medical
Relief with the assistance of
local chapters of Alpha Kappa
Alpha Sorority, Alpha Phi Alpha
Fraternity and the Monrovia
Rotary Club.
For her part, President Sirleaf
welcomed HEARTT and
AmeriCares to Liberia and
recognized their local partners,
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority,
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and
the Monrovia Rotary Club. She
refected that she has followed
HEARTTs work in Liberia
long before the start of her
administration and described
their work as a good example of
Liberians helping Liberia.
The Liberian leader further noted
the good work of HEARTT and
AmeriCares that include several
interventions at the John F.
Kennedy (JFK) Medical Center
and the Redemption Hospital in
Monrovia which has helped train
medical staffers and provide
opportunity for the deployment
of doctors and other healthcare
professionals to render voluntary
services to Liberians.
President Sirleaf also recognized
that the group has been a
major contributor to Liberias
healthcare services which
ensured that doctors performed
critical free operations at the JFK
Medical Center. Even though
the voluntary doctors left Liberia
due to the Ebola outbreak, we are
happy to know that HEARTT,
AmeriCares and their local
partners are still here providing
and distributing essentially
needed medical supplies and
protective equipment to Ebola
Treatment Centers and other
regular health facilities, she
pointed out.
She told both HEARTT
and AmeriCares that their
partnership has not only given
hope to Liberians but proven
that there are still groups out
there that really care for people
in need and in crisis; adding that
she applauds the institutions for
their role in all they are doing as
the country battles an unknown
President Sirleaf also praised the
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority,
Alpha Phil Alpha Fraternity and
Monrovia Rotary Club who are
utilizing their own resources,
with no request from government
to help Liberia overcome the
further spread of the deadly
Ebola virus disease.
The HEARTT Foundation was
born against the backdrop of
post-confict Liberia reweaving
its social and economic fabric.
HEARTT Foundation recruits
and facilitates the travel of
volunteer clinicians to increase
clinical care capacity and
provide hands-on training and
lectures to local healthcare
workers at the JFK Medical
Center and Redemption Hospital
in Monrovia. It has established
programs in emergency
medicine, internal medicine,
pediatric and orthopedic surgery
at the JFK Medical Center
and pediatric and obstetrics-
gynecology at Redemption
Hospital; rotating up to 70
primary care and specialty
Physicians to Liberia annually
for continuous coverage.
AmeriCares is an emergency
response and global health
organization committed to saving
lives and building healthier
futures for people in crisis in
the United States and around
the world. Today, AmeriCares
is the worlds largest provider of
donated medicines and medical
supplies, both in the United
States and worldwide and works
along with more than 3,500 local
partners to restore and enhance
health services, particularly in the
face of disaster; provide quality
primary care; increase access to
medicines and supplies in under-
resourced settings and catalyze
long-term improvements in
healthcare delivery.
The visiting delegation included
HEARTT Foundations interim
executive director, Masmina
Sirleaf; AmeriCares director
of emergency response, Garett
Friday, October 3, 2014 Page 13
Commission on Higher Education Director General long Corruption tale
Stephen D. Kollie, 0776329124
Mae Azango
Monrovia -
he Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Finance
and Development Planning (MFDP) has commenced the
process for the selection and appointment of an independent
Fiduciary Agent to assist the government with the fnancial
management of the Ebola Trust Find.
An MFDP release says the decision to contract an independent
fnancial management frm was intended touphold governments
commitment to full transparency and accountability as announced
recently by Liberias Minister of Finance and Development Planning,
Amara Konneh.
According to the Minister Konneh, the frm selected to provide the
fduciary service would manage the fund and supervise accounting
related services, under the direction of the Minister of Finance and
Development Planning, under the multi-donor governance structure.
It would be required to set up a sound fnancial management system
to accurately record and report on all funds received and disbursed
from the Trust Fund and providing regular fund management report.
