HFO Spec1

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Fuel Specifications table 1


Viscosity, max. (cSt at 100 C) 35
(cSt at 50 C) 380
Density, max. (at 15 C) (g/ml) 0.991
Conradson caron res. !ax. (" mass) 15
S#l$%#r, max. (" mass) 1.&
Sodi#m, max. (mg/'g) 50
Vanadi#m, max (mg/'g) 100
(s%, max. (mg/'g) 0.05
)ater, max. (" mass) 1.0
)ater e*ore engine, i.e. a*ter *#el
treatment max. (" Vol) 0.3
(s$%alteness, max. (" mass) 8
(l#mini#n + silicon, max. (mg/'g) 30
(l#mini#m + silicon, e*ore engine, i.e.
(*ter treatment, max (mg/'g) 15
,itrogen (" mass) 0.-
.las% $oint, closed /ens'y0!artens, min (C) 10
/o#r $oint, #$$er max. (C) 30
CC(20n#mer, max 850
3otal sediment $otential, max. (" mass) 0.10
4sed l#ricating oil
0Calci#m, max. (mg/'g) 30
05inc, max. (mg/'g) 15
0/%os$%or#s, max. (mg/'g) 15
1) 3%e sodi#m content a*ter *#el treatment (6ater remo7al y se$aration)
may not exceed 30 mg/'g
8) ( *#el s%all e considered to e *ree o* #sed l#rating oil (49:), i* one o* t%e elements calci#m,
;inc and $%os$%or#s are elo6 or at t%e s$eci*ied limits. (ll t%ree elements s%all exceed t%e same
limits e*ore a *#el s%all e deemed to contain 49:.
Sodium contri#tes to %ot corrosion on ex%a#st 7al7es 6%en comined 6it% %ig% s#l$%#r and
vanadium contents. Sodi#m also strongly contri#tes to *o#ling o* t%e ex%a#st gas t#rine lading
at %ig% loads. 3%e aggressi7eness o* t%e *#el de$ends on its $ro$ortions o* sodi#m and 7anadi#m,
#t also on t%e total amo#nt o* as%. <ot corrosion and de$osit *ormation are, %o6e7er, also
in*l#enced y ot%er as% constit#ents. 2t is t%ere*ore di**ic#lt to set strict limits ased only on t%e
sodi#m and 7anadi#m content o* t%e *#el. (lso a *#el 6it% lo6er sodi#m and 7anadi#m contents
t%an s$eci*ied ao7e can ca#se %ot corrosion on engine com$onents.
3%e *#el s%o#ld not incl#de any added s#stance or c%emical 6aste, 6%ic% =eo$ardi;es t%e sa*ety
o* installations or ad7ersely a**ects t%e $er*ormance o* t%e engines or is %arm*#l to $ersonnel or
contri#tes o7erall to additional air $oll#tion

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