Comparative Religions

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GIBI Course- Comparative Religions

Comparative Religions
By Kurt Cotter

Gateway International Bible Institute

4445 W. Olive Ave.
Glendale, AZ 85302
(602) 993-5353

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GIBI Course- Comparative Religions

Lesson 1

Many people today, who are searching for the truth, have been confronted with so many views and
interpretations that they become confused and discouraged. They don’t know who to believe. As we
know, with all of the contradictions, someone has to be in error. Jesus told us to, “beware of false
prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” (Matthew

In this course, we will seek to know more about what the Bible teaches us on how to identify a false
teacher, what some of their similar characteristics are, and how to share the truth with them. Our
main goals will be to 1) dig into the Bible and 2) become more acquainted with the truth so that we
will be confident and not threatened when we are confronted with a lie.

First, we must answer the question…. “How do we know that we are following the truth and not a lie
ourselves?” Well, in order to do that, we have to find out… “What is truth?” As Christians, we must
agree that the Bible is the infallible Word of God alone. Nothing can be added, nor can anything be
taken away. Many of the cultists will agree that the Bible is God’s Word… along with their added
book or books. Just by turning to the back of the Bible, we find a clear warning to this… “for I
testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add to
these things, God shall add to him the plagues that are written in this book. And if any man shall take
away from the words of this book of prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the Book of Life,
and out of the Holy City, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Rev. 22:18-19) As we
see, this is a serious thing with God, and we cannot be wishy-washy about whether or not their books
are inspired.

Now, how do we know that our interpretation of the Bible is right? Well, first of all, it says in II Peter
1:20-21, that … “no prophecy of the scriptures is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy
came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moves by the Holy
Ghost.” I believe that we are not the interpreters of the Bible, but since the Holy Spirit was actually
the author through these holy men, then the Holy Spirit is the One who will show us what it means.
As it says in John 16:13, “Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth is come, He will guide you into all
truth. For He shall not speak of Himself, but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak; and He
will show you things to come.” God has promised that His Spirit would lead us into the truth…

Now, how do we know if we are truly following God’s Spirit when we seek the truth? Well, the next
verse in John 16 says, “He shall glorify Me (Jesus) for He shall receive of Mine and show it unto
you.” The Holy Spirit leads us to and glorifies Jesus as He is even named “The Way, The Truth and
The Life.” (John 14:6)

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Since Jesus is “The Truth” and the Holy Spirit leads us to and glorifies Jesus, then what we believe
about Jesus is crucial in finding out whether or not we are in truth or in error. In II Corinthians 11:3,
Paul said, “But I fear, lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your
minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”
Satan’s goal is to complicate and confuse people and turn their hearts from that simple relationship
with the Truth, the One who is God and yet man, Jesus Christ.

Many of the cults believe in the historic man, Jesus, but they don’t see Him as the Bible shows Him.
In I John 4:3 it says, “and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not
of God, and this is that spirit of anti-Christ.” We must see Jesus as the Son of God manifested in the
flesh, as our only source of redemption, as part of the Triune Godhead and the center focal point and
Lord of our lives. As we will see in future lessons, the cults do not see Him this way.

Note from the Editor: I agree that the Bible should be the MAIN TOOL in your quest for the truth; especially where it
relates to the information in this curriculum. You will discover just how devious the enemy can be when leading the
unwitting FAR from the Way, the Truth and the Life… Keeping Jesus always as Lord of your life, and submitting to the
ultimate teacher, the Holy Spirit is the surest way to obtain the words, tools and revelation to set someone in RELIGIOUS
DARKNESS FREE! Some additional scriptures were included within the lessons for clarity and reference.

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Lesson 2
An excellent resource book on this topic and one that much of the information for this teaching was
taken from is Kingdom of the Cults: by Walter Martin. An outline of this text is as follows.

Chapter 1: “Kingdom of the Cults” – the book will evaluate the cults by:
A. The History of the cults.
B. A theological evaluation.
C. Showing a contrast between the cults and the Bible

Dr. Marcus Bach, who has written about the cults from a liberal viewpoint, uses the Scripture from
Acts 5:38-39, “If the work be of men, it will come to naught; but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow
it.” Martin states that “this advice is not Biblical Theology, and if it were followed… we would have
to recognize Islam as of God because of its rapid growth… and Mormonism.” Martin says the cults
should be viewed in the light of what we know to be Divine revelation; the Word of God, which itself
weighs them. Some say we should play down things that divide and emphasize things that make for
unity, but if this includes groups that oppose Biblical Christianity, it is not true unity.

 Christ prophesied of false prophets and warned us to beware of them. (Matthew 24:5)
 We need not to only cleave to that which is good but also to abhor that which is evil. (Romans
 We are to have compassion and love for the cultist, but vigorously oppose the teachings.
 We should not just try to “win the argument”.
 Bank tellers learn to detect counterfeit money by only touching real money and becoming
acquainted with it.
 The problem with the cults is theological and not just sociological or cultural.

Chapter 2: “Scaling the Language Barrier”

 Cultists are redefining Biblical terms to suit themselves.

 Cultists will hardly ever discuss the problem of evil, personal sin, or the necessity of Christ’s
substitutionary atonement as the sole means of salvation from sin through Divine grace and
the exercise of faith.
 Cultists spiritualize and redefine Biblical words and texts to be in harmony with the historic
Christian faith but only for “surface agreement.”
 Words (in their context) mean just what they say,
 Cultists are destined to find out that the “power of Christianity is not in its terminology, but in
the relationship of the individual to the historic Christ of revelation.”
 We must compare redefinition with the context of the verse used. *We should share our own
testimony of our relationship with Christ with the cultists.
 Always use verses in their context.

Chapter 3: “The Psychological Structure of Cultism”

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Each cult has a “belief system” that follows a distinct pattern. Dr Milton Rokeach says that there are
three regions in a belief or disbelief system:
 The primary outlook on the world, (is it a threatening or an accepting place?)
 The area of authority. (Whose authority will be accepted in matters pertaining to the functions
of life?)
 The peripheral region. (The structure of living.)

The belief systems share much in common with each other. Some of these common factors include:
 Cultists are close-minded. They are isolated.
 Cultists are antagonistic at a personal level. They dislike the opposing people aling with their
 Cultists are dogmatic. Especially about writings other than the Bible. “Cults thrive on
conformity, ambiguity, and extremeness of belief.”
 Isolation-within the structure of the cults is a peaceful coexistence of beliefs that are without
contradiction to each other. Jehovah witnesses prophesied that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
would return to earth (they didn’t). The Book of Mormon has been revised and corrected by
Joseph Smith and many errors were pointed out, yet both the errors and revisions are heralded
as divine revelation by Mormons. Mary B. Eddy spoke against doctors and drugs, yet went to
a doctor, received regular morphine shots, wore glasses and had her teeth removed when they
became diseased.

The psychological conditioning process: Cultists are usually taught a certain reflex to a given
religious stimuli:

 Jehovah Witnesses – “Haters of God and His people are to be hated.” (The Watch Tower.)
Jehovah Witnesses call Christians “Modern day Moabites” because we oppose them as Moab
opposed Israel. “…the theory of eternal torment in hell is the outgrowth of satanic lies.”
Christians should avoid using certain terms in speaking with Jehovah Witnesses which cause
conditioned response. Jehovah Witnesses seem to have martyr complex, especially when a
Christian comes on aggressively. Even though Jehovah Witnesses are taught to hate
Christians, their New World Translation of the Bible says in Matthew 5:43-45 to “love your

 Mormons – Mormons emphasize baptism for the remission of sins, tithing and voluntary
missionary service, the authority of the priesthood, rituals, symbols, secret rites, handshakes,
and signs. Apart from their acceptance in this group, the average Mormon can find no peace,
community status or prestige. If the “bread-winner” of a Mormon family is injured, loses his
job or dies, the church supports and cares for his family. The leaders use this to keep them in
Mormonism. Mormons believe that through their good works they can attain “exaltation” or
progression to godhead.

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 Christian Science – Christian Scientists are taught that “man, in God’s idea, is already saved
with an everlasting salvation.” They are taught to believe in the non-existence of the material
world and at the same time they also speak of how this material world is decaying. Christian
Scientists teach that the only true reality is spiritual or mental. They deny the existence of
evil thinking, and that this reality will do away with it.

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Lesson 3
Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation (or T.M.) is a “low commitment, non-religious way to experience inner
peace.” Anyway, this is how it is offered. In actuality, transcendental meditation is a “revival of
ancient Brahmanism and Hinduism” as Psychology Today puts it. T.M. attracts college students,
politicians, sociologists, businessmen, and military people, just to mention a few. T.M. has a college
course called “Science of Creative Intelligence”, which is offered at many colleges for credit. They
also have a group called “The Students International Meditation Society” which meets at 95% of U.S.

Although T.M. is introduced as a non-religious organization, Mahirishis, (the leaders of T.M.), own
writings prove that it is “religious in character”. Some of their statements include 1. “T.M. is a path
to God”, 2. “A very good form of prayer is this meditation which leads us to the field of the Creator,
to the source of creation, to the field of God”, and
3. “(T.M.) is the only way to salvation and success in life; there is no other way.”

T.M. originated through lord Krishna, who gave his teachings to the warrior Arjuna 5,000 years ago.
Within 2,000 years, its practice was lost because of lack of usage. Buddha restored it and then it was
lost again after a short time. Then, about 2,500 years ago, Shankara, a “great” teacher of Hindu
scriptures restored it again. It was lost again, and Mahirishis teacher, Brahmanand Saraswat, Maharaj
(or Shriguru Dev) revived it again. Guru Dev was born in 1869 and died in 1953 and passed his
teachings down to his favorite pupil, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. In 1958, after living in the
Himilayas as a Hindu monk, he came west. T.M. was then called “the spiritual Regeneration

T.M.’s origins lie in the ancient texts of Hinduism; “The Vedas, Upanishads, and Bhagavad Gita.” It
was developed through shankaras synthesis of these traditions. It grew out of the Mystical Advaita
School of Yoga and used the Hindu devotional (a puga).

In order to join T.M., each person must go through a ceremony which clearly shows the underlying
Hinduism. First of all, the candidate is asked to bring an offering of six flowers, three pieces of fresh
fruit and a white handkerchief to place on an altar before the picture of Guru Dev (which means
“Divine Leader”). The room is candle lit and filled with incense. Then the candidate is asked to stand
before this altar, while the teacher; sings a hymn of thanksgiving and praise to the entire line of
departed Hindu masters who have passed down the knowledge of the “mantras”. After the song, the
candidates are to kneel for a moment of silence, and then the teacher repeats the “mantra’ that is
selected for that person. The mantra is a secret Sanskrit word used in meditation. This word is to be
repeated silently for 20 minutes in the morning and again in the evening. This is meant to produce
psychic vibrations that positively affect the mental and physiological functions. The mantra is the
key to the T.M. experience.

