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June 2008
Volume 2, Issue 5 - June 2008
02 The Kingdom of
Self-Esteem Taryn Boeringa
04 Roadquest
06 Ever Wonder Why? Byron Tuininga
08 Self Injury Rhonda Wiersma
13 Freedom of Choice Rob Bonefaas
16 Who is that Knocking
at the Door? Greta Kleyn
20 No Time? Make Time! Marja Breukelman
22 Crossword: Books of the
Old Testament Jocelin VanDoornik
2 3
June 2008
The Kingdom of Self-Esteem
Taryn Boeringa (Hamilton ON)
Welcome to the Kingdom of Self-Esteem! In order to enter the
gates you must say I am lovable three times.

This was the main concept of Diane Loomans book titled The
Lovables in the Kingdom of Self-Esteem, a book meant to boost
childrens self-esteem. It included a workbook as well as a poster
to hang on your wall reminding you of how special you are. A
similarly themed school-curriculum, called Self-Science, was
also developed, encouraging children to escape the mud-mind and
embrace the sparkle-mind, enabling them to do whatever they set
their minds to.
These two examples are the product of a fad back in the late 1980s,
which aimed to teach children great self-esteem and so solve all
of their problems. However, this emphasis on self-esteem and
self-worth soon turned into narcissism. Children were being told
so often that they were special
that they believed they were
better then everyone
else, and that,
following their
dreams, they
could become
whatever they
As these children
have grown
into teenagers,
they are holding
onto fantastical
dreams which
they believe they
can accomplish
some day because they are so special. There is an exceptionally
high rate of teenagers these days who believe that they will become
instant stars, instant millionaires and instant heroes. This is partly
why shows such as Canadian Idol, The Next Top Model, and
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire are so popular these days. The
media has told us that instant fame is just around the corner.
Teens believe that they are so unique and so special that they are
going to be the next best thing. These high rates of optimism have
contributed greatly to the amount of depressed teenagers that are
all around us these days. Some teenagers have lived all their lives
expecting that they will become a celebrity, but once they enter
the real world they begin to realize that this is likely improbable.
Their perception that they
are so special is suddenly
dashed and can result in
Another negative side
effect to the push of great
self-esteem is the fact that
many teens these days
equate looking good with feeling good. There has been an increase
in such things as plastic surgery, steroid use, anorexia, and
bulimia. Teens use all of these things to change their body image
in order to feel better about themselves.
It is easy for us to lose respect for other people, if we have
constantly been told we are so smart and so special. Our natural
inclination is to think that we can outsmart our teachers or know
better than our parents.
As Christians, it is important to realize that we derive all of our
worth and esteem from God. Outside of our Saviour Jesus Christ
we know that we are worthless sinners, but in his grace and the
gift of his Son, He has called us his own children and showered
us with all kind of blessings! Living out of these blessings, we
are transformed into people who want to serve God and our
neighbour, and fnd worth within the new life that God has given
us. By fnding our worth and purpose outside of ourselves in Jesus
Christ, we can avoid the narcissism of our age, and instead, focus
on following Gods will and imitating Christ.
We derive all of our worth
and esteem from God.
roadside assistance
Reader Response: Sunday Best
Your last Road Quest Sunday best wondered why in our
churches we have a tradition of wearing special clothes to church.
I came across the website of the Carman East Canadian Reformed
Church which explains it like this:
You will notice, too, that most people are dressed up. Please
dont mistake this for elitism or snobbery. All we are trying
to do is to show honour and respect to the Lord God as much
as we can. Much like if we were to have an audience with the
Queen where our whole attitude, demeanour, and dress would
refect our respect for her Royal Majesty so when we meet with
the King of Kings we want to show Him honour in every way.
But doesnt this make Church a fashion show? Lets not
forget what the Bible also teaches us about modesty (nothing
extravagant), chastity (nothing to leading others to sin) and
humility (not wanting to attract attention to ourself). Then we can
truly glorify our King with our Sunday best.