The Firm would also provide oversight of all procurement functions
to ensure compliance with established guidelines of the government
as well as those of development partners.
Working with sector entities, the Firm would work to design specifc
procurement procedures and rules tailored to meet the standard
guidelines of Public Procurement and Concession Commission.
The Firm would amongst others, provide technical support to the
Incident Management System and oversee the procurement of goods,
works, non-consulting services and (services) to be funded from the
The government of Liberia in response to the Ebola Virus epidemic
established the Ebola Trust Fund (ETF) at the Central of Bank of
Liberia (CBL) in a bid to attract resources from the government,
private citizens and international donors.
The Fund was created with an initial US$5 million injection through
a loan facility from the Central Bank of Liberia. To date, the fund has
raised over 10 million dollars, with more donations expected from
foreign partners and friendly governments in coming weeks.
Recently the Liberian government announced it needed US $
375 million to effectively fund its National Ebola Response and
Restoration of Basic Health Services strategy.

homas Eric Duncan,
the Liberian who
transported the deadly
Ebola virus to the
United States of America is
clinging onto life at a Texas
Health Presbyterian but it seems
the Liberian government is not
taking his case lightly.
Why the Government is hoping
for him to recover from the virus
which has killed dozens of people
in Liberia and the West African
sub-region, Duncan could face
possible trial upon his return to
Liberia for what authorities at the
Roberts International Airport are
describing as false declaration.
Mr. Duncan left the shores of
Liberia via SN Brussels airline
on September 19 and arrived in
the US on 20 September.
Dr. Tom Kenyon, Director for
the Centers for Disease Control
Center for Global Health who
is visiting Liberia told reporters
Wednesday that as soon as the
case was reported, the CDC
in partnership with the Texas
Department of Health team sent
a seven-person team Tuesday
night to further investigate.
Binyah Kessely Chairman of the
Liberia Airport Authority told
a news conference Thursday at
the Ministry of Information that
as far as the RIA is concerned,
Mr. Duncans last temperature
test was at 36.3 and that he was
normal and never showed signs
and symptoms of Ebola prior to
his departure from RIA.
Duncan arrived at the Dallas
emergency room on September
26 and although his symptoms
could have indicated Ebola,
among other diseases, no one at
the hospital asked him if he had
recently traveled to countries
where the virus is present, a
source close to the case told
The man, who had just
fown from Liberia to the
United States, didn't offer the
information either, the source
said, and he then left the hospital.
A spokesman for Texas Health
Presbyterian Hospital says it's
investigating whether the patient
was questioned about his travels.
Duncan lied in health application
Duncan is said to have carried
a pregnant woman in a wheel
barrel at a local health facility
in Monrovia who was suspected
to have died from Ebola but
Duncan, according to the RIA
Chairman, lied in his health
application to airport authorities
by answering no to questions
about him coming in contact
with any Ebola victim or sick
Pushing for prosecution
While Patrick Sawyer was the
frst Liberian to transport the
Ebola virus to Nigeria with the
latter being Mr. Thomas Eric
Duncan, it seems the RIA is
taking a further step to deter
people from risking the lives of
other citizens.
The Maritime Boss said the
LAA is in consultation with
the Ministry of Justice to seek
possibility in prosecuting Mr.
Duncan for what he calls false
Said Mr. Kessely: There are
couple of things we need to
make abundantly clear. At
the airport, we have a health
care questionnaire that we
developed in collaboration
with the international SOS
group and with the center for
disease control. It has actually
been revised a number of times
where there is declaration of all
of the activities you have done
within the last 21 days. After
we take your temperature your
name and everything else we
put on top of the form you have
to fll in and you have to use
the honor system. It is virtually
impossible for the government
of Liberia and any of you sitting
in this room or listening to my
voice to follow somebody every
single day and know whether or
not they come in contact with
any individual who has Ebola.
We ask you, have you come in
contact with anyone who has
had any of the symptoms? Its
a whole list of questions. To all
of these questions Mr. Duncan
answered no.