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The new joiners are never told the deeper religious purpose of the mantra.
Maharishi explains in his book, “Meditation of Maharishi Mahash” that mantras are done according
to Vedic Rites to produce an effect in some other world and draw attention of those higher beings or
gods living there. “The entire knowledge of the mantras or hymns of the Vedas (Hindu scriptures) is
devoted to man’s connection with the higher beings in different strata of creation.” Research has
shown that mantras are actually related to the names of Hindu deities.

The initial ceremony is usually explained away as being a ritual of thanksgiving to the line of
departed T.M. teachers through the centuries, but recently obtained English translation of the hymn or
“puja”, chanted in Sanskrit by the candidate, shows that it is a form of Hindu worship. It says in part:
“To lord Narayans, to lotus-born Brahma, the creator…to Shankarcharya the redeemer, hailed
as Krishna… I bow down, to the glory of the lord, I bow down again and again, at whose door
the whole galaxy of gods pray for perfection day and night. Adorned with immeasurable
glory, preceptor of the whole world, having bowed down to him, we gain fulfillment.”

T.M. is also reported to have the side effect of decreasing the ability to think creatively. This is
because they are told to “transcend” conscious thought and put their mind in neutral. They are
encouraged to keep their mantra on the back burner and slip into meditation throughout the day. This
also dulls the mind’s ability to make judgments, to discern and to evaluate. T.M. is centered on what
is called “being”. Being is commonly called God, the supreme Lord of the universe and Brahman
‘Being’ is impersonal, non-changing, formless and eternal. Being underlies and encompasses all that

According to T.M., the world is not created; it eternally emanates from the divine Being. Man as an
extension of being and consists of three aspects: the outer, the inner, and the transcendent. They say
that man is divine, and his problem is his metaphysical separation from being by levels of
consciousness. Man’s deepest difficulty lies in his lack of consciousness of his own divine being. He
needs the key to help him evolve through the seven stages of consciousness to being. In order to do
this, the breathing exercises of Yoga are used to invoke “Prama” (the vibrating nature of being).
Reincarnation is another way to return to being through many lifetimes and then T. M., which is the
“unique” way. T.M. uses the mantra (or sacred Sanskrit sound) to transcend the levels of
consciousness and attain oneness with being or the state of god-consciousness.

As we know, T.M.’s view of God is much distorted. Satan has led them so far from the truth, that
they are worshiping false Hindu gods and teaching unsuspecting souls to do the same without even
realizing it. Although it is introduced as non-religious, a deeper look shows it as very “religious”.
Those who are searching for inner-peace should be warned against this false peace as Jesus said,
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to unto you; not as the world giveth; I give unto you.” Jesus
is the true Author of peace and we need only to come unto Him, for He is the Prince of Peace!

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Lesson 4
Hare Krishna

Hare Krishna is a movement that started in the mid-60’s in New York. It is led by an immigrant from
India named A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. The name of the movement is ‘ISKCON’ or
the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Prabhupada was born in 1896 in Calcutta, India
and he studied Philosophy, English and Economics at the University of Calcutta, but never graduated
from that institution. He earned a living as a pharmaceutical manager until 1959 when he left his
wife and five children to devote himself to a full time study under Siddhartha Goswami. Goswami
had also given up a career, a professorship in Mathmatics and Astronomy in 1902, to spread the
teachings of Chaitanya, (a 16th Century Indian sage). Chaitanya declared that Krishna was supreme
over the galaxy of Hindu gods.

Prabhupada was commissioned by Goswami to bring the message of Krishna to the Western World,
and in 1965, he went to New York where he was accepted and welcomed by the “hippie” culture and
young people involved in drugs. The movement expects total devotion to Krishna, and tries to
regulate every aspect of the devotee’s life. The men are to shave their heads because hair is only a
sexual attraction. They also believe that a shiny scalp is a symbol of submission to Krishna. They
leave a pigtail on the back of their head, believing that someday Krishna will use it to “pull them into
heaven.” The men wear a “kirtan” (shirt) and a “dhoti” (loose trousers) and the women wear a “sari”
(a wide cloth) which is wrapped around the body. These garments are meant to de-emphasize the
body (one of the evil aspects of the physical world). Each follower carries a string of 108 beads
which represent the 108 cowherdess lovers of Krishna. Each bead must be chanted upon with a 16
word “maha mantra” or “great mantra”. The maha mantra is translated as follows: “…Hare Krishan,
Krishna, Krishna, Hare, Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama, Rama, Hare, Hare …”

Krishna followers are vegetarians and eat a white substance called “prasadam” which is made with
milk, yogurt and diced fruit. Prasadam is supposedly blessed by Krishna, and is offered to the
public. Krishna’s energy is supposed to flood the body when this food is digested.

ISKCON owns an incense business called “Spiritual Sky” which manufactures many aromas. The
devotees believe that Krishna is actually physically present in these fragrances. Krishna followers
use bells, drums and finger symbols to make “transcendental sound vibrations”. There are also temple
idols of Krishna and his lover, which they use to remind themselves of their god.

Krishna followers have many chores to do each day. Their day begins at 3 A.M., and ends at 10 P.M.
During this time, they are to clean the temple, work in the incense factory, chant in the streets, or beg.
They must follow closely to the “Four Rules”, which include; restraint from gambling, intoxicating
drinks, illicit sex, and the eating of meat.

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If anyone does eat meat, according to the law of karma, they will be born in a future life either as
animals or as humans doomed to violent death in war. To them, illicit sex includes any sexual
contact between husband and wife except for the purpose of procreation.

According to the book “Hare Krishna and the Counter Culture”, by J. Stillson Judah, those who join
ISKCON are people who have “rejected the goal of material success through competitive labor,
education that promotes that end, sense gratification, parental or civil authority that favors the status
quo, war and hypocrisy, especially in matters of racial discrimination.” According to statistics, 30%
of the followers spent at least a year in college, over 91% smoked marijuana before joining, 75% had
unfavorable attitudes toward authority, and 70% were former church-goers. Some of the followers
say that “the sound of mantra, the friendliness of the devotees, the philosophy of the movement, the
food served, and the power of Prabhupada, and the communal living drew them to the movement.

Hare Krishnas follow the Vaishnavistic traditions of Hindu doctrine as opposed to the Vedantic
traditions. The vedantic movement teaches the impersonal nature of Brahman while the
Vaishnavistic movement emphasizes the personal god Vishnu or Krishna Bhakti. Yoga is also a part
of this movement. The type of yoga stresses devotion to a personal deity in order to release one from
the “wheel of Samsara” (or the endless round of rebirths). ISKCON’s basic doctrines include:
 Krishna is the highest of the Deities.
 The body is illusory; the soul is individual and part of the divine soul.
 By chanting the “divine name”, one is delivered from suffering and experiences ecstasy;
transcendental love without physical contact.
 Devotees should surrender completely to their gurus.

The followers are taught that the material universe came about because Krishna grew and grew until
he became the over-inflated deity “maha-vishnu” or “great Vishnu”. A result of this irresponsible
expansion was the creation of the universe and all living things. They are told that there are three
illusory diversions that sidetrack mankind; goodness, passion and ignorance. The way in which we
respond to these three illusions determines where we will spend our next life. If we are ruled by
ignorance, hell will be our next destination. If passion rules us, we will have more rebirths on earth,
if goodness (total repudiation of the material world and devotion to Krishna), then will live our future
life on other planets and in higher spirit realms. Krishna offers no assistance to his followers in this
struggle for purity. Only the spiritual masters who trace their ancestry back to Chaitanya (for
instance) are considered legitimate go-betweens to Krishna.

According to the leader of the San Diego chapter of ISKCON, Jesus is a pure devotee of Krishna, and
was empowered by Krishna to teach and descend to earth. They say that He is not God, and that He
was sent from a planetary system that had pure devotees who had compassion for earthlings. One
who desires to be a follower of Jesus will read the Bhagavad-Gita and follow Krishna. They say that
to believe is to follow his teachings. Since Krishna and Jesus both taught God’s teachings, “to follow
Krishna is to follow Jesus.”

We know this is false, and to follow Krishna is idolatry. Unlike this false god, our God is very
personal and loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die for our sins. We are saved by His
grace and not by our works. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

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The universe is not an accident and all of God’s creation is real, and as our Creator put it, “It is
good.” Reincarnation is also a deception of Satan, for if he can get people to believe that they can
come back in different forms, he can lure them to believe that they have another chance (besides this
present life). Hebrews 9:27 says, “It is appointed for men once to die, but after this the judgment.”

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Lesson 5
Sun Moon and the Unification Church

Mr. Sun Myung Moon, a former Presbyterian from Korea, heads this movement called “The Holy
Spirit Association for the “Unification of World Christianity, Inc.”, or the Unification Church. His
followers can be seen in almost any city in the Western World selling ginseng team candy, flowers
and candles. These followers (mostly young people) bring in over $15 million a year for the church.
Not only do Moon’s followers help him financially, but once a week, they rise early in the morning to
kneel before a picture of their leader to pledge allegiance to him and to the Unification Church. Part
of their pledge is as follows: “As the center of the cosmos, I will fulfill our father’s will (purpose or
creation), and the responsibility given me for self-perfection. I will become a dutiful son (or
daughter) and a child of goodness to attend to father forever in the ideal world of creation (by)
returning joy and glory to him. This I pledge.”

Sun Moon, to his followers, is known as “father” or “messiah”. He thinks that he is God’s only valid
representative on earth today. His church stemmed from a vision that supposedly at age 16, when he
claimed to see Jesus Christ. He claims that Jesus told him that his services were needed to fulfill
“God’s providence”. Later, he supposedly spoke to Jesus, Moses and Buddha. This launched Moon
onto a search for the spiritual and physical meaning of the universe. Although the Unification
Church reports that during the ‘40’s, Moon was imprisoned for struggles against Communism; others
say it was for “irresponsible sexuality”. He seems to be undaunted by his history though. After
being successful in Korea, he came to the West in 1972 and watched his cult become the largest in
the U.S. He has $15 million in industrial holdings in South Korea, and the lists assets and holdings of
its own. One of these holdings is the 47 acre Belvedere, New York property, which holds the
movement’s official seminary worth $8 million.

