Bayless David Beverly 1981 Brazil

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Ridg*crt ChrUtion Church ^ J Fred Boylvic
5300 Eottcrn Avanu* S. E. M;4'rrh 1981 Newsletter 5300 Eg>tra Avr>u* S. E.
Albu^ugrqu*, N. M. 87108 ' ' Albuqugr^w*, N. M. 87108
Dear Christian Friends,
The churches of the area grew 24% last year.! The biggest had 154 members at
year's end, and the smallest 7, The church in Cidade Nova (New City) had its
first anniversary in February, It has grown this year from 7 to 11, and hopes
to be doubled by the end of this month. Two leaders and another man are active
in evangelism.
We have moved from the house we lived in 20 years. We're now close to the new
church, to the city, to the print shop I direct, and to the school. The move was
prompted by the amount of time I was spending driving, and the $3.00 gasoline.
Four men from a church which has been badly taught, and mostly not taught, asked
me to teach them. We got permission from the boy who is the "pastor." They are
really thirsty for Bible knowledge, and don't let me away until after 11 p.m. We
begin at 7:30 on Tuesdays with evangelism, and are teaching several families.
This summer we are scheduled to be in the U.S. ten weeks. We hope to visit most
of you and tell you and show you what's going on here.
Besides gasoline raises, the cost of living is increasing about 5,8% per month.
As in other places the dollar isn't keeping up, and hasn't risen at all in 1981.
Since we moved I've been able to accept more teaching cngagcmcntG, and now am out
six nights a week. I always go with some developing evangelist. I teach until
he wants to, usually within 6 weeks. Then he teaches and I listen and give sug
gestions, We follow a simple outline which he can imitate easily.
|The children can walk to school in 30 seconds now, instead of 30 minutes by car,
/John is in the 5th grade, and enjoying having lots of friends. Joanne is in the
( 10th grade, and is a whiz in the kitchen. Also plays in the high school band,
which I direct, Beverly is teaching ladies how to teach in the church. Also "
takes excellent care of us. With screens now that will be a lot easier.
We have to figure out how to build a third bedroom. Moving has taken a lot of
time. But I've already reduced my time spent in travelling to 14% of my time, the
lowest it's ever been. And my time used directly in evangelism is up to 10,5%.,
nearly the highest it's ever been. Another 15%> of my time is spent in orientation
of leaders of three churches.
A seminar for about 35 leaders of the churches is planned for April, on the subject
of The Covenant. We expect it to help the church members understand why we are
teaching and doing simply as the Bible teaches. A retreat for all church men is
planned for May 1, The young people had theirs on a big raucous holiday the day
before Ash Wednesday, They learned a lot and got away from all the indecent be
havior, About 100 youth attended.
Thank you for praying for this work and keeping us here. Write to us.
Yours in Christ,
David M. Bayless
OCX -y/
Christ For The Amazon Valley
Caixa Postal 926 66,000 Belem, Para, Brazil
(Write to them at this address Air Mail only)
John (II) David Beverly
These Missionaries are Sponsored by
5300 Eastern Avenue, S.E.
Forwarding Agent
5300 Eastern Avenue, S.E.
Albuquerque, N.M., 87108
David & Beverly Bayless, Missionaries
A strong program of leadership training in the churches in Northern
Brazil contributed to growth of 24*70 in 1980. Two of the last five
churches established in the Belem area were begun by Brazilian men
without missionary help. The thirteen Churches of Christ are all led by
their own men, without dependence on missionaries for leadership.
David and Beverly Bayless cooperate with the churches in teaching
leaders among men and women who desire to serve the Lord. This in
cludes teaching by personal example, with methods which can easily
be imitated. Since 1959 they have been working in Belem, the principal
city of the Amazon Valley, near the mouth of the Amazon River. This
city of 900,000 is influential over a large area of north Brazil. Already
Christians have begun to go out to distant areas to establish the
The Baylesses' main work is in teaching Brazilians to evangelize
their own people. The goal is that they continue on their own. David
manages a print shop, producing teaching material for church leaders
and evangelists. They cooperate with the Norman Maddux, Allen
Kisner, and Bob Myers families. The missionaries have a goal of
doubling the number of churches and members from 1979 to 1984.
