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Selichot Connection
Kabbalah4All Transliteration Guidelines
Please note that transliteration guidelines are different according to each culture and also within
each movement of Judaism. We have developed these guidelines for use with our transliterated
documents. They may or may not apply to transliterations put out by other movements including
the various organizations teaching Kabbalah.
a as in father
ai as in aisle
e as in red
ei as in eight
i as in pizza
o as in no
oy as in toy
u as in tune
ch as in Bach in German (strong sound from the throat)
g as in give
tz as in lots
typically adds an EH sound after a consonant, this is known as a Shva Na or pronounced
Shva as in the word Shma.
- a dash is simply used to aid in pronounciation, usually if two like vowels follow each other,
as in the word da-at.
In Hebrew, the accent generally falls on the last syllable, however it sometimes falls somewhere
else in the word. In our transliteration, when the syllable falls somewhere else other than the last
syllable, that stressed syllable will be underlined. Example: Melech.
Hebrew Rules
The following are some of the Hebrew rules you may notice in our siddurim (connection books).
Kj l n
In Hebrew, the accent generally falls on the last syllable, however it sometimes falls
somewhere else in the word. Whenever a syllable other than the last is accented, a
meteg (the vertical line under the first letter) will appear.
l k
The masoret above the letter Chaf indicates that this is a Kamatz Katan, which is
pronounced as o; in this example the word is kol.
Eg n U i
The rafe above a letter indicates it is a Shva Na. This example is pronounced
Note that the rafe does not appear above the first letter of a word that has a Shva
as that is ALWAYS a Shva Na.
Please do not publish or distribute without permission.
All prefaces to prayers written and adapted by David Aharon for Kabbalah4All.
Translated by David Aharon.
Edited by Rebecca Schwartz and David Aharon.
Used each day during the month of Elul and in the days between Rosh Hashanah and
Yom Kippur this connection unites us with the Light and with the consciousness of
slicha, which means forgiveness, and we cleanse ourselves of our past negative
actions. The best time to do this connection is between midnight and dawn, for it is
during this time when mercy is awakened.
The month of Elul is dedicated to teshuvah, which means to return. We return to
ourselves through introspection and to the Light through repentance for any negative
actions we may have done. It is not enough to just do this connection, we must also
feel repentance for those actions and seek to correct them. The negative actions that
we do determine our destiny. Teshuvah is the means through which we can reverse
the effects of our negative past actions . It gives us the ability to go back in time and
transform the negative into positive. Therefore, we can change history through our
thoughts, remove chaos from our lives, and balance the accounts that remain open
between ourselves and others.
We know that spiritual transformation is like a garden, we cant simply plant the seeds
and expect them to grow. We must also water and tend them. Likewise, we must
dedicate time to our transformation.
It is important to remember that the Creator has no need of our prayers, but through
them we sense the Light within and our purpose in the world. In order for actions them
to have an effect in our world and in our lives they must be coupled with the
proper/matching intentions. Without intention, kavanah as known by the Kabbalists,
our actions are meaningless.
We find 21 of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet encoded in this Psalm of David. The
first letter of each word of each verse is the alphabet in its order. Nun was intentionally
left out by King David because it has the same numeric value as the Hebrew word for
falling, which would indicate a spiritual falling.
Ashrei yoshvei veitecha,
Happy are those who dwell in Your house,
od yhallucha selah.
they will forever praise You.
Ashrei ha-am shekachah lo,
Happy the people whose portion is this,
ashrei ha-am she-Adonai Elohav.
happy the people for whom Hashem is their Elohim.
Thilah lDavid,
A Psalm of David,
Aromimcha Elohai ha-melech,
I shall exalt You, my Elohim, the Sovereign,
va-avarchah shimcha lolam va-ed.
and I shall bless Your name forever and ever.
Bchol yom avarcheka,
I shall bless You every day,
va-ahallah shimcha lolam va-ed.
and I shall praise Your name forever and ever.
Gadol Adonai umhulal mod,
Great is Hashem and exceedingly praised,
vligdulato ein cheiker.
His greatness is unfathomable.
Dor ldor yshabach ma-asecha,
Generation to generation shall praise Your actions,
ugvurotecha yagidu.
and recount Your mighty deeds.
Hadar kvod hodecha,
The brilliance of Your splendid glory,
vdivrei niflotecha asichah.
and the wonders of Your acts, I shall speak of.
Ve-ezuz norotecha yomeiru,
They shall speak of the might of Your awesome acts,
ugdulat'cha asaprenah.
and I shall tell of Your greatness.
Zecher rav tuvcha yabiyu,
They shall remember Your abundant goodness,
vtzidkatcha yraneinu.
and Your righteousness they shall joyfully proclaim.
,L zi a i a WFi i x W `
.d l Q LE l l d i cFr
,FN d k M W m r d i x W `
.ei dl ` dedi W m r d i x W `
,c e c l d N d Y
,K l O d i dFl ` L n nFx `
.c r e m lFr l L n W d k x a ` e
, k x a ` mFi l k A
.c r e m lFr l L n W d l l d ` e
,c` n l N d nE dedi lFc B
.x w g oi ` Fz N c b l e
,Li U r n g A W i xFc l xFC
.Eci B i Li zxEa bE
,L cFd cFa M x c d
.d gi U ` Li z` l t p i x a c e
,Ex n`i Li zF` xFp fEf r e
.d P x R q ` L z N c bE
,Eri A i L aEh a x x k f
.Ep P x i L z w c v e
Chanun vrachum Adonai,
Gracious and merciful is Hashem,
erech apayim ugdol chased.
slow to anger and great in kindness.
Tov Adonai lakol,
Hashem is good to all,
vrachamav al kol ma-asav.
Your compassion extended to all of Your creatures.
Yoducha Adonai kol ma-asecha,
All that You have made shall thank You Hashem,
vachasidecha yvarchuchah.
and Your pious ones shall bless You.
Kvod malchutcha yomeiru,
They shall speak of the glory of Your realm,
ugvuratcha ydabeiru.
and talk of Your mighty deeds.
Lhodiya livnei ha-adam gvurotav,
Your mighty deeds You make known to all humankind,
uchvod hadar malchuto.
and the glory of Your splendid realm.
Malchutcha malchut kol olamim,
Yours is the realm of all worlds,
umemshaltcha bchol dor vador.
and Your reign extends to each and every generation.
Someich Adonai lchol hanoflim,
Hashem supports all those who fall,
vzokeif lchol hakfufim.
and holds upright all those who are bent over.
Einei chol eilecha ysabeiru,
The eyes of all look hopefully towards You,
vatah notein lahem
and You give them their food
et ochlam bito.
at its proper time.
,dedi mEg x e oEP g
.c q g l c bE m i R ` K x `
,lM l dedi aFh
.ei U r n l M l r ei n g x e
,Li U r n l M dedi LE cFi
.d kE k x a i Li ci q g e
,Ex n`i L zEk l n cFa M
.Ex A c i L z xEa bE
,ei zxEa B m c ` d i p a l ri cFd l
.FzEk l n x c d cFa kE
,mi n lFr l M zEk l n L zEk l n
.xc e xC l k A L Y l W n nE
,mi l tP d l k l dedi K nFq
.mi tEt M d l k l s wFf e
,Ex A U i Li l ` lk i pi r
m d l o zFp d Y ` e
.FY r A m l k ` z `
We concentrate intently and open our hands while reciting the verse Potei-ach g zFR
Potei-ach et yadecha,
You open You hand,
umasbiya lchol chai ratzon.
and satisfy every living thing with its desire.
Tzadik Adonai bchol drachav,
Hashem is righteous in every way,
vchasid bchol ma-asav.
and virtuous in all deeds.
Karov Adonai lchol korav,
Hashem is close to all who call,
lchol asher yikra-uhu ve-emet.
and to all who call in truth.
