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21st Article of the series

O those who had attained Eeman (who believe) you must stand up right for
justice, (be) witnesses for Allah (SWT) even though be it be against yourself or
(your)parents or (your)kindred , whether a rich or a poor –
(4 Surah An-nisa Ayat 135)
Dawat e Fikr June, 2008

Christians --- VS --- Muslim

Extracted From :
Published: 2008/06/01 17:57:55 GMT

A truth and reconciliation commission examining what native leaders

call one of the most tragic and racist chapters in Canada's history has begun.

The commission will study Canada's decades-long policies that removed

Aboriginal children from their families to force Christianity upon them. The state-
funded religious schools were often the scenes of horrific physical and sexual abuse.

The commission has a five-year mandate to detail the abuses. From the
19th Century until the 1970s, more than 150,000 aboriginal children were
required to attend Christian schools in an attempt to rid them of their native cultures and
languages and integrate them into society.
The federal government admitted 10 years ago that physical and
sexual abuse in the once-
once-mandatory schools was rampant.
It's the darkest, most tragic chapter in Canadian history and virtually no
one knows about this. Phil Fontaine, chief of the Assembly of First Nations

Many students recall being beaten for speaking their native languages, and
losing touch with their parents and customs. That legacy of abuse and isolation has been
cited by leaders of native communities as the root cause of continuing epidemic rates of alcoholism
and drug addiction on reservations. The commission, which is in the early phase of its research,
Continued on next page
Islam under Siege 21 Article 15000 aboriginal Children were abused through Christian Schools. Dawat e Fikr June 2008
will spend five years travelling across the country to hear stories from former students, teachers and
others involved in the so-called residential schools run by the Roman Catholic Church
and various Protestant denominations. The goal is to give survivors a forum to tell their stories
and to educate Canadians about what happened. "It's the darkest, most tragic chapter in Canadian
history and virtually no one knows about this," said Phil Fontaine, chief of the national Assembly of
First Nations, the umbrella group that speaks for Canada's first nations' people. Mr Fontaine was
himself among the victims of sexual abuse at a church school. "I'm just one of many," he said.

Aboriginal Judge Harry LaForme, who heads the commission, is hopeful
Canadians will be more sympathetic of the plight of aboriginals once they know more.

We know what occurred, what we now want to hear is the stories from the
people themselves Judge Harry LaForme, commission head

Mr LaForme told the BBC that the aim of the commission was not to name
offenders and point fingers, but to foster healing. "We know what occurred, what we
now want to hear is the stories from the people themselves."

The commission was created as part of an agreement in 2006 between the

government, churches and the 90,000 surviving aboriginal students to help redress
some of the issues plaguing the native population. About C$60m (£30m) will be used to fund the
commission's work. No date has been set yet for testimony to begin. The start of the commission's
work precedes a public apology that Prime Minister Stephen Harper is scheduled to deliver in
parliament on 11 June - an acknowledgment that native leaders have sought for years. Canada's
aboriginals - who number nearly one million - remain the country's poorest and most disadvantaged
group, with a life expectancy five to seven years lower than non-natives. Suicide rates are three times
higher than the national average, and teenage pregnancies are nine times higher.

Muslim ----- VS --- Muslim

By BBC News, Press Reporter
Extracted From :
Published: 2008/06/30 15:37:58 GMT


A court in the UAE has given jail terms to a former prison director and members
of staff after convicting them of involvement in beating prisoners.
Seven of the officers - including the former director - were jailed for six
months and another 18 for three months. The incident happened in 2007 in Dubai, when a
number of inmates were assaulted during a search for drugs. One man is said to have suffered spinal
damage. Such trials and the attendant publicity are extremely rare in the UAE.

Press reports said the defendants were all accused of "abuse of power and
ill-treatment of detainees under their guard". According to statements from the attacked prisoners,
warders and riot police formed two rows outside cell doors and ordered the men to come out. As they
moved between the two lines, the staff kicked and beat the prisoners.

