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Lesson Five Review Unleashing the Gospel

Name: _____________________________ Date: ___________ __ /20 pts

1. Why does M.R. Thomas say that the Acts 15 council was the greatest crisis o the !hurch" #ow would it have
$een %ossi$le or the movement o !hrist&ollowers to $ecome one o many now&deunct s%linter&sects o
'udaism" (2 pts)
2. (escri$e the two )ey %rinci%les ound in 1 !orinthians * and + used $y ,aul in his ministry to -entiles. as
mentioned $y $oth Talman and Anthony. What are some reasons that a%%lying these two %rinci%les might ma)e
some !hristians uncomorta$le" (2 pts)
3. The a%ostles were conident that the #oly /%irit had $een given to the -entile $elievers. Why was this crucial or
their decision in Acts 15" According to (ye. why is this same conidence crucial or missionaries today" (2 pts)
4. #ow did 'esus0 disci%les ulill #is %romise that they would $e #is witnesses" #ow does this )ind o witnessing
dier rom some common ideas a$out witnessing in our day" (2 pts)
5. What does Mc!lung mean $y a%ostolic %assion" (2 pts)
6. 1n the analogy o The Wall and the !anyon. which $arrier )ee%s more %eo%le rom ollowing !hrist within
%eo%les without churches and why" (2 pts)
The Wall of Commu!"at!o We must "lea#l$ "ommu!"ate the %ospel to th!s u#ea"he& people '#oup ! a (a$ that the$
(!ll )e a)le to u&e#sta& !t.
The Ca$o of Co*e#s!o We must #emem)e# that (e a#e ot "all!' people to follo( a Weste# Ch#!st!a!t$. We a#e
"all!' them to follo( Ch#!st a& the %ospel+ )ut th!s ma$ loo, &!ffe#et that !t loo,s fo# us ! ou# "ultu#e.
-. Match these %hrases with either the wall 2W3 or the canyon 2!3. (4 pts)
___ s!'!' fo#e!' Ch#!st!a so's ! a fo#e!' mus!"al st$le
___ t(o $ea#s of la'ua'e stu&$ o the f!el&
___ "ha'!' oe.s ame to a /Ch#!st!a ame0
___ lea#!' to l!*e (!th! a e( "ultu#e fa# f#om home
___ )e"om!' fluet eou'h to p#ea"h
___ )e!' #e1e"te& f#om $ou# fam!l$ fo# )e!' )apt!2e&
___ )e!' tol& hoo#!' $ou# a"esto#s !s !&olat#$
___ &e*elop!' a /3!&u f#!e&l$0 t#aslat!o of the 4!)le
5. 444 Which was not true o ,aul0s a%ostolic $ands" (1 pt)
a. ope#ate& !&epe&etl$ of the "hu#"h that #elease& them
). )ase& o 6e(!sh fo#ms of m!ss!oa#$ (o#,
". e"oom!"all$ self7suff!"!et
&. (o#,e& ! "#oss7"ultu#al sett!'s at t!mes
e. supe#*!se& )$ the 6e#usalem "ou"!l (8"ts 11 a& 15)
9. 444 True or False. According (ye. the #oly /%irit can $e trusted to deal with sins in the same se5uence in every
%eo%le grou%. (1 pt)
10. 444 True or False. According to Tson. deeating /atan and desta$ili6ing his )ingdom is %art o -od0s strategy to
alleviate suering. (1 pt)
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement 1
: Cop$#!'ht 2005 4
11. 444 True or False. According to Tson. is this %arado7 true or alse" The shame o martyrdom $rings a$out -od0s
glory. (1 pt)
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement 2
: Cop$#!'ht 2005 4

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