,L c i z ` g zFR
.oFv x i g l k l ri A U nE
,ei k x C l k A dedi wi C v
.ei U r n l k A ci q g e
,ei ` xw l k l dedi aFx w
.z n ` a Ed ` x w i x W ` lk l
Rtzon yrei-av ya-aseh,
You fill the desires of all who revere You,
vet shavatam yishma vyoshi-eim.
You respond to us with the promise of redemption.
Shomeir Adonai et kol ohavav,
Hashem You protect all who love You,
veit kol harsha-im yashmid.
and You destroy all the wicked.
Thilat Adonai ydabeir pi,
My lips utter the praise of Hashem,
vivareich kol basar sheim kodsho
and may all flesh praise the holy Name
lolam va-ed.
for ever and ever.
Va-anachnu nvareich Yah,
And we shall bless You Eternal One,
mei-atah vad olam, hallu-Yah.
from this time until eternity, praise Yah.
,d U r i ei ` x i oFv x
.m ri WFi e r n W i m z r e W z ` e
,ei a d` l M z ` dedi x nFW
.ci n W i mi r W x d l M z ` e
,i R x A c i dedi z N d Y
FW c w m W x U A l M K x ai e
.c r e m lFr l
,D i K x a p Ep g p ` e
.D iEl l d ,m lFr c r e d Y r n
sydq yox
The Chatzi (Half) Kaddish concludes this section. It reminds us that we should always
sanctify the Divine Name and never allow this task to fade from our consciousness.
Recited by the Leader, Everyone says the words in { }.
Yitgadal vyitkadash shmeih raba.
Exalted and sanctified be His great Name.
Balma di vra chiruteih,
In the world that He has created according to His will,
vyamlich malchuteih,
and may He let His sovereignty have dominion,
vyatzmach purkaneih
and cause His redemption to sprout
vikareiv Mshichei. {Amein.}
and bring near the Mashiach. Amen.
Bchayeichon uvyomeichon
In your lifetime and in your days
uvchayei dchol beit Yisra-eil,
and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,
ba-agala uvizman kariv,
speedily and at a time that comes soon,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and say amen. Amen.
{Yhei shmeih raba mvarach
May His great Name be blessed
lalam ulalmei almaya.}
forever and for all eternity.
Yitbarach vyishtabach vyitpa-ar
Blessed and praised and glorified
vyitromam vyitnasei vyit-hadar
and exalted and raised up and honored
vyitaleh vyit-halal
and elevated and lauded
shmeih dkudsha {brich hu},
be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He,
leila min kol birchata vshirata
beyond more than any blessing and song
tushbchata vnechemata,
praise and consolation
da-amiran balma,
that are uttered in the world,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and say amen. Amen.
.` A x D n W W C w z i e l C B z i
{.o n `}
,D zEr x k ` x a i C ` n l r A
,D zEk l n Ki l n i e
D p w x R g n v i e
{.o n `} .D gi W n a x wi e
oFki nFi aE oFki I g A
,l ` x U i zi A l k c i I g aE
,ai x w o n f aE ` l b r A
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
K x a n ` A x D n W ` d i}
{.` I n l r i n l r lE m l r l
x ` R z i e g A Y W i e K x A z i
x C d z i e ` V p z i e m nFx z i e
l N d z i e d N r z i e
,{`Ed Ki x A} ` W c w C D n W
` z xi W e ` z k x A l M o n ` N r l
,` z n g p e ` z g A W Y
,` n l r A o xi n ` C
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
yh ;l
This prayer assists in the cleansing process of our soul by removing all the negative
energy that we may have accumulated in the past year.
Lcha Adonai hatzdakah,
For Yours, Hashem, is righteousness,
vlanu boshet hapanim.
and ours is nothing but shame.
Mah nit-onein, mah nomar,
How can we complain, what can we say,
mah ndabeir, umah nitz-tadak.
what can we declare, and how can we be justified?
Nachpsah dracheinu vnachkorah,
Let us search our ways and probe them,
vnashuvah Eilecha,
and return to You,
ki ymincha fshutah lkabeil shavim.
for Your right hand is outstretched to accept those who return.
Lo vchesed vlo
Through Your mercy
vma-asim banu lfanecha,
we have come before You,
kdalim uchrashim dafaknu dlatecha.
like the poor and destitute we knock on Your door.
Dlatecha dafaknu rachum vchanun,
At Your door do we knock merciful and gracious One,
na al tshiveinu reikam milfanecha.
do not turn us away empty handed from before You.
Milfanecha malkeinu reikam al
From before You, our Sovereign, empty handed do not
tshiveinu, ki atah
turn us away, for You
shomei-a tfilah.
the One Who hears prayer.
,d w c S d 'd L l
.mi p R d z W A Ep l e
,x n`P d n ,o pF` z P d n
.w C h v P d nE ,x A c P d n
,d x w g p e Epi k x c d U R g p
,Li l ` d aE W p e
.mi a W l A w l d hEW t L pi n i i M
`l e c q g a `l
,Li p t l Ep` A mi U r n a
.Li z l c Ep w t C mi W x kE mi N c M
,oEp g e mEg x Ep w t c Li z l C
.Li p t N n m wi x Ep ai W Y l ` ` p
l ` m wi x Ep M l n Li p t N n
d Y ` i M ,Ep ai W Y
.d l t Y r nFW
Everyone says the following line and it is repeated by the Leader.
,Epi b W Ep Y l E ` aFx a i M ,Epi a ` Ep l g l q
.Epi pe r EA x i M ,Ep M l n Ep l l g n
Slach lanu avinu, ki vrov ivalteinu shaginu,
mchal lanu malkeinu, ki rabu avoneinu.
Forgive us our Father, for in the abundance of our folly we have erred,
pardon us, our Sovereign, for our iniquities are many.
Through the following verses, which include the Thirteen Attributes, we connect to the
energy of forgiveness, which is the meaning of the word slichot.
Eloheinu vEilohei avoteinu,
Our Elohim and Elohim of our ancestors,
eich niftach peh lfanecha,
how can we open our mouth before You,
dar mtuchim,
Who dwells in the outstretched universe,
beilu fanim nishpoch sichim,
in what manner may we pour out our supplications,
ga-alnu ntivotecha
we despised Your paths
haysharim vhanchochim,
which are honest and straightforward,
davaknu vto-eivot
we adhered to abominations
uvma-asim znuchim.
and despicable deeds.
Halachnu acharei masot
We went after visions
shav umaduchim,
of uselessness and deception,
vhikshinu oref vhei-aznu mtzachim,
we obstinately made our necks stiff and our faces brazen,
za-amat bshelanu beit
You raged on our account and the House
mishknot mivtachim,
of Your Dwelling in security,
charav ufas rei-ach nichochim.
was destroyed and the satisfying aroma vanished.
Epi zFa ` i dl` e Epi dl `
,Li p t l d R g Y t p Ki `
,mi gEz n x C
,mi gi U KR W p mi p t El ` A
Li zFai z p Ep l r B
,mi gk P d e mi x W i d
zFa rFz a Ep w a C
.mi gEp f mi U r n aE
zF` U n i x g ` Ep k l d
,mi gEC nE ` e W
,mi g v n Ep f r d e s x r Epi W w d e
zi A Ep N W A Y n r f
,mi g h a n zep M W n
.mi gFgi p gi x q tE a x g
Toradu vtultalu
Driven out and forced to wander
kohanim mshuchim,
were the anointed Kohanim,
yodei eirech olot uzvachim,
who knew how to arrange burnt-offerings and sacrifices,
kamah yisartanu al ydei
how You chastised us at the hands
tzirim ushluchim,
of ambassadors and messengers,
lo hikshavnu lishmo-a lmochichim.
we were not attentive to listen to those who rebuked us.