The judge said of the man with spinal injuries, who is Armenian, "it was
clear that detainees have been beaten".
Islam under Siege 21st Article 15000 aboriginal Children were abused through Christian Schools. Dawat e Fikr June 2008
Murder of Benazir Bhutto on 27th December 2007
Was planned and executed under direct supervision of American
President Bush (II), Condoleezza Rice and their Junta
1. America has an undisputed history of looking after its national interest through
pitching its allies against each other. America has been supporting Q Muslim League (General
Musharraf) and MQM with its leader stationed at London, Chaudhry Brothers (Ch. Shujjat Hussain and
Ch. Pervaiz Elahi) and PPP.
2. MQM’s main adversary has been PPP. There has been no time when each of
them did not claim to be the sole representative of people of Sindh. The basis of MQM was the bulk
immigration from India at the time of independence of Pakistan. Once established at the capital MQM
proceeded to secure the hold of, initially Hyderabad and then the entire Sindh. Larkana was the centre of
activity of Shahnawaz Bhutto, father of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Shaheed. It was Larkana (Garhi Khuda
Baksh) which became the hub of political activity and the burial place of Bhutto dynasty.
President Bush (II) and its Junta has all along been operating on both
levels of diplomacy i.e. open as well as behind the scene
1. In open diplomacy each one of the three referred political forces was
advised to assist and cooperate with each other on the basis of common objective of the so called
democracy where as in behind the scene diplomacy each one of the three referred political parties advised
how to ensure that their own interest was not jeopardized in the so called cooperation in the common
political objective. The overriding factor was always the national interest of America and its allies.
2. The main worry of Israel, America, Britain, German and G8 countries
was to contain and destroy Iran. Benazir, on her return after eight years of self exile as per open
diplomacy was given an historic reception at Karachi on 18th October 2007.
The entire world was watching the waves after waves
of dancing supporters.
That was the moment when behind the scene diplomacy passed the feeler,
“that only she could save the world by joining Israel and Iraq’s attack on Iran. She proved her
greatness by declining the suggestion on basis of her religion. Entire world knew that though she
was a non-practicing Shia yet she could not stoop so low. This led President Bush (II) and its
Junta to give green signal to various individuals who were entrusted to switch off the electricity
at the point of scene, presentation of a plastic child wrapped in PPP’s flag and the linked actions.
Benazir Shaheed had mentioned these points in her speeches and writings.
Major ® Minhas alone
Could claim to be the only factual ancestor of
Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
Had Allah not enabled Major ® Minhas to lead bloodless coup in GHQ hall
on the day of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s return from United Nations and foil General Hameed, the then
Commander in Chief’s plan to arrest Bhutto. Without this Mr. Bhutto could not have become President of
Pakistan laying the foundations stone of Bhutto’s dynasty.
The above claim is fully supported by Hamood-ur-Rahman commission’s
award which Major® Minhas has been publishing in Monthly Dawat-e-Fikr, various national and
international Dailies with copies to all national leaders including Shaheed Benazir.
Murder of Benazir Bhutto on 27th Dec 2007 was planned & executed by President Bush II & Junta .Dawat-e-Fikr June 2008
E mail address:
Mr. Ulf Johansson,
Editor in Chief
Nerikes Allehanda Sweden
1. Joining you, and, all others upholding the freedom of press and publication of Art
Cartoons, I had the honour of sending you the following Cartoon for publication on
your front page at the earliest.

2. Payment of charges will be made, in advance, through Bank Fax remittance in your
desired currency and bank. You are requested to Email your bank account details
along with advertisement charges.
3. We certainly do not want to hurt any one
4. We are positive that Lars Vilks who’s Cartoon you have published Showing
Muhammad (SAW) head on the dog’s body will appreciate the above Cartoon.
5. We, as Muslims, hold in utmost respect for all prophets including Jesus and Moses
and thus have to keep the prophets out of Art cartoons.
6. You all love dog as a pet. There cannot be a single man / women without using dog
as a best companion in your society. Our responding cartoon will thus give you a
national pride too.
Yours truly,
Major ® Minhas
Tehreek e Fahmul Quraan
E mail to Mr. Ulf Johansson, Editor in Chief Nerikes Allehanda Sweden, Dawat-e-Fikr August 2007
Continued on Next Page
Western world’s. shameless failure of not accepting Cartoon in reply of Cartoon Dawat-e-Fikr June 2008