Kessely said while the
government wishes Mr. Duncan
a speedy recovery, the Minister
of Justice is of the opinion that
he can be prosecuted and the
ailing Liberian will face justice
should he return to Liberia.
Knowingly making false
declaration is not a joke. We
ask you these things because
we dont want a police state
Cestos City
annah Toe is in the twelfth
grade class at Cestos High
School in rural Rivercess
County. She looks youthful
with cornrows and a red fower
headband in her hair matching her
ruffed top, but she is 24 years old and
already a mother, with a fve-year-old
son named Tony.
Part 3 of a 3-part series on Liberias
Rural Education Crisis, a collaboration
between New Narratives and Front
Page Africa newspaper and website.
Toe was 17 when she got pregnant. She
dropped out of school to take care of
the baby while the childs father, a high
school graduate, went to work in the
gold mines to support his son.
Toe holds parents responsible for the
rampant rate of teenage pregnancy and
early parenthood, especially in rural
I blame my parents because they
didnt guide and advise me, said Toe.
Our parents dont tell us about sex
and the dangers ahead when we start
to receive our period. They say it is
rude to discuss that kind of topic with
their children. For this reason, you fnd
many girls roaming the streets and not
under control.
Toes story is one of thousands in
Liberia. Teen pregnancy, together with
its subsequent poverty, is a national
crisis. It is an age-old problem that
hinders the educational mindset of
many girls here and holds them back.
Some girls get married before they
enter school or are in elementary, said
Peter Cole, acting principal of Cestos
High School. Can you imagine a girl
who is in the third grade and already
married? So how can she concentrate
on her lesson?
She would feel too big, too mature
to abide by the schools policies and
guidelines because she has a home
that she manages. This gives the
administration a headache because
these girls dont want to be controlled.
Also beyond education offcials
control are Liberias traditional
societies and their schools. In rural
villages throughout the country, girls
are carried to the Grebo or Sande Bush,
even while regular school is in session.
Originally created to train young
girls to look after a household and a
husband, the bush schools contribute
to the alarming early pregnancy trend.
When a girl passes the initiation ritual,
marked by female genital cutting,
and graduates from the bush school,
she is considered ready for marriage
and childbearing, no matter her age.
Most girls never return to their regular
If these children come from the Sande
Bush, it is diffcult to get them back
into the classrooms, said Dallas Gueh,
Junior Senator, Rivercess County.
This means they are not helping the
system because the traditional society
only prepares them to be a housewives;
it does not prepare them to become
The Sande society does not only pose
a problem but a serious threat to this
country. If there is no check to this
Government weighs court action against US Ebola victim

where everybody is put under
a hundred percent quarantine.
Where we can follow you every
minute of the day to monitor
every movement that you make.
We expect people to do the
honorable thing but we also want
to unequivocally state that if
you leaving the country you are
screened there separate times,
he said.
According to the Maritime Boss,
passengers going through the
RIA facility are required to do
a temperature check screening
at the airport gate, another
temperature check at the second
gate and a last temperature scan
before boarding a fight.
Meanwhile, Liberias Assistant
Minister for Preventive and
Curative Services Tolbert
Nyenswah has provided further
identity of Mr. Thomas Eric
Duncan indicating that the
Liberian who transported the
Ebola virus to America was a
driver for Safeway Cargo, a
subsidiary of FedEx and lives in
the 72nd Community.
Established in 1992 as a
registered corporate entity under
the laws of the Republic of
Liberia, Safeway Cargo is a one-
stop-shop for cargo service needs
in Liberia which provides a host
of services to large, medium, and
small businesses, international
organizations, government, and
non-commercial clients.
Minister Nyenswah told
reporters Thursday that Duncan
worked with Safeway Cargo
for a year and two months and
that his last day at work was on
September 4, 2014.