Arend Witten (Hamilton ON)
Reader Request: Protests
Cornelis Kleyn (Hamilton ON)
A buzz of excitement flls the air as the bus
leaves for Ottawa... It is time for another
March for Life. Another public protest! A time
of Christian fellowship, and a nice chance to
get away to demonstrate what we stand for on
a certain issue... Or is it? What do you think of
public demonstrations and protests? Should we as
Christians be involved in them? Do public protests
achieve the purpose for which they are intended?
Do such marches promote the Reformed faith?
Send us your responses to
by June 30. Do you have a topic you would like to introduce for
the next issue? You know what to do... start writing and email it to us!
Have you ever sat and wondered why it is that you took that last
breath? Why it is that you were able to survive that last heartbeat,
that last swallow? It is not because of how good you are, or how
much you deserve it, because that is just the thing, you dont.
We were created perfect, that one day, one of earths frst, by the
Almighty God Himself. And that is where we fnd the key word,
we were perfect. But, as we still do on a regular basis, we threw
away the perfect opportunity from God. And now, as did Adam
and Eve, we choose every day to sin rather than to do good; to live
for ourselves, rather than to live for Him and his kingdom.
And if you havent regularly sat and wondered about why you
made it through that last breath, or why that last heartbeat wasnt
a heart attack, you have taken for granted what God is doing and
made yourself that much more unworthy of the mercy that you
and I have so continually received. We are so quick to take for
granted the simplest things in life, without realizing that they are
all blessings, right down to the microscopic digestive enzymes in
your stomach. For indeed, all things are controlled and blessed by
Gods merciful and all- knowing hand.
Today I couldnt sleep, for I sat and wondered. Why all these
blessings? Here I sit with a healthy body that I have received,
surrounded by an incredible abundance of food, shelter, and
clothing to maintain it. My heart continues to beat, I continue to
wake each day anew, here also I receive the spiritual strength to
live each day in the comfort that I do.
Ever wonder why you receive it? I do. I know, however, that
though I do not deserve it, Christ has blessed me with His saving
blood. That is the only reason I receive it. I cannot claim worthy of
this gift of myself, but it is because of Gods mercy through Christ.
That is why I have all that I need. But then again, I still wonder,
why did He die for me?
Ever Wonder Why?
Byron Tuininga (Spruce Grove AB)
I cannot answer that, because I cannot grasp that kind of all-
surpassing love and commitment. But have you ever sat and
wondered? Sat and wondered how, why, and to what end? Because
when I follow my own actions, my own words, my own deeds of
the day, they are less than worthy of the gift He has given me.
If you have thought about this, have you also praised Him and
thanked Him daily for it? Not always? Neither have I. That is the
glory, the enormity, the true saving value of His gift.
Questions for further study:
After reading Psalm 8 and the article above, what would you
say is the underlying theme?
Read Romans 1:20-23. How does this apply to the article?
How does our nature direct us in regards to this gift?
(1 Cor 2:14)
Since we have the inability to do
what is right, how are we
able to then come before
Him and acknowledge
Him and his gifts in our
lives without fear of
rejection? (Heb 2:17,18,
Heb 4:14,15)
When thinking now of
our lowly habitual lives,
and the engrossing sins
a part of them, how do we
now apply this to our lives?
How do you apply the theme
of this article to your life? Peter
says to us in 1 Peter 2:9 But you are a
chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy
nation, a people belonging to God, that you
may declare the praises of him who called you
out of darkness into his wonderful light. How
does this sum up the feeling of humility that we
should have, which leads up to a life of praise
to God?
June 2008
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June 2008
Self Injury
Rhonda Wiersma (Coaldale AB)
In every post secondary classroom at least two people will have
self injured. This is a startling statistic since many of us have not
even heard of self injury, much less struggled with this addiction
to pain. Self injury is literally what it says, deliberately causing
injury or harm to yourself; however, scrape the surface and youll
fnd people with so many emotional burdens that they are unable
to express emotions any other way except through this type of
physical expression.