20th Century’s worst incident of blasphemy,

What is the underlying cause? Why was the “Christian club” formed?
Have you ever analysed how cat relishes her victory over dieing mouse?
Crusade Wars started, after 9/11/2001 by the unfortunate Bush, continues even today
i.e. 2008, seven years after the incident which according to some was planned and executed by Israeli
agents who saved Israelis working in Twin Towers and en-cashed the disappearance of those who
could not either get out in time or could not be informed.
Crusade Wars are being lead by
1-America 2-America’s previous colonist and present stanch ally Britain
3- European Union i.e. Greatest Colonists of Human History, France, Germany,
Britain etc which constitute “Christian club”
whose armies and cooperators are responsible for killing hundreds of thousands Muslims in
Africa in the name of “democracy” who is the greatest hurdle in the way of Turkey becoming member
of EU. It is the same dual policy under which hundreds of thousands of African were chained and
taken to America, the then colony of the then Great Britain
Hunger, intense violence & cruelty
The dead were thrown into the sea serving as a feed to fish
Britain even today is not prepared to utter a single word of apology,
All the colonists put together can not produce a single example of barbarity reaching some
where near this inhuman conduct.
Opposed to the above “The holocaust” the mass killing of
Jews, the authenticity of which is challenged by its opponents & termed
concoction, yet various countries of “Christian club” are enacting laws
So that any one challenging authenticity of holocaust could be arrested and put behind bars
without giving any chance to prove his/her innocence. Three Big initiators of Crusade wars have neither
taken any notice of Israel’s ever increasing Atomic capability nor will they in future. Each of the three big
initiators of Crusade wars along with
India, installed Governments of Iraq and Afghanistan
Has all along insisted that “Pakistan should do more to crush the terrorists” (freedom fighters in
their own land) and also that “Pakistan is a first-line ally of America” This is America’s centuries old tried
technique of punishing her first line allies to destroy their countries and “them” too when they are no more
needed. th
20 century’s worst incident of blasphemy
through “Cartoons” classifying these to be “right of freedom of Press” Chronological
record of the same can be traced back to :-
30th September 2005- Denmark
20th October …2005 Muslim Ambassadors complained to the Prime Minister
10th January….2006 Norway newspaper published the “Cartoon” for the 2nd time
30th January …2006 Saudi Ambassador was recalled
31st January …2006 Denmark’s newspaper rendered apology
1st February ....2006 France’s Newspaper Francisco Suragh, German’s Die Vilet,
………………………Italy’s LaStampa and Spain’s Elpreco published the same again
Each & every Muslim head of state including Afghanistan’s installed
President Hamid Karzai, Iraq’s installed President Jalal Talabani has condemned the
worst humiliating instigation while remaining the stanch supporter of America and Christian Club
countries. India and Israel have been exemplary partners from 14th August 1947, the day Pakistan
became independent, till today (2008) on one point agenda of making Pakistan a subordinate state to India
Clash of civilisations turned into crusade wars started celebrating victory
on 30th September 2005 by publishing instigating cartoons, which continue till today ( June
2008). Muslim Ummah of today had no choice other than publishing cartoon of a dog with their head
of state exactly in the same way as they have done in case of Prophet Muhammad SAW or to accept a
shameless defeat by practically adopting their civilisation of wine, women and (illegal) wealth and
continue cheating itself by “meaningless protests” or fight a losing battle which Prophet Muhammad
SAW and companions had never fought.
Western world’s. shameless failure of not accepting Cartoon in reply of Cartoon Dawat-e-Fikr May 2008
What had been published in Dawat e Fikr monthly so far
(From March
March 2007 to January 2008)
with specific reference & undeniable facts
Part I (From Feb 2005 to Feb 2007) can be read in DF Dec 2007
Part II (From March 2007 to Feb 2008) can be read in DF Feb 2008
PartIII(From March 2008 to March 2008)can be read in DF March 2008
PartIV(From April 2008 to June 2008)can be read in DF June 2008
Dawat e Fikr April, 2008
An article by BBC’s Mr. Tim Frank has been reproduced in Islam
under Siege(Page 1to 2 of this very issue of Dawat e Fikr under the
caption of
“Day of Bloodshed in Gaza”
is a real eye opener to any soul searching supporter of
so called “war against terror”
2 pages article covered the subjects of Israel’s highest daily loss in the area
for 3 years, Hamas ambush in Northern Gaza killed 3 Israeli troops. That sparked the Israeli airstrike near
Bureij refugee Camp leaving 5 children among 11 people killed. A cameraman’s car was targeted by Israeli
Tank. At least 100 people were killed during operation launched by Israel in early March.

