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ANCHOR Program

Users Manual
HAP Version 3.1
September, 2001
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
Table of Contents
Section Topic Page #
1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Installation of HAP 2
2.1 System Requirements 2
2.2 Installing HAP 2
2.3 Running HAP 2
2.4 Uninstalling HAP 2
3.0 Operating HAP 3
3.1 Useful HAP Definitions 3
3.2 Main Menu Screen 4
3.2.1 Data Entry Screens 6 Project Data Screen 6 Anchor Selection Screen 7 Concrete Data Screen 9 Geometry Screen 10 Loads Screen 11
3.2.2 The Menu Bar 12 The File Menu 12 The Edit Menu 13 The Options Menu 14 The Help Menu 14
3.2.3 The Toolbar 15 New Project Button 15 Open Existing Project Button 15 Save Current Project Button 15 Help Button 15 Exit HAP Button 15 Edit Data for Current Project Button 16 Edit Anchor Data Button 16 Edit Concrete Data Button 16 Edit Geometric Data Button 16 Edit Data for Loads Button 16 Edit Unit Settings Button 16 Calculation Module Selection Button 16 Calculate Button 17 Anchor Information i Button 17
3.3 The Results Screen 17
3.3.1 The Result Subscreen 17
3.3.2 The Messages Subscreen 17
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
1.0 Introduction
The Hilti Anchor Program (HAP) is a connection design program developed to help the
designer distribute loads at a connection and select an appropriate anchor to carry these
loads. HAP provides quick and easy access to anchor information, solutions to anchoring
needs and the necessary information to specify Hilti medium to heavy-duty mechanical
and chemical anchors.
Through the Options menu, you can select English or French for the default language.
With access to a vast database, HAP is able to accept a variety of input data in either
metric or English System units, including dimensional constraints, physical properties,
loads and anchor configuration. With this input, HAP is able to perform calculations that
output the following:
Suitability of selected anchors given design constraints
The allowable working load for each anchor selected
The applicable edge and anchor spacing factors for the given design constraints
The failure reason to select an acceptable anchor, if any
Data in a choice of either English (in., lb) or metric units (mm, kN)
HAP provides the user the capability to design anchorages using data from the Hilti
Product Technical Guide or from ICBO evaluation reports. Easy access to the published
data, upon which this version of HAP is based, is explained in Sections and 3.3.
The data contained in this program was current as of the date of publication. Updates and
changes may be made based on the latest product testing. Verification that the data is
current is available through Hilti Customer Service at 1-800-879-8000 or by a visit to the
US Hilti website,
All anchor load values found in this program represent the results of testing performed by
Hilti or other test organizations. Locally requisitioned base materials were used and
because of variations in materials, on-site testing is necessary to determine characteristic
performance at a specific site.
This program is designed to provide anchor system suggestions for typical applications.
A design professional should always review the specific application to determine
suitability and adequacy.
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
2.0 Installation of HAP
2.1 System Requirements
Your computer must meet the following requirements before you can install HAP:
PC with Microsoft Windows 95 or higher including Windows 98, 2000 or NT
Pentium 90 MHz or better (200 MHz recommended).
At least 32 MB of RAM (64MB of RAM recommended).
At least 20 MB free storage space on the if installing to hard drive.
CD-ROM Drive (8x Speed recommended).
The graphic Device should support 800*600 Pixel (1024*768 recommended)
Pointing Device (WheelMouse recommended)
2.2 Installing HAP
The following procedure may be used to correctly install HAP onto your computer:
Insert the HAP 3.1 CD-ROM into your computers CD-ROM drive.
Click on either Install or Run from CD.
If you click on Install, follow the on-screen setup instructions that are given.

2.3 Running HAP
The following procedure may be used to run HAP from your hard drive:
Double click on My Computer on your desktop and then Drive C:.
Double click on Program Files Folder*
Double click on the Hilti Folder and then on the Hap31 Folder*.
Double click on HAP31HNA.exe.
You may create a HAP 3.1 icon (shortcut) on your desktop by simply dragging the
HAP31HNA.exe file onto your desktop.
* These folders are default setup. You may have chosen a different location during
the setup process.
