Comparative Religions Lessons

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GIBI Course- Comparative Religions, Lessons

Lesson 1 Name:__________________________

1. What did Jesus tell us to do in Matthew 7:15? Write out scripture…

2. Our main goals will be to… 1)


3. As Christians, we must ___________ that the _________ is the infallible ________ ____
________ alone.

4. Many cultists will agree that the Bible is God’s Word. True or False

5. How do we know that our interpretation of the Bible is right? Indicate the Bible Chapter and
Verses that tell us “…no prophecy of the scriptures is of private interpretation…”

6. Since Jesus is “_____ _________” and the Holy Spirit leads us to and glorifies Jesus, then
______ ____ _________ _______ __________ ___ __________ in finding out whether or
not we are in truth or in error.

7. Satan’s goal is to _____________ and ___________ people and _______ ________

_________ from that simple relationship with the __________, the One who is God and yet
man, ________ __________.

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GIBI Course- Comparative Religions, Lessons

Lesson 2
1. Martin says the cults should be viewed ___ _____ ________ of what we know to be Divine
revelation; the _______ ___ ______, which itself ___________ them.

2. We are to have _____________ and _______ for the cultist, but vigorously ___________ _____

3. Bank tellers learn to detect counterfeit money by only touching fake money and becoming
acquainted with it. True or False

4. Cultists are _____________ Biblical terms to ________ ________________.

5. What are the three regions of “belief systems”?


6. Cultists are usually taught a certain __________ to a given ___________ ____________:

7. Christians should avoid using _____________ __________ in speaking with Jehovah Witnesses
which cause ________________ _______________.

8. Mormons believe that through their good works they can attain “exaltation” or progression to
godhead. True or False

9. Christian Scientists are ___________ that “_______, in God’s idea, is __________ _________
with an everlasting salvation.”

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GIBI Course- Comparative Religions, Lessons

Lesson 3
1. In actuality, transcendental meditation is a “revival of ancient _______________ and
_________________” as Psychology Today puts it.

2. What is the name of the group that meets in 95% of the United States Universities?

3. List three statements (in paragraph two) that prove by the Maharishi’s own writings, that
transcendental meditation is “religious” in character.



4. In order to join T.M., each person must go through a _______________ which _________
________ the underlying _______________.

5. What does the name “Guru Dev” mean?

6. The mantra is a ____________ ______________ word used in __________________.

7. Research has shown that __________ are actually __________ to the names of ________

8. T.M. is also reported to have the side effect of ______________ the ____________ to
__________ creatively.

9. According to T.M., the world is not created; it eternally emanates from the divine Being.
Man as a extension of being and consists of three aspects; Name them:

10. In order to do this (their key to the 7 stages from consciousness to being), the breathing
exercises of _________ are used to invoke “_________” (the vibrating nature of being).

11. Followers of T.M. believe in reincarnation: True or False

12. In order to join T.M., each candidate must go through a ceremony and must bring an
offering of (a) 6 flowers, a white handkerchief and 4 pieces of fruit (b) 3 pieces of fresh
fruit, 6 flowers and a white handkerchief (c) 2 pieces of fruit, 6 handkerchiefs and 1

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GIBI Course- Comparative Religions, Lessons

Lesson 4
1. What does the abbreviation ‘ISKON’ stand for?

2. What are the four basic doctrines of ISKON?


3. The movement expects total devotion to __________, and tries to regulate __________
_____________ of the devotee’s life.

4. Each follower carries a string of ______ beads which represent the _____ cowherdess
__________ of _____________.

5. According to the book “Hare Krishna and the Counter Culture”, what do some of the
followers say drew them to the movement? Give at least three examples.

6. Hare Krishna’s follow the Vaishnavistic traditions of which doctrine? ______________

7. According to the H.K.’s, what are the three illusory diversions that sidetrack mankind?
___________________, ______________________, ____________________

8. Krishna offers ___ ___________ to his followers in this struggle for ___________.

9. Unlike this false god, our God is _______ _____________ and loves us so much that He
sent ______ ______ _______ to die for our sins.

