A Brief Guide To Interviewing: Myrna Rudder Allen Rioux

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A Brief Guide to Interviewing

Myrna Rudder
Allen Rioux
No matter how qualified you are on
paper, you still need to sell yourself to
the people who have the authority to hire
Selling Yourself
Why Prepare?
preparation builds confidence
improves the likelihood of success
reduces the possibility of surprises
enables you to handle curveballs
gives you the competitive edge
An Interviewing Fact
Approximately 75% of the interview is based
your appearance
how well you present yourself
Appearance also involves:
Verbal and non-verbal communication
Dress Conservatively
Neat and Conservative is best
Do not wear heavy perfume or aftershave
For women, do not wear too much jewelry,
limit yourself to
a single necklace or chain
a ring
small button type earrings
For both, no piercings
Dress Conservatively
You should wear something that avoids
directing the focus away from you and
onto your clothes.
You should wear something that makes
the interviewer think professional and
Different Clothing Types/Styles
Professional Dress
Interview outfit
Daily clothing for professional office setting
Business Casual Dress
Dress down Fridays or casual office environment
Career Fair
Casual Dress
Company picnic
Traveling for work
Womens Professional
Womens Business Casual
Mens Professional
Mens Business Casual
Grooming Counts
An expensive suit will not compensate for
dirty fingernails, messy hair, and wrinkled
Good grooming indicates attention to detail
and respect for others
Double Check!
Be certain of the date, time, place, name of the
organization and the interviewers name.
Never be late!
Be a few minutes early
Remember to make time for unforeseen circumstances
such as traffic jams, difficulty with finding a parking
Turn off your cell phone!
Research the Company
Know at least the following:
How old the company is
What its products or services are
Where its plants, offices or stores are
What its growth has been
How its prospects look for the future
Review Your Resume - Again
Be prepared to answer questions about your
Work Experience
Be sure that what is on your resume is current and
accurate and always be prepared to fill out an
application upon arrival.
Know your references! Have them ready.
Preparation Tips
Prepare your answers for typical questions
Write down your success stories
Select your references
Learn about the organization and its people
Prepare the questions you will ask the interviewer
about the job and the company
Select your clothing and have them dry-cleaned or
laundered if necessary
How to Craft a Success Story
Think of a situation (work or school).
Explain when or where this situation took place.
Explain the situation? What obstacles, challenges
or problems called for your action?
State the action you took?
Share the results or outcomes? Quantify those
results how many, how large, what percent?
Convey the transferable skills you used or learned
that you can bring to the job.
Practice Makes Perfect
Practice interviewing with a friend
Schedule a Mock Interview with the Career
Management Center, if this service is
Practice in front of a mirror or a video
The Interview
The Greeting
Greet the interviewer by name as you enter
the office.
if you are unsure of the pronunciation, ask!
ask for a business card
Take your cues from the interviewer.
Be sure to shake the interviewers hand
During the Interview
Be frank and truthful in your answers avoid being
Be enthusiastic about what you have done and what you
can do
Project attentiveness
Ask for clarification if you do not understand any question
Be careful not to criticize former employers, professors, or
anyone/anything for that matter!
During the Interview
Relate past experiences to the skills you will need
for the job
Give specific examples
If asked about salary requirements avoid
mentioning one specific amount
For co-op positions, refer the interviewer to Susan
When pressed for an answer:
The fair market value would be a good answer
You can refer the recruiter to the co-op office
Recruiters Are Looking For
Ability to communicate can you organize your
thoughts and ideas effectively when writing or speaking?
Can you present your ideas in a positive way.
Self-confidence Can you demonstrate a sense of
maturity and direction that enables you to deal positively
and effectively with situations and people?
Willingness to accept responsibility are you
someone who recognizes what needs to be done? Are
you willing to get it done? Are you willing to do more than
what is required of you?
Flexibility Are you capable of change and receptive to
new ideas and situations?
Recruiters Are Looking For
Ability to handle conflict Can you successfully
contend with stress situations and antagonisms?
Competitiveness Do you have the capacity to
compete with others and a willingness to be measured
by your performance in relation to that competition?
Goal achievement Can you identify, work toward and
obtain specific goals? Can you look ahead, anticipate the
future and make long-range plans?
Level of Initiative Can you identify purposeful work
and take action? Do you always wait to be told what to
Recruiters Are Looking For
Possession of technical skills or ability to achieve
them Do you possess the skills necessary for the
particular job or do you have the ability to learn them
Direction Do you know where you want to be in two or
three years? Do you know enough about your field to
know the different opportunities available and what type
of position will satisfy your knowledge and goals?
Level of energy Are you ambitious? Do you possess
drive? Can you take charge of a situation? Would you be
willing to put in extra time and time to accomplish a
specific task
Recruiters Are Looking For
Interpersonal skills Can you get along with people
who are different from you in any respect? Can you work
with them toward a common goal in a professional
Leadership Do you have the ability to gain peoples
respect and confidence? Can you organize and direct a
group of people? Can you delegate responsibilities?
Knowledge of the company Are you familiar with the
companys products and services; potential growth
Recruiters May Ask
What are your future career plans?
What do you see yourself doing 5 or 10 years from now?
In what school activities have you participated? Which did
you enjoy most?
In what type of position are you most interested?
What are the reasons for which you might like to work for
our company?
What courses did you like best? Least?
What kind of boss do you prefer?
Recruiters May Ask
What were the reasons for your choice in college major?
What interests you about our product or service?
Do you feel you have done the best scholastic work of
which you are capable?
What are your major strengths? Weaknesses?
How would a professor, colleague or previous supervisor
describe you?
What would be the benefit to us of your joining our
Ten Rules for Interviewing
1. Keep your answers brief and concise
2. Include concrete, quantifiable data
3. Repeat your key strengths three times
4. Prepare five or more success stories
5. Put yourself on their team
6. Image is often as important as content
7. Ask questions
8. Maintain a conversational flow
9. Research the company, product lines and competitors
10. Keep an interview journal
Questions You May Ask
What would be a typical assignment/day?
What type of training/orientation would I have?
What might I expect in terms of job progression?
How does this particular department fit into the
entire structure of the organization?
Do you have any recent graduates (or co-op
students) from UT or Engineering working at your
How long have you been with the company? What
are the positive factors? Negative?
Be alert to signs from the interviewer that
the session is closing.
Thank the interviewer at the close of the
Ask what the next step will be.
Send a well-written thank-you letter within 24 hours.
An emailed thank-you is okay but also send a formal one.
Include a reiteration of the job as you understand it, points
you may have forgotten to mention, and a response to any
concerns expressed.
Restate that you want the job and describe how you will follow up.
Keep in contact with the interviewer.
Remember to be courteous, respectful and professional.
The recruiter may recommend you for something else if you do not
land the current position.
Keep in contact with the co-op office
In Summary
Any Questions?

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