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GIBI Course Christian Apologetics, Lessons

Introduction to Apologetics

1. The word ‘apologetics’ comes from the Greek word ‘apologia’ which means:

2. Therefore, Christian Apologetics is that branch of ___________________ that

deals with _______________ any and all critics who oppose or
_________________ the revelation of God in Christ and the _____________.

3. The apologist should always be able to _______________ his reasons for


4. Areas of _____________ within Christian Apologetics deal with the use of

_____________, reason, philosophy, etc.

5. The Lord has called ___________ Christian to be ready to make a

________________ of his faith.

6. If you want to be able to _____________ well to another person,

______________, or family member that may be in a __________, you need
to be able to understand their _______________ as well as you own.

7. We are commanded to defend the faith in:

8. Few things are as ________________ when defending the _____________ as

being able to cite chapter and _____________ for any particular subject.

GIBI Course Christian Apologetics, Lessons

The New Age Movement

1. The new age movement is a religious system with two basic beliefs:

2. New age philosophy generally seeks to ___________ with those philosophies that
put man and ____________ on an ______________ level.

3. Since man is ____________ by nature, all people once they see themselves as
such, will be helped in their unity of _______________, love, and

4. List 4 of the common ‘buzz’ words for new agers:


5. Only the Bible has the message of ___________; grace is the ________________
___________ of God upon His people.

GIBI Course Christian Apologetics, Lessons


1. Evolution is the ___________ that life developed by _____________ out of

inorganic material and then grew in complexity and _____________ sufficient to
fill the earth with all the _________________ we have today.

2. Evolution first became popular with Darwin’s book:

3. For life to ___________ by chance there would have to be an ________________

amount of time and an incredible amount of _____________________ of

4. The Bible says, ‘know that the Lord is _____________. It is ________ who
_________ us’ Psalm 100:3

5. __________________ _________ was said to be one step up from apes and was
dated at 200,000 years.

6. Evolution is taught as _________ in schools and television and is ___________,

if ever, questioned or ________________ in a critical light.

7. Evolution is a ________________ and ________________ doctrine to the souls

of men.

GIBI Course Christian Apologetics, Lessons

The Do’s and Don’ts of Witnessing

1. People are __________________ for different reasons: some because they

_________ knowledge, others because they lack the _________________, and
still others because they lack both.

2. ___________ yourself to Him as an __________________ of His righteousness.

3. He will never ____________ you or _____________ you even while you are

4. List 3 important verses in witnessing


5. Memorization is like _______________. The more you do it, the _____________

it gets; the less you do the ______________ it gets.

6. The four spiritual laws are simple, to the point, and use scripture to convince,
convince, and convert, they are:

7. What does Christian CPR stand for:


8. Each person who ______________ should have his ________ life ___________
with God.

9. Through _____________ you are in _______________ with the Holy Creator of

the ___________________.

10. It is in ___________ the Bible that God ______________ to you.

11. Teaching is ____________ people knowledge and _____________________ that

they don’t have.

GIBI Course Christian Apologetics, Lessons

12. Justice is:

13. Mercy is:

14. Grace is:

15. This is a good way of _________________ when it comes to the

_________________ of our sins, God must be the ________________ and that
Jesus must also be _________ in order to make forgiveness possible.

16. When you need to answer a question from an _________________, take a

moment to __________ and let the Holy Spirit __________ in your heart and
mind and _____________ Him to give you the wisdom when you ___________

GIBI Course Christian Apologetics, Lessons

Christian Doctrine

1. All you need to do is get ________________ in the fundamentals and from there
________________ your Christian walk. A _________________ is only as
strong as its _____________________.

2. Inspiration means that God, through the Holy Spirit, caused the ______________
of the Bible to write the _________________ and authoritative self
___________________ of God.

3. The Trinity is the doctrine that there is one God who exists simultaneously in
three persons:

4. Original sin is:

5. With the _________________ of Christ we have the ______________ of the

Holy Spirit who ________________ to the Church through the mediation of
_____________ and the Scriptures.

6. Sanctification means:

7. The ________________ is the time when, at Chris’s coming, the Christians who
are ____________ are ________________ into their resurrected bodies.

8. Good doctrine can ______________ you from being _______________ by the

lies of the enemy as are found in the ___________ and ungodly teachings of the

GIBI Course Christian Apologetics, Lessons

Three Essential Doctrines of Christianity

1. The Bible itself reveals those doctrines that are essential to the Christian faith.
They are:

2. Jesus claimed ( ) gives peace

3. Jesus ( ) from the wrath to come
4. The Father ( ) the same as the Father
5. The fruit of righteousness ( ) to be God
6. Jesus died ( ) draws us to Jesus
7. Jesus delivers us ( ) comes through Jesus Christ
8. The Scriptures ( ) and rose again
9. We sin ( ) bear witness of Jesus
10. Jesus has overcome ( ) completely
11. Jesus is honored ( ) the world
12. Jesus is able to save ( ) against Jesus

13. The Holy Spirit is the _____________ person of the ______________.

14. He always bears _______________ of the Son which is why so little of Him is
________________ on in the Bible.

GIBI Course Christian Apologetics, Lessons

What the Bible is all About

1. The Bible is about: _______________

2. Jesus is prophesied ( ) Person of Jesus is presented

3. Jesus is coming ( ) Jesus is revealed
4. Anticipation of Jesus ( ) Jesus is arrived
5. Filled with typologies ( ) Jesus is present
6. Jesus is concealed ( ) Truth of Jesus is recorded
7. Pictures of Jesus ( ) Realization of Jesus

8. How many books in the Bible are History: ___________ Name them:

9. ____________________________ looked forward to Jesus, our Savior.

10. Sin enters in _________________, but exits in ______________________.

GIBI Course Christian Apologetics, Lessons

Jesus in the Bible

1. The early church sometimes referred to the four gospels as:


2. John presents Jesus as the Son of God:

3. Matthew presents Jesus as the Messiah:

4. Luke presents Jesus as the Son of Man:

5. Mark presents Jesus as the Suffering Servant:

6. The twelve tribes were located in four groups of three:

a. To the west were the tribes of:

b. To the north were the tribes of:

c. To the east were the tribes of:

d. To the south were the tribes of :

GIBI Course Christian Apologetics, Lessons

Dictionary of Theology

Briefly define the following words:

1. Antichrist:

2. Apologetics:

3. Baptism:

4. Christian:

5. Condemnation:

6. Conviction:

7. Deism:

8. Excommunication:

9. Glorification:

10. Grace:

11. Heresy:

12. Immutability:

13. Just, Justice:

14. Kenosis:

GIBI Course Christian Apologetics, Lessons

15. Mediator:

16. Occult:

17. Prayer:

18. Redemption:

19. Sin:

20. Theism:

21. Tithe:

22. Tribulation:

23. Word:

24. Worship:


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