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At the main image orange buttons disaapear when I try to click on them, edit
image button. (explained earlier) Completed (Fixed edit image popup issue)
2. After adding a few stuff to the page, I was not able to add any more elements to the page
before reloading the editor page. Completed (Issues)
3. Title
a. No need for strikethrough - Completed (Changes)
b. Text color icon needs to be changed - Completed (Changes)
c. Font size may have more options? Font size starts from 1px to 100px
d. URL should have target="_blank" option - (Changes) (Fixed by Friday)
e. URL can also have mailto: option (Changes) (Fixed by Friday)
4. Logo
a. In Firefox the logo did not show up after adding a png logo, adding it second time
worked (Working Fine)
b. In Firefox After clicking "Edit logo" and choosing not to do anything, I could not exit
the lightbox effect - Completed (Issue)
5. Paragraph
a. No need for strikethrough - Completed (Changes)
b. Text color icon needs to be changed Completed (Changes)
c. Font size may have more options? Font size starts from 1px to 100px
d. URL should have target="_blank" option (Changes) (Fixed by Friday)
e. URL can also have mailto: option (Changes) (Fixed by Friday)
6. Image+Text
a. In Firefox I cannot drop the element to the top (as first element) when there are
other elements on the page. It automatically goes to the bottom - (Working fine)
b. In Firefox 1.95 MB image could not be added Completed (Issue)
c. After adding an image, I was not able to add any more elements to the page before
reloading the editor page. - Completed (Issue)
d. In Firefox, when I click to enter text, the cursor blinks in the far left side of the
element (where image will be added) - Completed (Issue)
7. Image
a. In Firefox I cannot drop the element to the top (as first element) when there are
other elements on the page. It automatically goes to the bottom - (Working fine)
b. I was not able to add a 700KB, 2500x1900 px jpg image, image seems to upload but
does not display (no error message), adding a 150KB 960x700 px file works - -
(Working fine)
8. Gallery
a. In Firefox, I cannot choose more than one file to upload via the upload dialogue-
Completed (Upload one or multiple images) (Changes)
b. In Firefox, if I add one picture, I cannot add more or drag & drop into the element
any more- Completed(Changes)
c. Different height images must be cropped so that they will appear in an orderly
fashion. Completed (By setting max-height in CSS for Outer Element) (Issue)
9. Map
a. How is the place we want chosen? Click the setting Icon on the top right to edit
Address, latitude and longitude of place
10. Slider
a. In Firefox, when an uploaded slider image (on the right) is clicked and dragged, the
image shifts left Completed(No sorting process) (Issue)
b. Different vertical size images must be automatically cropped so that the vertical size
of the slider does not change with the size of the slides - Completed (By setting
max-height in CSS for all Slides. Now Slider outside div has default height. In
that image size differs based on original crop size) (Changes)
11. Youtube
a. When inserted, Youtube should not come with a preloaded video Completed
b. Youtube settings should be launched from a better defined location/icon-
c. Logo Popup Close Mask Issue Completed (Issue)
12. Image Upload Design issues Completed (Issue)
13. Chrome: When published, modal window loads very slowly - PHP Completed
14. * Chrome: Publish does not work properly, some deleted elements still showed on
page, and some functionality did not save - PHP Completed
* Chrome: Trouble with dropping elements below or above what is already on a page
(I try to drop an element to the top, it drops to the bottom) - CSS Working Fine
* Internet Explorer: Trouble with dropping elements below or above what is already
on a page (I try to drop an element to the top, it drops to the bottom) - CSS
Working Fine
15. * Chrome: if I scroll down while dragging an element, the element shifts below the
pointer CSS
* Chrome: element somewhere in the middle in the editor, shows at the bottom in
the published page - PHP Completed
* Chrome: unable to drag elements between columns - CSS Working Fine
* Text color function does not work for linked text CSS (Fixed)
* Contact form sender name is NameSurname, instead there should be a space
between them. - Doubt (Please send screenshot)
* Slider Add/Edit button does not look clickable, it also needs a mouse-over effect. -
CSS (Fixed)

* Chrome: Bold function does not seem to work CSS Working Fine
* Internet Explorer: Bold function does not seem to work CSS Working Fine
* Internet Explorer: Bold cancels out italic - CSS (Fixed)

* Needs crop/resize - CSS Working Fine
* Internet Explorer: in the editor, image gets added full-width, (published page looks
ok) - PHP(Fixed by Friday)
* Internet Explorer: adding an image in a column ruins the page layout (everything
becomes full-width) - PHP(Fixed by Friday)

* Chrome: Bold function does not seem to work when a paragraph is added inside a
column CSS Working Fine
* Internet Explorer: Ordered and Unordered lists don't get added at first click, I need
to re-click where I want to add the function and click the list button again - CSS

Deleting and adding a paragraph again sometimes gets stuck with "Loading" - PHP

Image + Text
* Chrome: Blinking cursor does not show when inside a column - CSS (Fixed)
* Internet Explorer: in the editor, image gets added full-width, and the text area
drops below it (published page looks ok) - PHP(Fixed by Friday)
* Internet Explorer: adding an image+text in a column ruins the page layout
(everything becomes full-width) - PHP(Fixed by Friday)

* Users shouldn't be able to insert a Gallery into a column CSS Working Fine
* Internet Explorer: in the editor, gallery is added as full-width, it also turned
previously added contact form to full-width - PHP
* Internet Explorer: gallery in published page has different height thumbnail
pictures, they should all be the same (fixed per theme?) height - CSS (Fixed)

* Edit button image broken (no problems with functionality) - Doubt (Please send

* Does not work or show properly when in a column - CSS (Fixed)
* We should be able to resize the map widget (No resize for Map because it needs
to load google maps script each and every time you stops resize)

* Chrome: Properties dialogue appears below column layout if there is one right
below where the social icons are dropped - CSS (Fixed)
* Internet Explorer: Properties dialogue appears below column layout if there is one
right below where the social icons are dropped - CSS (Fixed)
* Unable to edit the social icons' properties after saving once. CSS (Fixed)
* Alignment did not save PHP Completed

* Chrome: Edit button image broken Doubt (Please send screenshot)
* Internet Explorer: Edit button image broken Doubt (Please send screenshot)
* Comes with demo video (should be empty) CSS (Fixed)
* Chrome: spacing does not work when in a column CSS Working Fine
16. * Home page before login (marketing web site) no good at mobile (responsiveness
broken) CSS (Fixed)

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