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Basics of Jaimini Astrology
Parashara and Jaimini Maharshi are contemporaries. Jaimini Astrology is like a corollary of Parashara
System. Some basic diferences in the two systems are as follows:
There are 7 Karakas. As per degree-min-sec occupied by planets, Jaimini Karakas are determined.
Rahu and Ketu is not considered as Karaka of anything. Irrespective of position of planets in signs,
their degree-min-sec is considered only in descending order as follows
1) Atma karaka (AK): Having the most degree. It is considered as strongest planet. It represents self. 2)
Amatya karaka (AmK): Lesser in degree than that of AK. It is the 2nd strongest planet. It is karaka of
Career. 3) Bhratri karaka (BK) : Lesser in degree than that of AmK. It is karaka of Co-borns. 4) Matri
karaka (MK): Lesser in degree than that of BK. It is Karaka of Mother. 5) Putra karaka (PK): Lesser in
degree than that of MK. It is Karaka of Children. 6) Gnati karaka (GK): Lesser in degree than that of
PK. It is karaka of Cousins and relations. 7) Dara karaka (DK): Lesser in degree than that of GK. It is
Karaka of Spouse.
Aspects (Jaimini)
In Jaimini Astrology planets aspect Signs not houses. As we know, due to mode of action, signs have
been categorized as Moveable Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo,
Scorpio and Aquarius) and Dual Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces).
Rules of Jaimini Aspects are as follows:
(a) A planet in a Cardinal sign aspects all the Fixed signs, except the next sign. (b) A planet in a Fixed
sign aspects all the Cardinal signs, except the sign previous to it, (c) A planet in a Common sign
aspects the other three Common signs.
Let me clarify these rules through examples.
Suppose a planet is in Aries, then as per rule (a) it should aspect fixed signs Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius
except Taurus.
Again, suppose a planet is placed in Taurus, then as per rule (b) it should aspect Cancer, Libra and
Capricorn except Aries.
Again, suppose a planet is in Gemini, then as per rule (c) it should aspect Virgo, Sagittarius and
Dasha System
Jaimini Dasha-systems are based on Signs so, it is called Rashi Dasha. Dasha order of 6 signs is
direct and of rest 6 signs is indirect. The dasha period of any sign can be at most of 12 years and at
least of 1 year. There are many Dashas in Jaimini System. But, Chara Dasha, Sthira Dasha, Niryana
Shoola Dasha and Navamsha Dasha have been found suitable for all horoscopes while rests are
conditional Dasha Systems:
Like Parashari System, in this system also there are yogas like Rajyoga, Dhanyoga, Arishtayoga etc
but these are quite different from that of Parashari system. These yogas are considered from the
position, aspect and conjunction of Jaimini Karakas.
The navamsha sign of Atma Karaka is called Karkamsha.
Arudha Lagna
Arudha Lagna is found by counting so many signs from the Lagna lord as it is away from the Lagna.
For example, say Aries is Lagna sign and its lord is Mars placed in 5th sign Leo. Since, from Lagna
Sign, Lagna Lord (Mars) is 5 sign away so, Arudha Lagna will 5th sign from the position of Lagna Lord
(Mars, who is in Leo). From Leo 5th sign is Sagittarius.
Exception: The Arudha Lagna (AL) cannot be in the same house nor in the 7th house from the Lagna.
a) While doing the calculation, if AL falls in the Lagna then AL will be the 10th house from the Lagna.b)
Likewise, if AL falls in the 7th house then AL will be the 4th house from the Lagna.Upapada
Upapada is found by counting so many signs from the 12th house lord as it is away from the 12th
house. For example Pisces sign is rising in 12th House and Jupiter is 3 sign away placed in Taurus.
Therefore, Upapada will be in 3 sign away (i.e. Cancer) from the position of Jupiter.

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