In the referred dangerous warfare included a Reuters cameraman among 3

killed by Israeli troops east of Gaza City. An air strike on a car also killed one Palestinian near
Beit Lahyia in the north of strip. It is hard to say whether the recent spike in Israeli Military, near Beit Lahyia
Since then, casualty figures had dwindled in Gaza with Egypt attempting to broker some sort of ceasefire, the
BBC's Tim Franks reports. Now the chances of that appear slimmer than ever, our Middle East correspondent
says. Wednesday's highest death-toll came when Israel launched air-strikes near the Bureij camp. According to
Hamas, Israeli helicopters launched four missiles. Earlier, three Israeli soldiers were killed and three wounded
when Hamas gunmen approached the security fence near the Nahal Oz crossing, Israel's army said. The deaths
were Israel's highest daily toll in the area since 2006. Pursuing two Hamas fighters who had planted a bomb,
the soldiers were ambushed by a second Hamas group lying in wait, Israel's military said. Hamas said it had
mounted a "sophisticated ambush".

'Dangerous warfare'
In other violence throughout the day, a Reuters cameraman was among three
killed when his car exploded, apparently after being hit by an Israeli tank shell. Fadel Shana, 23, was killed
along with two bystanders after he got out of a car marked "TV" and "Press" in central Gaza, the agency
reports. media, photographers and other uninvolved individuals in areas of warfare is extremely dangerous and
poses a threat to their lives," he told Reuters. Film recovered from his camera shows an Israeli tank opening fire
several hundred metres away, Reuters adds. It goes blank about two seconds after the shell is fired - apparently
at the moment it hit the car. An Israeli military official later expressed regret at the cameraman's death.

The presence of Lengthy campaign?

In other fighting on Wednesday, four Hamas militants were killed by Israeli
troops east of Gaza City. An air strike on a car also killed one Palestinian near Beit Lahyia, in the
north of the strip. It is hard to say whether the recent spike in Israeli military casualties is down to
more effective tactics by Hamas or simply the result of increased Israeli activity in Gaza and
therefore increased exposure,
Continued on next page
Gist of historic events of clash of civilisations from April 2008 to June 2008- Dawat-e-Fikr June 2008
says BBC defence and security correspondent Rob Watson. A recent Israeli study by a research group
with close ties to Israel's defence establishment said Hamas was currently engaged in the broadest and
most significant military build-up in its history. Some generals argue a major Israeli incursion will
eventually be needed to prevent Hamas growing even stronger militarily. But they also fear the possible
consequences of a lengthy campaign in the crowded cities and refugee camps of Gaza, our correspondent
says. (What a mockery of regret !!, Comments by Major ® Minhas)


Extracted From :
Published: 2008/04/16 13:43:01 GMT
The Iraqi government has replaced the commanders of the army and
police forces in the southern city of Basra. The move comes weeks after an assault that aimed to disarm
Shia militias in the city. The operation was criticised by US commanders as poorly planned and failed to
achieve its stated aims. (It, being based on purchasing of loyalties, had to fail!!, Comments by
Major ® Minhas)

It ended when Iranian officials brokered a deal that took the militias off the
streets but allowed them to keep hold of their weapons. The Iraqi government says that the police chief
and the army commander in Basra are not being fired, but they are being moved back to Baghdad. Both
Maj-Gen Abduljalil Khalaf and Gen Mohan Furaiji have been in the city for six months. Both men have
been praised by the British and American military and both have survived assassination attempts.