10. Reincarnation is also a deception of _________, for if he can get people to _________
that they can keep coming back in different forms, he can lure them to believe that they
_______ ___________ _________ (besides this present life). Write out Hebrews 9:27
and memorize it…

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GIBI Course- Comparative Religions, Lessons

Lesson 5

1. What is the formal name of Moon’s movement?

2. Sun Moon, to his followers, is known as “__________” or “_____________”.

3. According to the ‘secret doctrine’, how is blood cleansing achieved?

4. Moonies believe that two falls occurred in Eden; the __________ fall, and the
______________ fall.

5. Moon teaches that both a _____________ and _____________ _______________ are


6. Sun Moon says that he has ___________ Christ’s unfinished ___________ to _________
mankind physically.

7. Moonies also believe that the _______ __________ is a female.

8. Write out and meditate on Matthew 24:5, 6 & 11…

9. He thinks that he is ( ) the “True Jesus”…

10. Later, he supposedly spoke ( ) sinless.
11. Moon says that Christ was not God ( ) God’s only valid representative on earth
12. We are to recognize Moon as ( ) His earthly mission…
13. Moon is NOT ( ) to Jesus, Moses and Buddha.
14. Jesus DID finish ( ) a False Christ, and warn others.
15. …we as Christians need to present ( ) but attained divinity as Moon had.

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Lesson 6
1. Zen Buddhism has a following of how many people?

2. A Brahman is a member of the highest order of the Hindu world. True or False

3. What four things inspired Guatama to seek the cause of human suffering?

4. Zen Buddhists believe that human personality or soul is made up of five transient
conditions. What are they?

5. Guatama existed on ( ) “I have overcome the world.”

(Jn 16:33)
6. Man’s goal is to free himself from ( ) noble thought or actions.
7. Buddha taught a system of ( ) a personal god.
8. Heaven is experienced through ( ) seeds, herbs and even dung.
9. Koans ( ) the experience of now…
10. Zen is a philosophy that negates ( ) to live with Him forever…
11. Their only hope is ( ) riddles
12. “…but be of good cheer…” ( ) salvation by doing right.
13. He has offered us the Hope… ( ) the “infernal” existence wheel.

14. When dealing with the Zen Buddhist, what scriptural truth does Walter Martin suggest we
concentrate on? (Book & Ref. only) ________________________

15. What scripture discounts the idea of reincarnation by saying “it is appointed unto men
once to die, but after this, the judgment”? (Book & Ref. only) ____________________

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GIBI Course- Comparative Religions, Lessons

Lesson 7
1. The Bahai do not believe in the _______ _______________.

2. They do not believe that _________ in the only ___________________ of God.

3. The ________ went through much _________________, especially between 1850 and
1860, when more than ________ were killed.

4. The Bahai have spread to how many countries?

5. They do not believe in a place of ___________ __________ for sinners, but they do
believe in the ____________ of __________.

6. The Bahai faith has no ______________. They only have ___________ who hold
__________ ______________ in homes or Bahai centers.

7. Within their _____ world religions are many _____________________ which are
_______________ and avoided.

8. What scripture mentioned here dispels the false teaching that there is no hell? (Book &
Ref. only)

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GIBI Course- Comparative Religions, Lessons

Lesson 8
1. Who was the original founder of Jehovah’s Witness?

2. Charles T. Russell, the leader of the growing movement, was using _____________
______________ to make money and _______ __________ with people.

3. His own testimony ______________ him beyond a doubt as a __________________

_______________, thus, exposing the real Charles T. Russell.

4. Russell’s Scripture Studies interpretations are taught through what Jehovah Witness

5. After Russell’s death, the release of his seventh book caused a split in the organization.
The larger group followed ______________________ and the smaller group became
known as:

6. Whether they admit it or not, Jehovah’s Witnesses are following the _____________ of
_____________ as well as _________________.

7. They are being led about by the _______________ of ______ who have ____________
their writings _______________ the Bible.

