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Background Information:

America's Next Top Model (ANTM) is a TV show on the CW channel with contestants who are
aspiring to become a high fashion model. The seasonc!cle begins with a large n"mber of
contestants that compete against each other for a da!. At the end of that da!# half of them are
eliminated and the remaining $% finalists mo&e to a large ho"se in which the! will share
d"ring the real competitions. ANTM has se&eral challenges within it that narrow down the
n"mber of contestants "ntil onl! one remains. The challenges can range from team games to
catwal's. After the da!(s competitions# the competitors will wait to be )"dged on how well the!
did. After the )"dging# those who are safe for the next episode(s competitions stand separate
from the bottom two# who are )"dged b! their fan base si*e. The competitor with the lowest
n"mber of fans is prompted to lea&e the show with the chance of ret"rning if he or she
maintains the largest fan pop"larit! o"t of the other eliminated members. The final winner
will recei&e a cash pri*e and se&eral offers and connections within the fashion ind"str!.
+riginall!# the competition was for women onl!# b"t )"st last !ear the show began to allow men
to compete with women which completel! changed the game and made the show m"ch more
interesting to its a"dience. Now both the men and women go thro"gh fashion challenges
in&ol&ing o"tfit choices# photo shoots# team challenges# and m"ch more all while tr!ing to
maintain a fan base from the &iewers of the show.
Figured world: a specific area with "ni,"e comm"nities and a specific &iew of what is
considered normalc!
-n the fig"red world of America(s Next Top Model# there are man! specific r"les and
con&entions that are considered appropriate or "ns"itable. There are special r"les within
challenges# photo shoots# )"dging# and li&ing in the ho"se. -n the challenges the r"les are to
follow what T!ra .an's# the show host# commands# to cooperate with !o"r teammate# and to
not cheat. -t is not con&entional if a team member is disrespectf"l to an!one in the competition
or for them to do what onl! the! thin' is right "nless the r"les state otherwise. -n photo
shoots# the r"les are to follow the photographer(s demands. There are man! con&entions
within photo shoots s"ch as "sing the right pose for a specific bod! t!pe# not bod! shaming
others# cooperating with the designers# and s"pporting the other members. /"ring )"dging
time# the r"les are to come to the first )"dging session ma'e"p free. After the first )"dgement#
the r"les are to go in and follow the r"les of the elimination ro"nds. -t is con&entional to
console those who ha&e been eliminated and to a&oid gloating or &iolent beha&ior. The ho"se
that the contestants li&e in comes with few r"les# b"t man! con&entions. The onl! r"les are to
&iew the contestant scores in the li&ing room TV and for the winner of a certain bon"s
challenge to claim the l"x"r! room of the ho"se and to in&ite another contestant of choice to
)oin them. The con&entions# on the other hand# are extremel! important and sometimes more
cr"cial to follow# beca"se the scenes in the ho"se are a large part of what determines a
contestant(s friendships and &iewer fan base. -f a member of the ho"se is disrespectf"l#
incon&enient# selfish# or negati&e in an! other wa!# the beha&ior co"ld lead to the end of his or
her appearance on the show. -f a member chooses not to follow good con&entions# the! ma!
not be chosen or will be despised b! team members d"ring challenges# or will be eliminated
d"e to a low n"mber of fan &iewers.
Actors: people within a comm"nit! of practice who share the same interests and desires
The important actors within ANTM incl"de0
Tyra Banks: 1ormer Victoria(s 2ecret AngelModel# creator# )"dge and host on America(s Next
Top Model. 2he has a &er! !o"thf"l personalit!# and has coined se&eral fashion related terms
and poses. 2he is an important icon in fashion d"e to her se&eral contrib"tions incl"ding her
own personal modeling and her search for "p and coming models.
Kelly Cutrone: 1ashion p"blicist and America(s Next Top Model )"dge. 2he has been 'nown
to be straightforward with her )"dgement and does not s"gar3coat the tr"th.
J Alexander: 4"nwa! Coach and America(s Next Top Model )"dge who has been on r"nwa!s
aro"nd the world. 5e has an androg!no"s st!le which changes thro"gho"t the episodes.
Yu Tsai: 6hotographer well 'nown for his o"tstanding photos# b"t &er! bl"nt and demanding
towards his s"b)ects.
Ivy Timlin: 2lim# blonde# short3haired model who appears to be timid. 2tands o"t d"e to her
"ni,"e form and st!le.
