A Philosophical Appraisal of Rousseau's Child-Centered Education and Its Imports To Nigeria's Leadership Question

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Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.

ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline
$ol.5% No.2&% 2'1&

A Philosophical Appraisal of Rousseaus Child-Centered
Education and Its Imports to Nigerias Leadership Question

Eli)a* #+on Jo*n% P*. ,.
(Senior -ecturer% ,epart.ent of P*ilosop*/% 0ni1ersit/ of 0/o% P. 2. 3. 1'17% 0/o
4+wa I5o. State% Nigeria.
E-.ail6 eli)a*)o*n7uniu/o.edu.ng

It is a truis. t*at t*e 5usiness of educating t*e indi1idual .inds necessaril/ in1ol1es t*at of e8uipping t*e. wit*
t*e de.ands of life for proper de1elop.ent of t*e societ/. 9owe1er% t*e .a)or pro5le. facing p*ilosop*ers of
education *as 5een t*at of t*e rig*t .et*od. :ousseau in *is attac+ on curriculu.-centered t*eor/ *olds t*e
c*ild-centered p*ilosop*/ as t*e .ost appropriate in t*e tas+ of progressi1e education 5ecause it .a+es roo. for
learning 5/ disco1er/ and care-ta+ing as well as educating. ;*us% t*is paper atte.pts to gi1e a p*ilosop*ical
appraisal of :ousseau<s prescription for c*ild-centeredness wit* a 1iew to causing .odern da/ educators to re-
e=a.ine t*eir positions wit* reference to Nigeria<s leaders*ip 8uestion.
Ke!ords" Education% >*ild-centeredness% >urriculu.-centered t*eor/% >are-ta+ing and nature.