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GIBI Course- Comparative Religions, Lessons

Lesson 9
1. Jehovah’s Witnesses, as we know have _________ or _____________ most of the basic
______________ of _____________________.

2. Who do the J.W.’s say is the originator of the trinity doctrine?

3. J.W.’s believe that Jesus was equal to God. True or False

4. J.W.’s say that “after dying on the cross, Jesus’ body ‘____________ ______ ________’
or is _________________ somewhere as a memorial to God’s love.”

5. Give the four reasons why they do not believe in hell.


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GIBI Course- Comparative Religions, Lessons

Lesson 10
1. Who do the “Children of God” consider the world’s worst rebels of all time?

2. Name the three systems they have declared ‘war of the spirit’ on.

3. Moses David has written a book called:

4. One quote from the book (about itself) said:

5. He then returned to college, studying _____________, ______________ and

______________ _______________ rather than theology, and became seriously involved
in the study of ______________ and __________________.

6. This movement began in (a) A bungalow in Oceanside, Ca. (b) A coffee house in
Huntington Beach, Ca. (c) A Fred Jordan Soul Clinic

7. In his book… He said that Jesus is using __________ _________ as a ____________ and
final ______________ of this prophecy.

8. He teaches that we must be fishers of men and catch them… with what?

9. He goes on later to talk about their disco clubs where they ________ ________ ________
who are taught to _____ ________ ______ and have sexual intercourse with them.

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GIBI Course- Comparative Religions, Lessons

Lesson 11
1. What is the official name of the Mormon ‘religion’?

2. What was the name of the angel who supposedly delivered the commission to Joseph

3. According to the “Historical Magazine” of May 1870, Joseph Smith, Sr. clearly stated that
his son had been a _______ _________ enthusiast and treasure digger in his youth and
located lost objects and ______ _________ with his stones.

4. In 1827, Joseph Smith claims to have received _________ ________ from which the
‘_______ ___ _________ was written.

5. What did Smith use to translate the “reformed Egyptian” hieroglyphics on these plates?
“__________ and ____________” or Magic __________________

6. According to the Book of Mormon, there were _____ _________ _______________ in


7. According to the Smithsonian Institute, are there any archeological sites or identifiable
findings to support these claims written in the Book of Mormon? Yes or No

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GIBI Course- Comparative Religions, Lessons

Lesson 12
1. What is the definition of a “peep-stone” in this lesson?

2. Since the first edition of the “Book of Mormon” in 1830, there have been many
‘corrections’ made. True OR False

3. How many words taken from the King James Bible can be found in the Book of Mormon?

4. It is apparent from pages 32 through 36 of this lesson, that the Mormon doctrines not only
contradict the Bible, but they also contradict themselves in many of their own writings.
True OR False

5. I believe that if we come to them in ______________, and show them where ________
____________ __________ __________, we will see many of them question the shaky,
crumbling foundation under their feet. Many will ________ _______ from Satan’s snare
and _________ God’s _________.

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GIBI Course- Comparative Religions, Lessons

Lesson 13
1. Christian Science was founded by:

2. As far as the teachings of Christian Science, they are very much _________ to many of
the ________ _____________ of true _________________.

3. According the C.S., “The theory of three persons in one God (this is a personal Trinity or
Tri-unity), suggests… what?

4. The Christian Scientist followers believe in hell-fire and brimstone.

True OR False

5. The Christian Scientist believes that Heaven is the reign of divine Science.
True OR False

6. The Jesus that they speak of is _____ ______ ________________ in the flesh.

7. To them, _____ and _______ are unreal and _________ is an __________, when in fact,
these are the very things that keep us from God.

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GIBI Course- Comparative Religions, Lessons

Extra Credit:
Research a false religion or doctrine other than what has been covered in this curriculum and write a
two-page (typed or hand-written college-ruled) summary on your findings…

Turn paper in to Dean within 1 week of final class for grading.

We may retain a copy of this paper for possible use in a subsequent apologetics and comparative
religion teaching.

If you agree to allow us the rights to use your findings, please sign below and return this page with
your paper to the Dean:

Sign: Date:

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