Mei-az vad atah anachnu nidachim,
From then until now we have been driven into exile,
neheragim vnishchatim vnitbachim,
slain and slaughtered and butchered,
soradnu mtei mat bein
we have survived as a people who were but few among
kotzim ksuchim,
thorns that were cut,
eineinu chalot bli mtzo rvachim.
while our eyes yearn for (You) without finding relief.
Porchei amcha
Those who crushingly enslave Your people,
asher labeil shochachim,
who bow down to idols,
tzefer va-erev lamah matzlichim,
from morning to evening why do they succeed,
kamim lmulach natzot shochachim,
they rise up against You and speak blasphemy,
rtzutzim, bamah atem botchim.
you who are crushed in what do you trust.
Shochein ad vkadosh,
O You Who dwells forever and Who is holy,
tzfeih belbon anuchim,
behold the shame of those who sigh,
tmuchim alecha uvcha mutachim,
who depend on You and who to You are stitched together,
bnora-ot ymincha
by the awesome deeds of Your right hand
nivashei-a lintzachim,
may we be redeemed forever,
ki al rachamecha harabim
for upon Your abundant mercy
anu vtuchim.
do we put our trust.
El h l h e Ec xh
,mi gEW n mi p dM
,mi g a fE zFlFr K x r i r cFi
i c i l r Ep Y x Q i d O M
,mi gEl WE mi xi v
.mi gi kFn l r n W l Ep a W w d `l
,mi g C p Ep g p ` d Y r c r e f ` n
,mi g A h p e mi h g W p e mi b x d p
oi A h r n i z n Ep c xU
,mi gEq M mi vFw
.mi g e x `v n i l A zFl k Epi pi r
L O r i k xFR
,mi g gFW l A l x W `
,mi gi l v n d O l a x r e x t v
,mi g gFU zFv ` p K lEn l mi n w
.mi g hFA m Y ` d O A ,mi vEv x
,WFc w e c r o kFW
,mi gEp ` oFA l r A d t v
,mi g ` z n L aE Li l r mi kEn Y
L pi n i zF` xFp A
,mi g v p l r W E p
mi A x d Li n g x l r i M
.mi gEh a Ep `
Ki al rachamecha harabim
for upon Your abundant mercy
anu vtuchim,
do we put our trust,
val tzidkotecha anu nishanim,
and upon Your righteousness do we rely,
vlis-lichotecha anu mkavim,
and for Your forgiveness do we hope,
vlishu-atcha anu mtzapim.
and for Your salvation do we eagerly await.
Atah hu melech,
You are the Sovereign,
oheiv tzdakot mikedem,
Who loves righteousness since the beginning of time,
ma-avir avonot amo,
Who overlooks the iniquities of Your people,
umeisir chatot yrei-av.
and removes the misdeeds of those Who revere You.
Koreit brit larishonim,
You established a covenant with the ancestors,
umkayeim shvu-ah la-acharonim.
and fulfills Your oath to the descendants.
Atah hu,
You are the One,
sheyaradta ba-anan kvodecha
Who descended in the cloud of Your glory
al har sinai,
upon Mount Sinai,
vhereita darchei tuvcha
and You showed the ways of Your goodness
lMosheh avdecha.
to Moses Your servant.
Varchot chasadecha gilita lo,
The paths of Your kindness You revealed to him,
vhodato ki atah
and You let him know that You are
Eil rachum vchanun,
the Almighty One Who is compassionate and gracious,
erech apayim vrav chesed
slow to anger and abundant in kindness
umarbeh lheitiv,
Who is abundantly beneficent,
umanhig et kol ha-olam
and Who guides all the world
kulo bmidat harachamim.
in its entirety with the Attribute of Mercy.
Vchein katuv,
And so it is written,
mi A x d Li n g x l r i M
,mi gEh a Ep `
,mi p r W p Ep ` Li zFw c v l r e
,mi E w n Ep ` Li zFgi l q l e
.mi R v n Ep ` L z rEWi l e
,K l n `Ed d Y `
,m c T n zFw c v a dF`
,FO r zFpe r xi a r n
.ei ` x i z`H g xi q nE
,mi pFW` x l zi x A z xFM
.mi pFx g ` l d rEa W m I w nE
,`Ed d Y `
L cFa M o p r A Y c x I W
,i pi q x d l r
L aEh i k x C zi ` x d e
.L C a r d Wn l
,FN zi N B Li c q g zFg x ` e
d Y ` i M FY r cFd e
,oEP g e mEg x l `
c q g a x e m i R ` K x `
,ai hi d l d A x nE
m lFr d l M z ` bi d p nE
.mi n g x d z C n A FN M
,aEz M o k e
Vayomer ani a-avir
And He said, I shall cause to pass
kol tuvi al panecha,
all My goodness before your face,
vkarati vsheim Adonai lfanecha,
and I shall call out with the Name of Hashem before you,
vchanoti et asher achon,
I shall show favor to whomever I choose to show favor,
vrichamti et asher aracheim.
and I shall show mercy to whomever I choose to show
xi a r ` i p ` x n` I e
,Li p R l r i aEh l M
,Li p t l dedi m W a i z` x w e
,og ` x W ` z ` i zP g e
.m g x ` x W ` z ` i Y n g x e
We stand as we recite the following:
Eil erech apayim atah,
Almighty One, You are slow to anger,
uva-al harachamim nikreita,
and You are called the Ruler of mercy,
vderech tshuvah horeita.
and You have taught the way of return.
Gdulat rachamecha vachasadecha,
The greatness of Your mercy and Your kindness,
tizkor hayom uvchol yom
may You remember this day and every day
lzera ydidecha.
for the offspring of Your beloved ones.
Teifen eileinu brachamim,
Turn to us in Your mercy,
ki atah hu ba-al harachamim.
for You are the Ruler of mercy.
Btachanun uvit-filah panecha
With supplication and prayer Your Presence
nkadeim, khodata
we approach, in the manner that You made known
le-anav mikedem.
to the humble one [Moses] in ancient times.
Meicharon apcha shuv,
From the fierceness of Your anger turn back,
kmo vToratcha katov.
as it is written in Your Torah.
Uvtzeil knafecha necheseh vnitlonan,
In the shadow of Your wings may we find shelter and dwell,
kyom vayeired Adonai be-anan.
as on the day when Hashem descended in a cloud.
,d Y ` m i R ` K x ` l `
, z` x w p mi n g x d l r aE
. zi xFd d aEW Y K x c e
,Li c q g e Li n g x z N c B
mFi l k aE mFI d xM f Y
.Li ci c i r x f l
,mi n g x A Epi l ` o t Y
.mi n g x d l r A `Ed d Y ` i M
Li p R d N t z aE oEp g z A
Y r cFd M ,m C w p
.m c T n e p r l
,aEW L R ` oFx g n
.aEz M L z xFz a Fn M
,o pFl z p e d q g p Li t p M l v aE
.o p r A dedi c x I e mFi M
Ta-avor al pesha vtimcheh asham,
Overlook wrongdoing and erase guilt,
kyom vayit-yatzeiv imo sham.
as on the day when You stood with him [Moses].
,m W ` d g n z e r W R l r xFa r Y
.m W FO r a S i z I e mFi M
Ta-azin shavateinu vtakshiv
Give heed to our cry and hear
menu ma-amar,
from us our declaration,
kyom vayikra vsheim Adonai,
as on the day You called out with the name of Hashem,
vsham ne-emar:
and there it was said:
ai W w z e Ep z r e W oi f ` Y
,x n ` n EP n
,dedi m W a ` x w I e mFi M
:x n ` p m W e
Everyone recites the following verse, then it is repeated by the Leader:
:` x w I e ei p R l r dedi xa r I e
Vaya-avor Adonai al panav vayikra:
And Hashem passed before [Moses] face and proclaimed:
Everyone chants together:
,dedi ,dedi
Adonai, Adonai,
Hashem, Hashem,
K x ` ,oEP g e ,mEg x ,l `
Almighty One, compassionate, and gracious, slow
,c q g a x e ,m i R `
vrav chesed,
to anger, and abundant in kindness,
,z n ` e
and truth,
p ,mi t l ` l c q g x v
notzeir chesed
preserver of kindness for thousands of generations,
.d T p e ,d ` H g e ,r W t e ,oe r ` Up
noseih avon,
Forgiver of iniquity, willful wrongdoing, and error, and who absolves.