Self injury, also known as SI, has many different methods to create
pain such as cutting, burning, scratching, hitting, scab picking
(excessively). Often times, self injurious behaviours tend to be
combined, or sometimes one behaviour will escalate into another,
combining the two. For example, one self injurer started when she
was eight with scratching and bruising herself. Later, when the
pain became unbearable and could not be sated by scratching or
hitting, she combined
it with cutting and
interfering with wound
Women are more
prone than men to
SI. The majority
of self injurers are
young people (preteens to young adults) who struggle with
repression of emotions, often times to the point where they feel
emotionally empty, and completely devoid of any pain. This can be
accompanied by feelings of depression, rejection, anger, anxiety,
low self esteem, and decreased confdence, hopelessness and
powerlessness. Often they have experienced one or more forms
of abuse, such as physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, extreme
bullying, rejection, or neglect. They may struggle with eating
disorders and alcohol or drug dependencies. This paints a bleak
picture, and a stark reminder that whatever sin throws at people,
it is truly ugly and discouraging. We must remember that God is
light and he can penetrate even the bleakest situation.
SI fulflls many functions. It may serve as a physical expression for
emotional pain. One self injurer used her knife to write help on
her arm. SI may serve as a punishment when the person inficts
upon themselves what they believe are the proper consequences
for certain thoughts or emotions. The pain caused by self injury
may serve as a calming effect during an anxiety attack and prevent
worse things from happening (a coping mechanism at its fnest). It
may bring the person back to reality after dissociation, or prove to
the individual that s/he is actually alive by blood letting. In effect,
those who self injure, hurt themselves to feel good. It breaks the
tension, clears the mind, helps them to focus, and allows them to
step back from an overwhelming situation.
Usually, SI is not used to manipulate others (most people who
self harm are extremely ashamed of their self injuring). SI of itself
is not a suicide attempt, but can be a prelude to suicide in severe
cases; statistics do show that suicide rates increase by 50-100% six
months after the frst harm episode. However, there are obvious
differences between suicide and self harm; one of these marked
differences is the intent. The intent of suicide is to end all feeling
and end life; the intent of self harm is to feel better by obtaining
relief from intense emotions or to create feelings after numbness.
Self injury affects the brains chemistry, which is why some
experts believe it to be an addiction. When the body is injured,
the brain releases endorphins to act as natural painkillers which
have the potency of opiates. When the body undergoes a trauma,
such as that experienced with self injury, the body gets bathed
in endorphins, providing an immediate, but short lived high
(Colleen Rush). When the body gets addicted to these endorphins,
the absence of these hormones can create withdrawal symptoms
that may be relieved by self-injuring. As with any addiction, the
fx oftentimes must escalate to provide the same high, so the
cutting becomes deeper and requires stitches, bruising will be
repeated over an already existing bruise to cause further pain and
damage, and wounds will be re-injured repeatedly to interfere with
We must remember that God
is light and He can penetrate
even the bleakest situation.
For those helping
The important thing to do when someone discloses that they are
self injuring is to not overreact. Listening calmly and without
judgment is a good place to start. Ask open-ended questions,
such as questions that are not easily answered with a yes or a
no. Attempt to understand their pain and try to walk a mile in
their shoes. Acknowledge their pain, even though you may not
understand it, and verbally acknowledge their feelings.
Listening also involves supporting without reinforcing SI. If the
subject of self injury is brought up, make time to listen and talk.
Offer yourself as an instrument of change by making yourself
available when they are experiencing a rough patch and want to
self injure. Offer a physical place to stay if they are alone and do
not feel safe, or help by providing distractions (going outside for a
walk, going somewhere for coffee, etc).
You can learn a lot about SI just by listening to an individual talk
about their experiences, but it is important to not stop there.
Educate yourself with good reading material. There are a number
of online resources and books
to read.
Secondly, do not force things.
Do barge into their personal
pad when they need privacy
or when you suspect that they
might be self injuring. Do not
force them to promise that they wont do it again. This will set
them back in any progress they may have made to avoid SI as a
means of coping. Instead of taking away tools, why not encourage
the person self harming to use you as a safe person which would
include receiving the tools when willingly given by the person
who self harms and keeping them in a safe place. So whenever
the person who is struggling and wants his/her tools, s/he can
go to you, the safe person, talk about what is bothering and why
there is a desire to cut. By doing this you are helping to build up a
relationship and a encourage a healthier way to deal with stress.
And most importantly, pray for the individual who is self injuring.
God hears our prayers, and when God answers prayer, he is not
slow as men see slowness, but he works in his own time. You
may pray that the individual will stop hurting themselves, but
it may take years. Be patient; God has a time and a purpose for
everything. But keep praying.