The BBC's Baghdad correspondent Crispin Thorold says the men are leaving
Basra at a time when the security forces there are being criticised. Army chief Gen Mohan was the
architect of the recent operations in Basra. He recommended the plan to Prime Minister Nouri Maliki.
That operation ground to a halt when the army faced considerable resistance from the
militias, including the Mehdi army loyal to Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr .

The fighting spread to various parts

parts of Iraq, hundreds of people
were killed and thousands of civilians were trapped in their
homes for days on end.
Since the operation, about 1,600 Basra police officers have either been discharged,
detained or are wanted for court martial for dereliction of duty. Iraqi officials told the BBC that the
policemen were being investigated for failure to open fire at outlaws, joining them or giving them
weapons. Many soldiers also deserted. The new army and police commanders are both from outside
Basra, large parts of which are still controlled by different militias. (It, being based on purchasing
loyalties, had to fail and did fail in Iraq Even though the Nobel Prize winner for peace President
Obama keeps on insisting that it had succeeded and hopes that it will succeed in Afghanistan too!!,
Comments by Major ® Minhas) Major ® Minhas suggests:-


(Save your self, Save your kith and kin, Save your Country, Save the World by
separating yourself from The Catholic Church says this sort of portrayal of Jesus is disrespectful to
believers and thus is wrong to use him for advertising. 'Number one dad' The advertisement is being aired
on country's main TV channel to promote youth
Continued on next page
Gist of historic events of clash of civilisations from April 2008 to June 2008- Dawat-e-Fikr June 2008

Dawat e Fikr May, 2008

An article by BBC’s Mr. Tim Frank has been reproduced in Islam
under Siege 20th Article ,
(Page 1 of this very issue of Dawat e Fikr under the caption of
“Dream of a Jewish State”

is a real eye opener to any soul searching supporter of

so called “war against terror”

With apologies to the interviewees, here is a very partial taster:

Yuli, the secular trainee teacher from Jerusalem: "The moment that people will prefer to
deal with their own stuff, and dream their own dreams, rather than the dreams of the big Jewish
nation, maybe the situation will get better."
Shoshana, the settler from Qedumim: "This is the Middle East: another language, another
code. It's not Europe; it's not America… My father, who built this state, always told us that we have
to pay a tax, a price, for living here. We have an obligation to pay, as we don't have any other place
to go."
Mohammed, the Palestinian from a village near Nazareth: "The way Israel deals with its
Arab minority is the indication of how the world should deal with the Jewish minority. If Israel
continues to discriminate against the Arab minority in Israel, it has no moral right to speak against
discrimination against Jews around the world."
Jonathan, the Haredi (ultra-orthodox man) from Jerusalem: "Israel was meant to create a
New Jew - the idea that the term Jew was not enough, and we had to create something new,
something that was a rejection in many respects of the Jew of the exile. But that New Jew has
turned out to be a chimera."
Mila, the non-Jewish Russian immigrant: "I am not a Jew, no. But when I sing
songs in class about love for the land of Israel, it's just like in Russia when we would have moments
of love for our homeland. Then when I hear the songs and spoke with older Arabs, my heart hurts
and I start to cry.


The closing quote, on Israel's 60th anniversary, goes to a young woman, who
appears in Paula Weiman-Kelman's documentary, Eyes Wide Open. For a year, Ms Weiman-
Kelman followed American Jews as they visited Israel. Towards the end of the film, a young,
articulate woman comes out with this sweet solipsism: "I would love to be non-conflicted about this
place." Quite.
Continued on next page
Gist of historic events of clash of civilisations from April 2008 to June 2008- Dawat-e-Fikr June 2008

Dawat e Fikr June, 2008

Christians --- V --- Muslim

Extracted From :
Published: 2008/06/01 17:57:55 GMT

A truth and reconciliation commission examining what native leaders call

one of the most tragic and racist chapters in Canada's history has begun.