Adam mit!: +ne of the shortest models in the final $%. 5e is m"sc"lar# b"t is 'nown for
showing off and is often described as a 7frat bo!.8 5e is &er! coc'! and often acts self
Andrea "!ei# $!an: 2hei is often ,"iet# b"t is good at cooperating with the )"dges and
photographers d"ring photo shoots. 2he a&oids drama b"t is not afraid to be asserti&e if
Ben c!reen: .en is an a&erage model in the competition who is li&el! and social. 5e often
)oins Adam 2mith in acti&ities aro"nd the ho"se.
C!antelle Young: Chantelle is a model hand pic'ed b! T!ra .an's for the competition. 2he
had a few photo shoots and a large fan base prior to the show. 2he is 'nown for her s'in
condition# &itiligos# which remo&es melanin lea&ing her with white spots on her nat"rall! dar'
brown s'in.
%en&el 'ells: Athletic appearing model often compared to his competitor 9eith Carlos.
9ari Calho"n0 +ften referred to as big competition in the game and the lo&e interest of
competitor 9eith Carlos.
Keit! Carlos: /en*el Well(s biggest competition# former professional football pla!er# and lo&e
-nterest of 9ari Calho"n. 9eith is &er! confident regarding his loo's and admires friendl!
(enox Tillman: :"iet# calm# !o"ng# "ni,"e and sometimes insec"re. .est at a&oiding drama
aro"nd the ho"se.
)att!ew mit!: A&erage model who often contemplates his sex"alit! on the show. 5e is not
afraid to explore who he is and what he is interested in. Ver! open3minded.
)ir*ana $u!ar: Model with a sharp tong"ed attit"de. 1lirtatio"s with some of the other
models e&en tho"gh she has a bo!friend bac' home.
+aelia (ewis: Model who is often "p for a challenge. 2he does not let an! flaws inhibit her
from performing a shoot. 2he is strong willed and is good competition.
+omeo Tostado: A "ni,"e model with tattoos and stretched ears. 5e often despises man! of
his opponents and is not afraid to tell them. 5e also belie&es that he is a witch and performs a
form of witchcraft d"ring his free time on the show.
'illiam "'ill# Jardell: The onl! ga! model o"t of the $% finalists# and is often referred to as
one of the men(s biggest competitors. 5e is a good listener and is foc"sed on becoming the
best model that he can be.
Artifacts: +b)ects or -deas important to a specific comm"nit! of practice
Tyra Bank,s framed -!otos: These photos show T!ra at different times in her life and at
different photo shoots from the past. These are an inspiration for the competing models
beca"se it depicts their goals.
%esigner Clot!es: /esigner clothes are iconic in the fashion ind"str! and are extremel!
important to the models in the show.
%rama: /rama is important to the show beca"se it is an interest of the a"dience and adds
s"spense to the show. The happenings in ho"se that the models sta! in is one of the main
so"rces for drama on the show.
Community of -ractice: Three or more people with shared interests and aspirations
T!e *udges: The show contains three )"dges0 Tr!ra .an's# 9ell! C"trone# and ; Alxander.
The )"dges are p"t on the show to decide on who sta!s and who lea&es the competition.
Altho"gh the! express it in different wa!s# their goal is to choose who is right for the show and
who is read! to become America(s next top model.
T!e contestants: <ach contestant has a "ni,"e personalit!# b"t the! all share the same goal.
<&er! participant wants to become America(s next top model. The! are all interested in
different t!pes of fashion and the! are all read! to lea&e their old li&es and begin anew.
T!e viewers: The &iewers are all interested int the show and the )"dges# photographers# and
participants within it. The! might also be interested in the arts of either fashion# photograph!#
or design.
%omain: habits# interests# and 'nowledge shared within a comm"nit!
<&er! one of the contestants are foc"sed on becoming America(s next top model# disco&ering
who the! are in fashion# and b"ilding "p their own confidence. Man! of them ha&e different
habits# b"t some are common# s"ch as anal!*ing their own flaws or p"tting down another
contestant. man! of the show(s members share the same interest in clothing# ma'e"p#
fashion# and maga*ines# while the! share the same 'nowledge of s"b)ects s"ch as facts on
designers# ma'e"p# pre&io"s ANTM contestants# and more.