#$ Introduction
Jean-Jac8ues :ousseau (1712-177! was t*e precursor of t*e ro.antic .o1e.ent in arts (and literature. ;*e
eig*teent*-centur/ period in *istor/ co..onl/ tagged6 The Age of Enlightenment was c*aracteri?ed 5/ a
re1olt against t*e esta5lis*ed order. ;*e period also .ar+ed a turning point in t*e *istor/ and identit/ of Europe%
and% 5/ e=tension% p*ilosop*/ itself. It was an age t*at was critical of e=isting t*eories% .et*ods% s/ste.s and
practices@ an age petrified wit* indi1idualistic doctrine t*at .an was free to e=press *i.self@ an age in w*ic* t*e
arts and sciences gained an e=tra-ordinar/ pro.inence@ an age w*ose co..on trade.ar+ was t*e re)ection of t*e
aut*orit/ (of priests and +ings and conse8uentl/ an/t*ing w*ic* could 5e reco..ended 5/ reason or co..on
sense was accepted (Jo*n% 2''(6221. ;*us% The Age of Enlightenment was .ainl/ rationalistic in its outloo+.
It was during t*is period t*at reason gained ascendanc/ o1er fait*@ a period in w*ic* certaint/ was onl/
possi5le t*roug* reason. ;*at is% reason was seen as t*e onl/ answer to .an<s difficult/ and confusion. It was a
ti.e of indi1idual (not political li5ert/% refor.ation and re1olution in sciences% arts and education. In descri5ing
t*is age% >urtis and 3oultwood agree wit* :ogers (3!7-3!! t*at t*e .ost o51ious features of The Enlightenment
were6 Aits practical and uni.aginati1e c*aracter% its *atred of 1ague ent*usias.% and .ist/ ideas@ its
deter.ination to appl/ t*e test of a se1erel/ accurate reason to e1er/t*ing and re)ect out-rig*tl/ w*ate1er will
not stand t*e test of ti.e@ t*e constant reference in all t*is% as t*e court of final appeal to t*e one undou5ted fact
was t*e indi1idual *i.self wit* *is rig*ts and *is rational power of understandingB (2C3-2C&.
;*oug* :ousseau was certainl/ a .e.5er of The Age of Enlightenment% 5ut *e was not all t*is a5out
t*is 4ge as alleged 5/ >urtis and 3oultwood. 9e can 5e rec+oned as a reactionar/ to t*is .o1e.ent. 9e 5eca.e
a refor.er w*o was set to refor. t*e Arefor.sB.
It is pertinent to posit t*at .ost outstanding t*in+ers of t*is period disco1ered so.et*ing a5out self in
1arious wa/s and senses. Dor instance% ,escartes disco1ered t*e t*in+ing-self in *is Cogito, ergo sum; -oc+e
disco1ered t*e e=periencing-self in *is e.piricis.@ Sc*open*auer disco1ered t*e di.inis*ing-self in *is
pessi.is.@ -ut*er disco1ered t*e 5elie1ing-self in *is A5/ fait* onl/B. :ousseau% on *is part% disco1ered t*e
feeling-self% t*e uni8ue +ind of self t*at feels@ t*e self t*at is passionate% t*e self t*at is natural and e.otional@ t*e
self t*at is in need of freedo. and e8ualit/ wit* all .en (Jo*n% 2''(6222. Spea+ing li+e Pascal% :ousseau% in
t*is new disco1er/ on self% *olds t*at t*e *eart *as its reasons w*ic* t*e *ead can ne1er understand.
:ousseau<s peculiar t*oug*t is an issue in p*ilosop*ical circle. ;*oug* *e attended no uni1ersit/% and
*e started doing 1arious +inds of .enial )o5s at t*e age of twel1e% /et t*e +ind of intellectuali?ation w*ic* *e
displa/ed and li1ed 5/ e1entuall/ 5eca.e a c*allenge to t*e *it*erto acade.ic and p*ilosop*ic status-8uo of *is
ti.e% and t*e 1er/ t*ing t*at s*oo+ t*e foundations of Drance% :ussia% 3ritain% Eer.an/ and 4.erica in
particular and t*e w*ole world in general. ;*e entire p*ilosop*ic 5uild-up and t*e current of t*e Enlig*ten.ent
pioneered 5/ Plato% 4ristotle% ,escartes% $oltaire% Sc*open*auer% and ot*er professional p*ilosop*ers was once
again forced to 5e re-e=a.ined in t*e lig*t of :ousseau<s .ental paradig.. :ousseau was a prolific writer% a
powerful and original t*in+er% w*ose producti1it/ generated t*e fla.es of t*e Drenc* :e1olution of t*e 1!t*-
centur/ and su..aril/ co.pelled ;o?er in t*e AIntroductionB to *is 1(&! translation of The Social Contract to
concur wit* Sir 9enr/ 2ai.e in t*e following words6 A;*e world *as not seen .ore t*an once or twice in all t*e
course of *istor/ a literature w*ic* *as e=ercised suc* prodigious influence o1er t*e .inds of .en% o1er e1er/
cast and s*ade of intellect% as :ousseau<s 5etween 17&( and 17C2B (12.
:ousseau<s literar/ a5ilit/ reac*ed its pea+ wit* t*e pu5lications of The New Heloise (a no1el% in
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline
$ol.5% No.2&% 2'1&

17C1% Emile (a se.inal 5oo+ on education% in 17C2 and The Social Contract (t*e 3i5le of t*e Drenc* re1olution%
in 17C2. 4ccording to ;o?er% The Social Contract in particular is an epoc*-.a+ing wor+ in two great senses6
A*istoricall/% on account of its enor.ous influence upon European life and t*oug*t@ and p*ilosop*icall/% 5ecause
it is t*e .ost elo8uent e=pression of t*e t*eor/ of social co.pactB (:ousseau% 1(&!62. 3efore :ousseau reac*ed
an apogee in *is literar/ acu.en% *e *ad pre1iousl/ pu5lis*ed The Discourses on socio-political and econo.ic
.atters 5etween 175' and 175!. 9e also wrote t*e Confessions (an auto5iograp*/ pu5lis*ed post*u.ousl/ in
17!2% in addition to nu.erous operas% pla/s% no1els% essa/s% political tracts and social discourses enoug* to fill
fort/-se1en 1olu.es.

