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GIBI Course – Ministry of Exhortation - Lesson

CHAPTER 1: Introduction of the New Testament ‘Ministry of


REASONING 1: The ministry of exhortation _________________!

1. John the Baptist's preaching ministry was full of
2. John's office, as crier or herald, was to ________________ that the
Kingdom of God was at hand!
3. John the Baptist exhorted the people _____________________.
A. The Ministry of Exhortation is a ministry that includes:
• Personally____________________ the Word of God;
• Carefully _______________ the Word of God in a divinely-timed
• Much _______________and___________________ for all men; and
• Assisting in the preparation of _______________________________
the Words of Christ!
B: The Ministry of Exhortation is:
• Both very ________________ and simultaneously ______________;
• ___________ to the individual, yet ___________ by the help of the
Holy Spirit!
C: The Ministry of Exhortation is given for
Exhortation, Therefore:
• Births ____________________ and ______________________ in all who
• Rebuilds ________________ in God-sent ministry.
• Has ________________, in that it
• Helps provide answers to some of life's most perplexing

GIBI Course – Ministry of Exhortation - Lesson

• Ought to be given ___________, __________and


GIBI Course – Ministry of Exhortation - Lesson

CHAPTER 2: Definitions and Associations for Exhortation

REASONING 2. Exhortation is __________________________!

The Greek word for ‘exhortation’ is ‘parakaleo’, having a number of
• To_____________ to; to ________; to invoke (by ____________,
_________, hortation);to ___________;and to ________ for!
‘Parakaleo’, or ‘exhortation’, is a compound word generally derived
• ‘Para’- ‘___________’, in the ____________ of, to the proximity of;
beyond or opposed to.’
• ‘Kaleo,’ meaning ‘to _________.’ Kaleo is based upon another
word: ‘kuleuo’ , meaning:
• ‘To ______ on; to hail; to ____________ by a word; to
enthusiastically _______ or _____; and, to give _____________to.’
• Exhortation is basically the ability of one to ____________________
to another and to _________________________________ that
individual onward towards greatness by a series of
________________, _________, _____________,and
REASONING 3: Exhortation is supported by
REASONING 4. The ministry of exhortation is
______________________________ _______________ of the
compassion of our God.
REASONING 5. Exhortation is God’s ___________________ compassion.
STATEMENT A. The ministry of exhortation is quite _____________.

STATEMENT B. The ministry of exhortation is __________________ and


GIBI Course – Ministry of Exhortation - Lesson

STATEMENT C. The ministry of exhortation is not without careful

and didactic scrutiny.
All that operates _______ the Body of Christ ought to have its
______________________ in the ________ of the Word of God!

So many soldiers of the Lord are returning from ___________

____________ ________ with the enemy, and need healing and

You must continue to pour in ______ and ________, singing and speaking
and making ________________________ over them!

GIBI Course – Ministry of Exhortation - Lesson

CHAPTER 3: Imageries Of Exhortation

REASONING 6: The ministry of exhortation can be _________

_____________ the
Holy Bible.

Exhortation was God's way of _____________ _________________ His best

interests and compassion for us!

When we read of the bowels of God's mercies in the Bible, three rather
vivid images flash before us:
1. The first glimpse is that of a healthy young married man.
This imagery is that of S_____________ And
2. The second image shown to us is a bit more personal. It
occurs when we happen upon the private scene when the
wife has received of her husband in private.
NOTE: This imagery is that of I_________, Expectancy, and
3. The last image of a ministry of exhortation comes from the
______ __________________ ministry of Jesus Christ, the Son of
the living God!
REASONING 7. The ministry of exhortation ___________ __________
from the very movement of the bowels of the
compassionate heart of God.
REASONING 8: The ministry of exhortation _________ _______
throughout Jesus’ ministry.
• Mercy is what you receive even though you __________
________________ it
• Grace is what you receive because ______ ____________ it!
REASONING 9: The ministry of exhortation works to bring U_______
And H_________ in the Body of Christ.
REASONING 10: The ministry of exhortation comes from Jesus,
challenging all to abound in F________, V__________,
and V____________.
Please read 1 Thessalonians 4:1.
Since true and right exhortation finds its foundation in the express
Word of God, then it also means that the ministry of exhortation will
ultimately receive ‘the crown of ______________________’!
REASONING 11: The ministry of exhortation is a necessary
______________-______ for all areas of ____________-
1. To __________ in the counsel of God. (Acts 2:40)
2. To eat the __________ of their own hands. (2 Thessalonians 3:12)
3. To be __________ to give bountifully. (2 Corinthians 9:5)

GIBI Course – Ministry of Exhortation - Lesson

4. Not to be ____________________ in others’ affairs, and to ________ for

the cause of Christ!
(1 Peter 4:15)