The )"dges are not onl! interested in the same s"b)ects as the models# b"t are also interested
in the contestants themsel&es and the art# design# and )"dgement of models and fashion.
The &iewers ma! be interested in modeling and the model's interests# b"t some of the &iewers
ma! be interested in the drama of the show or its artistic aspects.
$ractices of t!e Community: Common wa!s in which the comm"nit! of practice
accomplishes a goal
-n order to win competitions# man! of the contestants de&elop strategies in order to win either
solo or with a gro"p. Another strateg! "sed to win photo shoot competitions is a method
recommended b! the host# T!ra .an's# which is to practice posing in the mirror or ta'ing !o"r
own photos in order to find the best angle. The contestants are also told to find what pose
wor's best for their bod! t!pe d"ring a specific photo shoot or r"nwa! show.
(iteracy $ractices: an! form of comm"nication within a comm"nit! of practice
The two most pop"lar forms of comm"nication on the show are social networ's s"ch as
1aceboo'# Twitter# and -nstagram. These networ's allow the members to get into contact with
their fans who can help them win competitions or gi&e them a chance to ret"rn to the game
e&en after elimination. Verbal comm"nication is &er! important to bond with other members
and to comm"nicate with the )"dges and photographers. Another interesting form of
comm"nication "sed on America(s Next Top Model is bod! lang"age. This is &er! important
for photo shoots beca"se the bod! is the onl! wa! for a model to comm"nicate thro"gh a still
./servation 01
$0=>3 The show opens with the final $% contestants standing before T!ra .an's as she
anno"nces that their first official r"nwa! show will be feat"ring them wearing nothing b"t sill!
string. The models race to the dressing room where the! ha&e their ma'e"p painted on in
neon colors.
=0=?3 The models ha&e an inter&iew session for the &iewers. 4omeo mentions that he p"t a
Wiccan spell on /ann!# a member that did not ma'e it into the final $%# beca"se he seemed
st"c' "p and he wanted him eliminated (which did happen). 5e mentions that he now wants
-&! to be eliminated beca"se she seems li'e good competition. After 4omeo's session#
se&eral of the male contestants spea' abo"t how the! belie&e 9ari is the most attracti&e
female model in the competition.
>0?@3 The models "ndress and begin to change into the 2ill! 2tring o"tfits. Aater an inter&iew
session for the &iewers feat"ring Adam begins. 5e "ses the entire session to tal' abo"t his
bod!# wor'o"t ro"tine# and how he is better than all of the models.Next# Will is inter&iewed
and mentions that he is a bit self conscio"s abo"t his bod! beca"se he is not m"sc"lar li'e
the other men. Afterwards# the r"nwa! begins. Chantelle and the other women wal' the
r"nwa! confidentl!. Adam wal's the r"nwa! while acting li'e he is the best of the best while
Will is "ns"re of how to act masc"line for the show e&en tho"gh that is not a re,"irement.
@0BC3 The photographers )"dge the models and mention that -&! loo'ed 7too @?'s in a bad
wa!8# and that Adam loo'ed li'e 7a frat bo! going to a 'eg part!.8 After the photographer
session# it is anno"nced that the winner of the r"nwa! will recei&e the 7T!ra 2"ite8 in the
ho"se# which is a l"x"r! room within the shared ho"se of the contestants. 9eith is anno"nced
the winner and he chooses to share his room with 9ari.
$$0??3 The models enter the ho"se for the first time. <&er!one is excited and goes off to do
their own thing. Aenox and some of the other models pla! a game b! the pool# Adam and .en
pla! beer pong while 4omeo chooses to introd"ce some of the models to his Wiccan beliefs.
9eith and 9ari share the same room and explore the per's of the T!ra 2"ite.
$>0??3 -t is anno"nced that the next photo shoot will in&ol&e the models being drenched with
po"ring water. The models lea&e the ho"se# get dressed# and begin to shoot. 1irst# T!ra
demonstrates how the shoot will wor'. 4aeila is the first to enter the shoot# b"t she gets
frightened b! the water beca"se she had almost drowned in the past. When it is Adam's t"rn
to model he decides to show off b! performing p"sh"ps in front of e&er!one before he poses.
/en*el does the shoot with ease while man! of the other models# s"ch as Will who is bod!
conscio"s# str"ggle.