2.4 Uninstalling HAP
The following procedure may be used to uninstall HAP from your hard drive:
In the same folder as HAP31HNA.exe, there is a file called Unwise.exe
Double click on this file.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
3.0 Operating HAP
Once you have loaded HAP, you can access all of HAPs functions and options through
the Main Menu Screen.
3.1 Useful HAP Definitions
Tensile Load - The component of the resultant load, designated N by HAP, on
an anchor that is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the anchor. Note that these
loads can be (+) for tension and (-) for compression.
Shear Load - The component of the resultant load, designated V by HAP, on
an anchor that is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the anchor. Note that
these loads can be (+) or (-) depending on their direction.
Resultant - The combined (resultant) force from the shear and tension
components of load on an anchor.
Concrete Compressive Strength - Concrete compressive strength is used to
describe the specific concrete stress at which a concrete cylinder fails under
compressive loading, as tested pursuant to ASTM C 39.
All allowable loads used by HAP are based on testing in unreinforced concrete. If
a concrete strength of greater than 6000 psi is entered into HAP, this value is
reduced to 6000 psi. If a concrete strength of less than 2000 psi is entered, an
error message is generated.
Depth of Embedment - The depth of embedment is the distance from the surface
of the concrete to the bottom of the installed anchor. The depth of embedment
can be critical in determining the load-bearing capacity of an anchor. HAP uses
linear interpolation to calculate anticipated load bearing capacity between an
anchors minimum and maximum embedment depth when specified. However,
HAP does not extrapolate load bearing capacities when less than the minimum or
more than the maximum embedment depths are specified. That is, for embedment
depths that are greater than the maximum tested depth, the maximum tested depth
is used; and for embedment depths that are less than the minimum tested depth, an
error message is generated.
Edge Distance - Edge distance (c) is the measure between the anchor centerline
and the free edge of the concrete or masonry member into which the anchor is
installed. Critical edge distance (ccr) is the minimum edge distance at which the
allowable load capacity of an anchor is obtained. Minimum edge distance (cmin) is
the closest edge distance recommended, which will also create a reduction in the
allowable load capacity of the anchor.
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
Anchor Spacing - Anchor spacing (s) is the measure between anchors centerline-
to-centerline distance. Critical spacing (scr) is the minimum anchor spacing
distance at which the full allowable load capacity of an anchor is obtained without
influence of neighboring anchors. Minimum spacing (smin) is the closest anchor
spacing recommended, which will also create a reduction in the allowable load
capacity of the anchor.
Anchor Plate Thickness - The anchor plate thickness is the thickness of the part
being fastened.
3.2 Main Menu Screen
The Main Menu Screen, shown in Figure 1, allows you to access all of the input
categories that HAP provides. It also allows you to perform design calculations, save the
design, select the units for the design and select the appropriate fastening design process.
Figure 1: The Main Menu Screen
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
The Main Menu Screen is subdivided into the following input categories which are
accessible by double-clicking on their text headings:
Anchor Selection
In addition to these data categories, the Main Menu Screen also has a menu bar at the top
of the screen with the following headings:
Additionally, in order to ease operation of HAP, a row of common function buttons or
tool bar is located below the menu bar with the following buttons:
New Project.
Open Existing Project.
Save Current Project.
Exit HAP.
Edit Information Data for Current Project.
Edit Anchor Data.
Edit Concrete Data.
Edit Geometry Data.
Edit Load Data.
Edit Units.
Choose Between Hilti Product Technical Guide (HNA), ICBO Inspected, or ICBO
Uninspected load data.
Anchor information i button.

A direct link to the Hilti International website can be found in the upper right hand corner
of the screen. A quick link to the Hilti US or Canadian website is available from here.

Finally, a graphic of the current anchor configuration being designed is shown in the
bottom right hand side of the screen for quick reference.
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
When using HAP, you may input data either by double clicking the appropriate text
heading or by clicking the appropriate button on the toolbar.
3.2.1 Data Entry Screens
The screens described below are accessible from the Main Menu Screen simply by
double-clicking the proper text heading.
These screens allow you to enter information about the connection so that HAP
can derive a solution. Project Data Screen
This screen, shown in Figure 2, allows you to enter data about the current
project. The screen has fields regarding the following:
Project Name
Project Description
Name of contact persons
The data entered in the Project Data Screen appears on any printout related
to the current project.
