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(N) [2
Medical Surgical Nursing - II
(Sub Speciality - Cardo Vascular and !oracic Nursing)
[N"# SC$"M"-%.e.&. 2''( ad)ission]
M.M. * +, i)e * - $ours.
Note : Attempt all questions.
1. Mr. Lalit 56 yr old man admitted in cardiac care unit and is planned for
CABG Surgery after two days. Discuss in points te pre and post
operati!e care of Mr. Lalit using nursing process. "15#
$. Mrs. Survi 58 yr old lady is a chronic smoker and admitted in CCU with
the complaint of chest pain radiating to left hand, dyspnea and severe
perspiration. Doctor has diagnosed her as a case of M
a. Define M%. "$#
&. List down te etiology and ris' factor wic may &e responsi&le
for M% of Mrs.Sur!i. "5#
c. Briefly discuss patopysiology along wit sign and symptoms. "6#
d. List down te La&oratory test wic may confirm diagnosis. "5#
e. (rite in points 1st $) rs nursing management of Mrs. Sur!i
according to nursing process. "*#
+. (rite sort notes on any !"U# of te following , [4x5=20]
a. -ulmonary em&olism.
&. .ealt education gi!en to a patient wit permanent pace
c. -ysical assessment of respiratory system.
d. Coarctation of aorta.
e. %onotropic agents.
). Mr. Shyam is $% year old young man, suffering from C"&D and
admitted in CU of your hospital.
a. Define C/-D and classify it. "$#
&. 01plain patopysiology along wit sign and symptoms. "5#
c. Briefly descri&e te nursing management. "2#
M.Sc.(N) [2
Medical Surgical Nursing - II
(Sub Speciality - Critical Care Nursing)
[N"# SC$"M"-%.e.&. 2''( ad)ission]
M.M. * +, i)e * - $ours.
Note : Attempt all the questions.
1. a. Discuss te criteria to put te patient on !entilator. "5#
&. (at all complications te patient on !entilator can de!elop. ")#
c. (rite te nursing management of te patient on !entilator
following te steps of nursing process. "6#
$. ' (% yrs old lady is )rought to emergency with 55* thermal )urn.
a. .ow will you calculate te fluid for te patient4 Discuss any two
formulas. ")#
&. Discuss te patopysiology of &urns. "5#
c. 01plain te management of te patient during te acute pase of
&urns. "6#
+. ' +% yrs old #akesh had developed su)dural hematoma following
head in,ury in a road traffic accident.
a. Discuss te patopysiology of su&dural ematoma. "5#
&. 0nlist te diagnosis tests and teir interpretation. ")#
c. (at all complications te patient can de!elop. "+#
d. Discuss te management in detail. "2#
). (rite sort notes on any !-. of te followings , [5x5=25]
a. Concept of critical care nursing.
&. Stress and &urn out syndrome among te nursing personnel.
c. -armaco'inetics.
d. Standard safety measures.
e. 5enal replacement terapy.
f. Disseminated %ntra!ascular coagulopaty.
M.Sc.(N) [2
Medical Surgical Nursing - II
(Sub Speciality - .ncology Nursing)
[N"# SC$"M"-%.e.&. 2''( ad)ission]
M.M. * +, i)e * - $ours.
Note : Attempt all questions.
1. (rite sort notes on any !"U# of te following , ")156$7#
a. 8utrition of cancer patients.
&. Management of side effects of cemoterapy.
c. -ain management in cancer.
d. -reparation of a protocol on administration of cancer
cemoterapeutic drugs.
e. /ncology 0mergencies.
$. Mr. 'li, 55 yr old man has )een admitted in the cancer ward, diagnosed
as colorectal caner in descending )owel and is scheduled for Surgery /
a. (at are te ris' factors for colorectal cancer. "5#
&. Descri&e sign and symptoms of te disease. "5#
c. 01plain 98M classification of colorectal cancer. "5#
d. (at nursing inter!ention are indicated for Mr. Ali at tis stage of
illness. "5#
+. As a clinical nurse specialist: plan for 17 days in ser!ice education
programme for staff nurses to &e posted to wor' in cancer care units of
your ospital. "15#
). a. Define palliati!e care. "+#
&. Descri&e te elements of palliati!e care. "*#
c. Descri&e role of a nurse in palliati!e care. "17#
M.Sc.(N) [2
Medical Surgical Nursing - II
(Sub Speciality - Neurosciences Nursing)
[N"# SC$"M"-%.e.&. 2''( ad)ission]
M.M. * +, i)e * - $ours.
Note : Attempt all the questions.
1. Mohan 08 yrs old is )rought to emergency with 1ead trauma
following road traffic accident.
a. .ow will you diagnose te condition4 "$#
&. Discuss te mecanism of in;ury. "5#
c. 01plain te pre and post operati!e management of te patient. "17#
d. (at discarges ad!ise will you gi!e to te patient 4 "+#
$. ' patient is admitted in neurosurgical ward with Status epilepticus.
a. Define te condition. "$#
&. Discuss te etiopatogenesis. "6#
c. 01plain te medical and nursing management. "*#
+. a. Discuss te patogenesis and clinical manifestations of
-ar'inson<s disease. "6#
&. Discuss te paramacological: surgical and nursing management
of te patient. "=#
). (rite sort notes on any !-. of te followings , [5x5=25]
a. 0tical and legal issues in neuro nursing.
&. 8ursing audit.
c. -oliomylitis.
d. Bell<s -alsy.
e. Central >enous pressure.
f. 8eurogenic &ladder.
M.Sc.(N) [2
Medical Surgical Nursing - II
(Sub Speciality - .rt!opedic Nursing)
[N"# SC$"M"-%.e.&. 2''( ad)ission]
M.M. * +, i)e * - $ours.
Note : Attempt all questions.
1. Mr. Mohan age 5% years is diagnosed to have Myasthenia 2ravis.
a. Define Myastenia Gra!is. "$#
&. 01plain te patopysiology and sign and symptoms. "5#
c. Descri&e te medical and nursing management of Mr. Moan. "2#
d. -repare a ealt3teacing plan for Mr.Moan<s relati!es on ome
care. "5#
$. Mrs. Seema, age $5 years is a known case of #heumatoid 'rthritis.
a. Define 5eumatoid Artritis and its pre!elance. ")#
&. 01plain te patopysiology: sign and symptoms and diagnostic
tests. "5#
c. Discuss te medical and nursing management
"?se 8ursing -rocess# of Mrs. Seema. "2#
d. List te complications of 5eumatoid Artritis. "+#
+. (rite sort notes on any 31#.. of te following , [3x5=15]
a. Assessment of /rtopedic patient. &. Clu& @oot.
c. Analgesics. d. S'eletal 9raction.
e. -ott<s Disease. f. Muscular Dystropy.
). Mr. 4ain is a known case of Malignant 5one 3umour admitted for a)ove
the 6nee 'mputation.
a. List te causes for Malignant Bone 9umours. "$#
&. 0numerate te types of 9umours. "+#
c. Descri&e te sign and symptoms and in!estigations to diagnose
9umours. ")#
d. (rite pre and post operati!e 8ursing Care of Mr. Aain. "2#
e. -repare a 5ea&ilitation plan for Mr. Aain. "+#

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