=B0??3 The models ret"rn bac' to the ho"se. Adam decides to begin drin'ing alcohol as soon
as he steps into the 'itchen. The other models explain that Adam alwa!s drin's. The! tell him
to stop drin'ing beca"se he can't handle it and isn't serio"s abo"t the competition. 4omeo
and Mir)ana begin to ,"estion his intelligence and Adam replies b! stating that he had a score
of $B$? on his 2AT. Mir)ana contin"es to complain and other models s"ch as Matthew tell her
to calm down. This ma'es Mir)ana wish that Matthew gets eliminated next.
=D0CC3 The first elimination begins. T!ra anno"nces that the winner of the show will recei&e
se&eral connections and opport"nities with high fashion ind"stries and maga*ines. 2he also
mentions that the! will recei&e a large cash pri*e.
=@0BC3 The models are )"dged b! T!ra# 9ell!# and ; Alexander. Adam steps "p first and
recei&es a ># D# and a E o"t of $? from each )"dge based on his photo shoot. 2ome of the
other models also recei&ed similar scores while others recei&ed ones that were a bit better or
a bit lower s"ch as -&! who recei&ed all D's.
C>0??3 The elimination begins. 9eith recei&ed best photo and gets access the l"x"r! T!ra
2"ite. Aenox# Mir)ana# Matthew# /en*el# Chantelle# .en# 4omeo# 9ari# Adam# 4aelia# and
2hei are the top winners of the da! and get to stand with T!ra while -&! and Will remain on the
opposite side representing the bottom two. -&! and Will step "p closer to T!ra and watch a
tele&ision screen to see an increasing n"mber co"nter showing who has the most online fans.
The co"nter stops and shows that Will has a larger fan base than -&!# allowing him to sta! in
the show while -&! m"st pac' her bags and lea&e for the chance to ret"rn in a later episode
as long as she maintains the highest n"mber of fans o"t of the other eliminated models.
Im-ortant cenes and Information:
2ill! string r"nwa! show ta'es place
4omeo predicts two eliminations
9eith ta'es the T!ra 2"ite beca"se he won the da!'s competitions and chooses to
share the room with 9ari
6o"ring water photo shoot ta'es place
Water shoot will become the show's bac'gro"nd scene d"ring the opening theme
./servation 02
??0=>3 The episode opens with the models in the ho"se. A TV in the li&ing room shows that
9eith won best photo for the water photo shoot. /en*el is inter&iewed and )o'ingl! mentions
that he is )ealo"s of 9eith's win and that he is good competition.
=0$D3 A few male models incl"ding Will and Matthew are inter&iewed on the s"b)ect of Mir)ana.
The! mention that she beha&es in a flirtatio"s manner e&en tho"gh she has a bo!friend bac'
=0B$3 The models are now seen en)o!ing the ho"se and its per's s"ch as the o"tdoor
swimming pool. <&er! model gets with their gro"p of friends while 4omeo decides to read
abo"t Witchcraft b! himself. 5e sa!s that the other models treat ANTM as a s"mmer camp
and not a real competition. 5e mentions that he is read! to see the real models sta! and the
)o'ers to go home.
%0=>3 -t is anno"nced that the models will be doing an ill"sion shoot where the! will pose
sidewa!s on the gro"nd while the camera ma'es it appear as if the! were standing &erticall!
as a person wo"ld normall! stand. The models get read! to start the shoot b! ha&ing their
ma'e"p p"t on. 4omeo boasts abo"t how "ni,"e and edg! he is while Adam o&erhears.
Adam is inter&iewed and spea's abo"t 4omeo's coc'iness and calls him a )o'e.
%0BB3 9eith is the first to do the photo shoot. 5e la!s on the gro"nd with a s'ateboard in a
pose made to loo' as if he were riding it. When the photo was ta'en it appeared as if he were
s'ating &erticall! on the gro"nd as "s"al. 9eith sa!s that the shoot 7reminded him of football
training# b"t more intense.8 Aenox goes next and mentions that she needed to step her game
"p. As she shoots# .en is s"rprised b! how well she was doing. .en goes after Aenox# then
Adam goes. The photographer mentions that Adam is a shorter model and ma! ha&e to wor'
harder d"ring the shoot. 4aelia goes "p next# then Chantelle. 4omeo is inter&iewed and calls
Chantelle arrogant and big3headed beca"se she ga&e of too m"ch confidence. More models
finish their shoots and are c"rio"s if their shoot t"rned o"t good or not. /en*el is one of the
last to go# b"t he str"ggled to follow the photographers commands and began c"rsing. The
photographer contin"ed to instigate him b! sa!ing words s"ch as 7- don't care if !o" get mad
at me8# and /en*el became e&en more angr! and left before the shoot was e&en finished.