%$ Rousseaus Educational &hought
3efore one del1es into :ousseau<s c*ild-centered education% it is i.portant to gi1e a su..ar/ of *is educational
t*oug*t. ;*is is to ena5le us *a1e a 5ac+ground of *is p*ilosop*/. :ousseau<s educational ideas ca.e to
li.elig*t in 17C1 wit* t*e pu5lication of Emile% se.inal wor+ on education. ;*e 5oo+ .ar+ed t*e 5eginning of a
new re1olution in education. :ousseau e1en declares6 A2/ t*oug*ts are not li+e t*ose of ot*ersB (1(75615. ;*e
5oo+ caused a uni1ersal out5urst of indignation@ t*e >at*olic >*urc* conde.ned it and ordered for its copies to
5e pu5licl/ 5urnt and t*e arrest of its aut*or.
In Emile, :ousseau presents a tripartite discussion on education% na.el/6 t*e natural or negati1e p*ase%
t*e social or .oral p*ase and t*e ci1ic or political p*ase. In t*is paper% we s*all not 5e concerned wit* t*e social
and political di.ensions. ;*is is 5ecause :ousseau 5elie1es 1er/ strongl/ t*at t*e natural p*ase ta+es pre-
e.inence o1er and a5o1e t*e rest6 t*e natural p*ase t*erefore 5eco.es t*e anc*or upon w*ic* t*e social and
political angles rest. ;*is stands to .ean t*at t*e social and political p*ases are .ere products of t*e natural
p*ase of education (Eri.sle/% 2C&. In ot*er words% t*e tailoring of education according to t*e natural
disposition deter.ines% to a greater e=tent% t*e social and political wa1es of education (:ousseau% 1(756 &C% &(.
In :us+<s (1'! anal/sis% education according to nature leads to spontaneous .aturation of t*e innate
dispositions of t*e c*ild. ;*oug* :ousseau regards education as an e1il% *e *owe1er sees it as a necessar/ e1il@
;*us% At*ings would 5e worse wit*out t*is educationB (1(7565. Durt*er.ore% it s*ould 5e noted t*at t*e ter.
nature stands for t*at w*ic* is good. In t*is wa/% natural education ai.s at esta5lis*ing in t*e c*ild t*e process
t*at leads to *is ad.ission into societ/ or to reconcile t*e natural wit* t*e social training. 4gain% t*e concepts of
AnatureB s*ould also 5e interpreted as a positi1e one. ;o li1e according to nature is to li1e in accordance wit* t*e
rational principle of t*e uni1erse (:ousseau%1(75625'.
In su..ar/% one will disco1er t*at Emile is an atte.pt first to train t*e .an% and t*en to train t*e
citi?en (:us+% 112. ;*e c*ild .ust 5e t*oroug*l/ and effecti1el/ 5roug*t up to li1e well in *is societ/% and not
5e corrupted 5/ it. In :ousseau<s 1er/ words6 A2an<s proper stud/ is t*at of *is relation to *is en1iron.ent. So
long as *e onl/ +nows t*at en1iron.ent t*roug* *is p*/sical nature% *e s*ould stud/ *i.self in relation to t*ings6
t*is is t*e 5usiness of c*ild*ood@ w*en *e 5egins to 5e aware of *is .oral nature% *e s*ould stud/ *i.self in
relation to *is fellow .en6 t*is is t*e 5usiness of *is w*ole lifeB (1(756175.
:ousseau is not done /et wit* *is educational prescription 1ia nature. 9e opines6 AFe are wor+ing in
agree.ent wit* nature% and w*ile s*e is s*aping t*e p*/sical .an% we are stri1ing to s*ape *is .oral 5eingB
(1(75627!. 4s earlier indicated% :ousseau<s doctrine of t*e natural education did not go down well wit* t*e
position of t*e classical t*in+ers% especiall/ t*ose fro. t*e traditional >*ristian e=traction w*o *ad
una.5iguousl/ su5scri5ed to t*e doctrine of t*e original sin and t*e need for sal1ation. ;*is new doctrine of
natural education 5eca.e t*e antit*esis of t*e conser1ati1e 1iew on education.
In *is radicali?ed t*eor/ of natural education% :ousseau declares in t*e opening sentence of Emile6
AEod created all t*ings perfect@ 5ut .an .eddles wit* t*e. and t*e/ 5eca.e e1ilB (15. ;*is assertion 5/
:ousseau i.plies t*at all de1iation fro. 1irtue can 5e traced to t*e influence of t*e c*ild<s en1iron.ent and in
particular to ill-ad1ised direction 5/ t*e parent or teac*er. In Emile, *e declares6 A-et us la/ it down as
incontro1erti5le rule t*at t*e first i.pulses of nature are alwa/s rig*t@ t*ere is no original sin in t*e *u.an *eart%
t*e *ow and w*/ of t*e entrance of e1er/ 1ice can 5e traced to en1iron.ental influenceB (5C. ;*is 1e*e.ent
declaration was enoug* for t*e >at*olics to declare *i. an agent of t*e de1il and e=pectedl/ conde.ned *is
educational p*ilosop*/.