Everyone recites together:
.Ep Y l g pE Ep z` H g lE Ep pe r l Y g l q e
Vsalachta la-avoneinu ulchatateinu unchaltanu.
May You forgive our iniquities and our wrongdoings and make us Your heritage.
Slach lanu avinu ki chatanu,
Forgive us our Father for we have erred,
mchal lanu malkeinu ki fashanu.
pardon us our Sovereign for we have willfully erred.
Ki atah Adonai tov vsalach,
For You Hashem are good and forgiving,
vrav chesed lchol korecha.
and abundantly kind to all who call upon You.
,Ep` h g i M Epi a ` Ep l g l q
.Ep r W t i M Ep M l n Ep l l g n
,g N q e aFh i pc ` d Y ` i M
.Li ` xw l k l c q g a x e
Everyone says the following verse and then it is repeated by the Leader.
,L C q g l c b M dG d m r d oe r l ` p g l q
.d P d c r e m i x v O n dG d m r l d z` U p x W ` k e
:x n ` p m W e
Slach na la-avon ha-am hazeh kgodel chasdecha,
vcha-asher nasatah la-am hazeh mimitzrayim vad heinah.
Vsham ne-emar:
Forgive please the iniquity of this people according to the greatness of Your kindness,
just as You have forgiven this people from Egypt until now.
And there it was said:
Everyone together:
.L x a c M i Y g l q dedi x n` I e
Vayomer Adonai salachti kidvarecha.
And Hashem said, I have forgiven according to your word.
Chateih Elohai ozncha ushma,
Incline, my Elohim, Your ear, and listen,
pdach einecha ureih shommoteinu,
open Your eyes and see our desolation,
vha-ir asher
and that of the city of which
nikra shimcha aleha,
Your Name is proclaimed upon,
ki lo al tzidkoteinu anachnu
for not because of our righteousness do we
mapilim tachanuneinu lfanecha,
cast our supplications before You,
ki al rachamecha harabim.
but because of Your compassion which is abundant.
Adonai shma-ah, Adonai slachah,
Adonai heed, Adonai forgive,
Adonai hakshivah, va-aseih al
Adonai be attentive, and act do not
,r n WE L p f ` i dl ` d H d
,Epi zn nW d ` xE Li pi r g w R
x W ` xi r d e
, di l r L n W ` x w p
Ep g p ` Epi zw c v l r `l i M
,Li p t l Epi pEp g Y mi li R n
.mi A x d Li n g x l r i M
,d g l q i pc ` ,d r n W i pc `
l ` d U r e ,d ai W w d i pc `
tachar, lma-ancha Elohai,
delay, for Your sake my Elohim,
ki shimcha nikra al
for Your Name is proclaimed upon
ircha val amecha.
upon Your City and upon your people.
,i dl ` L p r n l ,x g ` Y
l r ` x w p L n W i M
.L O r l r e L xi r
Al tizkar lanu avonot rishonim,
Do not recall iniquities of the ancients against us,
maheir ykadmunu rachamecha,
may Your mercies swiftly advance to meet us,
ki dalonu mod.
for we have greatly become impoverished.
Chatot nureinu ufsha-einu
The misdeeds of our youth and our iniquities
al tizkor,
remember not,
kchasdcha zchar lanu atah,
that worthy of Your kindness may You remember for us,
lma-an tuvcha Adonai.
for the sake of Your goodness Hashem.
,mi pFW` x zFpe r Ep l x M f Y l `
,Li n g x EpE n C w i x d n
.c` n EpF N c i M
Epi r W tE Epi xEr p z`H g
,xFM f Y l `
,d Y ` Ep l x k f L C q g M
.dedi L aEh o r n l
;ymxr rkz
These verses follow three themes: a plea that Creator remember the covenant made to
our Patriarchs and their offspring, a plea to end our current exile and bring about the Final
Redemption, and a plea for forgiveness.
Zchor rachamecha Adonai vachasadecha,
Remember Your mercies Hashem and Your kindnesses,
ki mei-olam heimah.
for they are eternal.
Zochreinu Adonai birtzon amecha,
Remember us Hashem when You show favor to Your people,
pakdeinu bishu-atecha.
recall us with Your salvation.
Zchor adatcha kanita kedem,
Remember Your congregation which You acquired long ago,
ga-alta sheivet nachalatecha,
You redeemed the tribe of Your heritage,
har Tziyon zeh shachanta bo.
the mountain of Zion where You rested Your Presence there.
Zchor Adonai chibat Yrushalayim,
Remember Hashem the affection of Jerusalem,
,Li c q g e dedi Li n g x xk f
.d O d m lFr n i M
,L O r oFv x A dedi Ep x k f
.L z rEWi A Ep c w R
,m c T zi p w L z c r xk f
,L z l g p h a W Y l ` B
.FA Y p k W d f oFI v x d
,m i l WEx i z A g dedi xk f
ahavat Tziyon al tishkach lanetzach.
the love of Zion do not forget forever.
Zchor Adonai livnei edom
Remember Hashem to repay the offspring of Edom
eit yom Yrushalayim,
the day of Jerusalem,
ha-omrim aru aru
to repay those who say: Destroy! Destroy!
ad haysod bah.
the very foundation of it.
Atah takum tracheim Tziyon,
You will arise and show mercy to Zion,
ki eit lchennah, ki va mo-eid.
for the time to favor her, the appointed time will come.
Zchor lAvraham lYitzchak
Remember for Abraham for Isaac
ul-Yisra-eil avadecha,
and for Israel Your servants,
asher nishbata lahem bach,
that You swore to them by Your Being,
vatdabeir aleihem: Arbeh et
and You said to them: I shall increase your
zarachem kchochvei hashamayim,
offspring like the stars of the heavens,
vchol ha-aretz hazot asher
and all of this land of which
amarti etein lzarachem,
I spoke I will give to your offspring,
vnachalu lolam.
and they will inherit it forever.
Zchor la-avadecha lAvraham
Remember Your servants of Abraham
lYitzchak ul-Ya-akov,
of Isaac and of Jacob,
al teifen el kshi ha-am hazeh
do not pay attention to the stubbornness of this people
vel risho vel chatato.
to its wickedness and to its misdeeds.
.g v p l g M W Y l ` oFI v z a d `
mFc ` i p a l dedi xk f
,m i l WEx i mFi z `
Ex r Ex r mi x nF` d
.D A cFq i d c r
,oFI v m g x Y mEw z d Y `
.c rFn ` a i M ,D p p g l z r i M
w g v i l m d x a ` l xk f
,Li c a r l ` x U i lE
,K A m d l Y r A W p x W `
z ` d A x ` :m d l ` x A c Y e
,m i n X d i a kFk M m k r x f
x W ` z`G d u x ` d l k e
,m k r x f l o Y ` i Y x n `
.m lFr l El g p e
m d x a ` l Li c a r l xk f
,aw r i lE w g v i l
dG d m r d i W w l ` o t Y l `
.Fz` H g l ` e Fr W x l ` e
Everyone says the following line and it is repeated by the Leader.
,z` H g Epi l r z W z ` p l `
.Ep` h g x W ` e Ep l `Fp x W `
Al na tasheit aleinu chatat,
asher no-alnu va-asher chatanu.
Please do not place upon us guilt for our misdeeds,
in that we have acted foolishly and in that we have done negative deeds.
Everyone says the following line and it is repeated by the Leader.
.Ep x vFi Ep l g l q ,Ep xEv Ep` h g
Chatanu tzureinu, slach lanu yotzreinu.