The Unification Church believes:

 The one Creator is the only God and Father.
 The only Son, Jesus, is mankind’s Savior.
 The Second Advent of Jesus is in Korea.
 Mankind shall become one united family, centered on the event of the Second Advent.
 Ultimate salvation rests upon the elimination of hell and evil, while establishing good and the
Kingdom of Heaven.

The secret doctrine:

 Founder Moon is “the Lord of the Second Advent” … he fulfills the prophecies regarding the
second coming of Christ.
 Founder Moon is sinless.
 Moon’s “shed blood” (drawn during his supposed persecution) provides for the forgiveness of

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 Since Moon is pure, a believer can be purified in both body and soul through a ceremony
known as blood cleansing. This is reportedly achieved through a female member’s sexual
intercourse with Moon and is extended to male members as they have relations with the
purified female.
 Members who have experienced blood cleansing can provide a sinless generation.

Moonies believe that two falls occurred in Eden; a physical fall and a spiritual fall. First, they were
placed in the garden for: “formation, growth and perfection.” Man was not already perfect. Eve
visited the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, where she fell into sin by having sexual
intercourse with the serpent. This was man’s spiritual fall. Adam’s sexual relations with his wife
cause man’s physical fall. As Moon puts it, “by responding to the temptation of Eve, Adam left his
position as God’s son and united with Eve prematurely, before he had reached individual perfection.”
Because of these two falls of man, they believe that “serpent blood” flows through human veins
today, since man fell from God both physically and spiritually. Moon teaches that both a physical
and spiritual redemption are necessary.

Jesus Christ attempted to redeem mankind both physically and spiritually, but according to Moon, He
failed in part because the task was too much for Him. Moon says that Christ was not God but
attained divinity as Moon had. According to “the Divine Principle” (the Unification Church’s Bible
or statement of doctrine), “Jesus failed in His Christly mission. His death on the cross was not an
essential part of God’s plan for redeeming sinful man.” Christ did, however, achieve spiritual
salvation at Calvary, but not physical salvation. If Christ had lived long enough, He could have
accomplished physical salvation through marriage to Holy Spirit in the form of a perfect woman.
Their offspring would be perfect man. Because of Christ’s “untimely” death, this plan was cut-short.
Sun Moon says that he has inherited Christ’s unfinished mission to redeem mankind physically. Mr.
Moon, therefore, claims to be the “third Adam” or the “Second Advent Christ”. He also claims that
the marriage feast of the Lamb, as recorded in Revelation 19, tool place when he (Moon) married his
second wife in 1960, and they are the “true parents of mankind”.

According to the Divine Principle, “Jesus was not the unique, only begotten Son of God, Who was
pre-existent with the Father before all created things.” Moonies say that Jesus was born after the
Holy Spirit coerced with Joseph and Mary. Moonies also believe that the Holy Spirit is a female.

As we can clearly see, Sun Moon is one of the false teachers that come in the name of Jesus, saying,
“I am Christ.” and deceive many. This, according to Matthew 24:3-13 is a sign of the end of the
world and the coming of Jesus. We are to recognize Moon as a FALSE Christ, and warn others. His
teachings should also be exposed as lies. The Bible says in Galatians 1:8, “But though we, or an
angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that, which we have preached unto you, let
him be accursed.”

Sun Moon is NOT sinless, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23),
but Jesus never sinned (Hebrews 4:14), and is Himself, God (John 1:1-3; Colossians 2:9; John 8:48;
10:30; 14:9). I John 5:20 states… “And we know that the Son of God is come and hath given us an
understanding, that we may know Him that is True, and we are in Him that is True, even His Son
Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.”

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Jesus DID finish His earthly mission as John 17:4 says, “I have finished the work which though hath
given me to do.” He was born of the Virgin Mary (Matthew 1:20-23), and the Holy Spirit is not a
female, but a male (Acts 5:3-4 and John 14:26). Therefore, the Jesus that Sun Moon speaks of is
“another Jesus” and we as Christians need to present the “True Jesus” and pray that Sun Moon will
be revealed for what he is… an anti-Christ and a liar!

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Lesson 6
Zen Buddhism

Zen Buddhism was introduced first in Japan from China in the 7th Century A.D., and today it has a
following of 153 million people. Zen was founded by Eisai and Dogen in Japan. Eisai founded the
Rinzai sect in 1191 A.D. and Dogen founded the Soto sect in 1227 A.D. The Rinzai sect emphasized
the protection of the Japanese nation and Dogen emphasized the power of the Emperor.

Gautama Buddha or Siddhartha Gautama (his real name), was born around 560 B.C. in a place about
100 miles from Benares in Northern India. His father was a Brahman, a member of the highest
ranking caste (class or order) in the Hindu world, and held a position similar to that as a Feudal lord.
He supervised his son’s life and exposed him only to the pleasant side of life. Gautama longed to see
the other side of life during his forbidden travels, he saw four sights which touched him deeply; an
old man, a sick man, a corpse and a Hindu holy man. The sight of the human suffering haunted him
and eventually, he left the palace, his wife and son to find the cause of this man’s suffering. He
started his journey by speaking with gurus of that day. They failed to give him answers, so he went
on. Guatama existed on seeds, herbs and even dung. At age 35, he saw the futility of his efforts and
took up residence in a village. This was almost six years after he began his search. One day, still
determined to go on in his search, he sat under a fig tree (or the Bo tree) to meditate on his dilemma.
Seven weeks later, he arose from his cross-legged “lotus” posture, an “enlightened man”. He was
now the “Buddha” or “Enlightened One”. Under this tree of wisdom, he had supposedly found the
“true path” and attained “Nirvana”, the most desirable of all states.

According to Buddhists, the universe is made up of eternal energy (uncreated) and human existence
is also eternal and uncreated. “Man is not a being; he is nothing more than a bundle of sensations,
thoughts, feelings and energy. He is constantly in a state of flux (the act of flowing).” The Human
personality or soul is made up of five transient conditions:

 The physical body

 Ones feelings
 Ideas or understandings
 Will
 Pure Consciousness

This personality is locked into the “existence wheel” which is governed by the Karmic Law of Cause
and Effect. This process is made up of many births and rebirths in which he will pay for mistakes of
former lives by suffering in his next life. Man’s goal is to free himself from the “infernal” existence

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While under the tree of wisdom, Buddha found his “Four Noble Truths”, which include:

 The truth of suffering

 The truth of the cause of suffering
 The truth of the cessation of suffering
 The truth of the way to remove suffering

According to Buddhists, existence is pain; and suffering and is a fact of existence. The cause of
suffering is craving, which is due to ignorance. If craving can be overcome, a man will attain
enlightenment or Nirvana which is a blissful state of mind where all desire and illusion of self have
been extinguished. In order to stifle desire, one must follow the 8-fold path to Nirvana which

 Right viewpoint
 Right intentions
 Right speech
 Right behavior
 Right occupation
 Right effort
 Right mindfulness
 Right meditation

Therefore, Buddha taught a system of salvation by doing right. To the Buddhist, sin is not man’s
dilemma, but ignorance. Heaven and hell are conditions of the here and now rather than of the after-
life. We “Feel the state of hell through hunger, animalistic tendencies (sensual desire) or anger.”
Heaven is experienced through noble thoughts or actions. Both states exist within a man, not
without. Zen Buddhists believe in an “eternal now”. They meditate on famous riddles like, “What is
the sound of one hand clapping?” or “What was the appearance of your face before your ancestors
were born?” These riddles or Koans are designed to neutralize the mind on preparation for the
onslaught of satori or “the mystic state in which you appreciate your own original inseparability with
the universe.”

As Walter Martin says in his chapter on Zen Buddhism, Zen is “a philosophy that negates a personal
god. It denies the reality of sin due to the absence of an absolute standard of revealed law and
holiness and it rejects the necessity of personal redemption from the penalty of sin revealed in the
person of Jesus Christ, who is “The Way”.” He says, in dealing with the Zennist, it is wise to
concentrate upon the fact of human depravity, and the truth of their famous eternal now that, “the
heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.” (Jeremiah 17:9)

Zen Buddhism, as we can see, is another cult which does away with mans sin problem and tries to
turn man inward to find his answer for (in this case), his sufferings. Jesus said, “These things I have
spoken unto you, that in Me you might have peace. In the world, ye shall have tribulation; but be of
good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) We will experience peace in the midst of the
suffering through Jesus rather than an Eternal Personal God. Their only hope is the experience of
“now” and maybe the reincarnation to a life of less suffering, but as we know, “it is appointed unto
men once to die, but after this, the judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27)

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We will reap what we sow, but not in any next life. Notice in Galatians 6:7, Paul said, “Be not
deceived; God is not mocked: For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
It is not speaking only of us, but of God. In the next verse, it says that the sowing is in the flesh or in
the spirit and the reaping is either corruption or everlasting life.

This will not come in other lives on this earth, but rather we reap now and later in heaven or hell. I
believe that we, as Christians, have so much more to offer the Buddhist. The absolute truth of the
Bible, the Personal God who will help us through His grace to know His Son Jesus, Who IS Life
Eternal (I John 5:20), and the Truth. He has offered us the Hope to live with Him forever, and this
life begins now, by receiving Him as our Lord. Hallelujah!

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Lesson 7
The Bahai Faith

The Bahai faith started in Persia in the 19th Century by a young religious business man named Mirza
Ali Muhammed, who believed himself to be a divine manifestation projected into the world of time
and space as a “Bab” or gate, leading into a new era for mankind. He was supported by the
Shaykahis sect in Persia for six years and in 1850, at the age of 31, was murdered by Mohammedan
fanatics because they considered him to be a heretic or a thorn in the flesh for Islamic Orthodoxy.
The Bahai history records that Bab was executed July 8, 1850 at Tabriz, in the view of thousands.
They say that 750 Armenian soldiers fired at the Bab and after all the smoke had cleared, only the
ropes around him got hit and burned, but he was not harmed. He then disappeared from their sight
and was found in his cell lecturing his disciples. After he was finished speaking to them, he told the
guards, “I have finished my conversation. Now, you may fulfill your intentions.” He was then led
back to the same firing squad and killed. The onlookers cried out, “Miracle! Miracle!”, but they
could not stop the soldiers. After the Bab was shot, they record that a fierce black whirlwind swept
the city.

The Bab’s death did not stop this new movement, for according to his followers, he had prophesied
of, the oneness of all mankind and that a Promised One would come to unify the followers and would
himself, be a manifestation of God.