'$ Rousseaus Child-Centered Education
4s a carr/-o1er of *is 5elief on natural education% :ousseau fir.l/ contends t*at t*e education of t*e c*ild oug*t
to 5e in accordance wit* nature% t*at is% it s*ould confor. to *is needs% powers% a5ilities% interests and outloo+ as
a c*ild (>urtis and 3oultwood% 27(. ;*is 1iew a5out t*e education of t*e c*ild represents 8uite a new s*ift fro.
t*e *it*erto curriculu.-centered concept of education w*ic* Plato% 4ristotle% ,escartes% $oltaire% Sc*open*auer
and .an/ ot*ers su5scri5ed to. ;*e ter. Ac*ild-centerednessB is a ter. of protest (Jo*n% 2''36!&. It s*ould also
5e .entioned t*at prior to t*e ti.e of :ousseau% t*ere *ad 5een a nu.5er of people% 5eginning pro5a5l/ wit*
2ontaigne% w*o *ad opposed t*e pre1ailing concept of education as 5eing unsuita5le for .an/ c*ildren. 3ut
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline
$ol.5% No.2&% 2'1&

:ousseau stands out as t*e one w*o ca.e to c*a.pion t*is proposal t*roug* *is i.passioned attac+ on content-
centered or curriculu.-centered education. ;*at is to sa/ t*at t*ose educational t*in+ers of t*e ancient world%
.edie1al period and :enaissance *ad loft/ and s/.pat*etic ideas a5out t*e training of t*e c*ild. 3ut in t*eir
different 1iews% t*e/ all agreed consciousl/ or unconsciousl/ t*at t*e c*ild s*ould not co.e first@ t*at is% t*e/
were concerned .ostl/ wit* t*e contents of curriculu..
-et .e e.p*asi?e it again% t*at long 5efore t*e p*ilosop*/ of c*ild-centered education of :ousseau%
great .inds li+e Plato% Guintilian% -o/ola% >o.enius and -oc+e *ad articulated so.e +inds of .et*ods
necessar/ in t*e 5usiness of education. 9owe1er% :ousseau<s idea of education as anc*ored significantl/ on t*e
c*ild-centered anal/sis is gal1ani?ingl/ interesting and pro1ocati1el/ irresisti5le. ;*e point *ere is t*at c*ild-
centered education as was concei1ed 5/ :ousseau is a .o1e.ent w*ic* e.p*asi?es t*at t*e c*ild is .ore
i.portant t*an t*e su5)ect-.atter@ t*at all c*ildren are not ali+e an/.ore t*an all adults are ali+e. ;*erefore%
:ousseau *as successfull/ s*own t*at it is foolis* to 5elie1e t*at one can teac* t*e sa.e .aterial 5/ t*e sa.e
.et*od wit* t*e sa.e degree of effecti1eness to all c*ildren (Sc*ofield% 57. ;*is is w*/ :ousseau is regarded as
t*e disco1erer of t*e c*ild 5/ .an/ educational t*in+ers.
;*e point a5out c*ild-centered education is t*at it de1otes attention to w*at a c*ild is capa5le of
learning% rat*er t*an w*at a .an in t*e c*ild oug*t to +now. ;*us% :ousseau *olds t*at one s*ould not 5e loo+ing
for t*e .an in t*e c*ild wit*out considering w*at *e is 5efore *e 5eco.es a .an. :ousseau is resolute in t*is
position6 Anot*ing is useful and good for *i. w*ic* is un5efitting *is ageB (1(756212. Dor :ousseau% t*erefore%
education 5eco.es a .atter of guidance. In ot*er words% t*e pri.e concern in education is t*e c*ild and *is
present nature as a c*ild. Fit* an insig*t of a ps/c*ologist% :ousseau declares6 ANature wants c*ildren to 5e
c*ildren 5efore t*e/ are .en. If we deli5eratel/ per1ert t*is order% we s*all get pre.ature fruits w*ic* are neit*er
ripe nor well fla1ored% and w*ic* will soon deca/ H c*ild*ood *as wa/s of seeing% t*in+ing% and feeling%
peculiar to itself% not*ing can 5e .ore foolis* t*an to su5stitute our wa/s for t*e.B (1(7565&.
;*e a5o1e 8uotation s*ows t*e e=tent to w*ic* :ousseau agrees wit* -oc+e in *is fig*t against t*e
narrow and 5arren .et*od of t*e usual sc*ool curriculu.. -i+e -oc+e% *e 1e*e.entl/ re)ects t*e all-per1ading
attitude to 1er5alis.. 9e states6 Are1erse t*e usual practice and /ou will 5e rig*tB (1(7565!. :ousseau<s disgust
wit* t*e pre1ailing .et*ods of education in *is ti.e ulti.atel/ led *is to 8uer/6 AF*at do t*e/ teac*I Fords%
words% wordsB (1(75672. It is e1ident t*at :ousseau<s educational prescription is partl/ Platonic. ;*at is% it
encourages education according to natural inclination J t*us% it recogni?es t*at c*ildren differ innatel/ in t*eir
capacities to stud/@ .eaning t*at t*e/ s*ould 5e coac*ed accordingl/. 3ut *e differs fro. Plato greatl/ as *e
e.p*asi?es t*e c*ild-centered education o1er and a5o1e t*e *it*erto culture of curriculu.-centered attitude
w*ic* .ade t*e c*ild .ore or less a du.ping ground.