We have missed the mark our Rock, forgive us our Maker.
Zchor lanu brit avot
Remember for us the covenant of the Patriarchs
ka-asher amarta:
as You said:
Vzacharti et brit Ya-akov,
And I will remember My covenant with Jacob,
vaf et brit Yitzchak,
and also My covenant with Isaac,
vaf et brit Avraham ezkor,
and also My covenant with Abraham I will remember,
vha-aretz ezkor.
and the Land I will remember.
Zchor lanu brit rishonim
Remember for us the covenant of the ancient ones
ka-asher amarta:
as You said:
Vzacharti lahem brit rishonim,
And I will remember for them the covenant of the ancients,
asher hotzeiti otam mei-eretz
that I took them out from the land
mitzrayim leinei hagoyim lihyot
of Egypt in the very sight of the nations to be
lahem Leilohim, ani Adonai.
to them Elohim, I am Hashem.
Aseih imanu kmah
Do with us as
shehivtachtanu: Vaf gam zot
You promised us: And despite all this
bih-yotam beretz oyveihem,
when they will be in the land of their enemies,
lo mastim vlo
I will not despise them nor
gal-tim lchalotam,
abhor them to destroy them,
lhafeir brit itam,
to annul My covenant with them,
ki ani Adonai Eloheihem.
for I am Hashem their Elohim.
Himatzei lanu bvakashateinu,
Be accessible to us in our quest,
kmah shekatuv:
as it is written:
zFa ` zi x A Ep l xFk f
: Y x n ` x W ` M
,aFw r i i zi x A z ` i Y x k f e
,w g v i i zi x A z ` s ` e
,xM f ` m d x a ` i zi x A z ` s ` e
.xM f ` u x ` d e
mi pFW` x zi x A Ep l xFk f
: Y x n ` x W ` M
,mi pFW` x zi x A m d l i Y x k f e
u x ` n m z` i z` vFd x W `
zFi d l m iFB d i pi r l m i x v n
.dedi i p ` ,mi dl` l m d l
d n M Ep O r d U r
z`f m B s ` e :Ep Y g h a d W
,m di a i` u x ` A m zFi d A
`l e mi Y q ` n `l
,m zN k l mi Y l r b
,m Y ` i zi x A x t d l
.m di dl ` dedi i p ` i M
,Ep z W T a A Ep l ` v O d
:aEz M W d n M
Uvikashtem misham et Adonai
And you will seek from there Hashem
Elohecha umatzata,
your Elohim and you will find Him,
ki tidrshenu bchol lvavcha
when you search Him out with all your heart
uvchol nafshecha.
and with all your soul.
Mol et lvaveinu lahavah
Circumcise our hearts to love
et shmecha,
Your Name,
kmah shekatuv:
as it is written:
Umal Adonai Elohecha et lvavcha,
And Hashem your Elohim will circumcise your heart,
vet lvav zarecha,
and the heart of your offspring,
lahavah et Adonai Elohecha
to love Hashem your Elohim
bchol lvavcha uvchol nafshcha
with all your heart and with all your soul
lma-an chayecha.
so that you may live.
Zrok aleinu mayim
Pour upon us water
thorim vtahareinu,
that is pure and purify us,
kmah shekatuv:
as it is written:
Vzarkti aleichem mayim
And I shall pour upon you water
thorim ut-hartem,
that is pure and you will become pure,
mikol tumoteichem umikol
from all your contaminations and from all
giluleichem ataheir etchem.
your abominations I will purify you.
Mcheih fsha-einu ka-av vche-anan,
Wipe away our misdeeds like a mist and like a cloud,
kmah shekatuv:
as it is written:
Machiti ka-av psha-echa,
I have wiped away like a mist your willful misdeeds,
vche-anan chatotecha,
and like a cloud your transgressions,
shuvah eilai ki galticha.
return to Me for I have redeemed you.
dedi z ` m X n m Y W T aE
, z` v nE Li dl `
L a a l l k A EP W x c z i M
.L W t p l k aE
d a d ` l Ep a a l z ` lFn
,L n W z `
:aEz M W d n M
,L a a l z ` Li dl ` dedi l nE
,L r x f a a l z ` e
Li dl ` dedi z ` d a d ` l
L W t p l k aE L a a l l k A
.LiI g o r n l
m i n Epi l r wFx f
,Ep x d h e mi xFd h
:aEz M W d n M
m i n m ki l r i Y w x f e
,m Y x d hE mi xFd h
l M nE m ki zF` n h lM n
.m k z ` x d h ` m ki lEN B
,o p r k e a r M Epi r W t d g n
:aEz M W d n M
,Li r W R a r k i zi g n
,Li z`H g o p r k e
.Li Y l ` b i M i l ` d aEW
Mcheih fsha-einu lma-ancha,
Wipe away our misdeeds for Your sake,
ka-asher amarta:
as You said:
Anochi anochi hu
I only I am the One
mocheh fsha-echa lma-ani,
Who wipes away your willful misdeeds for My sake,
vchatotecha lo ezkor.
and your transgressions I shall not recall.
Halbein chata-einu kasheleg
Whiten our misdeeds like snow
vchatzemer, kmah shekatuv:
and like wool, as it is written:
Lchu na vnivachchah,
Come now let us reason together,
yomar Adonai, im yihyu chata-eichem
says Hashem, though your misdeeds be
kashanim, kasheleg yalbinu,
like scarlet, like snow they will be whitened,
im yadimu chatola,
though they may be red as crimson,
katzemer yihyu.
they will become like white wool.
Racheim aleinu val tashchiteinu,
Have mercy on us and do not destroy us,
kmah shekatuv:
as it is written:
Ki Eil rachum Adonai Elohecha,
For a merciful Almighty One is Hashem your Elohim,
lo yarpcha vlo yashchitecha,
Who will not relinquish you or destroy you,
vlo yishkach et brit avotecha
nor forget the covenant with your ancestors
asher nishba lahem.
which He swore to them.
Kabeitz nidacheinu,
Gather our dispersed ones,
kmah shekatuv:
as it is written:
Im yihyeh nidachacha
If your dispersed will be
biktzeih hashamayim,
at the ends of the heavens,
misham ykabetzcha Adonai Elohecha,
from there Hashem your Elohim will gather you in,
umisham yikachecha.
and from there He will take you.
,L p r n l Epi r W t d g n
: Y x n ` x W ` M
`Ed i kp ` i kp `
,i p r n l Li r W t d gn
.xM f ` `l Li z`H g e
b l X M Epi ` h g o A l d
:aEz M W d n M ,x n S k e
,d g k E p e ` p Ek l
m ki ` h g Ei d i m ` ,dedi x n`i
,Epi A l i b l X M ,mi p X M
,r lFY k Eni C ` i m `
.Ei d i x n S M
,Ep zi g W Y l ` e Epi l r m g x
:aEz M W d n M
,Li dl ` dedi mEg x l ` i M
,L zi g W i `l e L R x i `l
Li zFa ` zi x A z ` g M W i `l e
.m d l r A W p x W `
,Epi g C p u A w
:aEz M W d n M
L g C p d i d i m `
,m i n X d d v w A
,Li dl ` dedi L v A w i m X n
.L g T i m X nE
Hasheiv shvuteinu vrachameinu,
Bring back our return and have mercy on us,
kmah shekatuv:
as it is written:
Vshav Adonai Elohecha
Then bring back with Hashem your Elohim
et shvutcha vrichamecha,
your return and He will have mercy upon you,
vshav vkibetzcha mikol ha-amim
and He will once again gather you in from all the peoples
asher hefitzcha
that scattered you
Adonai Elohecha shamah.
has Hashem your Elohim thereto.