GIBI Course – Ministry of Exhortation - Lesson

CHAPTER 4: Exhortation Is Ministry to the Church

REASONING 12: The ministry of exhortation is_____________________ for

ministry of the preached Word.
The ministry of exhortation helps to ___________________________ for
another dispensational release of the prophetic Word of God!
REASONING 13: The ministry of exhortation contains a dimension of
________________________ warning.
REASONING 14: The ministry of exhortation respectfully _________ and
calls church
leadership to:

A. Warn the ___________,

B. Comfort the ____________________,
C. Support the _____________, and,
D. Be ________________ toward all men!
REASONING 15: The ministry of exhortation often advises and
__________________ one to take another route, to go a
different course.

‘Paraineo’ means: ‘to ____________________________ for a different

‘to admonish, ________________, ____________’.

We are to prayerfully and respectfully __________________ our brothers

and sisters with praise-reports of God's wondrous handiwork in our

The end-result of all right and proper exhortation is as quoted from

Acts 27:22, that- “there shall be ______________________ of any man’s
life among you-!”

GIBI Course – Ministry of Exhortation - Lesson

CHAPTER 5: Exhortation Builds The House Of God

REASONING 16: The ministry of exhortation is designed to help in the

_________________ up of the House Of God!

In general, all word-based ministries ought operate in one of these

three (3) areas:
1. Edification: ‘Oikdome’ architecture; (concretely) ____________;
also confirmation
(the process of _________________).
2. Exhortation: ‘Paraklesis’ imploration by ____________ and
3. Comfort: ‘Paramuthia’ to comfort by ___________________________
and relating to; to initiate, to teach, and to instruct by __________.
We notice here, how there is a ________ ____________ in the house of
God, even as it relates to the efficiency of the ministry of the spoken
God does not ____________ nor does He _______________ confusion or
misrepresentation of any sort in His House!

To edify actually means to be a house-builder, a support to the

construction, and a comfort to each and every worker!

Edification and exhortation causes the fires of

___________________________________ to be rekindled in all!
A. The ministry of exhortation is ________________-__________________
of the Holy Spirit unto that of the human spirit.

B. The ministry of exhortation is

_________________________________________ _________for you!
• The ________________ of the veritable presence of God our
Heavenly Father- in the midst of your very present crisis!
• The help of the Holy Spirit leading souls ________________ from
one glory to another, the end result being to experience the
‘abundance of glory’ from the Lord!
• Christ _____________________________________ fulfill it’s destiny
of birthing faith in others, and increasing an awareness of the
inheritance of God and the exceeding weight of His Glory in
every person's life!
• Leading the mature Body of Christ into an
_____________________ of corporate rejoicing and celebration!
STATEMENT A: The ministry of exhortation is by no means a
_________________ of personal expression and rantings

GIBI Course – Ministry of Exhortation - Lesson

for gossipers, wayward souls, or unruly and

disobedient people.
STATEMENT B. There is a holy ______________________ to all verbal
expression that must be adhered to by each and
every exhorter.
STATEMENT C. All exhorters are _____________________ by the Holy
Ghost to
guard themselves from becoming 'castaways' of the
STATEMENT D. Exhorters are therefore admonished to
_______________ the Word of God with all diligence.

GIBI Course – Ministry of Exhortation - Lesson

CHAPTER 6: The Fine Line Between Exaltation And Exhortation

REASONING 17: The ministry of exhortation can assist in bridling and

binding the sprits of __________ and ________-
Q: What are some differences between exaltation and
1. The Book of _______________ deals with exhortation.

2. The book of _______________ deals with exaltation.

3. Exhortation can be ____________ by pity, compassion, memory of

one's own past, or another's evirons.

4. Exaltation is majorly prompted by the _____________ of the Holy

Spirit and generally directed_____-________.

5. Exhortation is ______________________, reaching from person to


6. Exaltation is ______________, reaching from your person to the very

Person of God
our Father.

7. Therefore, the _________ [ + ] is easily seen when exhortation and

exaltation is properly

8. Exhortation is often ___________________, moved by


9. Exaltation is positional, based upon the ________ movement and

ministry of the Spirit of God.

10. Exhortation is _________________________ at displaying you as one of

His spiritual wonders!

11. Exaltation is _________________________________ of delight towards

God at any one of His wonders!

Exhortation, if administered with the love of Christ, does wonders to

encourage the flock of God!
Exhortation, as directed by the Holy Spirit, is love's direct
_________________ against those dangerous spirits of discouragement,
failure, fear, isolation, mislabeling and loneliness!

GIBI Course – Ministry of Exhortation - Lesson

Exhortation _________________ traditional schisms, religio-socio

infighting, and spiritual suicide.
Exhortation is also part and parcel of the _________ God uses to bind
the Body of Christ together.