In 1863, Mirza Itusayn Ali, or Baha’u’llah declared himself as the one who the Bab had prophesied
of, “chosen of God”, and the Promised One of all the prophets. Baha’u’llah’s brother, Mirza Yahya,
did not receive his message and joined with the Ski’his, who were enemies of the movement. The
Bahai went through much persecution, especially from 1850-1860, when more than 9000 were killed.
They also lost their leader, Bah’u’llah, when he dies in 1892 at age 75, in spite of his claims to

The movement continued on though, as Baha’u’llah’s son, Abdul Baha brought the teaching to the
U.S. in 1912. Today, according to the Bahai, they have spread to 50 countries and world-
membership is in the millions. These figures are not confirmed though, and their rate of growth is
not sure. Their world headquarters are in Haifa, Israel, where the religions books and tablets are
circulated from. They have a temple in Wilmette, Illinois, which is made with 9 concrete piers, 9
pillars, (which represent the 9 world religions) and 9 arches. The building is in the center of a park
having 9 sides, 9 avenues and 9 gateways and it contains 9 fountains.

The Bahai faith has no ministers. They only have teachers who hold group discussions in homes or
Bahai centers. They also have schools in Colorado; Geyersville, California; Eliot, Maine; and
Davidson, Michigan.

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The Bahai believe (as the Bab stated), that “the religious leader of the world had forgotten their
common origin… Moses, Jesus and Mohammed were equal prophets mirroring God’s glory;
messengers bearing the imprint of the Great Creator…”
Since this statement, the Bahai have added Zoroaster, Buddha, Confucius, Krishna, Lao and
Baha’u’llah, the last great manifestation of the Divine Being, whose name means “The Glory of
The Bahai give men the right to disagree or agree on what they term peripheral issues, but they unify
on the great central truths of the world religions. Abdul Baha, who brought the religion to the U.S.,
passed his work down to Shoghi Effendi (the guardian of the faith) before he died in 1921 at age 77.
According to some interviews that Walter Martin (author of “The Kingdom of the Cults”) had with
some recognized Bahai teachers, the religion believes the following doctrines:

 The Bahai do not believe in the Holy Trinity. They agree with Judaism and Islam that God is
One Person.
 They do not believe that Jesus is the only manifestation of God. They say that Jesus was only
God’s revelation for His dispensation, but is no longer the point of guidance to the world. As
Abdul Baha put it, “Bahai must be severed from all and everything that is past – things both
good and bad.” They say that the Biblical statement that Jesus is the same “yesterday, today
and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8), is superceded by Baha’u’llah.
 They do not believe that it is important for people to recognize the bodily resurrection of
Jesus. One of the teachers actually said that he didn’t personally believe in it.
 The substitutionary atonement of Jesus is no longer necessary for today’s age.
 They believe we can arrive at salvation by the practice of principles laid down by Baha’u’llah,
and making every effort through prayer and personal sacrifice to live in accord with the
character of the divine being revealed in him.
 They do not believe in a place of eternal flames for sinners, but they do believe in the paradise
of God.
 They do not believe that any person can say that they are holy or perfect enough to merit the
paradise of God, and anyone who does claim this is presumptuous.

In conclusion, the Bahai faith is clearly seen as another form of idolatry and a religion where
salvation may be obtained through our good works. Baha’u’llah is their god today and his writings
are the final authority in matters of religion to them. Within their 9 world religions are many
contradictions which are overlooked and avoided. These contradictions can only bring confusion and
not unity. Though Jesus was one of their 9 prophets, they stray far from the truth, for not only do
they refuse to accept that He is the only mediator to God, but they do not believe in the Trinity, the
Deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, Vicarious Atonement, Bodily Resurrection and the Second

I believe that as Christians, we can show the followers of the Bahai faith the secure, narrow path that
is so absolute that we can say without a doubt that we know we are forgiven and made right with God
by what Jesus did, and how we know that we have a place reserved in heaven, for we are kept by the
power of God and His Word.

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See I Peter 1:3-5 which says,

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His
abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of
Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that
does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God
through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.”

Also, I Peter 1:13 which says,

“Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the
grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

And Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus says,

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to
destruction, and there are many who go in by it.”
“Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are
few who find it.”

In Matthew 10:28, Jesus warns us against the one who can destroy both body and soul
in hell… “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather
fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

This is an excellent argument from the mouth of Christ Himself (one of their 9
prophets), discounting the idea that there is no place of “eternal flames” for those who
do not accept Jesus’ work on the cross and also as the One Mediator between God and

“But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in
heaven.” Matthew 10:33
And according to the Bahai doctrine, they do deny that the REAL Way, Truth and Life
is through Jesus Christ alone…

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Lesson 8
Jehovah Witnesses

“Jehovah Witnesses” is the name of a modern day cult which was originally founded by a man named
Charles T. Russell. Russell was born on February 16, 1852, and spent most of his life in Pittsburgh
and Allegheny, Pennsylvania. He was raised as a Congregationalist and rejected the doctrine of
eternal torment. In 1870, at the age of 18, he organized a Bible class in Pittsburgh and in 1876; he
was elected Pastor of that group. From 1876 to 1878, he was assistant editor of a small monthly
magazine in Rochester, N.Y. He resigned this position after a controversy arose over his arguments
against the Atonement of Christ. Shortly after Russell’s resignation, he founded “the Zion’s Watch
Tower” in 1879 and in 1884; he incorporated “Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society” at Pittsburgh, PA.
In 1886, he published the first of his series of seven books (of which he wrote six), entitles “Studies
in Scriptures”. The sixth volume was published in 1917 after his death.

In 1908, while Russell was still alive, the headquarters of the movement were moved to Brooklyn,
N.Y. After the work had been started there, Russell advertised wheat seed for $1.00 a pound, saying
it was “miracle wheat” and would grow five times as fast as any other brand of wheat. The Brooklyn
Daily Eagle published an article and cartoon picturing the pastor and his miracle wheat in such a way
that Russell brought suit for libel against The Eagle, asking $100,000 damages. Government
agencies investigated and found the wheat low in their tests. The Eagle won the suit and proved in
addition that Russell’s religious cult was “nothing more than a money making scheme”. During the
time of the trial, Russell printed sermons in Newspapers around the world, as advertisements. These
sermons, which were said to have been spoken in specific places at specific times, were never
actually delivered. Some of these imaginary sermons were recorded to have been spoken in
Honolulu, Hawaii; and Yokahama and Tokyo, Japan.

Charles T. Russell, the leader of this growing movement was using deceitful schemes to make money
and gain favor with people. Some onlookers recognized Russell’s tactics and false teachings. One
man, who was bold enough to speak up, was the Rev. J.J. Ross, pastor of the James Street Baptist
Church of Hamilton, Ontario. Ross wrote a pamphlet entitled “Some Facts about the Self-Titled
‘Pastor’, Charles T. Russell.” The pamphlet denounced Russell’s theology, his personal life and
qualifications as a minister. Russell sued Ross for ‘defamatory libel’. Mr. Ross said that Russell’s
system was “anti-Christian, anti-racial, anti-scientific, and anti-Biblical and a deplorable perversion
of the Gospel of God’s Dear Son.” He charged that Russell “never attended the higher schools of
learning… and is totally ignorant of the dead languages.”

In March of 1913, Russell went before the High Court of Ontario and the case was “thrown out of the
court by the evidence furnished by Pastor Russell himself.” Russell’s only evidence was his own
statements which were testified under oath. He denied each part of Ross’s pamphlet except for the
“wheat scandal”.

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This meant that he had to prove that he had high scholastic ascendancy, recognized theological
training, working knowledge of Greek, Hebrew and valid ordination by a recognized body. During
the questioning, Russell contradicted himself over and over. One example was when he claimed to
know the Greek alphabet, but when asked to quote it, he eventually said, “no”. He also admitted that
he knew nothing of Hebrew and Latin, he had never taken a course in Philosophy, or systematic
Theology, and he was never ordained by a recognized body. His own testimony established him
beyond a doubt as a pre-meditated perjurer, thus, exposing the real Charles T. Russell.

For a man who didn’t know the original languages of the Bible, and who was proven to only have
seven years of schooling at a public school (leaving at age fourteen), he made some outrageous
claims about his six volumes of books, “Scripture Studies.” He said that if one was to lay his books
aside after ten years of studying them, and then go to the Bible alone, within two years he will go into
spiritual darkness. On the other hand, if he had merely read the Scripture Studies with their
references and had not read a page of the Bible as such, he would be in the light at the end of two
years, because he would have the light of the scriptures. Today, this same theological interpretation is
taught through the “Watch Tower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom.”

In 1917, after Russell’s death, the seventh volume of “Scripture Studies” was published. This
volume, ‘The Finished Mystery’, caused a split in the organization. The larger group followed J.F.
Rutherford, and the smaller group became what is called today, “The Dawn Bible Students
Association.” Mat. Rutherford, like Russell, vigorously opposed “organized religion”. He rose in
power and popularity among the Russellites, and to oppose him was the same as opposing Jehovah
Himself. He said in his pamphlet, “Why serve Jehovah?” he declared in effect that he was the
mouthpiece of Jehovah for his age. Judge Rutherford came against many “organized religions”, (or
as he called them ‘rackets’). He lashed out especially against the Roman Catholic Church and the
Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.

Rutherford spent time in the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary for violation of the “Espionage Act” in
1918 and returned to the Witnesses as a ‘martyr-hero’ (to them). He also went to court in the last part
of his life, when the head of the Witnesses’ legal staff, Mr. Olin Moyle, sued Rutherford and several
members of the Watch Tower’s Board of Directors in 1939 for libel. Moyle won the case and
received $25,000.00, two years after the death of Rutherford.

Rutherford wrote over 100 books and pamphlets in his lifetime and his works were translated in 80
languages. He and Russell are actually the two key figures in the Jehovah’s Witnesses and without
them; the movement would never have come into existence. After Rutherford’s death, Nathan H.
Knorr was elected president over the organization and is following hard after the footsteps of the two
previous leaders. Today, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, in an effort to cover up Russell’s influence and
memory, deny that they follow his teachings, when as Walter Martin points out in his book, they do.
Martin stated that Rutherford quoted Russell 16 times in his booklet, “World Distress – Why…and
the Remedy”, and referred to Russell’s prophetic chronology in his book, “Comfort for the People”
and also advertised Russell’s writings in four of the last pages of his book, “Creation”. In it, he said,
“the “Studies in the Scriptures” clarify the great fundamental truths of the Divine Plan.”