For those who do self injure
You are not alone if you cut or self injure. Remember, you have
nothing to be ashamed of; you are doing the best you can to
survive against overwhelming obstacles. Good job for surviving
and not taking the permanent approach to temporary problems.
Even though the Bible has no clear mention of self injury, you do
read in Corinthians and Ephesians that your body is a temple of
the Holy Spirit. God created you in his image; He doesnt want
you destroying your body with scars because He loves you and He
never will remove his love or his care from you.

Secondly, remind yourself that God offers hope. There is always
hope for those trapped and lost in temptations and addictions to
pain. God breaks the fetters of the addiction. Our hope remains
with Christ; look to Him when facing temptations and struggles
and He will help you bear the weight of them (1 Cor 10:13).
God gives forgiveness freely when you repent and fght against
unhealthy tendencies. In Daniel 9, it says that the Lord your God is
merciful and forgiving even though you have rebelled against him.
You can fnd that this forgiveness drips from pretty much every
Psalm. In Romans 8, you can read that there is no condemnation
for those now in Christ.
God also gives you other people to help fght the battle. No one is
an island; we are called to live in the unity of the body of Christ
(Eph 4). Talking to your local minister about your struggles
is often times benefcial, as well as talking to a professional
counsellor, or even a trusted adult. Coming out and disclosing
that you are self injuring is diffcult. Some people who have not
heard of, much less understand self injury, tend to be harsh
and judgmental. But, there are people out there who do try to
June 2008
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roadside assistance
Acknowledge their
pain, even though you
may not understand it.
12 13
June 2008
Freedom of Choice
Rob Bonefaas (Hamilton ON)
As an immigrant from the Netherlands, people often ask me,
Why did you come to Canada? I usually explain that a sequence
of events occurred which attracted me to Canada: visiting family,
seeking work experience, seeking job security, school, girlfriend,
fance, wife, and now Im back in school.
Like the Netherlands, Canada is a free country. A free country
fosters freedom of expression and belief. As citizens of this
country, we are allowed and even encouraged to express and
believe what we choose. However, even in a free country there
are laws which prohibit us from harming our neighbours. Laws
prescribe a positive restriction of our freedom, restricting it when
that freedom is used to violate our neighbours rights. Throughout
history, laws have been amended to protect people and to promote
freedom for individuals
and diverse groups.
However, for twenty
years there has not
been a law in Canada
protecting the most
vulnerable group
of human beings,
namely the unborn.
In Canada, abortion is
allowed during the full
period of pregnancy,
with no medical
reason needed.
The nullifcation of
Canadas previous abortion law was intended to protect mothers
experiencing an unwanted pregnancy. All mothers who have
an unwanted pregnancy do need support. However, offering an
abortion to mothers experiencing a crisis pregnancy does not serve
the mother and the unborn well.
understand and will accept what you tell them. I encourage you
to come out about your secret and fnd help. Ecclesiastes 4:12
tells us plainly that one can be overpowered, but two can defend
For those who want to cut
If you have read this article and think cutting may help you, I urge
you to stay away from this unhealthy coping mechanism. It can be
highly addictive. People I have talked to say that it helped them
through a tough emotional crisis, but in the end it bit like a snake
because it is so hard to let it go.
Getting through your emotional diffculties is tough, but a good
way to deal with them is fnding healthy coping skills: exercise,
journaling, artsy things (painting or playing an instrument). The
list is endless.
In your emotional distress, I also urge you to take it to God (even
if you fnd healthy coping mechanisms). God calls us to call upon
him in times of trouble and he will rescue you from them (Ps 50).
Not only should you take it to God but also immerse yourself in
Bible reading. It is part of the devils ploy to get you away from
God, and cutting is a way for the devil to do just that. Do not go
down that path, brothers and sisters.

I also urge you not isolate yourself, and to fnd a good support
system. Talk to someone that you can trust and are comfortable
with- a minister, a teacher, a good friend, or a parent. If you feel
like you do not have these resources, call 1-800-DONTCUT. I urge
you, though, to cultivate relationships with godly people. Do not
make that frst cut, brothers and sisters. It is a path full of troubles
and sorrows. Take care, and rest in God.
