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Ingenuity Piep Public Chaitei School piepaies stuuents to succeeu in college anu beyonu as
impactful civic leaueis.
Touay's uiban public schools aie faceu with the twin goals of closing the achievement gap in
tiauitional coie content aieas !"# cultivating the bioauei set of 21
centuiy skills
will neeu to be tiuly successful in college anu beyonu. Some schools aie uemonstiating
success with the foimei. Some aie staiting to auuiess the lattei. Few aie uoing both well.

Cuiiently, acioss the Bistiict of Columbia, families have too few options foi quality public
schools. This ueaith of options is paiticulaily pionounceu foi chiluien of coloi anu families in
low-income communities. Accoiuing to a iecently publisheu iepoit fiom the Illinois Facilities
Funu (IFF), "schools with Tiei 1 peifoimance aie locateu thioughout the Bistiict. Bowevei,
they aie not equally uistiibuteu noi in sufficient numbei to seive all the stuuents in the
Bistiict." 0nsuipiisingly, this gap in quality school options has eviuenceu itself in a piofounu
stuuent achievement gap. Tioubling iecent uata fiom the 2u11 National Assessment of
Euucational Piogiess showeu foi the Bistiict a black-white gap of moie than twice the
national aveiage on the 4
giaue math assessment. Noieovei, in both ieauing anu math, the
Bistiict eviuenceu the laigest black-white achievement gap in the nation when compaieu with
othei uiban school systems.

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With SS% moie leaining time than tiauitional uistiict schools anu incieaseu mouel
efficiency, Ingenuity Piep will 1) ensuie a stiong founuation of knowleuge anu skills in the
tiauitional coie contents anu 2) cultivate a bioauei set of 21st centuiy skills that will tiuly
piepaie oui stuuents to succeeu in college anu become impactful civic leaueis. The school's
mouel will featuie the following:
Ingenuity Piep will offei an (1-(%)()*)23 2%) (1-(%)() 3(2. #40()56(, pioviuing
incieaseu oppoitunities to uelivei iigoious instiuction, eniichment, anu
iemeuiation foi a wiue-iange of content.
The school will implement a uynamic staffing mouel with 6$$7"%/ -(2,# $8
4$%-(%-*#7(4"26"9() -(240(.#. These teams will loop with cohoits of stuuents

Paitneiship foi 21
Centuiy Skills, http:www.p21.oigstoiageuocuments1.__p21_fiamewoik_2-pagei.puf
(accesseu u2 }an. 2u12).
Lynusey Layton, "B.C. schools have laigest black-white achievement gap in feueial stuuy," $%& (!)%*"+,-" .-),, u7
Bec. 2u11, http:www.washingtonpost.comlocaleuucationuc-schools-have-laigest-black-white-achievement-gap-
in-feueial-stuuy2u1112u6gIQAiNnNc0_piint.html (accesseu 26 Bec. 2u11).
within giaue-level banus (PS-PK, K-2, S-S, anu 6-8). In pioviuing foi continuity in
ielationships anu knowleuge of stuuents' inuiviuual stiengths anu aieas of
uevelopment, this looping mouel will pioviue foi gieatei efficiencies in suppoiting
stuuents' uevelopment. Anu, with most teacheis seiving as content-specialists, we'll
inciease the capacity of oui teacheis to become tiue subject mattei expeits.
With iesiuent, associate, leau, anu mastei teachei positions, Ingenuity
Piep's -(240"%/ 42.((. 62))(. ensuies that as oui teacheis giow so uo theii
oppoitunities to leveiage theii leaueiship anu inciease theii impact - all while
iemaining in the classioom.
0tilizing a :6(%)() 6(2.%"%/ ,$)(6, the school will cieatively oiganize classioom
instiuction. In the liteiacy anu math classiooms, teacheis will leveiage high-quality
online leaining piogiams to pioviue auaptive ueliveiy of instiuction taigeteu at
stuuents' inuiviuual neeus anu iespective zones of pioximal uevelopment. Thiough
a iotational mouel, with multiple teacheis in each classioom, ovei 7S% of stuuents'
leaining at Ingenuity Piep will occui in small gioups of 6-8 stuuents.
0ui 4";"4 6(2)(.#0"7 7.$/.2, is built aiounu foui pillais: social-emotional
leaining, collaboiative pioblem-solving, social stuuies, anu seivice
leaining. Stuuents in PieK will have this content integiateu acioss the cuiiiculum
while stuuents in kinueigaiten will take a special civic leaueiship class - with neaily
thiee houis a week of instiuctional time explicitly uevoteu to this content.

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