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Whether they admit it or not, Jehovah’s Witnesses are following the teachings of Russell as well as
Rutherford. They are being led about by the theology of men who have exalted their writings above
the Bible. They are following a proven perjurer and a scholastic fraud, and men who were not afraid
to lie in order to hide their mistakes. They are also men who speak evil of the true way. As II Peter
2:2 says, “… and many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall
be evil spoken of” and vs. 3 says, “And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make
merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation
slumbereth not.”

I believe that every Jehovah’s Witness should know the truth of the history as well as the deceptive
teachings that they are following. As we can tell from scripture, it is a serious thing to be following a
false prophet or teacher, and we need to warn them about what is at the end of the path that they have
chosen. In our next lesson, we will look at the teachings of the Jehovah Witnesses in comparison to
the truth of God’s Word.

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Lesson 9
Jehovah Witnesses – Part 2
Jehovah Witnesses, as most of us know, have denied or twisted most of the basic doctrines of
Christianity. Below are some of those teachings and quotes from their own literature.

The Holy Trinity

 J.W.’s say… “Such doctrine is not of God.” (Let God Be True, p. 100)
 “The obvious conclusion is… that Satan is the originator of the Trinity doctrine” (Ibid p.101)
 “The Trinity doctrine is not conceived by Jesus or the early Christians.” (Ibid p. 111)
 Their reasoning for believing this way is because they said, “We see His Son on earth
expressing delight to do His Father’s will; clearly two separate and distinct personalities, and
not at all equal…”
 “The Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is God’s active force… there is no basis for concluding that
the Holy Spirit is a Person… Yes, the Trinity finds its origin in the pagan concept of
multiplicity, plurality, or pantheon of gods. The law Jehovah gave to the Jews stated
diametrically the opposite. ‘Jehovah our God is One Jehovah’ (Deuteronomy 6:4)

The Deity of Christ:

 J.W.’s say…, “Who ran the universe during the three days that Jesus was dead and in the
grave… If Jesus was God, then during Jesus’ death, God was dead and in the grave… If Jesus
was the immortal God, He could not have died.” (Let God be True p. 109)
 “My Father is greater than I…” means ‘greater’ not only as to office, but also as to person.
(Ibid p. 110)
 “Jesus was the Son of God, not God Himself!” (The Word Who is He? p. 20)
 “The very fact that He was sent proves that He was not equal with God, but less than God the
Father.” (Ibid p.41)
 “Certainly the apostle John was not so unreasonable as to say that someone (“the Word”) was
with some other individual, (“God”) and at the same time was that other individual (“God”).
(Ibid p. 53)

The Holy Spirit:

 J.W.’s say…, “The Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is God’s active force… there is no basis for
concluding that the Holy Spirit is a Person…” (Watch Tower Article, Jan.1, 1953)
 “… God’s Holy Spirit is not a god, not a member of a Trinity, not co-equal, and is not even a
person… It is God’s active force, not Jehovah’s power residing within Himself…It is not a
blind, uncontrolled force, such as the forces of nature; lightning, hurricanes and the like, but is
at all times under His control… and therefore may be likened to a radar beam.” (Ibid pp. 432-

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The Virgin Birth:

 J.W.’s say, “Mary was a virgin… when Joseph learned that Mary was going to have a chills,
he did not want to take her as wife”. But, God’s angel said… “That which has been begotten
in her is by the Holy Spirit… he took Mary his wife home, but he had no relations with her
until she gave birth to a son.” (Matthew 1:20-35, from Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained pp.
 “…Jesus’ birth on earth was not an incarnation… He emptied Himself of all things heavenly
and spiritual, and God’s almighty Spirit transferred His Son’s life down to the womb of the
Jewish Virgin of David’s descent. By this miracle, He was born a man… He was not spirit-
human hybrid, and a man at the same time a spirit-person…He was flesh.” (What Has
Religion Done for Mankind? P.231)

The Atonement:
 J.W.’s say, “The atonement is a ransom paid to Jehovah God by Christ Jesus and is applicable
to all who accept it in righteousness. In brief, the death of Jesus removed the effects of
Adam’s sin on his offspring and said the foundation of the New World of righteousness
including the millennium of Christ’s reign.” (Jehovah of The Watch Tower p.30)
 Jehovah Witnesses say that the atonement is not wholly of God, despite II Corinthians 5:29,
but rather, half of God, and half of man. Jesus only removed the effects of Adam’s sins by
His sacrifice on Calvary. The work will not be fully completed, until the survivors of
Armageddon return to God through free will, and become subject to the theocratic rule of

Salvation by Grace:
 J.W.’s say, “Those who follow Jesus Christ faithfully to the death will inherit the heavenly
kingdom with Him. Men of good will who accept Jehovah and His Theocratic Rule will
enjoy the “New Earth”, all others who reject Jehovah will be annihilated.” (Jehovah of The
Watch Tower p.30)
 “We have learned that a person could fall away and be judged unfavorably either now or at
Armageddon or during the thousand years of Christ’s reign at the end of the final test…into
everlasting destruction.” (From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained p.241)

The Resurrection of Christ:

 J.W.’s say, “This firstborn from the dead was raised from the grave, not a human creation, but
a spirit.” (Let God be True p. 276)
 “…Jesus did not take His human body to Heaven to be forever man in Heaven. Had He done
so, that would have made Him even lower than the angels…God did not purpose for Jesus to
be humiliated by being a fleshly man forever. No, but after He had sacrificed His perfect
manhood, God raised Him to deathless life as glorious spirit creature.” (Ibid p.41)

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 “To sacrifice something means to give it up…hence Jesus… could not have that body back
again… Almighty God raised His Son Jesus Christ from the dead an immortal spirit person…
so to make Himself visible and appear to His disciples for the forty days after His resurrection
that they might be His witnesses, Jesus, no longer a human creature.” (What Has Religion
Done for Mankind? Pp. 259,260)

 “…only because Thomas would not believe, did Jesus appear in a body like that in which He
had died…” (From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained p. 144)

 J.W.’s say, that “after dying on the cross, Jesus’ body ‘dissolved into gases’ or is preserved
somewhere as a memorial to God’s love.” They use Peter 3:18 as a defense for their belief
that Jesus was raised a spirit body. Peter said that Christ was “put to death in the flesh, made
alive in the spirit.” He did not say that Christ was made a spirit, but that is how they seem to
understand it.

The Return of Christ:

 J.W.’s say, “Christ Jesus came, not as human, but as a glorious spirit creature.” (Let God be
True p.185)
 “Some wrongfully expect a literal fulfillment of the symbolic statements of the Bible. These
hope to see the glorified Jesus coming seated on a white cloud where every human eye will
see Him…since no earthly men have ever seen the Father…neither will they see the glorified
 They say that Christ returned in 1914, and cleansed it by 1918 for judgment upon sinful men
and Satan’s organizations. They believe that since He did not rise physically, neither did He
return physically. (Pp. 87-88 “Kingdom of the Cults”)

J.W.’s and Human Government:

 J.W.’s say, “Jehovah Witnesses do not salute the flag of any nation.” (Ibid p.234)
 Any national flag is a symbol to image of the sovereign power of that nation.” (Ibid p.235)
 “All such likenesses (symbols of national power, eagle, sun, lion, etc.) are forbidden by
Exodus 20:2-6 (The commandment of Idolatry) (Ibid p.235).

The Existence of Hell and Eternal Punishment:

 J.W.’s say, “It is so plain that the Bible hell is the tomb, or the grave that even an honest little
child can understand it, but not religious theologians.” (Ibid pp. 72,73)
 “Imperfect man does not torture even a mad dog, but kills it; and yet clergymen attribute God,
Who is Love, (I John 4:16) the wicked crime of torturing human creatures merely because
they had the misfortune to be born sinners.” (Ibid p.79)
 “The doctrine of a burning hell where the wicked are tortured eternally after death cannot be
true, mainly for four reasons; (1) because it is wholly unscriptural; (2) because it is
unreasonable; (3) because it is contrary to God’s Love; and (4) because it is repugnant to
justice.” (Ibid p.80)

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The Kingdom of Heaven:

 J.W.’s say, “Who and how many are able to enter the Kingdom? Revelation limits the
number to 144,000 who become part of the kingdom and stand on Mount Zion.
(Revelation 14:1,3; 7:4-8)” (Let God be True p.121)
 “If it is to be a heavenly kingdom, who will be the subjects of its rule? In the invisible
realm of angelic hosts, myriads of them will serve as faithful messengers of the King. On
earth, the faithful men of ancient times, being resurrected, will be princes in all the earth.”
Psalm 45:16, Isaiah 32:1. In addition, the “great multitude of Armageddon survivors” will
continue to ‘serve Him day and night’ (Revelation 7:9-17). In faithfulness, these will
multiply and fill the earth and their children will become obedient subjects of the Higher
Powers.” (Ibid pp. 123,124)

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Lesson 10
Moses, David and the “Children of God”
The “Children of God” is the name that was chosen for a movement that started in 1968 in
Huntington Beach, California by a man who calls himself Moses David. This movement, made up of
mainly young people, claims to be a revolution against “The System” and is violently against ‘church
people’ saying they are self-righteous hypocrites who preach some truth but they do not live it. They
claim that they are not physically, but spiritually violent against these things and have chosen to
totally ‘drop out’ of the system. They claim to have “declared war of the spirit on these systems:
Godless schools, Christ-less Churches, and heartless mammon.” They “hope to stop the pollution
and destruction of the earth by the world’s worst rebels of all time, the generation that produced us –
our parents – who taught us rebellion against God and His law.”

The movement believes that in order to be a disciple of Christ, we must ‘forsake all.’ This includes
quitting our jobs and moving into communes that are set up by “The Children of God”. In these
communes, they are under strict “revolutionary rules”, which include “absolute obedience to them
that have rule over you, attending all classes, meetings and witnessing teams that you are assigned
to.” They are not allowed to go anywhere without permission from the “officer in charge.” They
must gladly contribute all their worldly possessions to their local colony for sharing with others.

Moses David has written a book called, “The Basic Mo Letters”. This book, which is over 1500
pages in length, is supposed to be God’s message for today. One quote from the book (about itself)
said, “It is a damnable doctrine of church devils to confine all the truth and revelations of God strictly
to the Bible.” He also said, “You had better read what God said today in preference to what He said
2000-4000 years ago.” In the introduction of the book, they said, “the man that God has given for us
today is Moses David and the message he has given him in his writings, which we call the “Mo
Letters” have given us the faith and inspiration to completely forsake our old, dead, meaningless lives
of conformity to a heartless system built on selfishness and slavery, and to launch out into an entirely
new way of life.”

