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to suddenly start to be successful or popular:

Her singing career had just begun to take off.
If an aircraft, bird,, or insect takes off, it leaves the ground andbegins to fly:
The plane took off at 8.30 a.m.
to look after a child and teach them until they are old enough tolook after
themselves:She was brought up by her grandparents.
to manage to talk to someone on the telephone:
I called you earlier but I couldn!t get through.
"e successful pass
to stop someone speaking by interrupting them or putting thetelephone do"n:
She cut me off in the middle of our con#ersation.
to prevent people from reaching or leaving a place, or toseparate them from
other people:[often passive] The whole #illage was cut off
by flooding.She li#es abroad and feels #ery cut off from her family.
to learn a ne" skill or language by practising it and not by being taught it:He hadn!t
done any skiing before but he picked it up really $uickly.
to be similar to an older member of your family:%eter!s #ery tall & he takes after
his father.
Have a good relationship
Fortunately, I GET ON WITH my oss!
#OOK !$
to look at a book or computer in order to find information:I looked it up in
the dictionary.
to feel happy and e%cited about something that is going tohappen:I!m
really looking for"ard to seeing him&
$!T !$ 'IT(
Tolerate& to a""ept or "ontinue to a""ept an unpleasant situation ore#perien"e, or someone
"ho ehaves unpleasantly:
I can put up with the house being untidy but I hate it if it!s not clean.
He!s so moody & I don!t know why she puts up with him.
They ha#e a lot to put up with '( they ha#e a lot of difficulties).
I can!t %*T *% +ITH my neighbour!s noise any longer, it!s dri#ing me mad.
O)E !$ TO
"ome up to something to be as good as you "ant, need, or e%pectsomething to be
It!s hard for others to come up to the #ery high standards she sets for herself.
loo$ for someone or something
to seek someone or something&
I am looking for -r. +illiam +ilson. .o you know where he li#es/
I am looking for the address of "ill +ilson.
loo$ for something
to e%pect something
+e!re looking for snow in the 0reat 1akes on Tuesday.
to take "are of someone or something by $eeping them healthyor in a good "ondition:
2ould you look after the children while I!m out/
T*+ O,
to put on a pie"e of "lothing to dis"over if it fits you or if you like it:
2ould I try this dress on please/
-O*T O!T
to su""essfully deal "ith something, such as a prolem ordiffi"ult situation:
Ha#e you sorted out your schedule yet/
Match each sentence with a noun.
This takes off and lands. A discussion point.
Words can be looked up in this. A jumper.
You bring this up at a meeting. An aeroplane.
You look forward to this. A dictionary.
You take this off if it gets hot. A holiday.
Its not easy to bring them up well. hildren.
Match each sentence with a noun.
This takes off and lands. A discussion point.
Words can be looked up in this. A jumper.
You bring this up at a meeting. An aeroplane.
You look forward to this. A dictionary.
You take this off if it gets hot. A holiday.
Its not easy to bring them up well. hildren.
Match each sentence with a noun.
This takes off and lands. A discussion point.
Words can be looked up in this. A jumper.
You bring this up at a meeting. An aeroplane.
You look forward to this. A dictionary.
You take this off if it gets hot. A holiday.
Its not easy to bring them up well. hildren.
Match each sentence with a noun.
This takes off and lands. A discussion point.
Words can be looked up in this. A jumper.
You bring this up at a meeting. An aeroplane.
You look forward to this. A dictionary.
You take this off if it gets hot. A holiday.
Its not easy to bring them up well. hildren.
Match each sentence with a noun.
This takes off and lands. A discussion point.
Words can be looked up in this. A jumper.
You bring this up at a meeting. An aeroplane.
You look forward to this. A dictionary.
You take this off if it gets hot. A holiday.
Its not easy to bring them up well. hildren.

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