$$0BD3 The models ret"rn home. When the! arri&e# Will finds a gift box that has a letter from
T!ra sa!ing that the! will recei&e the gift of ma'eo&ers. The letter mentions that there are
more gifts inside the ho"se that has different ma'eo&ers on them# b"t none of the models will
'now what specific ma'eo&er the! will get "nless the! find the one gift box with 7magic
shears8 inside. The models search for the boxes and read some of the ma'eo&er options
alo"d. 2ome of the ma'eo&ers incl"ded a head sha&e and blac' and white colored hair.
/en*el finds the special box and disco&ers that he will be sporting a fa"x beard. Chantelle is
scared beca"se she doesn't want to be the one with a sha&en head.
$C0B%3 The models get their ma'eo&ers. Cor!# a model from the pre&io"s season# ma'es an
appearance and tal's abo"t how his sha&en head ma'eo&er loo'ed great and that he
contin"ed to 'eep the loo' e&en after the show. T!ra anno"nces that .en and Adam will get
b"** c"ts# Will will get a pompado"r# 9ari and Will will recei&e platin"m hair# 4omeo is getting
gra! contacts# 9eith gets no ma'eo&er# Mir)ana will get a short hair c"t# Aenox will ha&e blac'
hair# 2hei will ha&e blac' and white parted hair# and Chantelle will ha&e extensions with
blonde tips.
$B0CC3 T!ra anno"nces that the models will ta'e a /NA test to disco&er their ancestr! and that
the! will disco&er their res"lts in a creati&e wa!.
=$0=E3 The models get their ma'eo&ers done and all of them are satisfied except for 9ari
beca"se she hates the loo' of her platin"m hair and e!ebrows. 2he begins to cr! and some
of the models tr! to console her. 2he mentions that she will be f"rio"s if she had to get the
ma'eo&er and gets 'ic'ed off of the show the &er! next da!.
=C0B=3 After the models ret"rned home# the! began to disc"ss their ma'eo&ers and ha&e
some f"n. Will# Matthew# and some of the other models began to drin' li,"or which lead to
Will and Matthew 'issing each other. The next night# man! of the models pester Matthew
abo"t his sex"alit! when he sa!s that he was dr"n' and is still exploring his sex"alit! and that
there is no fa"lt in it. Afterwards Mir)ana tries to label Matthew as bisex"al right on the spot#
and Matthew )"st sa!s 7- am who - am8 and that he stands for no labels. Will sa!s that he is
"pset beca"se of how Matthew is being treated beca"se he went thro"gh the same process
himself "ntil he fo"nd o"t and anno"nced that he was ga!.
=D0$D3 The models are read! to be )"dged for elimination. The optical ill"s"ion photos are
re&ealed on a TV screen. .en &iews his shot and recei&es a D# @# and an @. 2hei is )"dged
and T!ra mentions that her shoot seemed li'e an amate"r shot. Will was described as ha&ing
personalit! in his pict"re and recei&es great scores. /en*el is )"dged next and recie&es a D#
D# and an @. Mir)ana was described b! 'ell! C"trone as ha&ing tired e!es and recei&ed a D# D#
and an @. .en was described as ha&ing energ! and got a good score. Chantelle is described
of being too "ptight with a boring pose. 4aelia is described as ha&ing great proportions. Adam
is described b! 9ell! C"trone as loo'ing li'e a 7wor'er on a brea' waiting for his l"nchbox.8
Aenox is )"dged next and recei&es a lot of praise gi&ing her a score of an @# @# and a $?. 9eith
is )"dged next. ; Alexander sa!s that his bod! needs to be a bit more stretched. 5e recei&es
two @'s and a D. 4omeo is )"dged and is told to add more energ! into his photos and recei&es
an a&erage score. 9ari steps "p for )"dgement and mentions that she is now getting "sed to
her platin"m hair.