Tvi-einu el har kodshecha,
Bring us to Your holy mountain,
vsamcheinu bveit tfilatecha,
and make us rejoice in Your House of Prayer,
kmah shekatuv:
as it is written:
Vahavi-otim el har kodshi,
And I will bring them to My holy mountain,
vsimachtim bveit tfilati,
and I will make them rejoice in My House of Prayer,
oloteihem vzivcheihem lratzon
their burnt-offerings and their feast-offerings will find favor
al mizbchi,
upon My Altar,
ki veiti beit tfilah yikarei
for My House shall be called a House of Prayer
lchol ha-amim.
for all the nations.
,Ep n g x e Ep zEa W a W d
:aEz M W d n M
Li dl ` dedi a W e
,L n g x e L zEa W z `
mi O r d l M n L v A w e a W e
L vi t d x W `
.d O W Li dl ` dedi
,L W c w x d l ` Ep `i a Y
,L z N t Y zi a A Ep g O U e
:aEz M W d n M
,i W c w x d l ` mi zF`i a d e
,i z N t Y zi a A mi Y g O U e
oFv x l m di g a f e m di zFlFr
,i g A f n l r
` x T i d N t Y zi A i zi a i M
.mi O r d l k l
vnlvq ims
With these verses we call out to our Creator with a longing desire to return to the Light.
Each verse is recited by the Leader, then repeated by Everyone.
,Epi l r m g x e qEg ,Epi dl ` dedi ,Ep lFw r n W
.Ep z N t Y z ` oFv x aE mi n g x A l A w e
Shma koleinu, Adonai Eloheinu, chus vracheim aleinu,
vkabeil brachamim uvratzon et tfilateinu.
Hear our voice, Hashem our Elohim, have pity and compassion on us,
and accept with compassion and favor our prayer.
.m c w M Epi n i W C g ,d aE W p e Li l ` dedi Ep ai W d
Hashiveinu Adonai Eilecha vnashuvah, chadeish yameinu kkedem.
Bring us back to You Hashem and we shall return, renew our days as of old.
.Ep O n g T Y l ` L W c w gE x e ,Li p t N n Ep ki l W Y l `
Al tashlicheinu milfanecha, vruach kodshcha al tikach mimenu.
Do not cast us away from Your Presence, and the Spirit of Your Holiness do not take from us.
.Ep a f r Y l ` Ep gM zFl k M ,d p w f z r l Ep ki l W Y l `
Al tashlicheinu leit ziknah, kichlot kocheinu al ta-azveinu.
Do not cast us away in time of old age, do not forsake us when our strength fails.
.EP O n w g x Y l ` Epi dl ` ,dedi Ep a f r Y l `
Al ta-azveinu Adonai, Eloheinu al tirchak mimenu.
Do not forsake us Hashem, our Elohim be not distant from us.
Everyone continues together:
Aseih imanu ot ltovah,
Display for us a sign for good,
vyiru soneinu vyeivoshu,
so that our enemies may see it and be ashamed,
ki atah Adonai
for You Hashem
azartanu vnichamtanu.
will have helped us and consoled us.
Amareinu ha-azinah Adonai,
Hear our words Hashem,
binah hagigeinu.
understand our thoughts.
Yih-yu lratzon imrei finu
May they find favor, the utterance of our mouth
vhegyon libeinu lfanecha,
and the meditation of our heart, before You,
Adonai tzureinu vgo-aleinu.
Hashem our rock and our redeemer.
Ki lcha Adonai hochalnu,
Because for You Hashem do we wait,
atah ta-aneh, Adonai Eloheinu.
You will answer, Hashem our Elohim.
,d aFh l zF` Ep O r d U r
,EW a i e Epi ` pFU E` x i e
dedi d Y ` i M
.Ep Y n g p e Ep Y x f r
,dedi d pi f ` d Epi x n `
.Ep bi b d d pi A
Epi t i x n ` oFv x l Ei d i
,Li p t l Ep A l oFi b d e
.Ep l `Fb e Ep xEv dedi
,Ep l gFd dedi L l i M
.Epi dl ` i pc ` ,d p r z d Y `
During Slichot we should recognize our short-comings and wrong choices so that we can
get closer to the Light.
Stand with head and body slightly bowed.
Ana Adonai Eloheinu
We beseech You Hashem our Elohim
vEilohei avoteinu,
and Elohim of our ancestors,
tavo lfanecha tfilateinu,
may our prayer come before You,
val tit-alam mitchinateinu,
and do not disregard our plea,
she-ein anu azei fanim
for we are not arrogant
uk-shei oref,
and stiff necked,
lomar lfanecha Adonai Eloheinu
to say before You Hashem our Elohim
vEilohei avoteinu,
and Elohim of our ancestors,
tzadikim anachnu vlo chatanu,
that we are righteous and did nothing negative,
aval anachnu
for we have transgressed, we
va-avoteinu chatanu.
and our ancestors have done negative things.
Epi dl ` dedi ` P `
,Epi zFa ` i dl` e
,Ep z N t Y Li p t l `a Y
,Ep z P g Y n m N r z Y l ` e
mi p t i G r Ep ` oi ` W
,s x r i W wE
Epi dl ` dedi Li p t l x nFl
,Epi zFa ` i dl` e
,Ep` h g `l e Ep g p ` mi wi C v
Ep g p ` l a `
.Ep` h g Epi zFa ` e
Strike the left side of the chest with the right fist while reciting each word that begins with a red letter.
Ashamnu, bagadnu, gazalnu,
We have been guilty, we have betrayed, we have stolen,
dibarnu dofi.
we have spoken slander.
He-evinu, vhirshanu, zadnu,
We have done iniquity, we caused wickedness, we transgressed,
chamasnu, tafalnu sheker.
we have extorted, we have made false accusations.
Ya-atznu ra, kizavnu, latznu,
We have given bad advice, we have deceived, we have scorned,
maradnu, ni-atznu, sararnu,
we have rebelled, we have blasphemed, we have strayed,
avinu, pashanu, tzararnu,
weve been iniquitous, weve done misdeeds, weve bound up,
kishinu oref.
we have stiffened our necks.
` ,Ep n W A ,Ep c b B ,Ep l f
C .i t c Ep x A
d ,Epi e r e ,Ep r W x d f ,Ep c
g ,Ep q n h .x w W Ep l t
i ,r x Ep v r M ,Ep a G l ,Ep v
n ,Ep c x p ,Ep v ` q ,Ep x x
r ,Epi e R ,Ep r W v ,Ep x x
w .s x r Epi X
Rashanu, shichatnu,
We have been wicked, we have been corrupt,
ti-avnu, ta-inu, titanu.
we have detested, we have gone astray, we have cheated.
Sarnu mimitzvotecha umimishpatecha,
We have turned away from Your commandments and Your laws,
hatovim, vlo shavah lanu.
that are good, and it was not worthwhile for us.
Vatah tzadik al kol
And You are righteous in all
haba aleinu,
that has come upon us,
ki emet asita
for truthfully have You acted,
va-anachnu hirshanu.
while we have acted wickedly.
x ,Ep r W W ,Ep z g
Y ,Ep a r Y ,Epi r Y .Ep r Y r
,Li h R W O nE Li ze v O n Ep x q
.Ep l d e W `l e ,mi aFH d
l M l r wi C v d Y ` e
,Epi l r ` A d
zi U r z n ` i M
.Ep r W x d Ep g p ` e
]iml hsi
These verses in this prayer follow the order of the Hebrew alphabet. Kabbalah teaches
that this is signifcant because it connects us to the spiritual energy of Creation, which
brings renewal to our lives.
Eil rachum shmecha,
Almighty One Who is Merciful is Your Name,
Eil chanun shmecha,
Almighty One Who is Gracious is Your Name,
banu nikra shmecha,
upon us is Your Name proclaimed,
Adonai aseih lma-an shmecha.
Hashem, act for the sake of Your Name.
Aseih lma-an amitach.
Act for the sake of Your truth.
Aseih lma-an britach.
Act for the sake of Your covenant.
Aseih lma-an godtach vtifartach.
Act for the sake of Your greatness and splendor.