Joanne is a Junior, and John is in the 6th grade, in the Amazon
Valley Academy, a Christian missionary school. David directs the
high school band in spare time.
The family is always conscious of God's blessing in providing the
support necessary to live and work in Brazil through churches and in
terested individuals. They are happy to write to friends and churches.
Mark envelope plainly "Air Mail"; 404 each Vi ounce.
Caixa Postal 926
66000 Belem, Para, Brazil
October 1981
Mailing Address:
Cciio Postal 926
66000 Bel$m, ParS, Brazil
Telephone: 011-55 (91) 235-0409
OctobGr Newsletter, 1981
Dear Friends in Christ,
Forwarding Agent: J Fred Bayless
5300 Eastern Avenue, S. E.
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108
Telephone (505) 265-2776
Many things are going well here. Most of the twelve churches
reported baptisms during the 3rd quarter of 1981. A Church
Growth Seminar is to be held this month. We will encourage the
churches to set growth goals for the next five years.
The church in the New City continues with 14 members, some of
whom are unfaithful. Growth is hindered by having a meeting
place only 8x12 feet. Two leaders are active evangelists.
\ Beverly was operated on at the end of September, for removal of
^ a malignant tumor. She is regaining strength fast. However,
it v;ill be necessary for her to undergo chemotherapy in the
United States for a month, beginning in October.
V^e know God works in wonderful ways. We also know that the
v;ork of the devil, our enemy, does not stop. Obviously it
would suit his purposes for our family not to be able to stay
in Brazil. What we have been able to learn and put into
practice in the past six years has enabled the churches to have
tremendous growth.
Please pray with us, first for God*s will. We have always
hoped it would be for us to be here at least past the year
2000, Pray that there may be nc spread of Tnjilicinancy, and
that our family may remain here for many, many years. God is
stronger than our enemy.
Doors are open which v;ere not before in Brazil. The Catholic
Church, in open promotion of Communism and armed conflict, is
in disfavor with the government. Priests are in jail in Belem
for inciting to murder and armed insurrection. The Brazilian
government is granting visas now for more missionaries to come.
Huge housing developnients are opening up, in which people are
looking for friends and fellowship. The future never looked as
good for evangelism. VJe wan^to, stay. ' ~
A new church in Belem, whose men receive orientation from me,
has three men active in evangelism. They are beginning to
speed up their growth. They have baptized seven this year, and
are bringing in more men, some with families.
I'm giving orientation to leaders of three churches, preparing
teaching material for leaders and evangelists, and trying out
the Visualized Bible Study Series of five films with questions.
It's too early to give results.
Please continue to pray for this work and for us. Thanks to
you who write. Please continue. We thank God daily for
keeping us here through you.
Yours in Christ,
Deeply appreciate the Nov 15 issue of Horizons ^
December 5, 1981
Rldgocrgt Chriatian Church J Fred Bcylasa
5300 Eoitarn Avanua S. E. 5300 Eoatarn Avanua S. E.
Albuquarqua, N. M. 87108 Albuquarqua, N. M. 87108
Dear Friends in the Lord;
This is a Special Report on Beverly, who today is flying home to Brazil!! Ws Thank
God for Victories! Your Prayers helped! On Dec. 1 her bloodtest was favorable, so her
doctor said she could go hdme as she had planned. She must continue Therapy for at least
18 months - and she has taken the medicine with her for this.
We visited Beverly in El Paso and helpied her get ready for the journey. Her sister
and family had helped her much for weeks. All of this deeply appreciated, as are special
gifts that came to help in this emergency.
Special Gifts of about $4000 have come from many Friends to help. As of now we have
no idea how much will be needed. Their insurance should take care of quite a bit, but
there are always extras. Her visits to doctor and blood tests in Brazill will be about
$50 each month. Her Travel comes to $1328.40 round trip. Later we will give details.
Good friends and people who were strangos before helped David and Beverly talk over
Ham Radio Phone Hookup. That helped both of them.
If you have questions about all this, please write to us. Doctors believe that
Beverly should be cleared of any cancer at conclusion of the Therapy. She is in good
spirits, but not too strong yet. She continues to need your prayers.
In Christian Love with Prayers,/'

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