Said Minister Nyenswah: The
reason this is important is that
if his last day at work was on
September 4, 2014 then the
Safeway cargo family is not at
risk of the disease. Because at
the time on the fourth he did not
develop symptoms, he traveled
on the 19 he did not develop
symptoms and he developed
symptoms in the United States.
And the epidemiology of this
disease is if you dont have
symptoms you cannot transmit
the disease.
situation, we are going to have many
uneducated people in our society.
Rural areas like Rivercess and other
counties where the Sande and Poro
societies are active are governed by
chiefs and spiritual leaders who protect
the culture and traditions of the land.
They are equally revered and feared by
village residents. Any citizen violating
a traditional law is dealt with and
punished as these leaders see ft.
I teach girls how to respect their
husband and not control their men in
the home, and they listen to me, said
Mamie Toe, known as Zoe Mamie, a
spiritual leader or chief zoe who runs
the Sande Bush in Rivercess County.
Because in this time, girls just want to
jump from man to man and dont want
to be under control.
Zoe Mamie is well-known here and
feared by many. She considers the
Sande Bush her very own school.
Parents pay her LD $3,000 (US $39)
and half a bag of rice when their
daughters are ready to graduate.
Chief zoe Mamie Toe, known as Zoe
Mamie, runs a Sande bush school in
Girls today are rude, and parents cant
control them, said Zoe Mamie in her
thick local dialect, so they must go to
the Sande to be trained otherwise.
If a girl not in Sande speaks ill about
the society, she will be dragged into the
bush and circumcised as punishment,
said Zoe Mamie.
I have my bush and if any girl is sassy,
I will carry her into the bush and put
her under control, said Zoe Mamie. I
can do it because at this time, children
dont respect we the old people, so we
will control them.
We the zoes got our eye outside to see
if you, who aint join the society bush,
put your mouth in something you dont
know. We will put crime on you and
carry you in the bush and discipline
you because it is not your business to
talk about our school business.
Bush schools in many rural parts of
Liberia have come under fre from
teachers and school administrators for
interfering with the formal education
curriculum set by the Ministry of
The Sande Bush has an impact on
a girl childs education because two
things cannot occupy one space, said
Principal Cole of Cestos High School.
When girls are in the Sande, they are
out of school. While they are in the
Sande, they wont learn anything but
to get married and cater to their homes
which they put into practice as soon
as they leave the Sande Bush.
The effects of early parenthood are not
limited to our nations girls, but the
boys as well. Many young fathers here
leave school for days at a time in order
to scrape together a few dollars.
They too leave school to go work
in the gold mines, said Cole. Some
of them leave during weekends or
vacation to go to these various mines
and dont return to school on time, or
some dont come back at all but rather
focus on making more money for their
Gabriel Danwleh, 25, who is in the
eleventh grade at Cestos High, got
a girl pregnant two years ago. The
mother of his son, Small Gabriel, is
20 years old now and in the sixth grade
at a local elementary school.
Danwleh skips school to go to the
mines to hustle for money to support
his family and afford school fees. He
usually leaves on Thursday and does
not return to school until Tuesday
When I work one whole day, I make
LD $500, so when I work for three
days, I get LD $1,500, said Danwleh.
I dont enjoy leaving school to go and
work, but my parents died during the
war and I have nobody to help me.
Gabriel Danwleh, 25, in the 11th grade
at Cestos High School, skips school
for days to work in the gold mines to
support his girlfriend and their son.
With the money I get from the mines,
I buy pamphlets and pay other fees on
campus. I also buy my babys food and
pay my girls school fees as well.
Government and international partner
organizations are putting into place a
system to tackle the teen pregnancy
crisis. Efforts include the launch
of massive awareness campaigns
focusing on family planning and birth
Rivercess has a basic road network
that allows contraceptives to reach
its clinics. In this respect, it is better
off than other rural parts of Liberia.
Students here have access to birth
control if they want it.