The commission will study Canada's decades-long policies that removed

Aboriginal children from their families to force Christianity upon them. The state-funded
religious schools were often the scenes of horrific physical and sexual abuse.

The commission has a five-year mandate to detail the abuses. From the 19th
Century until the 1970s, more than 150,000 aboriginal children were required to
attend Christian schools in an attempt to rid them of their native cultures and languages and
integrate them into society.

The federal government admitted 10 years ago that physical and

sexual abuse in the once-
once-mandatory schools was rampant.
It's the darkest, most tragic chapter in Canadian history and virtually no one
knows about this Phil Fontaine, chief of the Assembly of First Nations

Many students recall being beaten for speaking their native languages, and
losing touch with their parents and customs. That legacy of abuse and isolation has been cited
by leaders of native communities as the root cause of continuing epidemic rates of alcoholism and drug
addiction on reservations. The commission, which is in the early phase of its research, will spend five
years travelling across the country to hear stories from former students, teachers and others involved

in the so-called residential schools run by the Roman Catholic Church and
various Protestant denominations. The goal is to give survivors a forum to tell their stories and to
educate Canadians about what happened. "It's the darkest, most tragic chapter in Canadian history and
virtually no one knows about this," said Phil Fontaine, chief of the national Assembly of First Nations,
the umbrella group that speaks for Canada's first nations' people. Mr Fontaine was himself among the
victims of sexual abuse at a church school. "I'm just one of many," he said.

Continued on next page
Gist of historic events of clash of civilisations from April 2008 to June 2008- Dawat-e-Fikr June 2008
Aboriginal Judge Harry LaForme, who heads the commission, is hopeful
Canadians will be more sympathetic of the plight of aboriginals once they know more.

We know what occurred, what we now want to hear is the stories from the
people themselves Judge Harry LaForme, commission head

Mr LaForme told the BBC that the aim of the commission was not to name
offenders and point fingers, but to foster healing. "We know what occurred, what we now
want to hear is the stories from the people themselves."

The commission was created as part of an agreement in 2006 between the

government, churches and the 90,000 surviving aboriginal students to help redress
some of the issues plaguing the native population. About C$60m (£30m) will be used to fund the
commission's work. No date has been set yet for testimony to begin. The start of the commission's work
precedes a public apology that Prime Minister Stephen Harper is scheduled to deliver in parliament on 11
June - an acknowledgment that native leaders have sought for years. Canada's aboriginals - who number
nearly one million - remain the country's poorest and most disadvantaged group, with a life expectancy
five to seven years lower than non-natives. Suicide rates are three times higher than the national average,
and teenage pregnancies are nine times higher. (Unveiling the truth even 3 years after the agreement
of paying Stg 30 Millions compensation to the Muslim abducted children and that too at Christian
Schools is some thing of which Every True Christian must be ashamed of!!), Let us hope and pray
that some True Christian sends a writing for pbilication in Monthly Dawat e Fike next issue

Muslim ----- VS --- Muslim

By BBC News, Press Reporter
Extracted From :
Published: 2008/06/30 15:37:58 GMT


A court in the UAE has given jail terms to a former prison director and members of
staff after convicting them of involvement in beating prisoners.
Seven of the officers - including the former director - were jailed for six
months and another 18 for three months. The incident happened in 2007 in Dubai, when a
number of inmates were assaulted during a search for drugs. One man is said to have suffered spinal
damage. Such trials and the attendant publicity are extremely rare in the UAE.

