Art and Culture Policy

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Gracia Martnez Ferrer

1. Performing arts and subsidy:
Its true that classical music its not valued as other ind of music !"o"
music# roc music$%. &o'adays# it ha""ens in the 'hole 'ord. (he
"eo"le 'ho as for music in the actuality are most of them young "eo"le
!from 1) to *+ years old%. It means that the ,-. of the "eo"le "refer to
listen to "o" music# roc music or other inds of fashion music because its
less com"licate to understand# its able to sing in a disco or under the
sho'er# its able to share 'ith the ,,. of the "eo"le$/s a conse0uence#
most of the media lie the radio or television "rograms transmit this ind of
music. It also means that classical music its going do'n or its being less
"o"ular than other ty"es of music.
Its also evident if I tal about the "ercentage of "eo"le 'ho go to listen to
"o" concerts or roc concerts. For instance# I come from a to'n of 1"ain
and I have been able to mae some concerts in different sales. (he "eo"le
'ho came to listen to me 'ere "eo"le from my family# friends of mine# old
"eo"le and only fe' "eo"le interested in classical music. (he 'ee after
there 'as a 1li"not concert in the same to'n. (here 'ere so many "eo"le
that some of them 'ere not able to listen to the grou". It 'as totally full of
(he 0uestion is: 'hy this2 In my o"inion I thin everything comes from the
same matter: the media transmission. /s much as "eo"le no' 'ho is
going to mae a concert# ho' the musician "lays or sing# ho' is he or
she$and 'hat ty"e of music does he3she "lay# the "eo"le 'ill be more
interested to go to listen to.
4lassical music is not valued enough and there is no commercial about it.
(here e5ists a big difference of balance bet'een classical and modern
In order to find a solution I 'ould say that the best solution is to loo for
something else during the classical concert$a ind of animation# add some
ne' technologies on the stage to mae it more sur"rising$For me
something incredible 'ould be to transform the chairs$lie in the
attraction "ars: the cabin of that machines 'ere you go inside and you
en6oy the film not only 'atching and listening but also feeling 'ith
movements777 (hen I thin "eo"le 'ould feel really curious and they 'ould
lie to try at least. Its a good idea7
*. 4reative industries as ne' 'or territory for musicians:
I am com"letely against 8oots 9 8outes and all this ind of "rograms.
It is 6ust mareting because the uni0ue "ur"ose is to sell the "rogram.
(hats the bad side of this ind of "rograms$they also tae the o""ortunity
to earn money by commercial sms or "hone calls to "romote one or other
In 1"ain 'e have a "rogram called :;"eracion (riunfo<. (hey did more or
less = editions# 1* "eo"le "er edition. (his is a television sho' that has
been really "o"ular and famous around the 'orld. Its also "rogrammed in
other >uro"ean countries.
It means that "eo"le lie to sit do'n in front of the (? and listen to the
different talented "eo"le to en6oy the music# to tal about it or 6ust to mae
critical conversation 'ith their friends.
;nce more# its about "o" music singers. @hat about the classical
industries as a 'or2
In 1"ain 'e also have a "rogram 'here "eo"le sho' their talent !children%
and then they become a little bit more famous than before but nothing else.
(? is the best 'ay of transmission so for classical musician it 'ill be also
the best industry to 'or on. Maybe if they 'ould "ut a "rogram every
'ee 'ith different ind of concerts# also chamber music and soloist
"layers all together in the same sho'$as a concert but by (?. It 'ill be
really nice and "eo"le 'ould have the o""ortunity to listen to classical
music from their houses. (his 'ay there is also the o""ortunity to mae
more interesting# more e5citing# modernizing the "oint of vie' that "eo"le
have about classical music.
). Sale of music via CD or internet, MP3 and the new
possibilities for musicians:
I lie to buy things via internet because there is more variety to choose than
in a store and I can buy from home 'ithout time or day "roblems. It is
really comfortable. I lie a lot 4As and its a "ity that they 'ere not
invented hundreds of years ago. @hat I lie the most from 4As is that I can
listen to any great musician from home and as many times as I 'ant before
I have the "ossibility to go to see a concert of him3her.
(he only "roblem that musicians have is the easy o""ortunity to co"y the
4As 'hat means that it does not matter the original one or the co"y one.
(hey are able to listen to the same 'ith almost the same 0uality and in
advantage of "aying nothing for it. I dont thin this ha""ens because the
original 4A is e5"ensive. In my o"inion# it ha""ens because there is not
any "roblem co"ying the 4A. /lso because is a 'ay of sharing music 'ith
friends and to get the music faster that 'ait to go to the store# try to find out
the right one# get it and come bac home. For instance# if a friend of mine
has the 4A I 'ant I 6ust as to her and I 'ill get it in fe' hours. If I have to
go to the sho" it 'ill tae much more time.
/lso these "rograms lie :Bazaa<# :eCmule< or :Dime @ire< its a very
comfortable 'ay of getting music. Eust "ressing a button I 'ill get the
music I 'ant in my com"uter in fe' minutes.
(hese are the biggest "roblem right no' for the musician. 1ale music it
begins being almost im"ossible. (he media ills the sales.
;bviously this media its not going to disa""ear soon so it really becomes a
"roblem. Fo'ever# as much ne' technologies a""ear more "ossibilities the
musician or the music 'ill have because it 'ill be easier to arrive to all of
us. Its not easy but 'e have to find out the best solution to mae an
advantage of it and earn money from it. Maybe musicians 'ouldnt have to
as the bill to the co"yrights but to the technologies and media industries.
Maing a deal bet'een the internet com"any it 'ould be a good "ossibilite.

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