In order to understand the movement, it is good to know some of the history of its founder.
According to a chapter in his book, Moses David’s mother had suffered a broken back at age twenty-
seven. Five years later, after much prayer, God healed her miraculously. She and her husband started
a ministry in which “tens of thousands were saved, healed and helped and hundreds of those went
into full time ministries.” Moses David was brought forth by this couple on February 18, 1919, in
Oakland, California and during his early years, he traveled with his parents in pastoral and
evangelistic work. He was drafted into the Army after the Pearl Harbor bombing and served as a
conscientious objector and later was discharged because of heart trouble. During this time, he had
double pneumonia and an enlarged, leaky heart. The Army notified his parents that he was dying.
God healed him after he promised to serve him faithfully the rest of his life. He was married in 1944
and had four children.

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In 1949, he built a little adobe church building in Valley Farms, Arizona, where he pastored for two
years. Some of his small congregation disliked his radical preaching and his teachings that they
should share more of their wealth with the poor, beginning with his family. They also disliked his
refusal to plaster the little adobe building. He was thrown out by the denominational hierarchy. He
then returned to college, studying philosophy, psychology, and political science rather than theology,
and became seriously involved in the study of socialism and communism. He found that the goals of
these political systems could not be achieved without the love of God in the hearts of men.

After several years of study, he taught school for three years. During this time, he got to know the
youth and wanted to save them from the system. He then started home schools with twelve to
twenty-four students in each class. He went to a three-month Soul Clinic Personal witnessing Course
under Fred Jordan. He claims that he owes much to Jordan for his modern interpretation of the Bible
as well as his insistence that the Church could again live like the church in the book of Acts.
However, he states that Jordan never really broke with “churchianity” but merely tried to reform it.

Moses David then went on the road with his family and his mother who prophesied to them that they
were to “go to the Land of the setting sun.” In 1968, his mother begged him to come help the poor
hippies of Huntington Beach, Ca. saying that the church did not know how to handle them. Teen
Challenge had a small coffee house there with two meetings a week. When they did not have any
success…they turned it over to Moses David who was “packing the hippies in to capacity the other
five nights of the week.” This is where the movement began.

Moses David makes some very outrageous claims in his book. He said the prophecy in Deuteronomy
18:13 and 18, was fulfilled by Jesus as Peter said in Acts 3:22-26, but it was also a prediction of the
coming of Moses David. He said that Jesus is using Moses David as a greater and final fulfillment of
this prophecy. He also stated that all of the prophecies of ‘David of Old’ were speaking of Moses
David. (Ezekiel 37:24; 38:8-16; Hosea 3:5; Ezekiel 34:23 and many others)

Moses David has the goal of “World Conquest Through Love.” In his book, he has a section, which is
devoted to this subject and how he plans to do this. It has different subtitles under this section, which
include “World Conquest Through Love”, “Becoming One”, “The Little Flirty Fishy”, “Look of
Love”, “Lovelight”, “Beauty and the Beasts”, “the Dancer”, “The Rose”, “I am a toilet – Are you?”.
The section begins by the telling of the need for love and self-sacrifice and gives many scriptures
from the Bible about God’s love. He then goes on to say that we become all things to all men in
order that we might win some. Then, in the next part called “Flirty Fishy”, he asks, “Are you willing
to be bait?” He teaches that we must be fishers of men and catch them “with guile and with wile.”
He says, “If they have to fall in love with you first before they find it’s the Lord, it is just God’s bait
to hook them.” He tells them to “fascinate the fish with the lure.” Then after he persuades them to
“crucify the flesh” as they let God put them on His hook, there is a cartoon of a mermaid on a hook
with a young man and its caption reads, “Hooker for Jesus”. The next section is called “The Look of
Love.” In this section, he tells in many ways how you can lure with your eyes. He goes on later to
talk about their disco clubs where they plant young people who are taught to lure lonely ones and
have sexual intercourse with them. Then they tell them about their beliefs.

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The “Children of God”, has to be one of the most deceitful of all cults, because they start out by
telling of salvation by grace through faith and they quote the Bible constantly throughout their book
and attempt to give scriptural proof for all their beliefs, but as we know, they have perverted God’s
Word. As Peter said in I Peter 2:9-14:

“The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the
Day of Judgment to be punished: But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness,
and despise government. Presumptuous are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of
dignities. Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might bring not railing accusation
against them before the Lord. But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed,
speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
and shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they count it pleasure to riot in the daytime.
Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with
you: Having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls; and in
heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children; which have forsaken the right
way and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam, the son of Boser, who loved the wages of
unrighteousness: But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man’s voice forbad
the madness of the prophet. These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to
whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever. For when they speak great swelling words of vanity,
they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness (indulging the natural impulses
or appetites without restraint), those who were clean escaped from them who live in error, while they
promise liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption; For of whom a man is overcome, of
the same is he brought into bondage.”

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Lesson 11
The Mormon “religion” or what is also called “The church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints”,
was officially founded on April 6, 1830, by a man named Joseph Smith, Jr., his two brothers Hyrum
and Samuel, Oliver Cowdery, and David and Peter Whitmer, Jr.

Joseph smith was the person who actually started the cult. He was born in Sharon, Vermont, on
December 23, 1805. He was the fourth child of Joseph, Sr. and his wife Lucy. Joseph, Sr. was a
mystic who spent much time digging for imaginary buried treasures. He was also involved with a
man named Jack Downing in counterfeiting money, though he “turned stated evidence and escaped
the penalty.”

In 1820, Joseph, Jr. allegedly received a vision in which God, the Father and God, the Son, appeared
and spoke to Joseph as he prayed in the woods. They were displeased with the Christian Church, and
the whole world, and they wanted Joseph Smith to be the leader of a new dispensation that would
bring restoration. Soon after the vision, Joseph went back to digging for buried treasure with his
father. In their search, they used “peep-stones” and “divining rods” along with regular tools.
According to the “Historical Magazine”, of May, 1870, Joseph Smith, Sr. clearly stated that his son
had been a peep stone enthusiast and treasure digger in his youth and located lost objects and told
fortunes with his stones.

In 1823, (according to Smith’s book, “The Pearl of Great Price”), the angle Moroni, appeared beside
Joseph’s bed and repeated a commission to him three times. In the earlier editions of “Doctrines of
Covenants”, a book authored by Joseph Smith, ‘Moroni’ is the name of the angel, but in the Pearl of
Great Price (which is of equal authority), Joseph identifies the messenger as “Nephi”. The later
editions of these books both state the name of the angel as “Moroni”. Some Mormon scribes took
great care to cover Smith’s blunder, such as this one. In 1827, Joseph Smith claims to have received
golden plates from which the “Book of Mormon” was written. They were supposedly found in the
hill Cumorah, near Palmyra, New York. Shortly after finding them, Smith started to ‘translate’ the
“reformed Egyptian” hieroglyphics by means of the “Urim and Thummin”, a type of miraculous
spectacles, which Moroni gave him. While translating the plates, Oliver Cowdery, a traveling
schoolteacher, visited Smith at his father-in-law’s home. Cowdery was converted to Smith’s religion
and soon after became a ‘scribe’ who wrote what Smith said. They both became very good friends
and on May 15, 1829, John the Baptist was sent by Peter, James and John to Pennsylvania to confer
the “Aaronic Priesthood” on Joseph and Oliver. According to the “Pearl of Great Price”, they
baptized each other and began prophesying future events “which should shortly come to pass”. He
was not specific, though, in recording these prophecies.

The Book of Mormon was published and copyrighted in 1830, and then, on April 6, the religion was
founded. Following this, “the prophet” called a conference with thirty men on June 1, 1830, to
decide upon missionary efforts. Some of them became missionaries to the Indians.

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One of the early conversions, Sidney Rigdon, became great in the Mormon hierarchy until a sermon
he preached in 1833 in Jackson County, Missouri. During this sermon, which became known as
“Sidney’s Salt Sermon”, he used much eloquence to challenge the citizens of Jackson County to
come against the “saints”. Smith bought 63 acres while in Missouri, which he called “holy ground”,
and there he eventually built “the temple Zion” (the early headquarters of ‘the saints’). They then
decided to move to Kirtland, Ohio, because of Smith’s growing unpopularity in Missouri, and of
course, a revelation of God to move. By the way, between the years 1831 and 1844, Smith claims to
have received 135 direct revelations, which helped to build his metropolis.

Mr. Smith was known to be an immoral person, and one man, Mr. E.D. Howe, obtained a statement
signed by 62 residents of Palmyra, New York. This paper stated that Smith was “destitute of that
moral character which ought to entitle them (his family) to the confidence of any community.” It
testified to the ‘money-digging’, and stated that Joseph Smith, Sr. and Jr. were “addicted to vicious
habits.” According to Walter Martin’s findings, “there exists no contemporary pro-Mormon
statements from reliable and informed sources who know the Smith family and Joseph intimately.”

While Smith was at Nauvoo, Illinois, growing and prospering, he gained much criticism for the
practice of polygamy, especially from “The Nauvoo Expositor”. Smith proceeded to destroy the
newspaper. He and his brother Hyrum were thrown into jail in Carthage, Illinois, to await their trial.
While they were in jail, on June 27, 1844, a mob of about 200 persons stormed into jail and brutally
murdered Smith and his brother.

Brigham Young then became the leader of the Mormons and led them from Nauvoo to the Valley of
the Great Salt Lake, where he sealed the destiny of the “saints” with the statement, “This is the
place!” Later, this place became known as Utah. Young, along with his courage and canny nature,
had a vicious side about him. On one occasion, he ordered 150 non-Mormon immigrants to be
massacred. He told Bishop John D. Lee in 1857, to annihilate a wagon train of helpless immigrants.
Lee did so, and was imprisoned 20 years later, tried, convicted and executed by the government for
his actions.

The Book of Mormon

According to Joseph Smith’s book, “The Pearl of Great Price”, while he was translating the golden
plates with his magic glasses, he “went to the City of New York, and presented the characters which
had been translated, with the translation thereof, to Professor Charles Anthon, a gentleman celebrated
for his literary attainments. Professor Anthon stated that the translation was correct, more so than he
had before from the Egyptian. I then showed him those which were not yet translated, and he said
that they were Egyptian, Chaldiac, Assyriac and Arabic, and he said they were true characters.”
(Chapter 2, verses 62-64) The problem is, that according to Mr. E.D. Howe, the contemporary of
Smith who did much research on his life, says that Professor Anthon never said any such thing.
Professor Anthon also wrote a letter to Mr. Howe, which he begged him to publish immediately,
should his name be mentioned by these “wretched fanatics.” This letter is recorded in Walter
Martin’s book, “the Kingdom of the Cult” pp. 160,161.

