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Registration No-71/23592 G Abdul Rasheed

Paper Human Resource Development

Response Sheet No.1

Question 1- Training needs identification of an Organization-
Training needs identification of an Organization is the process of collecting information about an
expressed or implied organizational need that could be met by conducting training. The
need can be a desire to improve current performance or to correct a deciency. It means
that there is a prescribed or best way of doing a task and that variance from it is creating a
problem. The needs assessment process helps the trainer and the person requesting
training to specify the training need or performance deciency.
Conducting a training needs assessment/identification process is the first step in creating a targeted training
and development program within organization. Below are different ways of assessments that can be perform
-ed to discover organization training needs.
1) Production Records: Production records of the organization is one of the source thru which we can
identify training needs, based on previous records we can assess the training needs to fill the Knowledge,
Skills & Attitudes gaps, if any.
2) Organizational assessment: It is used to uncover the competencies, knowledge and skills that are needed
by the company to bridge any gaps. Organizational assessments also take into account external factors such
as the economy, environmental policies, technological advances and changing workforce demographics.
These assessments determine where training is needed, how it will be conducted and when. Organizational
assessments answer two critical development planning questions:
Where in the organization is training required?
Will the training be effective if implemented (fill the gaps)?
3) Task assessment: The task assessment gathers information about a particular job function or occupational
group. This analysis identifies the key tasks, competencies and skills required to perform the job at the most
efficient level. This type of analysis is particularly useful if an organization is moving in a new direction or
undergoing restructuring. Again, the assessment is used to determine if there are any gaps between existing
competencies and those needed for improved performance. Task assessments answer the following planning
What skills and/or behaviors must be acquired in this job function?
4) Individual assessment: The individual assessment focuses on a particular employee to discover how well
they are performing. This type of assessment determines the individuals existing skills and competencies,
their learning style and capacity for new work. The individual analysis identifies who within the organization
requires training and what kind of training is needed. 360 degree evaluations are useful as individual
assessments tool. These assessments answer the following key development questions:
Does the employee have the necessary skills?
What training is required for the employee to acquire the necessary skills?
Performance appraisals: Performance appraisals are useful tools for training need assessment. Performance
appraisals can identify a company's top performers and low performance to fill the gaps thru specific training and
development initiatives. Employee reviews also can reveal areas of weakness and potential improvement in your
workforce, helping to identify training needs. Continually updating training programs based on performance
appraisal feedback can boost your workforce's productivity and efficiency over time.

Above are the methods for identifying training and development needs of an organization. An
organization can use any of these methods for effective identification of training and development

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