References and Resources for further reading:
1) The Scarred Soul, by Tracy Alderman
2) Treating Self-Injury: A Practical Guide, by B.W. Walsh
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June 2008
According to law, if you have been violated, or a sequence of events
leads to circumstances out of your control, you cannot violate
another human being for what has happened to you. If someone
steals my car, I cannot go and steal my neighbours car.
The Pro-Choice movement wants to force doctors in Canada to
present the option of abortion to the mother who has an unwanted
pregnancy. However, they do not want to present the life-saving
option of adoption. Supposedly, the process above describes giving
people a choice. Imagine being in a crisis situation and having to
make a life-changing decision based on slanted information. The
Pro-Choice movement came into being to give an option, but
they in fact took it away.
The New Webster Encyclopaedic Dictionary of the English
Language gives the following defnition of choice: the act or
power of choosing; a selecting or separating from two or more
things that which is preferred; selection; election; option;
preference; the thing chosen; the best part of anything; worthy of
being preferred; select; precious.
In the beginning, God gave Adam and Eve a choice. He said, You
are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat
from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of
it you will surely
die (Gen 2:16, 17).
That God gave this
command implies
that He gave Adam
and Eve the ability
to make choices;
moreover, it
implies that Adam
and Eve had the ability to make the right choice. The choice is
between many trees and one tree, between good and evil, between
life and death. Indeed, the consequences for making the wrong
choice are life-changing.
Life on earth did change drastically when Gods command was
disobeyed; sin entered the world through one man, and death
through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all
sinned (Rom 5:12). As with Adam and Eve, the mirror of Gods
Word and Law today too reveals our sinfulness. And through
self-examination, we become aware of how much we need Gods
grace. The law was added so that the trespass might increase.
But where sin increased, grace increased all the more, so that,
just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through
righteousness to
bring eternal life
through Jesus
Christ our Lord
(Rom 5:20, 21).
We cannot make
right choices on
our own.
Therefore, we seek
our life outside
of ourselves and
in Christ alone!
Just having this
knowledge and
comfort puts us ahead in the world in which we live today. We
already have obtained eternal life even though we live on earth;
we are enabled to make the right choices because God sent us his
Spirit, through whom we testify that we are children of God (Rom
8:16). All this means that because of Christs saving work, we
have a Father in heaven through whom we understand what life
on earth is to be like. He has revealed it to us through his Word.
Therefore, we say Abba, Father (Rom 8:15). As Christians we
must prefer life; moreover, we must protect and promote life. We
cannot dissociate the gift of life from the One who gave it.
And so, when it comes to the freedoms we have in our country, we
as Christians must take the right stance on issues like abortion.
Knowing what God teaches us about this issue, we cannot be
The Pro-Choice movement came
into being to give an option, but
they in fact took it away.
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June 2008
Have you ever wondered what to do and what to say when a
Jehovahs Witness (JW) team comes to your door? Some of us
might think that they are a nuisance, and simply say Im not
interested, and close the door, while afterwards thinking that we
perhaps should have said something to them. Others of us might
be nervous, feeling responsibility to witness to them, but at a
complete loss as to how to do that! What do JWs believe anyway?
How are they really different from us, and how can we respond to
There are many JWs in the world today; in the United States, there
are over a million of them! The average JW spends ten hours a
month going from door to door. 100 000 of these will devote up
to 100 hours per month
to their witnessing work!
No wonder that the JW
organization is growing
at a rate of approximately
4000 converts per
week, and is building
fve Kingdom Halls (or
church buildings) every
week worldwide! For
all of these JWs, door-
to-door knocking is one
of the most important
requirements for their
salvation. It is the only
record that is kept of
their Kingdom Hall
The JW religion is actually like slavery. A JW must attend fve
hours of meetings per week (including Sunday meetings), and at
these meetings people dont ask questions, because that would
arouse suspicion! They are told to avoid independent thinking,
and to accept Watchtower Society teachings without question. JWs
must also devote a lot of time to communal religious training. Only
15% of their study time is devoted to their version of the Bible,
the New World Translation, while a whopping 85% of their study
time is devoted to Watchtower publications. And despite all their
study, JWs have no personal relation to Christ and no assurance of
What do they believe?