Sixth-grade student Hannah Gaysayee,
19, of Upper Timbo Community
School gets oral contraceptives from
the general hospital in the capital seat
of Cestos City. Most of her friends,
however, do not take advantage of
these protections, she said.
I am taking birth control not to get
pregnant, but when I advise my friends
about family planning, they tell me that
they want to have their babies while
they are young, said Gaysayee.
Seven girls started the sixth grade
alongside Gaysayee. Over the course
of the school year, that number
plummeted to two. Five girls dropped
out because they got pregnant. Now
they are married and running a home,
said Gaysayee.
Cestos High School acting principal
Cole said education offcials are
encouraging girls to stay in school
because the country depends on them.
We have a gender ministry branch
that comes on campus twice a year to
teach the girls family-life education
and help them to be dependable, said
Cole. It is not suffcient, but we have
to start from somewhere.
While many girls are breadwinners
of their homes at a young age, sex
education is still not taught in many
schools across Liberia. While Hannah
Gaysayee considers herself lucky to
be on birth control, girls in rural areas
inaccessible by roads are left with no
access to family planning. Our girls
wait for the Ministry of Health to
send in a mobile team. Our girls wait
for Public Works to fx the roads. Our
girls wait for education to be a national
priority. Our girls wait. But their
bodies do not.
Mae Azango is a fellow of New
Narratives, a project supporting the
businesses of leading independent
media in Africa. See more at www. New Narratives and
FrontPage Africa traveled to Rivercess
in 2012.
Spot News
ario Balotelli and
Danny Welbeck moved
for 16million with a
point to prove.
.. but already the evidence suggests
Arsenal have a bargain while Liverpool
have trouble
Arsenal and Liverpool each paid
16million for a striker with something
of a point to prove in the closing stages
of the transfer window.
Danny Welbeck arrived in north London
with a reputation for hard work, level
temperament, a little skill, pace, power,
and questionable fnishing.
Mario Balotelli landed on Merseyside
with a reputation for not much hard
work, erratic temperament, a lot of skill,
pace, power and cool fnishing, at least
from the penalty spot.
But already, with Wednesday nights
Champions League action as Exhibit
A, the evidence suggests it is Arsene
Wenger with the bargain on his hands,
while Brendan Rodgers perhaps has
only trouble, greater even than he
Wenger had the opportunity to buy
Balotelli but declined, while Rodgers
had earlier in the summer dismissed
the idea totally. Circumstances changed
and he must now get the best out of
the Italian. Welbeck, meanwhile, has
quickly shown he could be better than
many thought possible.
Juxtaposing the abilities of the two
players born just three months apart
shows why.
Work rate
This is the defning quality that separates
Welbeck from Balotelli. Too often a
backhanded compliment for players not
as talented as others, it is actually the
difference between winning and losing.
Welbeck will run all match for his team,
while Balotelli often looks like hes not
overly keen to stride a few yards. At
Manchester United, that willingness
meant Welbeck would be asked to play
on the wing rather than up front.
It is also why Sir Alex Ferguson gave
Welbeck the job of No 10, under
instruction to target and tackle Xabi
Alonso, when Real Madrid visited Old
Trafford in March 2013.
Can you imagine Rodgers requesting
a similar, thankless task of Balotelli?
It would be harder than convincing
George Clooney to take a role as a
supporting actor in a blockbuster flm.
Rodgers could not even persuade
Balotelli to applaud travelling Liverpool
fans following defeat in Basle.
Following Welbecks frst goal for
Arsenal against Aston Villa, Wenger
explained his belief that an instinct for
fnishing had ebbed during years spent
on the edge of stage at United. When
every shot is scrutinised because of their
infrequency, confdence can sap.
This is not to absolve Welbeck for
misses indeed his attempted dink
when through against Manuel Neuer
last season stands out as a particularly
galling episode but it goes some
way to contextualising 20 goals in
92 Premier League for United (39
appearances were from the bench).