Figure 2: The Project Data Screen
To fill in the fields, simply click on the desired field, or press tab to move
between the fields. To exit the Project Data Screen, click on the OK
button if you are finished entering data or the Close button if you wish to
cancel the input.
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
Finally, should you need help from the computer at any point, you may
simply click on the INFO button at the bottom center of the screen and a
help index will appear on the screen. Anchor Selection Screen
This screen, shown in Figure 3, allows you to select the anchors for the
project you are working on. To select an anchor double click on that
anchors icon or text on the left side of the screen. If you would like to
select specific sizes of that anchor, check the Only Selected Sizes box
and proceed to check the appropriate sizes. To get results for all sizes, do
not check (or uncheck) the Only Selected Sizes field.
Figure 3: The Anchor Selection Screen
You may select more than one type of anchor at a time by simply double
clicking on all desired anchors. If you wish to deselect an anchor, simply
double click it again. The Select All and Unselect All buttons on this
screen can be clicked to select or to unselect every anchor on the current
You may also choose from a list of stainless steel corrosion resistant
anchors by a single click on the Corrosion/Stainless Steel box found
near the bottom right side of the screen. This will bring up a new menu of
anchors on the left side of the screen.
The i button by the anchor name on the right side of the screen will take
you to the Technical Guide or ICBO pages for that anchor, depending on
what calculation module you are utilizing.
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
When the you are finished selecting anchors, click on the OK button to
enter the data and close the screen or click on the green check to input the
selections without closing the screen. If you wish to cancel your selections
you may just simply click on the Close button to cancel the data entry.
Near the top left corner of the screen there is two buttons, Anchor
Selection and Setting Details. These two buttons allow you to toggle
between the screen shown in Figure 3 and the screen shown in Figure 4
Figure 4: The Setting Details Screen
The Setting Details screen allows you to input a setting depth for the
anchors chosen on the previous screen. If the you wish to have the HAP
optimize the embedment, you should enter 0.00 as your input (this is the
default). In the ICBO calculation modules, this screen also allows you to
select whether your loads are short-term loads due to seismic or wind.
Once again, you may click on the OK button to enter the data and close
the screen or click on the green check to input the selections without
closing the screen. If you wish to cancel your selections you may just
simply click on the Close button to cancel the data entry.
If more assistance is needed the INFO button may be able to provide it.
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
9 Concrete Data Screen
This screen, shown in Figure 5, allows you to select the strength of the
base concrete into which your anchor(s) will be installed. It also allows
you to select a base material (member) thickness.
Figure 5: The Concrete Data Screen
To select a base concrete strength, you must either click on the field below
the Concrete Properties heading and type in a strength between 2000 and
6000 psi, or click on the arrow button next to the Concrete field and
select a concrete strength from the drop-down menu.
To select a base material thickness, you must type in a base material
thickness. You may input 0.00 (the default) in this field if it is irrelevant
to your design and HAP will read this as an infinite thickness.
Also under the Concrete Geometry heading is a button titled
dimensions. Using this button you may input the dimensions of your
slab of concrete from a given point (i.e. center of your baseplate). This
feature is useful for pedestal/footing type applications, however, you
should consult with a Hilti engineer to discuss how to use this tool.
When you are finished entering data in the Concrete Selection Screen, you
may continue and return to the Main Menu Screen by clicking on the OK
button to accept the entered data. You may cancel the data entry by
clicking on the Close button.
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
10 Geometry Screen
The Geometry Screen, shown below in figure 6, allows you to select the
number and arrangement of anchors in your design problem. It also allows
you to select the dimensions of the object (plate) being fastened to the
concrete by your anchor(s).
Figure 6: The Geometry Screen
To select the number of anchors and their positioning for the current
design project, simply click on one of the seven anchor arrangements in
the Anchors Positioning field. This should create a corresponding
picture on the right side of the screen showing a perspective view and the
critical dimensions for this anchor arrangement.
To select the distance between anchors, you must click on the appropriate
fields under the Spacing heading. These fields should be adjacent to
labels such as s1 which refer to dimensions on the picture to the right of
the screen.