Aseih lma-an datach.
Act for the sake of Your law.
Aseih lma-an hodach.
Act for the sake of Your glory.
Aseih lma-an vi-udach.
Act for the sake of Your assembly.
Aseih lma-an zichrach.
Act for the sake of Your remembrance.
,L n W mEg x l `
,L n W oEp g l `
,L n W ` x w p Ep A
.L n W o r n l d U r dedi
.K Y n ` o r n l d U r
.K Yi x A o r n l d U r
.K Y x ` t z e K Y c B o r n l d U r
.K Y C o r n l d U r
.K cFd o r n l d U r
.K cEr e o r n l d U r
.K x k f o r n l d U r
Aseih lma-an chasdach.
Act for the sake of Your kindness.
Aseih lma-an tuvach.
Act for the sake of Your goodness.
Aseih lma-an yichudach.
Act for the sake of Your Oneness.
Aseih lma-an kvodach.
Act for the sake of Your honor.
Aseih lma-an limudach.
Act for the sake of Your students.
Aseih lma-an malchutach.
Act for the sake of Your sovereignty.
Aseih lma-an nitz-chach.
Act for the sake of Your eternity.
Aseih lma-an sodach.
Act for the sake of Your secret revealed to those in awe of You.
Aseih lma-an uzach.
Act for the sake of Your power.
Aseih lma-an peirach.
Act for the sake of Your glory.
Aseih lma-an tzidkatach.
Act for the sake of Your righteousness.
Aseih lma-an kdushatach.
Act for the sake of Your holiness.
Aseih lma-an rachamanutach.
Act for the sake of Your abundant mercy.
Aseih lma-an Shchinatach.
Act for the sake of Your Shchinah (Divine Presence).
Aseih lma-an Toratach.
Act for the sake of Your Torah.
Aseih lma-an ohavecha
Act for the sake of those who loved you
shochnei afar.
who rest in the dust.
Aseih lma-an Avraham
Act for the sake of Abraham,
Yitzchak vYa-akov.
Isaac, and Jacob.
Aseih lma-an Moshe vAharon.
Act for the sake of Moses and Aaron.
Aseih lma-an David uShlomoh.
Act for the sake of David and Solomon.
Aseih lma-an Yrushalayim
Act for the sake of Jerusalem
ir kodshecha.
the city of Your holiness.
Aseih lma-an Tziyon
Act for the sake of Zion
.K C q g o r n l d U r
.K aEh o r n l d U r
.K cEg i o r n l d U r
.K cFa M o r n l d U r
.K cEO l o r n l d U r
.K zEk l n o r n l d U r
.K g v p o r n l d U r
.K cFq o r n l d U r
.K G r o r n l d U r
.K x ` R o r n l d U r
.K z w c v o r n l d U r
.K z X c w o r n l d y r
.K zEp n g x o r n l d U r
.K z pi k W o r n l d U r
.K z xFY o r n l d U r
Li a dF` o r n l d U r
.x t r i p kFW
m d x a ` o r n l d U r
.aw r i e w g v i
.ox d ` e d Wn o r n l d U r
.dnl WE c e C o r n l d U r
m i l WEx i o r n l d U r
.L W c w xi r
oFI v o r n l d U r
mishkan kvodecha.
the abode of Your glory.
Aseih lma-an shimmot heichalecha.
Act for the sake of the desolation of Your Temple.
Aseih lma-an harisut mizbchecha.
Act for the sake of the devastation of Your Altar.
Aseih lma-an harugim al
Act for the sake of those killed for
sheim kodshecha.
Your holy Name.
Aseih lma-an tvuchim
Act for the sake of those slaughtered
al yichudecha.
for Your Oneness.
Aseih lma-an ba-ei va-eish
Act for the sake of those who entered fire
uvamayim al kidush shmecha.
and water for the sanctification of Your Name.
Aseih lma-an yonkei
Act for the sake of infants nursing
shadayim shelo chatu.
at the breast who did not commit negative deeds.
Aseih lma-an gmulei chalav
Act for the sake of the babies weaned from milk
shelo fashu.
who did not transgress.
Aseih lma-an tinokot
Act for the sake of young children
shel beit raban.
at their teachers school.
Aseih lma-an im lo lma-aneinu.
Act for the sake of if not for our sake.
Aseih lma-ancha vhoshi-einu.
Act for Your sake and save us.
.L cFa M o M W n
.L l ki d zFn n W o r n l d U r
.L g A f n zEqi x d o r n l d U r
l r mi bEx d o r n l d U r
.L W c w m W
mi gEa h o r n l d U r
.L cEg i l r
W ` a i ` A o r n l d U r
.L n W WEC w l r m i O aE
i w pFi o r n l d U r
.E` h g `N W m i c W
a l g i lEn B o r n l d U r
.Er W t `N W
zFwFpi Y o r n l d U r
.o A x zi A l W
.Ep p r n l `l m ` L p r n l d U r
.Ep ri WFd e L p r n l d U r
The verses of this prayer ask the Creator to answer us and relate to humility which assist
in quieting our ego nature, which is what prevents the Light from flowing into our lives.
Aneinu Adonai aneinu.
Answer us, Hashem, answer us.
Aneinu Eloheinu aneinu.
Answer us, our Elohim, answer us.
Aneinu avinu aneinu.
Answer us, our Father, answer us.
Aneinu boreinu aneinu.
Answer us, our Creator, answer us.
Aneinu go-aleinu aneinu.
Answer us, our Redeemer, answer us.
Aneinu dorsheinu aneinu.
Answer us, You who search us out, answer us.
Aneinu ha-Eil hane-eman aneinu.
Answer us, the One who is faithful, answer us.
Aneinu vatik vchasid aneinu.
Answer us, steadfast and kind One, answer us.
Aneinu zach vyashar aneinu.
Answer us, pure and upright One, answer us.
Aneinu chai vkayam aneinu.
Answer us, living and enduring One, answer us.
Aneinu tov umeitiv aneinu.
Answer us, good and beneficent One, answer us.
Aneinu yodei-a yetzer aneinu.
Answer us, Knower of inclinations, answer us.
Aneinu koveish kasim aneinu.
Answer us, Suppressor of wrath, answer us.
Aneinu loveish tzdakot aneinu.
Answer us, Donner of righteousness, answer us.
Aneinu melech malchei hamlachim
Answer us, Sovereign over sovereigns,
answer us.
Aneinu nora vnisgav aneinu.
Answer us, awesome and powerful One, answer us.
Aneinu solei-ach umocheil aneinu.
Answer us, You who forgives and pardons, answer us.
Aneinu oneh beit tzarah aneinu.
Answer us, You who answers in time of distress, answer us.
Aneinu podeh umatzil aneinu.
Answer us, Redeemer and Rescuer, answer us.
.Ep p r dedi Ep p r
.Ep p r Epi dl ` Ep p r
.Ep p r Epi a ` Ep p r
.Ep p r Ep ` xFA Ep p r
.Ep p r Ep l `FB Ep p r
.Ep p r Ep W xFC Ep p r
.Ep p r o n ` P d l ` d Ep p r
.Ep p r ci q g e wi z e Ep p r
.Ep p r x W i e K f Ep p r
.Ep p r m I w e i g Ep p r
.Ep p r ai h nE aFh Ep p r
.Ep p r x v i r cFi Ep p r
.Ep p r mi q r M W aFM Ep p r
.Ep p r zFw c v W aFl Ep p r
mi k l O d i k l n K l n Ep p r
.Ep p r
.Ep p r a B U p e ` xFp Ep p r
.Ep p r l gFnE g lFq Ep p r
.Ep p r d x v z r A d pFr Ep p r
.Ep p r li S nE d cFR Ep p r
Aneinu tzadik vyashar aneinu.
Answer us, righteous and up-right One, answer us.
Aneinu karov lkorav aneinu.
Answer us, You Who are close to those who call upon You, answer us.