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According to the Book of Mormon, there were two great civilizations in America. These civilizations
were so great that, as they put it, “The whole face of the land had become covered with buildings, and
the people were as numerous almost, as it were, the sands of the sea.” (Mormon 1:16) Their books
go on to report of wood, machinery, iron, steel, copper, brass, grain, silks, cattle, oxen, ships,
temples, armor, swords, and many other things which accompanied this vast group of people. The
problem is that according to the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, “there is no connection
between the archeology of the New World and the subject matter of the Book of Mormon… thus far,
no iron, steel, brass, gold and silver coins, metal, swords, breastplates, arm shields, armor, horses and
chariots, or silk have ever been found in pre-colonial archeological sites. It is not until after the
conquest of the New World by the Europeans, that materials in those categories appear in association
with aboriginal artifacts…I do not know of any case where an archeological site has been identified
with any of the names of the cities mentioned in the Book of Mormon.”

As we can clearly see, the history of Joseph Smith and the Mormons spoken of in this lesson differs
from the flowery story that is given by the Mormons themselves. These instead, are recorded facts
from very reliable sources, which expose the true Joseph Smith and his history. I believe that every
person is entitled to know the truth, and hopefully, if a Mormon were to discover these historical and
archeological facts, they may “recover themselves” out of Satan’s snare and turn to the true
Shepherd, Jesus Christ.

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Lesson 12
Mormonism – Part 2
In studying the Mormon cult, we can find many approaches in contesting them. As we mentioned in
the last session, we can approach them on the basis of Joseph Smith’s shady past as one who searched
for treasures with a peep stone (or “magical rock”, which when placed in a hat would supposedly
reveal lost items and buried treasure), and as a man who was not respected by those who knew him
well. We also found that we could approach the subject by looking at the archeological facts. In the
Book of Mormon, there is mention of the rise and development of two great civilizations that,
according to the writings, would have left many specific artifacts in specific places. There in fact,
were no artifacts found from that time-period in those specific places.

We could also mention the fact that since the first edition of the Book of Mormon in 1830, there have
been many ‘corrections’ in the book. These corrections were obvious cover-ups for human mistakes
that are bound to happen in a book uninspired by God. One such correction was in Mosiah 21:28,
when they changed the name of the king from Benjamin to Mosiah. Some of these corrections are
listed on page 164 in “Kingdom of the Cults”. One other correction (which is interesting), is where
they called Mary “the mother of God” and later changed it to “the mother of the son of God.” In
addition, we could mention the fact that the Book of Mormon contains at least 25,000 words taken
from the King James Bible. There is a real conflict here, as these plates, which the Book of Mormon
was copied from, were from a thousand years before the year 1611; the year of the King James
Version. Another way to approach a Mormon is to ask about the many contradictions in their own
writings, as well as contradictions to the Bible. Below are some quotes from their writings compared
to the Holy Scriptures:

One God or More Than One God?

They say:
“I have always declared God to be a distinct personage and Jesus Christ a separate distinct
personage from God, the Father and that the Holy Ghost was a distinct personage and a Spirit:
and these three constitute three distinct personages and three Gods.” (Teachings of the
Prophet, Joseph Smith p.370)
AND then they say:
“And gave unto them commandments that they should love and serve Him, the only living
and True God, and that He should be the only being whom they should worship. Which,
Father, Son and Holy Ghost are One God, infinite and eternal, without end, Amen.” (Doctrine
and Covenants 20:19-28)

The Bible says:

“For these are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost:
and these three are one.” (I John 5:7)

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Was God Once a Man?

They say:
“God Himself was once as we are now and is an exalted man and sits enthroned in
yonder heavens.” (Teaching of the prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 345-346)

AND then they say:

“And if there were miracles wrought then, why has God ceased to be a God of miracles and
yet be an unchanging being? And, behold I say unto you, he changeth not: if so He would
cease to be God; and He ceaseth not to be God; and is a God of miracles.” (Mormon 9:19)

The Bible says:

”God is not a man that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent…”
(Numbers 23:19)

Does God Have a Body of Flesh and Bones?

They say:
“The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s; the Son also; but the Holy
Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones but is a personage of Spirit…” (Doctrines and
Covenants 130:22)
And then they say:
“And Ammon said: Believest thou that there is a Great Spirit” And he said, Yea, and Ammon
said, this is God.” (Alma 18:26-28)

The Bible says:

“God is a spirit: and they that worship Him must worship inspirit and in truth.”
(John 4:24)

Did God Create Man?

They say:
“Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created
or made, neither indeed can be.” (Doctrines and Covenants 93:29)
And then they say:
“… God never had the power to create the spirit of man at all.”
(Teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith p. 354)
“And I, God, said unto My Only Begotten, which was with me from the beginning: let Us
make man in Our image, after Our image, after Our likeness, and it was so…” (Moses 2:26)

The Bible says:

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life; and man became a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7)

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Can All Sins be Remitted by Christ’s Blood?

They say:
“Man may commit certain grievous sins – according to his light and knowledge – that will
place him beyond reach of the atoning blood of Christ. If then he would be saved he must
make sacrifice of his own life to atone…” (Mormon Doctrine p. 93)
And then they say:
“Wherefore, it must need be an infinite atonement – Save it should be an infinite atonement,
this corruption could not put on incorruption.” (Nephi 9:7)

The Bible says:

“But commandeth His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Much more then, being now justified by His Blood, we shall be saved from wrath through
Him.” (Romans 5:8-9)

Who is Jesus?
They say:
“The appointment of Jesus to be the savior of the world was contested by one of the other
sons of God. He was called Lucifer, son of the morning. Haughty, ambitious, and covetous
of power and glory, this spirit-brother of Jesus desperately tried to become the savior of
mankind.” (Gospel Through the Ages p.15)
And then they say:
“Thus sayeth the Lord your God, even Jesus Christ, the Great I AM, Alpha and Omega, the
Beginning and the End, the same which looked upon the wide expanse of eternity, and all the
seraphic hosts of heaven, before the world was made;…” (Doctrines and Covenants 38:1-3)

The Bible says:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John

Will Everyone Experience Salvation?

They say:
“Some degree of salvation will come to all who have not forfeited their right to it; exaltation if
given to those only who by righteous effort have won a claim to God’s merciful liberality by
which it is bestowed…” (The Articles of Faith, pp. 91-92)
And then they say:
“…And behold , others he (Satan) flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell; and he
saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he
grasps them with his aweful chains, from whence there is no deliverance.” (Naphi 28:21-22)

The Bible says:

“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”
(Psalm 9:17)

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Did Peter, James and John give the Aaronic Priesthood to Joseph and Oliver?
They say:
“While they were praying, Peter James and John, three of the original apostles of Jesus Christ,
visited them and gave them important power and authority from the Lord…”
(Missionary Discussions Handbook, 1st Discussion, Concept 4)
And then they say:
“There is no record of the appearance of Peter, James and John, to Joseph Smith and Oliver
Cowdery in the Book of Mormon, Doctrines and Covenants, or Pearl of Great Price. The
promise is that ‘in due time the priesthood of Melchizedek would be conferred upon them’ is
in Doctrines and Covenants 13…”

The Bible says:

“But this man (Jesus), because He continueth ever, hath and unchangeable priesthood.”
(Hebrews 7:24)
“Called of God an High Priest after the order of Melchizedek.” (Hebrews 5:10)

Who Hold the Keys of Salvation?

They say:
“The President of the Church if Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, holds the keys of salvation
for all men now living because he is the only one by whose authorization the sealing power of
the priesthood can be used to seal men up to salvation and Exaltation in the Kingdom of
God.” (Mormon Doctrine p. 411)
And then they say:
“And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way (Christ)
nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the Kingdom of God.” (2 Nephi

The Bible says:

“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” (I
Timothy 2:5)

Does a Person Have a Second Chance for Salvation After They Die?
They say:
“This doctrine presents in a clear light the wisdom and mercy of God in preparing an
ordinance for the salvation of the dead, being baptized by proxy, their names recorded in
heaven and they being judged according to the deeds done in the body. This doctrine was the
burden of the scriptures…” (Teaching of the prophet Joseph Smith p.193)
And then they say:
“For, behold, if ye have procrastinated the day of your repentance even until death, behold, ye
have become subjected to the spirit of the devil, and he doeth seal you his; therefore the Spirit
of the Lord hath withdrawn from you; and this is the final state of the wicked.” (Alma 34:33-

The Bible says:

“When a wicked man dieth, his expectation shall perish: and the hope of the unjust men
perisheth.” (Proverbs 11:7)

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Is it O.K. to Have More Than One Wife?

They say:
“And if he has ten virgins given unto him by this law, he cannot commit adultery, for they
belong to him and they are given unto him; therefore is he justified.”
(Doctrines and Covenants 132:62)
And then they say:
“In as much as this Church of Christ has been reproached with the crime of fornication, and
polygamy: we declare that we believe, that one man should have one wife; and one woman;
but one husband, except in the case of death, when either is at liberty to marry again.”
(Doctrines and Covenants 101:4 – 1835 Edition, p.251)

The Bible says:

“If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or
unruly.” (Titus 1:6)

From what we can see in the Mormon’s own writings, this teaching contradicts itself repeatedly. I
believe that if we come to them in meekness and show them where their teaching opposes itself, we
will see many of them question the shaky, crumbling foundation under their feet. Many will break
free from Satan’s snare and receive God’s truth.

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Lesson 13
Christian Science and New Thought
Christian Science was founded by Mary Baker Eddy. She was born in Bow, New Hampshire in 1821
and raised as a strict Congregationalist by her parents. She had many physical as well as emotional
illnesses up until the age of twenty-two and practiced science of mesmerism for healing.

Mary was then married in 1843 at the age of twenty-two to George W. Glover who died seven
months later of Yellow Fever in Wilmington, South Carolina, and left Mary, who was pregnant, very
emotionally unstable as an invalid. During this time and throughout the remaining years of her life,
she turned to Morphine and a medication. In 1853, she married Dr. Daniel M. Patterson, although,
she was still emotionally unstable. They were later divorced after she was, (as she claimed),
abandoned by her husband.