To select the geometry of the anchor plate or the material being fastened to
the base concrete, you simply click and type in a dimension on the fields
under the Anchor Plate heading that are adjacent to labels such as lx
which refer to dimensions on the picture to the right of the screen. The
baseplate thickness dimension must be at least 8 mm for HAP to
calculate (this dimension, 0.31 in. is the default).
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
To enter edge distances on the Geometry Screen, you must click the box
adjacent to the c1 type labels found below the edge distances heading,
which again refer to dimensions in the picture to the right of the screen,
and type in the appropriate edge distance values. If you leave a box
unchecked, HAP will read the edge distance as being large enough not to
be a factor in the particular design problem.
Also, below the edge distances heading, there are two buttons, anchors
close to edge (which is the default) and centric. The centric button is
tied to the dimensions button found in the Concrete Data Screen and is
used for pedestal/footing applications. Please contact a Hilti engineer for
explanation of this tool.
When you have finished entering data in the Geometry Screen, you may
return to the Main Menu Screen by clicking on the OK button to accept
the data or by clicking on the Close button to return without incorporating
the data. Loads Screen
The Loads Screen, shown in Figure 7, allows you to enter design loads in
order to determine which anchors and configurations are sufficient to carry
those loads. This screen allows you to select a tensile force, shear forces,
bending moments and a torque moment in separate fields. It also allows
you to set slotted holes so that one or more anchors is unable to develop
shear resistance. To the right of the screen is a plan view diagram of the
anchor system conforming to the design parameters that you have entered.
Below that diagram are arrows showing the direction of positive moments
about each axis for quick reference.
Figure 7: The Loads Screen
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
To select and enter any load value, simply click on the field next to the
appropriate heading for that load. Once you have clicked on the white
field, you may type in a positive or negative value for that parameter. The
headings that the fields lie under are:
Tensile Loading (on the anchor group)
Shear Load (on the anchor group)
Bending Moments (on the anchor group)
Torsion (on the anchor group)
When a load is entered, a corresponding arrow representation of that load
or moment should appear on the diagram to the right.
You may model slotted holes on any given side of the baseplate by simply
clicking on one of the four buttons corresponding to that particular side.
These four buttons are located directly to the right of the positive moment
When you are satisfied with the data entered, you may click the OK button
to accept the data or if you wish to annul the data you may click on the
Close button. Clicking either of these buttons should return you to the
Main Menu Screen.
3.2.2 The Menu Bar
The Menu Bar at the top of the Main Menu Screen shares many of the functions
as the Data Entry Screens and buttons on the Main Menu Screen. It is a row from
left to right of the following headings at the top of the screen:
Click on any of these function buttons for the associated drop-down menu. The File Menu
The File Menu, shown in Figure 8, is used to open a new project, save the
current project, open an existing design project, printer set-up and to exit
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
Figure 8: The File Menu The Edit Menu
The Edit Menu, shown in Figure 9, really serves no purpose.
Figure 9: The Edit Menu
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
14 The Options Menu
The Options Menu, shown in Figure 10, allows you to change the settings
under which HAP is currently running and allows you to set your current
settings as default settings.
Figure 10: The Options Menu
If you choose the Settings function, HAP sends you to a screen wherein
you can select the calculation module you are using as well as change the
language in which you are working. Units may be changed from imperial
to metric by simply clicking the metric box. You can also edit the
information that prints out in the upper-left corner of the results printout.
Be aware changes initiated through the Options menu will not be made
until HAP has been shut down and restarted. The changes initiated
through this menu will also remain as your default settings.
If you make settings changes using the icons on the main menu screen,
the changes are immediate, however, these changes will not remain as
your default settings unless you use the Options menu and select
Default. When running HAP 3.1 from the CD-ROM, default settings
will only remain when you establish the settings through the Options/
Settings selection. The Help Menu
The Help Menu, shown in Figure 10, allows you to view a help table of
contents, to access a glossary of terminology that HAP uses, and to obtain
information about HAP. The program disclaimer can also be found here.
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
Figure 11: The Help Menu
3.2.3 The Toolbar
The Toolbar buttons are located just below the Menu Bar. These buttons act as
shortcuts to perform various functions in HAP that can also be performed through
the Menu Bar and through the Data Entry text headings. The toolbar consists of
the following buttons: New Project Button
This button allows you to begin a new design problem or project in HAP. Open Existing Project Button
This button allows you to open a previously saved project or problem in
HAP(such as a project in progress). Save Current Project Button
This button allows you to save the current design project or problem that
you are working on. Help Button
Clicking this button is similar to choosing the Help menu and selecting
Contents. Exit HAP Button
This button allows you to leave HAP.
