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All England Law Reports, 1936 to 1951, 43 volumes

Indian Law Reports, Calcutta Series, 1867 to 1913, 40 volumes
All-India Reporter, Calcutta, 1914 to 1951, 38 volumes
Indian Law Reports, Bombay Series, 1976 to 1913, 37 volumes
All-India Reporter, Bombay, 1914 to 1951, 38 volumes
All-India Reporter, Lahore, 1914 to 1951, 38 volumes
All-India Reporter, Patna, 1916 to 1951, 36 volumes
All-India Reporter, Nagpur, 1914 to 1951, 38 volumes
All-India Reporter, Privy Council, Federal Court, Supreme Court, 1914 to 1951, 38
Indian Law Reports, Allahabad Series, 1870 to 1913, 35 volumes
All-India Reporter, Allahabad , 1914 to 1951, 38 volumes
Indian Law Reports, Madras Series, 1876 to 1913, 36 volumes
All-India Reporter, Madras, 1914 to 1951, 38 volumes
All- India Digest, Civil, 1811-1911, 10 volumes
All- India Digest, Criminal, 1836-1915, 2 volumes
Dicennial Digest, M. L. J., 1911-20, 4 volumes
Dicennial Digest, M. L. J., 1946-50, 4 volumes
Indian Digest (Nagpur), 1914-46, Volumes I to VIII
Indian Digest (Nagpur), 1947-48, 1949, 1950, 1951
Yearly Digests (M. L. J.) 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951
Calcutta Weekly Notes, Volumes 45 to 55
Calcutta Weekly Notes, Law Notes, Volumes 45 to 55
Calcutta Weekly Notes, Federal Reports Volumes 45 to 53
Privy Council Cases, 1930-50 and Supreme Court Cases, 1950-52
Labour Law Cases, by V. B. Kher
Digest of English Case Law, 1951
Comparative Table, by S. K. Agarwal
Yearly Digest (M. L. J.) 1952
Yearly Digest (M. L. J.), by M. Ramratnam
for the year 1953 (including March 1954)
for the year 1954 (including March 1955)
for the year 1955 (including March 1956)
for the year 1956 (including March 1957)
for the year 1957 (including March 1958)
for the year 1958-1971.
United States Supreme Court Reports, Law Edition, Vol. 1 96
The subject noted Index of Cases, by R. N. Iyer, volumes I, II & III
United States Supreme Court Reports, Law Edition, Vol. 97, 98, 99, 100 United States
Supreme Court Reports, Law Edition, Vol. 1 23 (including Index to annotation)
Moore's Indian Appeals 14 volumes
Subject notes Digest of Overruled and Reversed Cases (1809 1953), by Roohakrishna
and S. K. Aggarwal
Morley's An Analytical Digest of all the Reported Cases in India, 2 volumes
Morley's An Analytical Digest of all the Reported Cases in India, New Series, Vol. I
(containing the cases to the end of the year 1850)
D. Sutherland's The Weekly Reporter Appellate High Court Special Number, Gap
No. and volumes 1 to 26
Bengal Law Reports, volume 1 to 15
A digest of the Election Law Reports, volumes I X (1951-55) (2 copies)
Bengal Laws Digest, 1856 1956 (Civil, Criminal and Revenue)
O. P. Aggarwala's Supreme Court Digest, 1950-57
O. P. Aggarwala's Supreme Court Digest, 1958
O. P. Aggarwala's Supreme Court Digest, 1959
O. P. Aggarwala's Supreme Court Digest, 1960
O. P. Aggarwala's Supreme Court Digest, 1961
O. P. Aggarwala's Supreme Court Digest, 1962
O. P. Aggarwala's Cases on the Constitution of India
volume I (1937-1950)
volume II (1950-1957)
volume III (1958-1959)
volume IV (1960)
volume V (1961)
The All India Comparative Tables, 1950-1960, by V. D. Kulshreshtha
Supreme Court Civil Digest (1950-1962), by C. S. Venkatasubramaniam
O. P. Agarwala's The Indian Supreme Court Divest, 1950-63 consolidated, volume I
(Parts I and II) and volume III (2 sets)
Prem's Referencer of Unreported Decisions of the Supreme Court of India, 1950-1965,
by Daulat Ram Prem
A digest of Supreme Court Cases (from 1950 to 1966 March), by Prem Mohan Verma
15 years Digest, 1951 65 (including case-law of 1950), A. I. R, Publication, by D. V.
Chitaley and S. Appu Rao, Volumes 1 and 2
15 years Digest, 1951 65 (including case-law of 1950), A. I. R, Publication, by D. V.
Chitaley and S. Appu Rao, Volumes 3 to 14
Supreme Court Encyclopaedia, by R. Gopalakrishnan , Volumes I to VII
The Supreme Court on Criminal Law, by I. K. Soonavala, volumes I & II
Yearly Digest, 1974
Quinquennial Digest, 1971-75, Vol. V (A.I.R., Nagpur)
The All England Law Reports Consolidated Tables and Index (1936-76), volumes 1 to 3
The All England Law Reports, volumes 1 to 3, 1956
The All England Law Reports, volumes 1 to 3, 1957
The All England Law Reports, volumes 1 to 3, 1958
The All England Law Reports, volumes 1 to 3, 1959
The All England Law Reports, volumes 1 to 3, 1960
The All England Law Reports, volumes 1 to 3, 1961
The All England Law Reports, volumes 1 to 3, 1962
The All England Law Reports, volumes 1 to 3, 1963
The All England Law Reports, volumes 1 to 3, 1964
The All England Law Reports, volumes 1 to 3, 1965
The All England Law Reports, volumes 1 to 3, 1966
The All England Law Reports, volumes 1 to 3, 1967
The All England Law Reports, volumes 1 to 3, 1968
The All England Law Reports, volumes 1 to 3, 1969
The All England Law Reports, volumes 1 to 3, 1970
The All England Law Reports, volumes 1 to 3, 1971
The All England Law Reports, volumes 1 to 3, 1972
The All England Law Reports, volumes 1 to 3, 1973
Supreme Court Yearly Digest, 1978
The All England Law Reports, volumes I, II & III
The All England Law Reports, Index and Tables, 1979
The Yearly Digest (supplement to August part), 1976 by R. Narayanswamy
The Yearly Digest (supplement to October part), 1977 by R. Narayanswamy
The All England Law Reports, 1980, volumes I, II & III
The All England Law Reports, Index and Tables, 1980
The All England Law Reports, 3 volumes, 1981
The All England Law Reports, Index 3
Income Tax Digest of Supreme Court Cases with Subject Index (1922-1982)
The Complete Digest of Supreme Court Cases, volume I
The Complete Digest of Supreme Court Cases, volume II
The Complete Digest of Supreme Court Cases, volume III
The Complete Digest of Supreme Court Cases, volume IV
The Complete Digest of Supreme Court Cases, volume V
The Complete Digest of Supreme Court Cases, volume VI
The Complete Digest of Supreme Court Cases, volume VII
The Complete Digest of Supreme Court Cases, volume VIII
The Complete Digest of Supreme Court Cases, volume IX
The Complete Digest of Supreme Court Cases, volume X
The Complete Digest of Supreme Court Cases, volume XI
The Complete Digest of Supreme Court Cases, volume XII
The Complete Digest of Supreme Court Cases, volume XIV, XV & XVI

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