($ E)aluation
:ousseau<s educational t*oug*t *as 5een critici?ed fro. .an/ fronts. 9owe1er% we s*all select few of t*e. for
treat.ent in t*is section. In t*is regard% we 5egin wit* t*e 1er/ concept AcenteredB as it portends so.e dangers in
educational .et*od and perception. ;*e point is t*at c*ild-centered education is a protest p*ilosop*/@ it protests
against t*e o1er-e.p*asis placed on t*e content or curriculu. at t*e detri.ent of t*e c*ild. So% t*e fear is t*at
too .uc* attention on t*e c*ild and on .et*ods of teac*ing *i. .a/ lead to t*e neglect of AcontentB or .a/
suffer t*e sa.e fate as curriculu.-centered education (Sc*ofield% 1(!16 5!. ;*e pro5le. wit* too .uc*
concentration of an/t*ing especiall/ in educational .et*od is t*at it easil/ leads to rigidit/ or ort*odo=/ w*ic*
.a/ not gi1e allowance for new ideas and c*anges. :igidit/ at a certain ti.e will certainl/ result in educational
irrationalit/% 5igotr/ and lac+ of 5alance.
4not*er pro5le. associated wit* :ousseau<s c*ild-centered education is t*e denial of original sin and
*is su5se8uent state.ent t*at all is good t*at co.es fro. nature. :ousseau *as failed to notice t*at t*e concept
of original sin is a religious one w*ic* is conte=t-specific and cannot 5e reduced to for.ulaic s*ort*and applied
to an/ situation irrespecti1e of logic and inner co*erence. ;*is is 5ecause t*e said concept cannot 5e su5)ected to
scientific 1erification% especiall/ in secular educational .atters.
Durt*er.ore% t*e assu.ption t*at all t*at co.es fro. nature is good lac+s real .erit. ;*is is clearl/
s*own in an e8uall/ e=tre.e position t*at :ousseau su5scri5es to. -et us scrutini?e *is e=a.ple6 if a c*ild 5ro+e
*is 5edroo. window% *e would *a1e to sleep in a draug*t/ roo.. 4ccording to :ousseau% t*e cold w*ic*
naturall/ follows would warn *i. of t*e foll/ of gi1ing wa/ to passion. ;*at sounds li+e a good argu.ent@ 5ut
:ousseau *as forgotten t*e fact t*at t*e cold could do1etail into pneu.onia so t*at t*e conse8uences .ig*t 5e
out of all proportion to t*e offence.
-astl/% so.e educational t*in+ers *a1e classified :ousseau<s educational prescriptions as an ideal
unattaina5le. ;*us% t*e/ conclude t*at one s*ould not pine for w*at t*at is not t*ere at all. It s*ould *owe1er 5e
accepted t*at so.e passages in Emile .a/ afford a certain a.ount of )ustification for t*e .isconceptions le1eled
against :ousseau% 5ut it is also not proper to 8ualif/ all *is ideas as a5surd and i.practica5le. 4fter all% no idea
or p*ilosop*/ *as e1er 5een perfectl/ free fro. error or accepted wit* a5solute sacrosanct.
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline
$ol.5% No.2&% 2'1&