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
16 Edit Data for Current Project Button
This button allows you to enter data in the Project Information Screen as
previously described. Double Clicking on the title heading Project
performs the same function. Edit Anchor Data Button
This button allows you to enter data in the Anchor Selection Screen as
previously described. Double Clicking on the title heading Anchor
Selection performs the same function. Edit Concrete Data Button
This button allows you to enter data in the Concrete Selection Screen as
previously described. Double Clicking on the title heading Concrete
performs the same function. Edit Geometric Data Button
This button allows you to enter data in the Geometry Screen as previously
described. Double Clicking on the title heading Geometry performs the
same function. Edit Data for Loads Button
This button allows you to enter data for the thickness of the base plate that
the selected anchors will be affixing to the base concrete. Double Clicking
on the title heading Loads performs the same function. Edit Unit Settings Button
This button brings up a window, found in Figure 12, that allows you to
change the units for the items listed at the top of the screen.
Figure 12: Units Selection Window
Remember, changes made in this window will not be the default settings
unless you choose the Options menu and select Default. Calculation Module Selection Button
This button allows you to select which database you wish to use. The
available databases are HNA (Hilti Product Technical Guide), ICBO
Inspected, and ICBO Uninspected.
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
17 Calculate Button
After all parameters are chosen for a specific application, this button
allows you to run a calculation. Anchor Information i Button
When in the HNA calculation module, this button generates general
anchor theory pages. When in either ICBO calculation modules, this
button generates the current list of Hilti ICBO reports and their issue date.
These reports are updated often and Hilti should be contacted for the latest
3.3 The Results Screen
The Results Screen, as shown in Figure 13, displays all of the relevant information about
the anchors selected, after calculations have been made based on the data entered. The
left side of the Results Screen is permanent, but the right side of the screen is made up of
two subscreens, the Results Subscreen, as shown in Figure 13 and the Messages
Subscreen, found in Figure 14. These subscreens are discussed individually in Sections
3.3.1 and 3.3.2. The permanent parts of the Results Screen are discussed below.
Figure 13: The Results Screen
The upper left corner of this screen displays all of the selected anchors and puts; (1) a red
x next to them if they do not meet every condition of the designed connection, (2) a
green check next to them if they do meet every condition of the connection, or (3) a green
dot next to them if they are acceptable and their embedment depth is changed to a
standard embedment or reduced to the minimum published embedment.
Hilti Anchor Program Version 3.1
Users Manual
If you wish to see only the valid Hilti anchors (anchors with a green check or green dot),
you must click on the show only valid anchors box found below the list of anchors.
The name and diameter of the selected anchor found at the top center of the Results
Screen remains visible as you toggle between subscreens. The i button found to the left
of the name of the anchor will take you to the appropriate Technical Guide or ICBO
pages for the selected anchor. The INFO button is discussed below in Section 3.3.1.
The buttons found at the bottom of the Results Screen are also permanent. You click on
the Close button to return to the Main Menu Screen, the Print button to print the current
results, or the Preview button for a preview of the printout.
3.3.1 The Results Subscreen
This subscreen, displayed at the right side of Figure 11, shows a table of numbers.
Horizontally, it lists each one of the selected anchors (i.e. if it is a six anchor
configuration, it will list them in columns 1-6, each number representing a
position). In rows, it lists the loads that you imposed as part of the design
problem, the resultant loads for each anchor , the associated edge distance and
spacing influence factors, the adjusted allowable for each anchor, the combined
loading factors for each anchor, and the setting depth of each anchor. A legend
for the symbols found in this table can be accessed by clicking on the INFO
button at the bottom center of the screen. Any problem areas for the selected
anchor are highlighted in red, as can be seen in Figure 13 above.
3.3.2 The Messages Subscreen
The Messages Subscreen, shown in Figure 14, displays the reason(s) why the
selected anchor did not meet the requirements of the input design data. The
subscreen also gives or installation/specification warnings.
Figure 14: The Messages Subscreen

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