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******* *******

55 ***** ******, New York, NY, 10013

Cell: 4**.***.**** - *******.*.*******
CFA L1 canddate
Fnancal modeln! e"#erence
$cro%o&t '&&ce ()ncludn! *"cel, +ro,ect, Acce%%, -%o . /0are+ont1, Ar!u%
Con%tructed #er%onal n2e%tment t0e%% 3 #ort&olo
+ro2ded #oltcal . %trate!c con%ultn! &or a 4500,000,000 re%ort ca%no de2elo#ment. 6el#ed to cra&t
55-7ear land lea%e wt0 &rm on land we controlled.
$ana!ed #oltcal outreac0 . %trate!c con%ultn! #ro,ect% &or t0e (Lar!e, #u8lcl7 traded real e%tate
n2e%tment tru%t1 on a 4900,000,000 retal de2elo#ment. 6el#ed #artner (Lar!e, #u8lcl7 traded real
e%tate n2e%tment tru%t1 wt0 a lar!e !amn! de2elo#er on a un:ue, mult&aceted retal de2elo#ment.
;0e #artner%0# d2er%&ed t0e act2te% and re2enue %ource &or t0e ca%no w0le reducn! t0e amount
o& de8t &nancn! re:ured 87 our !amn! #artner, 8ot0 8ene&t% a##ealn! to %tate lawmaker%.
Conducted e"ten%2e :uanttat2e and :ualtat2e anal7%% to determne &nancal 2a8lt7 o& com#ane%
and #ro,ect% #ro#o%ed &or land our com#an7 controlled. Anal7%% led to re,ecton o& <eneral <rowt0
8a%ed on t0er 0ea27 de8t 8urden, t0u% #re2entn! #artner%0# wt0 a com#an7 t0at &led &or C0a#ter 11
two 7ear% later.
Project manager A#rl 9010 to =une 9014
(Small commercial real estate / consulting firm) - **** **********, $a%%ac0u%ett%
)ncrea%ed communt7 %u##ort o& re%ort ca%no de2elo#ment to nearl7 >0? 87 meetn! wt0 and
educatn! 2oter% a8out t0e #o%t2e m#act% a re%ort ca%no could 8rn! to t0e town.
Conducted e"ten%2e market 3 demo!ra#0c %tude% n addton to due dl!ence on com#ane%
#ro#o%n! #ro,ect% on our land@ ran r%k model% 3 %tre%% te%t%, mea%ured %ol2enc7, #ro,ect ca%0 &low% and
re%#on%e to 07#ot0etcal mcro and macro &actor% 0el#n! u% to a%%e%% t0e 2a8lt7 o& #otental
Ae2elo#ed #lan to market e:ut7 #orton% o& our !amn! #ro,ect wt0 ****** *******, a <reenwc0 0ed!e
&und. *"amned 8alance %0eet and de8t co2enant %tructure% to a%%e%% our !amn! #artner% &nancal
nte!rt7. Created *"cel model% &or 2arou% &nancal %cenaro% 3 #ro2ded non-&nancal (%trate!c,
#oltcal1 anal7%% &or #ro%#ectu%.
+er&ormed com#re0en%2e, :uanttat2e %tude% on t0e retal ndu%tr7 0el#n! u% to determne w0c0
non-!amn! #ro,ect #ro#o%ed on our land em8oded t0e lar!e%t num8er o& %ucce%%&ul attr8ute% %uc0
a% mana!ement #rowe%%, !o2ernance and accountn! #ractce%, market %0are and 8rand #erce#ton.
Coordnated and 0eld meetn!% wt0 o2er 40 %tate #oltcan% and o&&cal% to market com#an7 #lan to
de2elo# a re%ort ca%no, 0el#n! to mo2e le!%laton &orward t0rou!0 t0e $a%%ac0u%ett% 6ou%e and
$ana!ed o2erall %trate!7 . %7ner!7 8etween !o2ernment relaton%, de2elo#ment and #oltcal cam#a!n
!rou#% leadn! u# to t0e le!%lat2e 2ote on e"#anded ca%no !amn!. *n%ured t0at our me%%a!e wa%
or!anBed and mnd&ul o& all %tren!t0% and weakne%%e% o& t0e #ro,ect. $ontored and corrected an7
%l##a!e or de2ance &rom #lan.
Consultant =anuar7 900C to =une 9014
(Small commercial real estate / consulting firm) - **** **********, $a%%ac0u%ett%
$et &re:uentl7 wt0 our !amn! #artnerD% e"ecut2e leader%0# to d%cu%% trend%, #u8lc o#non%
and an7 nece%%ar7 c0an!e% to t0e de%!n o& t0er #ro,ect or t0e %u8%e:uent #oltcal cam#a!n.
Eorked wt0 *****-******, an ur8an #lannn! &rm, and created an ur8an renewal #lan &or a town to
0el# encoura!e t% #lannn! 8oard to 2ote n &a2or o& new Bonn! 87law% and ta" 8reak% 8ene&cal
to u% and our #artner%. +re%ented #lan% n &ront o& 900F re%dent% and ultmatel7 !ot a reBonn!
+ro2ded #oltcal and %trate!c con%ultn! work &or G****** ***********H, owner% o& a 9.9 mle lon!
#ro&e%%onal race crcut@ 0el#ed t0em o2ercome re!ulator7 and en2ronmental %%ue% w0c0
cau%ed a tem#orar7 %to#-work order on t0er #ro,ect, %a2n! t0em I mont0% o& dela7% and 440,000
n &ee% and &ne%.
Bachelors egree : !eneral Business, 9011- 3.5 <+A
******* *** ******* ********** - ***********, $a%%ac0u%ett%

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