C>0$B3 T!ra mentions d"ring the elimination stage that the models' social media scores and
)"dging scores will determine who sta!s or goes since the episode had no challenges and
onl! photo shoots. .en recei&es best photo and 'e!s to the T!ra 2"ite. Aenox gets the r"nner
"p best photo. More models step next to T!ra where there are safe to sta! for the next
episode. 9ari and Chantelle are the bottom two# which means one of them will not contin"e
on the show. T!ra re&eals the photo of the winner who t"rns o"t to be 9ari. Chantelle lea&es
e&en tho"gh she was hand pic'ed b! T!ra .an's to be on the show. Chantelle will ha&e
another chance to ret"rn to the show if she has the largest social media acti&it! o"t of the
other eliminated models.
Im-ortant cenes and Information:
-ll"sion photo shoot
Matthew and Will 'iss
.en recei&es best pict"re
Chantelle is eliminated
./servation 03
??0$$3 The show begins with the models in the ho"se. The li&ing room TV show's .en's
pict"re since he won best photo. 5e chooses Adam to sta! in the T!ra 2"ite with him. Adam
mentions that he is excited abo"t the opport"nities from the show beca"se his c"rrent )ob is
wor'ing with n"mbers on Microsoft <xcel in a c"bicle. Man! of the models are s"rprised that
Chantelle went home# b"t it ta"ght them that )"st one photo can get a person off of the show.
$0%?3 The models decide to pla! tr"th or dare and Mir)ana and 9ari are dared to 'iss each
other. There is no )"dgement between this acti&it! when pre&io"sl!# Matthew and Will recei&ed
criticism for their shared 'iss. 4omeo is inter&iewed and mentions that he li'es to 7mess
aro"nd with people ps!chologicall!8 to eliminate them. 5e sa!s that he is tired of the games
that the models are pla!ing.
C0CD3 T!ra is abo"t to anno"nce what the photo shoot is# b"t beforehand# she tal's abo"t how
sex sells in the fashion ind"str!. 2ome of the models are excited for whate&er the shoot ma!
be# b"t Aenox# who is onl! $E# is a &irgin and mentions that the idea ma'es her feel
"ncomfortable. 4aelia# age ==# also mentions that she is a &irgin# b"t "nli'e Aenox# she does
not feel "ncomfortable regarding the shoot.
%0=>3 T!ra teaches the models how to flip their hair and 7Wor' the 2mir'8 which means to
intensif! !o"r e!es and to gi&e a slight smile. 4aelia# Will# and 9eith gi&es some of the best
smir's according to T!ra. Aenox thin's that she loo's st"pid doing the poses and gi&es "p
after a few tries. 4aelia mentions that no matter what# she will ne&er gi&e "p.
E0?C3 -t is anno"nced that the shoot will be a short commercial feat"ring the paring of two
modelsF one who will resemble a blac' widow and the other as the one being l"red into
danger. Aenox is scared beca"se she does not li'e the idea of a sens"al photo shoot. The
models are paired "p and all of the gro"ps incl"de opposite genders "ntil it is said that Will
and Matthew will be paired "p. 9eith is )ealo"s that Mari)ana and /en*el are paired "p
beca"se he and Mir)ana were beginning to form a relationship. T!ra tells him that he will ha&e
to get "sed to this in the world of fashion.
$=0C?3 The blac' widow commercial in&ol&es a spider web and a blac' widow es,"e model
who l"res in their partner on the web. When the shoot begins# 9eith feels "ncomfortable
watching Will and Matthew do the shoot together. /en*el was a bit angr! when Mir)ana and
9eith did the shoot together.
$%0%?3 .en and Adam pla! aro"nd while waiting for their shoot. The! begin to chase each
other and )"mp aro"nd in the grass near the set. 4omeo spea's abo"t how he wants Adam
off of the show beca"se he is still in a 7frat bo! stage.8 When Adam did his shoot# 4omeo was
secretl! la"ghing beca"se Adam appeared to be str"ggling.
$B0B?3 Aenox was &er! "ncomfortable while shooting with 4omeo. 2he was described as
showing no passion while ma'ing the commercial. 2he mentions in an inter&iew that she
doesn't li'e 4omeo so it was also a factor that contrib"ted to her less than a&erage
performance. 4omeo# on the other hand# did well according to the two photographers.