What follows is a very brief overview of what JWs believe:
Jehovah is the only proper name for God.
Jesus is not true God who assumed our human nature to
become our Saviour. Rather Jesus is the created Son of God,
Michael the archangel, and a god. Jesus paid only for Adams
sin, and thereby only cleaned the slate, so that we could have
a chance to do good
works to earn our own
salvation today.
JWs cant pray to
Jesus. If they are found
guilty of worshipping
Him, they are dis-
fellowshipped and
ostracized by JW family
and friends.
The Holy Spirit is a force, but He is impersonal.
Only 144 000 people will go to heaven, and 9000 of these are
living on the earth today. JWs who do not belong to the 144
000 will live in a restored paradise on earth.
The Good News is that in 1914, Jesus became the invisible
ruler of Gods Kingdom in Heaven, with the Watchtower
Society headquartered in Brooklyn, NY as His visible agency
on earth.
We who do not believe in the special revelation of the
JW religion belong to the devils organization and will be
annihilated at Armageddon.
There is no salvation outside the Watchtower Society.
Who is that Knocking at the Door?
Greta Kleyn (Hamilton ON)
JWs have no personal
relation to Christ and no
assurance of salvation.
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June 2008
I think that all those of us who go to catechism lessons and Bible
studies can already see that the above points are wrong and
unscriptural, and we can see what is wrong with them. (At least
I hope that you can see what is wrong with these points! If not,
maybe you can talk about it at Bible study)
Then we can also see what comfort we have as Reformed
Christians! We know that we are so sinful and totally unable to do
anything at all for our salvation. No amount of door knocking that
we do, and no amount of meetings we attend will ever be enough
for our salvation! But we do know that Jesus, who is true God,
has come to this earth and delivered us from sin, and taken away
all our burdens for us. We are again free to worship Him and to
live thankful lives before Him. And we have the help of the Holy
Spirit, who truly is personal He
dwells in our hearts to
make us holy again and to
encourage us in thankful
What to do?
So what do we do when
a Jehovahs Witness
knocks on our
First pray to God for help, and then witness of the greatness of our
Saviour Jesus Christ. Here are a few pointers for conversations
with JWs:
Say that you trust in Jesus and not in an organization
(John 3:16)
Emphasize that you know for sure that you have eternal life
(1 John 5:13), and that you will be with Christ Jesus forever
(John 14:1-6).
Point out that you are not
saved by the things that
you do, and do good works
only out of love for God
(Eph 2:8-10).
Say that youll pray that
they know the peace and
joy you experience
(Rom 5:1 and CD V). Prayer has greater impact than you think.
Encourage JWs to read the Bible and go without Watchtower
magazines for a time.
Plant seeds of doubt in their mind about their religion.
JWs are trained to talk about doctrine, so dont get into
detailed discussions about doctrines if you dont know the
Discuss Bible verses thoroughly within their contexts.
Try not to accept Watchtower magazines or literature. This
communicates that you dont want anything to do with the
Watchtower Society, and reiterates your point about the Bible
being the only source of knowledge for salvation.
Let us, who have the truths and comforts of Gods Word, be truly
informed about the JW religion so that we can confront this
unchristian cult. We are called to be lights in the world around us,
so when we hear that knocking on the door, let us communicate
those wonderful riches that we have been given.
Recommended reading:
How to Respond: Jehovahs Witnesses, by Herbert Kern
What comfort we have
as Reformed Christians!
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June 2008
No Time? Make Time!
Marja Breukelman (Neerlandia AB)
Busy, busy, busy, we always feel busy. In the meantime someone
asks us what our week unveiled, and we hesitate to answer because
were not really sure, but it sure feels like we were super busy!
The question is with what? Many little things quickly add up and
before we know it today becomes yesterday, this week becomes
last week, and this year last year.
How do we spend our time? Watching TV every night, going to the
movies on weekends, or bumming around? Or do we spend a lot
of our time doing Bible study and reading? Dont get me wrong,
we do need to relax and have fun on weekends because family and
friends are very important, but we need to keep others in mind as
well. Our priorities
must be kept straight.
