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Many thanks to all who helped welcome our guests at last Sundays
concert! The greetings, decorations and total reception were a
beautiful expression of Christian love.

Change in Church Office Schedule
Beginning the week of October 6
we will have a change in the
Church Office Schedule. Maria will now be working Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. On Tuesdays
and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Mike Corey will be
answering the office phones, and be available to answer questions
and field inquiries, while he uses the additional hours to improve
and refine our ACS Church Database System. We would greatly
appreciate your support and cooperation as we make this transition.

Church Charge Conference
Our annual charge conference will be held TODAY at 2:30 p.m. in
Oberholtzer Hall. District Superintendent Dr. Irving Cotto will preside
over the meeting. Everyone in the congregation is welcome to attend,
but only members can vote. Hope you will join us.

All Ushers & Greeters:
Please attend one of the 7 minute meetings in Fellowship Hall
TODAY following each of the services on Sunday, September 28

for updates on duties. Hand-outs will be offered to further explain
expanded process to meet and greet guests. The planned start date
for this new process is October 3
. Please contact Kathy Hinkey,
( or 570-426-1623 if unable to attend a
meeting on Sept. 28

Help Us in the Fight Against Breast Cancer.
Stop by Fellowship hall TODAY. Bruce & Ann Osbun and Kelli
Mercurio will be sharing information about the 2
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5K Walk. They are
accepting donations and looking for people to join their team.

New Bible Study: Whats so Amazing About Grace?
Starting TODAY, Cathy and Dave Saunders will be leading a study
on Phillip Yanceys book, What so Amazing about Grace? If you
wish to join in the study, meet them in the Bridal Lounge at 11:00
a.m. More information will be provided at that time.

Out Reach

Members of our church family who are no longer able to attend
church are always happy to hear from you. Cards and notes may be
sent to Naomi Dymond, 104 Avon Ct., Apt. 5, East Stroudsburg, Pa.

Stephen Ministry

As you heard from the beginning, his command is that you
walk in love. 2 John 1:6b

When do we need Gods love most? Of course we need
that love every second of our lives. At times Gods love is especially
precious to us, times when we lose a loved one; life becomes so
confusing that we do not know where to turn; or life just becomes
meaningless and depression sets in.
At times like these, it is important to have someone who
cares in your life! Please consider a caring relationship with a Stephen
Minister to help you through the difficult times. For more information
about Stephen Ministry, contact Peggy Strack, 570-421-3280, ext. 23.

Health Care Equipment
Items available for your use include: walkers, crutches, canes, shower
seats, potty chairs, elevated toilet seats, wheelchairs, Depends,
colostomy supplies, and more. Contact Peggy Strack, 570-421-3280,
ext. 23.

Communication Card Update
Completion of these cards continues to enable us to reach out in
Christian love to the ESUMC family. When you are noted to be absent
for a period of time, we are alerted to a possible need and are able to
reach out to you! Please keep up your commitment to sign in all
members of your family weekly! THANK YOU! The Membership
Assimilation Team and Caring Callers.

Prayer Shawls Available
Is someone you know experiencing a difficult time? Would they be
comforted by wrapping a handmade shawl around themselves that
has been made with loving prayer? Contact Peggy, 570-421-3280,
ext. 23.

Meet the Pastor
The last session for Meet the Pastor will be held on Monday,
September 29
, from 7:00 8:30 p.m. in Oberholtzer Hall. The
focus of these evenings will be on how God is leading us in the area of
discipleship, Christian education, and small group ministry. However,
Pastor Jim will take comments and feedback in any area of church life.

Re-Entry Program of Monroe County presents Concert of Love
on Saturday October 11
from 12:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. (lunch
to follow) at Middle Smithfield Evangelical Presbyterian Church in
East Stroudsburg; suggested donation $10. ESUMC proudly
sponsors The Re-entry program; a ministry that recruits, assists and
equips people, families and resources within Monroe County to
transition those ex-offenders who want to stay out of prison to
effectively re-enter the community. Please support their mission.