;*is last point ta+es us to t*e issue of practica5ilit/ as well as d/na.ic nature of :ousseau<s
educational t*eories. Dor one% :ousseau<s atte.pt in s*ifting t*e centre of educational gra1it/ fro. t*e
curriculu. to t*e c*ild *as 5een accepted as a needed parallel re1olution in education (:us+% 1(7(612'. 4nd%
su5se8uent educationists and t*in+ers *a1e adopted t*is new re1elation. ;*is is t*e pro5a5le reason t*at e1en t*e
curriculu. *as 5een redefined at so.e instances 5/ .odern educational t*in+ers to acco..odate t*e c*ild. 4t
present t*erefore% t*e curriculu. is effecti1el/ defined in ter.s of acti1it/ and e=perience rat*er t*an of
+nowledge to 5e ac8uired and facts to 5e stored. It s*ould also 5e added t*at t*e i.portant t*ing a5out
:ousseau<s c*ild-centeredness is t*at it is a progressi1e education. It strongl/ ad1ocates for learning 5/
disco1er/ w*ic* ulti.atel/ .a+es roo. for care-ta+ing as well as educating (Jo*n% 2''(6233. ;*is is w*ere
:ousseau is 8uite outstanding fro. all ot*er t*in+ers on educational t*eor/ and practice.
In t*e present effort% c*ild-centered education 5asicall/ in1ol1es structure t*roug* t*e act of guiding.
;*is guiding in turn in1ol1es t*ree t*ings6 t*e c*ild% t*e teac*er and t*e content of t*e teac*ing. In t*is wa/% t*e
c*ild<s up-5ringing is irre1ersi5l/ lin+ed wit* t*ree issues. ;*ese are6 education according to nature% learning 5/
e=perience or disco1er/ and learning according to needs. ;*is stands to s*ow t*at c*ild-centered education
encourages t*e process of self-actuali?ation w*erein t*e w*ole person can grow intellectuall/ and sociall/. ;*e
i.plication of t*is position is t*at education *elps a person to 5eco.e a self% capa5le of dealing effecti1el/ and
efficientl/ wit* e=igencies of life% 5ot* now and in t*e future (2orris and Pai% 1(7C6 3C5. 4nd t*is is t*e w*ole
resolution of *u.anistic education.
Dinall/% it .ust 5e recorded t*at :ousseau<s c*ild-centered education can 5e seen as a wor+ on
indi1idual as well as a uni1ersal s/ste. of education. ;*at .eans% t*e principle of :ousseau<s c*ild-centered
education can 5e uni1ersali?ed. In :ousseau<s esti.ate% education co.es fro. nature (t*at is% fro. .en or t*ings
and t*en it esta5lis*es t*e relations*ip of .an to *is p*/sical and social en1iron.ent. ;*us% e.p*asis can 5e laid
on eit*er side6 t*e indi1idual or social aspect of education.