$>0%>3 The models celebrate 4omeo's birthda! b! part!ing and drin'ing. Adam decides to )oin
beca"se he didn't want to r"in 4omeo's birthda!. The models sa! that 4omeo was li&el! that
da! and wish he was li'e that all of the time. Aenox mentions that the part!ing wo'e her "p
from her sleep and that 4omeo was clearl! dr"n'. 4omeo tries to instigate Adam e&en
tho"gh he was doing his own acti&it!. 4omeo as's Adam to p"nch him and sa!s Adam isn't a
model and loo's more li'e a personal trainer. 4omeo contin"es to instigate. Adam sa!s that
he wo"ld win the fight if the! weren't on the show beca"se a p"nch res"lts in a"tomatic
dis,"alification. 4omeo headb"tts Adam and lea&es a small br"ise on his face while Adam
remains calm.
=?0?D3 The next night 4omeo sa!s he blac'ed o"t the other night and went o&erboard. The
models disc"ss the sit"ation and 4omeo begins to arg"e again# sa!ing that Adam can't be a
model and c"rses at him. 2hei sa!s that the arg"ment is irrele&ant.
=$0?E3 ; Alexander anno"nces that 4omeo will be eliminated beca"se he headb"tted Adam.
The models share their opinions on the sit"ation. 4omeo is the first person in the histor! of
America's Next Top Model to be eliminated d"e to ph!sical assa"lt.
=$0B$3 4omeo ac'nowledges that he made a bad decision.
==0$D3 The models recei&e a r"nwa! lesson from a woman on stilts. The r"nwa! will in&ol&e
the models wal'ing the r"nwa! on tall stilts. This is one of the man! times that ANTM has
done this. .en mentions that he "sed stilts before as a 'id. Mir)ana fell off of her stilts d"ring
practice. 2hei mentions that Mir)ana lets relationships get in the wa! of her modeling.
=%0=B3 The r"nwa! show begins and Will wal's down the catwal' with confidence and
balance. 4aelia goes next and falls at the beginning of the wal' between the opening
c"rtains. None of the other models ha&e tro"ble d"ring the rest of the r"nwa! show except for
Adam who had tro"ble balancing. .en wins best wal' and the highest score which was a E.
=@0?@3 The )"dging and elimination begins. The commercials are displa!ed on a TV. The
)"dges are impressed b! Mir)ana's commercial performance. 2hei recei&ed a di&erse score of
a ># D# and a $? beca"se each )"dge had a different opinion on her image and beha&ior in the
commercial. T!ra sa!s that Adam was one of the best loo'ing men on the commercial# b"t
9ell! C"trone and ; Alexander said he needed a bit more wor'. When 9ari and /en*el's
commercial appeared on the screen 9ari was described as exotic and recei&ed a decent
score while /en*el also recei&ed a similar score. T!ra and 9ell! admired 4aelia's shoot. 9ell!
ga&e 4aelia the first $? she has handed o"t this season. .en got a low score beca"se he was
posing excessi&el! d"ring the shoot. Matthew and Will were )"dged next. The! were praised
b! the )"dges for ma'ing a great d"o. Will also recei&ed accolades for his smir' and e!e
mo&ement. Will and Matthew got high scores. Aenox and 4omeo's commercial was displa!ed
next and Aenox was critici*ed for not being sex"al and seeming lost. T!ra said that Aenox
gi&ing "p was "nattracti&e and made her commercial so bad that she wanted to gi&e her the
score of a ?# b"t since that was not allowed# Aenox recei&ed a $.
C>0B?3 The elimination begins. Will gets the highest score and 'e!s to the T!ra s"ite. 4aelia is
the r"nner "p. Mir)ana# Matthew# and man! other models are called b! T!ra and are safe from
elimination. Adam and Aenox are left as the bottom two. T!ra mentions that onl! one of them
can sta! in the game. Adam is called to sta! in the r"nning to become America's Next Top
Model. Aenox prepares to lea&e when T!ra sa!s that since 4omeo was eliminated# Aenox can
sta!. The catch is that she will onl! get B tries to capt"re her best shot for the next show's
photo shoot while the other models ha&e se&eral chances.
Im-ortant cenes and Information:
.en and Adam share the T!ra s"ite
widow ga! p"nch stilt lenox will
.lac' widow commercial
Will and Matthew are the onl! same sex commercial shoot pairing
4omeo p"nches Adam and is eliminated
Catwal' on stilts
Will wins best commercial and gets 'e!s to the T!ra 2"ite
Aenox recei&es a score of $ from T!ra
Aenox is eliminated b"t bro"ght bac' d"e to 4omeo's absence
Aenox will onl! ha&e B chances to get the perfect pict"re for next episode's photo shoot

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