One of two complementary notions is expressed in OT and NT

occurrences of the word exhortation.
One set of original terms means ‘to _____________________________
Another set of biblical words means

CHAPTER 6: The Fine Line Between Exaltation And Exhortation

It is ______________________________ for mere human beings to exalt

God _____________________ His children to exhort one another.
The fine line that exists between exaltation and exhortation is two-fold:
1. The fruit of the Spirit called _____________________, and..
2.An ________ attitude towards joyful obedience to the Spirit of
God through Christ Jesus!
A: You got to learn how to do three things:
1. You must learn how to give God audience with you!
Hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit also includes learning how to
_________________ every negative image, sound, and sense of the
Enemy from around you.
2. You must learn how to ________ to God for ________________!
3. You have got to learn how to declare Kingdom ____________ and
Divine ____________ to yourself!
Don't be too surprised now, but your verbiage, your communication,
your ______________-__________ will start to make greater impact in your
life as well as in the lives of others.

There are three (3) ‘kings’ (or ruling authorities) who have the ability to
‘reign’ in your life:
[1] __________ [2] __________, and [3] __________
Only a king can _________ a thing into existence in their specific sphere
of ____________!
Now, write down at least five scripture passages for your personal
meditation as an exhorter:

1. _________________________________

2. _________________________________

GIBI Course – Ministry of Exhortation - Lesson

3. _________________________________

4. _________________________________

5. _________________________________

There is a line of d___________________ that has been clearly defined

between that which is ex________________ and that which is

When you read Colossians 4:6, it talks of your _______________ and

_____________ with others being similar to that of salt.

Salt is a preservative that _______________________________ of that which

it is applied to.

GIBI Course – Ministry of Exhortation - Lesson

CHAPTER 7: Admonishments For All Exhorters

REASONING 18: Exhortation is a __________________________________ by


1. Exhortation is most definitely a __________ from God given in

______________ unto exhorters through faith in Him.
2. Exhortation can only be as ___________ as the __________ of one’s
faith in God!
3. One’s level of faith is easily measured by the ____________ of the
Word of God operating in the very life of you, the exhorter.
4. According to 1 Timothy 4:14, __________________ exhortation
ought be accepted as a ministry of helps gift to the church!

There are five general levels and stratas of the ministry

exhortation that should be explored.
1. P____________________ Exhortation

2. I____________________ Exhortation

3. C____________________Exhortation

4. P____________________ Exhortation

5. P____________________ Exhortation

Exhortation is also an _________________________ of the Holy Spirit to the

Body of Christ!
The Greek word for Comforter is ‘parakletos’, which means ‘An
Intercessor, Consoler, Advocate, and Comforter!’ ‘Parakletos’ is derived
from another word: ‘paraklesis’ meaning ‘to implore, comfort, and

A. Exhortation is a part of the ministry of __________________________.

B. The ministry of exhortation is a ____-_________ of the ministry of

the Holy Spirit.

C. The ministry of exhortation __________________ a number of the

gifts of the Spirit, such as the word of knowledge, discernment of
spirits, and prophecy. [5]

The ministry of exhortation is really a part of the __________________ of


GIBI Course – Ministry of Exhortation - Lesson

Exhortation is ______________________, and__________________ is

Consolation also means ‘____________________________________’.
Consolation also means

GIBI Course – Ministry of Exhortation - Lesson

CHAPTER 8: “Give The Warriors A Break!”

Therefore, the ministry of exhortation is the ministry of ______________!

God is about to bring many of us to a place of

_____________________________ healing!

God is about to bring some of our favored ministers into a ___________

of _________________, divine _______________, and ministry re-tooling!

Write in your own words Who God’s Warriors Are:

“I believe that God’s Warriors are:


Name four (4) things God’s Warriors have endured:

1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. ______________________________

Name three (3) things God’s Warriors Need:

H__________ , H__________, and H________________!

Name at least four (4) things that you can do to help God’s Warriors:
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________

GIBI Course – Ministry of Exhortation - Lesson

4. _______________________________________________


The ministry of exhortation has a general message that runs

___________ throughout the whole of the Holy Bible: “Be of good
courage, and he will ________________ your heart, all ye that ________ in
the Lord!” [Psalm 31:24]
Please write out Psalm 27:14 below.

In order for you to effectively go __________ in true exhortation, you, my

friend, must yourself be _________________________!

What does this next phrase look optically like to you, and does it have
any significance to you?

Write down three (3) phrases Jesus used in His ministry on earth that
are words of exhortation:
1. ______________________________________________________________

GIBI Course – Ministry of Exhortation - Lesson

2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________


Please write down your personal observations and feelings when you
read this chapter.

My Personal Observations:

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