Press reports said the defendants were all accused of "abuse of power and
ill-treatment of detainees under their guard". According to statements from the attacked prisoners,
warders and riot police formed two rows outside cell doors and ordered the men to come out. As they
moved between the two lines, the staff kicked and beat the prisoners. (It, is highly appreciated that
Dubai Court has punished a former prison director for six months and 18 members of staff for
three months after convicting them of involvement of beating prisoners !! Comments by Major ®

Gist of historic events of clash of civilisations from April 2008 to June 2008- Dawat-e-Fikr June 2008

Voice of Allah
A Call by Allah SWT to American and its Allies Specially
G 8 and European Countries
Extracted From :
Published: 2008/06/16 17:22:51 GMT

An Egyptian man is thought to be the sole survivor of a boatload of migrants that sank trying
to reach Italy from Libya, Egyptian officials have said.
The man is now in Libyan custody after being rescued and returned to Libya. About 20
bodies have been recovered. The survivor said 150 people were on the boat, which sank shortly after
leaving Libya on 7 June, an Egyptian diplomat in Libya told the BBC. The boat reportedly held
Egyptians, Tunisians, Somalis and Bangladeshis. (Egyptians, Tunisians, Somalis and Bangladeshis The
so called Muslims should be ashamed for demonstrating their so called faith that Allah SWT cannot
feed them in their own countries!!, Comments by Major ® Minhas)

Libya is a key transit point for African migrants trying to reach southern Europe.
The Egyptian passengers on the boat had each paid between $2,500 and $5,000 (£1,272-£2,544) to a
human trafficker for their passage to Italy. The survivor told Egyptian officials in Libya that the boat's
engine had stopped working a few hours after leaving the Libyan town of Zuwarah, close to the border
with Tunisia.

The boat then foundered and sank. He said the other passengers could not
swim. Hundreds of people are believed to drown each year trying to make the often-perilous crossing to
Europe from Africa. (Shame for Mr. Qaddafi and his Green book and mockery of living in Tents at
the cost of millions of Libyans. Why to accuse Americans, G 8 & European Countries!!, Comments by
Major ® Minhas)
Extracted From :
Published: 2008/06/30 16:54:37 GMT
Crude oil prices have surged to near $144 a barrel as producing nations and the
world's largest oil firms meet in Madrid to discuss soaring prices.
General concerns over global supplies and escalating rhetoric between Iran and
Israel have pushed prices to fresh highs in recent days. US light, sweet crude rose as much as
$3.46 to a record $143.67 a barrel. The price later fell below $140 after figures showed demand for oil in the US
had fallen in April. The US Energy Information Administration said demand was 19.76 million barrels per day in
April, 3.9% lower than a year earlier. The release of the monthly data caused oil prices to fall. In New York, US
light, sweet crude fell by about $1 to $139.17. In London, Brent crude, which had climbed as high as $143.81 a
barrel, was trading at $139.54 after the figures were released.
A combination of the weak US dollar, surging demand and concerns about supply
disruptions in the Middle East and Africa have forced prices up more than 40% this year.
The problems are above ground not below it Tony Hayward, BP chief executive. In the latest war of
words between Israel and Iran about the latter's nuclear intentions, a commander of Iran's revolutionary
Voice of Allah SWT, A Call to Americans, G 8 & European Countries, Will they respond? 2nd Article of Series Dawat-e-Fikr June 2008

Adnan Afzal Mr. Assad-ur-Rahman Daud Juneja

19711 East, Qureshi 20 TYRONE ROAD
8 Mile Road, 40 High Hill Drive LONDON E6 6DT
saint clare shores Scarborough, Ontario Ph: 0208 471 5728
M I-48080 USA MIT .In 7, Fax: on request
Mob: 001 8104347908 Phone: 416-502-6730


Mr. Jamil Akhter Dr. Ahmad Kamal Muhammad Iqbal

Nashar Trading company Eye Department 18 PLACE GEORGES
P.O Box 6697 Zahid Military Hospital CLEMENCEAU
Jeddah 21452 P.O Box 3740 6O1OO CREIL
Tel:6692878 Abu Dhabi FRANCE
6516307—K.S.A Phone: 009712312038 Phone: 0664656076


M. Munir Ahmad Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Syed Shahabuddin

R.No. 113 Curry Palace Restaurant M.P Janpath
The International House 38-B POSIDONOS Ave New Dehli-110001
Tokyouniof Agri.and Tech 174-55-Kalamaki Athens Phone: 3782128
2- 41 Saiwai-cho Fuchu-shi GREECE Fax: 3782059
Tokyo-183, Japan Phone: 9838889
Phone: 0423-36-5894

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