*$ Rousseaus Education and Nigerias Leadership Question
9a1ing seen t*e central t*esis of :ousseau<s c*ild-centred education and t*e su5se8uent co..ents 5/ 1arious
t*in+ers% it 5e*oo1es one to see t*e lin+ 5etween :ousseau<s prescriptions and t*e leaders*ip 8uestion
confronting Nigerian populace. ;*is concern is 5orne out of t*e understanding t*at different nations of t*e world
*ad risen andKor fallen depending on *ow seriousl/ or ot*erwise t*e/ *a1e percei1ed t*e role of education in t*e
societ/ (Jo*n% 2''36!'. ;*us% Nigeria<s leaders*ip crisis and t*e attendant pro5le.s of underde1elop.ent%
ignorance% po1ert/% et*nicit/% etc will re.ain una5ated wit*out a strong recourse to education 1ia :ousseau<s
c*ild-centred p*ilosop*/. ;*is position is furt*er strengt*ened 5/ t*e awareness t*at certain nations of t*e world
suc* as Drance% 3ritain% 4.erica% Japan% Eer.an/% Sout* Lorea% etc% w*ic* *a1e 5eco.e strategicall/ i.portant
in t*eir leaders*ip role *a1e de1eloped a peculiar p*ilosop*/ along :oussauian educational .odel. ;*is is w*ere
I agree wit* Jo*n (2''36!' t*at t*e rig*t and effecti1e .et*od of 5uilding andKor c*anging Nigeria<s leaders*ip
perception is t*roug* a c*ild-centred p*ilosop*/ of education. ;*is .eans% if Nigeria .ust 5e rele1ant in t*e
twent/-first centur/ and 5e/ond% t*en it .ust not *andle leaders*ip de1elop.ent wit* le1it/. In t*e present%
Nigeria is faced wit* different pro5le.s and s*e .ust 5egin to turn attention to w*at s*e want c*ild-centred
education to ac*ie1e for *er. ;*is is one of t*e .ost relia5le rescue lines t*at .ig*t deli1er Nigeria fro. *er
destruction occasioned 5/ infantile leaders*ip and .a+e t*e countr/ radiant. ;*is is w*ere #+olo (1(!(613
scores a point w*en *e descri5es education as Aw*ate1er one learns t*roug* e=perience% fro. self% or ot*ers to
*elp one sur1i1es and .asters one<s social .ilieuB. In t*is wa/% #+olo is si.pl/ agreeing wit* :ousseau t*at
education is essentiall/ social as well as indi1idual enterprise.
Nigeria .ust percei1e education in line wit* :ousseau as t*e process of .a+ing .an fit at all ti.e% t*at
is% during war and in ti.e of peace. ;*e clarification *ere is t*at education is a .atter for life and its realities.
#+olo (1(!(6C2-72 and S*ar.a and 9/land (1((16! and .an/ ot*er t*in+ers *a1e ac+nowledged t*e lin+
5etween c*ild-centred education% leaders*ip de1elop.ent andKor t*e societ/. It is pertinent to sa/ t*at Nigeria
.ust .a+e deli5erate s/ste.atic and sustained effort to trans.it% e1ol1e or ac8uire leaders*ip +nowledge% 1alues%
attitude% s+ill and sensi5ilities t*roug* :ousseau<s c*ild-centred education or training (>re.in% 1(7761iii. ;*is
assertion re.inds us of Plato (1(7&61C% w*o soug*t a cure for t*e ills of t*e societ/ not in politics 5ut in a well-
concei1ed p*ilosop*/ of education. 9e (Plato accordingl/ arri1ed at *is funda.ental and lasting con1iction t*at
t*ose ills would ne1er cease until eit*er real p*ilosop*ers of education gain political power or politicians 5/
so.e circu.stances 5eco.e p*ilosop*ers of education. ;*is declaration is 1er/ rele1ant to Nigeria<s leaders*ip
situation. Nigeria .ust% as a .atter of priorit/% passionatel/ train t*e .an in t*e c*ild w*o will pro1ide t*e
needed leaders*ip. Nigeria .ust stop decei1ing *erself wit* curriculu.-satisf/ing graduates t*at lac+ t*e
w*erewit*al to stand and lead ot*ers.
;*e a5o1e o5ser1ations .a/ 5e t*e pro5a5le reason t*at Igwe (1(((6& su5.its t*at AEenuine
de1elop.ent is funda.entall/ of *u.an 5eings in ter.s of idea% w*ic* i.5ue in t*e. t*e capacit/ to t*in+
8ualitati1el/ and tac+le t*e pro5le.s t*at e.erge out of t*eir li1ing conditionsB. ;*e understating *ere is t*at
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline
$ol.5% No.2&% 2'1&