Her last marriage at age 56 was to Asa G. Eddy. While signing her marriage certificate, she signed
her age as 40 years old instead of 56. Her husband died later of a coronary thrombosis. She
contested the autopsy report and got a physician who agreed with her to confirm that the cause of
death was “arsenic poisoning, mentally administered.” The doctor that agreed with her, Dr. C.J.
Eastman was the Dean of the Bell View Medical College, which was outside of Boston. He was also
found to have no credentials as a “doctor” and was sentenced to 10 years of prison and his college
was closed.

In 1862, Mrs. Eddy met Dr. P.P. Quimby, who is actually the father of Christian Science. When she
met him in Portland, Maine, she came to him for treatment of ‘spinal inflammation’. In November of
that year, She proclaimed to everyone how Dr. Quimby had healed her. She said, “I visited P.P.
Quimby and in less than one week from that time, I ascended by a stairway of 182 steps to the dome
of the city hall and am improving ad ifinitum.”

Mrs. Eddy later described the man, who she praised before, as an ‘unlearned man’. The funny thing
is, that her book which she had written entitled “Science and Health” (published in 1875), is filled
with plagiarisms from Quimby’s book, “Science of Health”. If one was to read both books, they
would see that Mrs. Eddy copied 33 pages verbatim and 100 pages in substance into her book,
‘Science and Health’, with key to the scriptures. Although this is a proven fact that she plagiarizes
other writings, she wrote in one of her other books, ‘Retrospection and Introspection’ that: “there is
no warranted common law, and permission in the gospel for plagiarizing an authors ideas and their
works…” Even though this fact of plagiarism would be obvious to anyone who reads hers and
Quimby’s books, she said in the Christian Science Journal, in January of 1901, “I should blush to
write of Science and Health with key to the scriptures as I have, were it of human origin, and I apart
from God, its Author, but as I was only a scribe echoing the harmonies of heaven in divine
metaphysics, I cannot be super-modest of the Christian Science Textbook.”

As far as how Christian Science was discovered, Mary Baker Eddy made an authorized statement that
after a fall in a slippery sidewalk, on February 1, 1866, she was pronounced ‘incurable’ and given
three days to live by her physician (Dr. Alvin M. Cushing). The third day, allegedly her last day on
earth, Mrs. Eddy cried out for a Bible, read Matthew 9:2, and rose up completely healed. Then she
discovered “Christian Science”. The problem is, that Dr. Alvin M. Cushing, her physician, denied

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under oath in a 1,000-word statement, that he never believed or said that she was in a precarious
physical condition. The doctor also claimed that he administered medicine to her four times
afterward, even though she claimed to have robust health.

Mr. Horace T. Wentworth, a man whose mother lived with Mrs. Eddy while she was copying from
Quimby’s manuscripts, made a statement (recorded in Kingdom of the Cults, p. 118). He stated that
he had no hard feeling against Mrs. Eddy, but he was very concerned about the people who were
offering their money and the lives of their children to her movements. He wanted them to “do so
with the full knowledge that this is not divine revelation but simply the idea of an old-time Maine
healer.” As far as the teachings of Christian Science, they are very much opposed to many of the
basic teachings of true Christianity. Below are some of their beliefs:

The Inspiration of the Bible:

Mrs. Eddy said, “The Bible has been my only authority. I have no other guide in the ‘straight and
narrow’ way of truth.” (Science and Health p.126) In her other writings, (Miscellaneous writings, pp.
169,170 and Science and Health, pp. 517 & 537) she contradicts herself… “the manifest mistakes in
the ancient versions; the thirty thousand different readings in the Old Testament and the three
thousand in the new – these facts show how a mortal and material sense stole into the Divine Record,
darkening, to some extent, the inspired pages with its own hue.” (Science and Health, p. 33)

The Trinity and the Deity of Christ:

“The theory of three persons in one God (this is a personal Trinity or Triunity) suggests heathen gods,
rather than One ever-present I AM.” (Science and Health, p.152) “The Christian, who believes in the
first commandment, is a monotheist. Thus, he virtually unites with the Jews belief in one God and
recognizes that Jesus is not God as Jesus Himself declared but is the Son of God.” (Science and
Health, 1914, p. 361) “The spiritual Christ was infallible; Jesus, as material manhood, was not
Christ.” (Miscellaneous Writings, p.84)

The Doctrine of God and the Holy Spirit:

“In that name of Jehovah, the true idea of God seems almost lost. He becomes ‘a man of war’, a
tribal god to be worshiped rather than Love, the divine Principle to be lived and loved.” (Science and
Health, p.517) “God; Principle, Life, Truth, Love, Soul, Spirit, Mind.” (Science and Health, p.9)
“God is all… the soul or mind, of the spiritual man is God, the divine Principle of all being…”
(Science and Health 1914, p.302)

The Virgin Birth of Christ:

“A portion of God could not enter corporeal mortal man; neither could His feelings be reflected by
Him, or God would be manifestly finite, lose the deific character, and become less than God.”
(Science and Health p. 231) “Jesus, the Galilean prophet, was born of the virgin Mary’s spiritual
thoughts of life and its manifestations.” (The First Church of Christ, Scientist and Miscellany, p.261)

The Doctrine of Miracles:

“The sick are not healed merely by declaring there is no sickness, but by knowing that there is none.”
(Science and Health, 1914, p.447) “A mere request that God will heal the sick has no power to gain
more of the divine presence than is always at hand.” (Science and Health, p.317) “The so-called
miracles contained in Holy Writings are neither supernatural nor preternatural… Jesus regarded good
as the normal state of mind and evil as the abnormal… the so-called pains and pleasures of matter

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were alike unreal to Jesus: for He regarded matter as only a vagary of mortal belief, and subdued it
with this understanding.” (Misc. Writings, pp. 200-201)

The Atonement of Jesus Christ:

“The material blood of Jesus was no more efficacious to cleanse from sin, when it was shed upon ‘the
accursed tree’ than when it was flowing in His veins, as He went daily about His Father’s business.”
(Science and Health, p.330) “The real atonement – so infinitely beyond the heathen conception that
God required human blood to propitiate justice and bring His mercy – needs to be understood. He,
(Jesus), suffered to show mortals the awful price paid by sin and how to avoid paying it. He atoned
for the terrible unreality of a supposed existence apart from God. He suffered because of the
shocking human idolatry that presupposes Life, Substance, Soul and Intelligence in matter…” (No
and Yes, pp.44, 45)

The Death and Resurrection of Christ:

“Jesus’ students, not sufficiently advanced to understand fully their Master’s triumph, did not
perform many wonderful works until they saw Him after his crucifixion, and learned that He had not
died.” (Science and Health, pp.350, 351)
“His disciples believed Jesus dead while He was hidden in the sepulcher, whereas, He was alive,
demonstrating within the narrow tomb, the power of Spirit to destroy human, material sense.”
(Science and Health, p.349)

Satan and the Existence of Evil:

“The beliefs of the human mind rob and enslave it, and then impute this result to another elusive
personification, named Satan.” (Science and Health, p.81) “There was never a moment in which evil
was real.” (No and Yes, p.33)

The Nature and Existence of Hell:

“The sinner makes his own hell by doing evil; and the saint his own heaven by doing right.” (Science
and Health, 1914, p. 266) “The olden opinion that hell is fire and brimstone, has yielded somewhat to
the metaphysical fact that suffering is a thing of mortal mind, instead of body; so in place of material
flames and odor, mental anguish is generally accepted as the penalty for sin.” (Misc. Writings, p.237)

The Kingdom of Heaven, Its Reality and Significance:

“Heaven in harmony-infinite, boundless bliss… Heaven is the reign of Divine Science.”
(First Church of Christ, Science and Miscellany, p.267)

The Doctrine of Eternal Salvation:

“Man, as God’s idea, is already saved with an everlasting salvation.” (Misc. Writings, p261)
“Final deliverance from error, whereby we rejoice in immortality, boundless freedom, and sinless
sense, is neither reached through paths of flowers, nor by pinning one’s faith to another’s vicarious
effort.” (Science and Health, p.327)

The Doctrine of Prayer:

“Prayer can neither change God, nor bring His designs into mortal modes… I have no objection to
audible prayer of the right kind; but inaudible is more effectual.” (No and Yes, pp. 48 and 50) “If
prayer nourishes the belief that sin is cancelled, and that man is made better by merely praying, it is
an evil. He grows worse, who continues in sins because he thinks himself forgiven.” (Science and
Health, p. 311)
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The Creation of Matter and its Reality:

“There is… no intelligent sin, evil or matter; and this is the only true philosophy and realism.” (No
and Yes, p.7)
“There is no life, truth, intelligence or substance in matter but all is infinite Mind and its infinite
manifestation for is ‘All in All’.” (Science and Health, p. 468)

Man, the Soul, His true Nature and Destiny:

“Man originated not from dust, materially, but from Spirit, spiritually.” (Misc. Writings, p.57)

The Existence of Sin, Sickness and Death:

“Being destroyed, sin needs no other form of forgiveness. Since God is all, there is no room for His
opposite… “Therefore, evil being the opposite of goodness is unreal… for the sinner is making a
reality of sin-making that real which is unreal. Only those who repent of sin and forsake all evil can
fully understand the unreality of evil. To get rid of sin through Science, is to divest sin of any
supposed mind or reality, and never to admit that sin can have intelligence or power, pain or
pleasures. You can conquer error by denying its verity.” (Science and Health, op. 234)
“Death. An illusion, for there is no death; the unreal and untrue; the opposite of Good, God or Life.
Any material evidence of death is false, for it contradicts the spiritual facts of Being.” (Science and
Health, p.575)

In conclusion, the Christian Scientist does not teach of the same God of which we, as Christians
speak. Their god is their mind, a principle. Our God is a Spirit Who loves us and Who is touched
with the feeling of our infirmities. The Jesus that they speak of is not God manifested in the flesh.
Their Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary’s thoughts, but our Jesus was conceived by the Holy Ghost.
Their Jesus did not even die, but performed a neat little trick (even though He said repeatedly that He
would suffer and die), and faked His death. To them sin and evil are unreal and death is an illusion,
when in fact, these are the very things that keep us from God. To them, they are saved from sin
(which isn’t real) and conquered sin with His blood, nailing it to the cross.

To the Christian Scientist, they have the “reign of Divine Science” as their hope (Heaven), when we
know that Christ has so much more waiting for us in the true Heaven. The fact of the matter is, that
they are serving a lie (which IS REAL) and will send them to Hell (Which is ALSO REAL) unless
they turn to the truth of the Bible.

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