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Fire Drills - How to Be Prepared and Lead During a Fire Drill

Fire drills happen a couple of times a year. Even though they are drills, they are very important because
through practice your students will learn what to do and how to behave in an emergency. Ultimately, the
responsibility for these lessons rests on your shoulders. So how do you prepare and lead during a fire drill?
Following are some important steps and hints to help you be effective and remain in control.
First and foremost, take it seriously.
Even though it is just a drill and even though you have participated in these since you were a small child,
this does not mean that you should not treat it as though you were in an actual emergency. Children will tae
their clue from you. !f you tal about how silly it is or act as if it is not worthwhile or important then
students won"t respect it either.
Know your escape route beforeand.
#his is especially true for new teachers. $ou want to loo in control and in charge because this will help you
eep the students under control once they all get to their destination. %ae sure that you tal with your
fellow teachers &EF'(E the actual fire drill day so that you feel confident of where you will be going with
the students.
!e"iew wit your students your e#pectations before your first fire drill.
%ae sure that you let your students now where you will be leading them in case of an emergency. E)plain
to them what your e)pectations are in terms of leaving, waling through the school, staying together, and
gathering in the assembly area. E)plain the conse*uences of misbehavior. #his should be done early in the
!emain calm.
#his seems lie a given but sometimes the teacher causes more problems than the students by not remaining
calm from the beginning. $ou should act serious and in charge. +o yelling. +o getting e)cited. ,ust tell your
students to line up calmly.
Ha"e your students line up and stay in line.
-hen the fire alarm goes off, have the students immediately line up at the door. #his will help them remain
calm and you eep control. Single file wors well, even with older children.
$rab your grade%attendance book.
%ae sure that you tae your grade.attendance boo with you. First, you will need to tae roll when you get
to the assembly area. Second, you will want to have the pertinent course records in case there truly was a
fire. #hird, you do not want to leave this unattended just in case some students planned mischief during the
fire drill.
&eck te room and lock te door before you turn out te ligt.
%ae sure to chec that you haven"t left any students behind in the classroom. #urn out the lights and loc
the door. /ocing the door is important so that no one e)cept the authorities can get into your classroom
while you are gone. Students will probably leave their purses in the room and you might have some
valuables you don"t want disturbed. #his action ensures that persons who are up to no good will stay out of
your room.
Lead your students 'uietly troug te scool to your destination.
/ie it or not, you are judged on your students" behavior. #herefore, try to maintain control as you wal
through the school. Students should not be stopping off at their locer, going to the restroom, or visiting
their friends from other classes. %ae this very clear to your students before and during the fire drill. %ae
sure to have conse*uences if students don"t follow your rules.
(ake roll as soon as you get to your assembly area.
-hen you get to the assembly area, you should immediately tae roll to determine that you have all your
students accounted for. $ou are responsible for your students. $ou will want to let the principal or other
administrator at your location if you can"t account for everyone who was present in class. #his will allow
them to act *uicly to find the missing students.
Demand e#cellent bea"ior and make sure students stay togeter.
'nce you get to the assembly area, there will be some time before the all clear signal is given. 0uring this
waiting period, you will want your students to stay with you and to behave. #herefore, mae sure that you
stay with your students and enforce your rules. $ou can use this time to chat with your students in a more
rela)ed atmosphere. 1owever, always remember that you are in charge and ultimately responsible for your
students even in the assembly area.

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