As he showed in his hat-trick against
Galatasaray, Welbeck actually
possesses the tools to score plenty.
His frst for United, as a 17-year-old,
was a thunderbolt from range, while
the 'Welbeck heel' for England against
Sweden at Euro 2012 expressed
Balotelli has never suffered from
a shortage of bravado. Sorting his

famous Why always me? T-shirt ahead of
the Manchester derby shows as much. His
fnishing has mostly backed that statement
up. From 12 yards he is pretty much
invincible recent lapses in Italy failing to
puncture his perfect record in England and
there is no doubt he possesses the mentality
of a goalscorer.
He makes the diffcult look simple, as with
his only Liverpool goal to date against
Ludogorets, and has a knack for fnding the
extremities between the posts. His record for
Manchester City of 20 Premier League goals
in 33 starts bears scrutiny with the best.
A tale of two mindsets. Where Welbeck is the
ultimate team player, Balotelli is the ultimate
maverick. Moves will often link through
Welbeck, who set up Mesut Ozil in the win
at Villa Park, and he showed his willingness
to run beyond the shoulder of the last
defender against Galatasaray. He may want
that centre-forward role dearly, but his time
at United shows he will not shun an order to
sacrifce himself for the greater good.
Sacrifce is the word Sportsmail columnist
Jamie Carragher could not countenance
when discussing Balotelli. His psychology
is attuned to individual glory, as much as
he may be a likeable fgure in the dressing
room. Given the lone forward role in Basle,
he regularly dropped deep in search of the
ball when he would have been better suited
providing an outlet further up.
There was not a single touch in the
opposition box, but two cracked free-kicks
from distance admittedly very good and a
shot slashed horribly wide when team-mates
offered better choices.
This is an area Balotelli should excel over
Welbeck but any footballer schooled in
Uniteds academy since the age of 11 will
have a sure touch. Welbeck can dribble and
perform a drag back as well as anyone in the
Balotelli holds all the tricks in his locker but
utilising them for best impact is a talent he
is yet to master. Just remember that Zidane
turn when through on goal in a pre-season
friendly for City. Roberto Mancini hooked
him straight away.
Fans rating
Arsenal supporters were initially
uncertain about Welbeck, even if
they did delight in capturing a player
Uniteds faithful had called their
own. That Spurs were gazumped
also added to his allure. But any
doubts are beginning to be dispelled
and virals celebrating Welbeck have
fooded social media, ever the gauge
of a footballers popularity.
Liverpool followers will always want
to unite behind their players and even
though Balotelli was once a thorn in
their side, hundreds of fans focked
to the clubs Melwood training base
the night he conducted his medical,
cheering as he left past 9pm. That
initial excitement has turned into
realisation that he is not the Messiah,
however, just Mario (and sometimes
he can be a very naughty boy).
Competition for places
So far Welbeck has enjoyed the run
of the Emirates with Olivier Giroud
injured. It will be interesting to
witness his reaction, and Wengers,
when the France striker returns from
his foot problem in January.
He might have sealed his starting role
as centre forward by then if he carries
on like he is. Lukas Podolski can play
up front but is out of favour, while
Theo Walcott is another who wants
to play striker but is currently injured.
Finally Welbeck is the main man in
possession of the shirt.
It is a similar situation for Balotelli
at current. Daniel Sturridge has been
superb since arriving from Chelsea
in January 2013 but has a frustrating
habit for getting injured. He has been
out with a thigh strain since the start
of September. Once ft, he could force
Balotelli to the bench, with Raheem
Sterling and Adam Lallana for
support instead.
Rickie Lambert and Fabio Borini are
Rodgers other striking options but
neither is setting the world alight at
Anfeld. Lambert hasnt scored in fve
substitute appearances in the Premier
League, while Borni has managed to
stick around despite everyones best
efforts to get him to Sunderland.
He did score 10 times on loan on
Wearside last season but only twice
for Liverpool the campaign before.

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