Walk For Life Pregnancy Resource Center
Come and walk with us to help those in need, encourage life and to
share the Gospel. Please see the bulletin insert for more
information. There will also be a table in Fellowship Hall with more
information. Please help support this incredible organization!

Whats Cookin and Fellowship Dinner will be returning in
October. Whats Cookin meets the second Saturday of each month
in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m. They will be baking cookies so
bring your favorite recipes to share. Fellowship Dinner takes place
every third Saturday of the month at 5:00 p.m. All are welcome.
For more information contact Mary Schneider at

Youth Ministry News

Upcoming Youth Ministry Trips:
Sr. High Mission Weekend to Philadelphia: Friday October 17
Sunday October 19
Jr. High Mission Weekend to Philadelphia: Friday October 24
Sunday October 26
Youth Rally to Ocean City, MD: Friday January 9 Sunday
January 11, 2015.
Sign up and get your deposits in by October 5
, for special early bird

Sr. High (Next Level) Bible Study: Meet every Monday
6:30 8:30 pm at Scott and Sarah Kuhnles home.
This is a bible study for Sr. High students (9
grade) who are
looking grow deeper into their faith, and stronger as a disciple of
Christ. We will have girls and guys combined bible study for three
weeks, followed by girls and guys separate discussions on the fourth
week of every month.

JAM Jr. High Afterschool Program meets every Thursday
from 2:45 5:00pm. Information and Permission forms are
available on the church website ( and in the youth
room. Each week following the JAM program is a free Fellowship
Meal for all students (from 5-6pm), followed by Jr. High Boys and
Jr. High Girls Bible studies (from 6-7:30pm).
Snack and Drink Donations Needed: The JAM Jr. High
Afterschool Program is always in need of snack and drink
donations. For more information, please contact Jenn Dunne at

Sunday Night Youth Worship will start to meet on Sunday
September 28
. This year, youth will be gathering to fellowship,
worship, and participate in biblical teachings from 7:00 8:30 pm
every Sunday night, starting September 28
. Open to all 6

grade students.

New this Year:
Sports Ministry Night, Sundays 5:30 6:30 pm:
Join with other boys and girls for a time of sports and recreation.
Games that will be played include Dodge ball, basketball, soccer,
ultimate Frisbee, and kickball. Open to all 6
students, starting Sunday September 28

On Sunday October 5
, from 7:00 8:30pm we will be
having a youth and parent game night in the youth room. Come
on out for some fellowship time with your kids!

I found out something amazing last month in correspondence with
Spanish Health Ministries. Dona wrote: I am so glad that ESUMC
still make us part of their missions team. You folks have been with
us since the inception of the SHM 34 years ago. We appreciate your
support and prayers very much. Doesnt that make us bonded in
the Family of Christ?

Another area for our Partners is in the Philippines. A report from
UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)states: Nine
months after Typhoon Hainan, locally known as Yolanda, tore
through the region, people are still hard at work maintaining
temporary shelters and cleaning up debris. Thanks to the response
by United Methodists through UMCOR, the more than 218
households in Calogcog that have requested help are receiving new

Cornilia Corilla, 85, states that when the typhoon came, she and
other family members sheltered in her daughters home, where they
always went during storms. Of the 21 people in the home, only her
son, grandson and great granddaughter, who had gone to the roof,
survived. She survived by holding onto a bed when a tidal wave
filled the home.

We are familiar with the devastation caused by Superstorm Sandy.
But a nation of islands as The Philippines when devastated by a
typhoon, is so much greater with loss of life and complete
destruction in many areas. The support and work of UMCOR around
the world is a witness to Gods unending love and compassion.

Look for information in the Bulletin about the CONCERT OF LOVE,
sponsored by the Re-Entry Program, one of our Partners on October

These 3 Partners and 9 others are supported by your prayers and
gifts. Gifts may be placed in the envelopes in the Bulletin today or
anytime with a designation for Faith Promise or Missions and
continue praying for all those reaching out to serve others in Gods
gracious love.

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