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I. The QuickBooks Environment

a. Opening QuickBooks Program
b. The Home Page
c. The Icon Bar
d. Customizing the Icon Bar
e. Closing QuickBooks Program
II. Creating a QuickBooks Company
a. Express tart
b. !d"anced etup
c. Other Options
d. etting #p #sers
e. ingle and $ultiple #sers $odes
%. Creating a &ocal Backup Cop'
g. (estoring a Compan' )ile )rom a &ocal Backup Cop'
h. Opening a Compan' )ile
i. Closing a Compan' )ile
III. Setting up Preference Tap
a. !ccounting
b. *esktop +ie,
c. -eneral
d. Items . In"entor'
e. $ultiple Currenc'
%. Pa'ment
g. Pa'roll . Emplo'ees
h. (eports . -raphs
i. ales Tax
IV. Setting Up Inventory n! "ther Items
a. er"ice
b. In"entor' Part
c. Other Charges
d. ubtotal
e. *iscounts
%. Pa'ments
g. Creating In"entor' !nd Other Items
h. Editing . *eleting In"entor' !nd other Items
V. Using #ists
a. The Customer T'pe &ist
b. The +endor T'pe &ist
c. Term &ist
d. Class &ists
e. Currenc' &ist
%. $emorized Transactions &ist
g. !dd/Edit $ultiple &ist Entries
VI. Creating Customer $ames
a. Customer 0ame
b. Opening Balance
c. !ddress In%ormation
d. !dditional In%ormation
e. Pa'ment In%ormation
VII. Creating Ven!or $ames
a. +endor 0ame
b. Opening Balance
c. !ddress In%ormation
d. !dditional In%ormation
e. !ccount Pre1ll
VIII. Transactions
a. $ake *eposit the Capital
b. Trans%er )unds Bet,een !ccount
c. 2rite checks
d. 2rite Checks %or In"entor' Items
e. 3ero *ollar Check
%. *eposit to +endor
g. Create Purchase Orders to +endor
h. Purchases on Credit
i. (e%und -oods to +endor
4. O5set +endor Balance
k. Pa'ment to +endor
l. Changing -oods b' add the $one'
m. (ecei"ed Items be%ore get Bill
n. Enter Bills %or (ecei"ed Items
o. (eimbursement Expense o5set ,ith !ccount Pa'able
p. Customer Paid in !d"ance
6. Create ale Orders %rom Customers
r. ale %or Credit to Customers
s. ale *iscounts !nd ale (eturned . !llo,ance
t. (ecei"ed $one' %rom elling In"entor' or er"ices
u. Customer (eturned -oods back
". O5set !ccount (ecei"able
,. (ecei"ed Pa'ment %rom Customers
x. !ccount (ecei"able o5set ,ith !ccount Pa'able
'. (ecei"ed $one' but not take it to o5set ,ith In"oices
z. In"entor' ample to Customers
aa. *educt +!T 2hen ,e got or ga"e In"entor' or er"ices Back
bb. 2ithholding Taxes
cc.+alue !dded Taxes
dd. Taxes on alar'
ee. Prepa'ment Pro1t Tax
5. Bank (econcile
gg. 2rite O5 !ccount (ecei"able
hh. Bad *ebt Expense
ii. !d4ustment Entries
I%. &eporting
a. -eneral 7ournal
b. Trial Balance
c. -eneral &eger
d. ale B' Items *etail
e. ale B' Customer *etail
%. Customers Balance *etail
g. !ccount (ecei"able !ging *etail
h. !ccount pa'able !ging *etail
i. +endor Balance *etail
4. Purchase B' +endor *etail
k. Purchase B' Items *etail
l. In"entor' +aluation *etail
m. Pre"ious (econciliation
n. Pro1t . &oss tandard
o. Balance heet tandard

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