We need to make an
effort to participate
in organized church
functions, make
congregational visits
to meet new people
and visit the elderly.
They love visits from
young people. Too often we dont feel like going, but once we have,
we are glad about it, and so feel the need to do these things more
To experience the communion of saints and be a part of it we
need to make an effort too; it goes both ways. Let us not
make excuses or leave it to others (the easy way out), but
embrace opportunities to meet new people and build
one another up in love and prayer. God requires our
acts of love and giving the fruits of the spirit. Galatians 6: 9-10
says, Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper
time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we
have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those
who belong to the family of believers.
A good way to go about these things, making them
habitual, is to write down functions from
the bulletin and visits we would like
to make that particular month.
It works well. We are slaves to
righteousness, so let us walk
our talk and be imitators
of Jesus Christ, out of
thankfulness for
his sacrifce.
To experience the communion
of saints and be a part of it we
need to make an efort too.
Roadside Assistance is now
on FACEBOOK! Search for
Roadside Assistance M
agazine and join the group.
8. Describes Davids reign as King serving God, and also his weakness and
9. The man among the myrtle trees, a man with a measuring line, the
fying scroll, and the woman in a basket are some of the eight night
visions given to the prophet this book is named after
10. Contains a dialogue between a prophet (whom this book is named
after) and God concerning Judah and Babylon
14. The 28th book of the Old Testament
15. The story of Gods creation is recorded here
17. This man (whom the book is named after) describes and interprets the
dreams of Nebuchadnezzar
19. Named after a young Moabite woman
20. Poetic book containing fve chapters, each written using the Hebrew
alphabet in its structure
21. Book named after the main character who remains rich in God even
though his earthy possessions, family, and health are taken away
25. Presents an account of the 38 years in which Israel wandered the
desert following the establishment of the convenant at Sinai
26. The last chapters speak of the fall of Jerusalem and Judgment against
many nations
28. Contains the story of the people of Israel walking through the Jordan
river on dry land and the establishment of Israel in the promised land
Crossword: Books of the Old Testament
Jocelin VanDoornik (Hamilton ON)
3. Inspired many songs which we sing every Sunday
6. Meaning exit or departure
7. Contains more dates than any other OT prophetic book; emphasizes
Gods sovereignty
11. Contains a lists of those who helped rebuild the wall, sealed the
covenant, residents of Jerusalem and other towns, and priests and
12. Message which alternates between oracles of doom and hope, speaking
of judgment and deliverance by God
13. Two main ideas: judgment and comfort through salvation
16. Three chapters long; describes the locust plague and drought in Judah,
repentance, and restorations, pointing forward to the Day of the Lord
18. Named after the woman who became queen after Vashti
22. After Ninevehs earlier warning and repentance in the book of Jonah,
once again they returned to wickedness as told in this book, and
Nineveh is destroyed
23. Begins with the historical records and genealogies from Adam to Saul
24. First return from exile and the rebuilding of the temple
27. The last and ffth book of the Pentateuch
29. Explains the laws and regulations for worship, ceremonial cleanness,
moral laws, holy days, the Sabbath year and the Year of Jubilee
30. Contains many sayings of the wise
31. Named after a prophet who came from Tekoa where he earned his
living tending the fock and working in the sycamore-fg grove
32. Very short book calling the people to rebuild the temple, purifcation
and blessings, and the promise to Zerubbabel
33. Describes the history of Israels monarchy from the closing days of
King David until the Babylonian exile
34. Speaks of Edoms gloating over Israels destruction, and Gods wrath
which would destroy Edom, Israel being delivered, and Gods
triumphant kingdom
1. After feeing his mission, this book describes his punishment in the
belly of a fsh, and subsequent fulfllment of his mission to Nineveh
2. Describes many leaders including Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Abimelech,
Jephthah, and Samson
4. Last book of the Old Testament
5. This prophet warns against coming destruction against Judah and
points forward to the great Day of the Lord
1 2
3 4 5 6
8 9 10 11
13 14 15
16 17
18 19
22 23
24 25
31 32
33 34
Articles and other submissions are welcome any time, but should be in by June 23 to be
considered for the next issue, or August 25 for the one thereafter.

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