p*ilosop*ers of education and well-.eaning Nigerians% as part of t*eir contri5utions to t*e de1elop.ent of t*e
countr/% .ust t*in+ pri.aril/ in ter.s of t*e de1elop.ent of t*e indi1idual .inds% and of e8uipping t*e
indi1iduals wit* t*e de.ands of life.
#ne of t*e 5est Englis* t*in+ers% 3ertrand :ussell% in *is Basic ritings H (1(C16&1! declares t*at
Aeducation is t*e/ +e/ to rear up t*e new .an of e=cellenceB. ;*is .eans% e1er/one is a 5eing w*ose acti1ities
can 5e articulated and consciousl/ directed t*roug* c*ild-centred education to .eet t*e needs and aspirations of
*is or *er social e=istence. ;*is also i.plies t*at t*e issue of t*e rig*t articulation and proper direction of
leaders*ip education is t*e tas+ of t*e p*ilosop*/ of education. ;*is will certainl/ .a+e c*ild-centred education
to 5e seen as t*e 1e*icle t*at .a+es .an and t*e societ/ .eaningful. ;*roug* t*e practical% p*/sical% e.otional
and intellectual training of respecti1e indi1iduals% education t*roug* :ousseauian .odel 5eco.es t*e process of
.a+ing e1er/ Nigerian fit to li1e and lead a critical% acti1e and rational life (#+olo% 1(((63&.
4gain% t*is is w*/ :ussell in *is E!ucation an! the Social "r!er (1(C16&!% opines t*at Awe .ust *a1e
so.e conception of t*e +ind of person we wis* to produce H 5efore we can *a1e an/ definite opinion as to t*e
education w*ic* we consider 5estB. In concluding t*is section% it .ust 5e .entioned t*at Nigeria<s leaders*ip
crisis does not start toda/@ it *as 5een t*ere since inception% especiall/ soon after independence in 1(C'. 4c*e5e
(1((!613 captures t*is false start occasioned 5/ inept leaders*ip in Nigeria t*us6 AIn spite of t*e con1entional
opinion% Nigeria *as 5een less t*an fortunate in its leaders*ip. 4 5asic ele.ent of t*is .isfortunate is t*e se.inal
a5sence of intellectual rigour in t*e political t*oug*t of our founding fat*ers - a tendenc/ to pious .aterialistic
wooliness and self-centred pedestrianis.B. 3ut Nigeria can o1erco.e t*is regretta5le situation 5/ proper
understanding and application of :ousseau<s p*ilosop*/ of education. ;*at is% Nigeria .ust accept and
i.ple.ent education t*at affects t*e .ind% *eart and *ead.

+$ Conclusion
Emile was not onl/ an influence on :ousseau<s ti.e and countr/% 5ut lso on t*e re1olutionar/ need of education.
;*oug* gi1en to so.e senti.entalit/ and e=cessi1e unort*odo=/% :ousseau will 5e re.e.5ered as a fearless
writer w*o rus*ed in w*ere *is conte.poraries wal+ed reluctantl/. :ousseau *as esta5lis*ed *i.self as a
disco1erer of t*e c*ild and a co.pelling influence in .atters of education t*roug* *is c*ild-centeredness. 9is
educational propositions present a c*allenge to t*e conte.porar/ educational .et*ods in w*ic* t*e non-
essentials are gi1en pro.inence.

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Eri.sle/% :.% 'ean('ac)ues *ousseau+ A Stu!$ in Self(awareness (Second Edition. >ardiff6 0ni1ersit/ of Fales
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2odern ;i.esB in 4g5afor Igwe (Ed. .hiloso-h$ an! National De/elo-ment+ A .erisco-e of the Ne0t
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2orris% $an >le1e and Pai% Moung% .hiloso-h$ an! the American School. 3oston6 9oug*ton 2ifflin% 1(7C.
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