Aneinu shomei-a el evyonim aneinu.
Answer us, You who listens to the destitute, answer us.
Aneinu tomeich tmimim aneinu.
Answer us, You who supports the wholesome, answer us.
Aneinu Elohei avoteinu aneinu.
Answer us, Elohim of our ancestors, answer us.
Aneinu Elohei Avraham aneinu.
Answer us, Elohim of Abraham, answer us.
Aneinu pachad Yitzchak aneinu.
Answer us, Awesome One of Isaac, answer us.
Aneinu avir Ya-akov aneinu.
Answer us, Mighty One of Jacob, answer us.
Aneinu magein David aneinu.
Answer us, Sheild of David, answer us.
Aneinu ezrat hashvatim aneinu.
Answer us, Helper of the tribes, answer us.
Aneinu misgav imahot aneinu.
Answer us, Stronghold of the Matriarchs, answer us.
Aneinu oneh beit ratzon aneinu.
Answer us, You who answers in a time of favor, answer us.
Aneinu rachum vchanun aneinu.
Answer us, merciful and gracious One, answer us.
Mi she-anah lAvraham avinu
May the One who answered Abraham our father
bhar hamoriyah hu ya-aneinu.
on Mount Moriah, also answer us.
Mi she-anah lYitzchak bno
May the One who answered Isaac his son
kshene-ekad al gabei hamizbei-ach
when he was bound on top of the altar,
hu ya-aneinu.
also answer us.
Mi she-anah lYa-akov bveit eil
May the One who answered Jacob in Beth El,
hu ya-aneinu.
also answer us.
Mi she-anah lYoseif
May the One who answered Joseph
bveit ha-asurim hu ya-aneinu.
in the prison, also answer us.
Mi she-anah la-avoteinu
May the One who answered our ancestors
al yam suf hu ya-aneinu.
at the Red Sea, also answer us.
.Ep p r x W i e wi C v Ep p r
.Ep p r ei ` xFw l aFx w Ep p r
.Ep p r mi pFi a ` l ` r nFW Ep p r
.Ep p r mi ni n Y K nFY Ep p r
.Ep p r Epi zFa ` i dl ` Ep p r
.Ep p r m d x a ` i dl ` Ep p r
.Ep p r w g v i c g R Ep p r
.Ep p r aw r i xi a ` Ep p r
.Ep p r c e C o b n Ep p r
.Ep p r mi h a X d z x f r Ep p r
.Ep p r zFd O ` a B U n Ep p r
.Ep p r oFv x z r A d pFr Ep p r
.Ep p r oEP g e mEg x Ep p r
Epi a ` m d x a ` l d p r W i n
.Ep p r i `Ed d I xFO d x d A
Fp A w g v i l d p r W i n
g A f O d i A b l r c w r p W M
.Ep p r i `Ed
l ` zi a A aw r i l d p r W i n
.Ep p r i `Ed
s qFi l d p r W i n
.Ep p r i `Ed mi xEq ` d zi a A
Epi zFa ` l d p r W i n
.Ep p r i `Ed sEq m i l r
Mi she-anah lMosheh bchoreiv
May the One who answered Moses in Horeb,
hu ya-aneinu.
also answer us.
Mi she-anah lAharon bamachtah
May the One who answered Aaron with the fire-pan,
hu ya-aneinu.
also answer us.
Mi she-anah lFinchas bkumo
May the One who answered Pinchas when he arose
mitoch ha-eidah hu ya-aneinu.
from amid the congregation, also answer us.
Mi she-anah lHoshu-a bagilgul
May the One who answered Joshua in Gilgul,
hu ya-aneinu.
also answer us.
Mi she-anah lShmu-eil bamitzpah
May the One who answered Samuel in Mizpah,
hu ya-aneinu.
also answer us.
Mi she-anah lDavid uShlomoh
May the One who answered David and Solomon
vno Birushalayim hu ya-aneinu.
his son in Jerusalem, also answer us.
Mi she-anah lEliyahu
May the One who answered Elijah
bhar hakarmel hu ya-aneinu.
on Mount Carmel, also answer us.
Mi she-anah lElisha biricho
May the One who answered Elisha in Jericho,
hu ya-aneinu.
also answer us.
Mi she-anah lYonah bimei hadagah
May the One who answered Jonah in the bowels of the fish,
hu ya-aneinu.
also answer us.
Mi she-anah lHizkiyahu melech
May the One who answered Hezekiah Sovereign
Yhudah bchalyo hu ya-aneinu.
of Judah in his illness, also answer us.
Mi she-anah la-Chananyah Misha-eil
May the One who answered Hananiah, Mishael,
va-Azaryah btoch kivshan ha-eish
and Azariah inside the furnace of fire,
hu ya-aneinu.
also answer us.
Mi she-anah lDaniyeil bgov
May the One who answered Daniel in the den
a xFg A d Wn l d p r W i n
.Ep p r i `Ed
d Y g O A ox d ` l d p r W i n
.Ep p r i `Ed
FnEw A q g pi t l d p r W i n
.Ep p r i `Ed d c r d KFY n
l B l B A r WFdi l d p r W i n
.Ep p r i `Ed
d R v O A l `En W l d p r W i n
.Ep p r i `Ed
dnl WE c e c l d p r W i n
.Ep p r i `Ed m i l WExi A Fp a
Ed I l ` l d p r W i n
.Ep p r i `Ed l n x M d x d A
Fgi xi A r Wi l ` l d p r W i n
.Ep p r i `Ed
d b C d i r n A d pFi l d p r W i n
.Ep p r i `Ed
K l n Ed I w f g l d p r W i n
.Ep p r i `Ed Fi l g A d cEd i
l ` Wi n d i p p g l d p r W i n
W ` d o W a M jFz A d i x f r e
.Ep p r i `Ed
aFb A l` I p c l d p r W i n
ha-arayot hu ya-aneinu.
of the lions, also answer us.
Mi she-anah lMordchai vEsteir
May the One who answered Mordechai and Esther
bshushan habirah hu ya-aneinu.
in Shushan the capital, also answer us.
Mi she-anah lEzra bagolah
May the One who answered Ezra in the exile,
hu ya-aneinu.
also answer us.
Mi she-anah lchol hatzadikim
May the One who answered all the righteous
vhachasidim vhatmimim
and the devout and the wholesome
vhaysharim hu ya-aneinu.
and the upright, also answer us.
Rachamana danei la-aniyei aneinan.
Merciful One who answers the poor, answer us.
Rachamana danei lit-virei
Merciful One who answers those of broken
liba aneinan.
hearts, answer us.
Rachamana danei lmakichei
Merciful One who answers those of crushed
rucha aneinan.
spirit, answer us.
Rachamana aneinan.
Merciful One answer us!
Rachamana chus.
Merciful One have pity!
Rachamana prok.
Merciful One redeem!
Rachamana shziv.
Merciful One save!
Rachamana rcham alan,
Merciful One have mercy on us,
hashta ba-agala uvizman kariv.
now, swiftly and speedily may it come.
.Ep p r i `Ed zFi x ` d
x Y q ` e i k C x n l d p r W i n
.Ep p r i `Ed d xi A d o WEW A
d lFB A ` x f r l d p r W i n
.Ep p r i `Ed
mi wi C S d l k l d p r W i n
mi ni n Y d e mi ci q g d e
.Ep p r i `Ed mi x W i d e
.o pi p r i I p r l i p r c ` p n g x
i xi a z l i p r c ` p n g x
.o pi p r ` A l
i ki M n l i p r c ` p n g x
.o pi p r ` gEx
.o pi p r ` p n g x
.qEg ` p n g x
.wFx R ` p n g x
.ai f W ` p n g x
,o l r m g x ` p n g x
.ai x w o n f aE ` l b r A ` Y W d
tvlxl vnata
A vital step in removing negativity is to confront it. Through this prayer we face our own
Atanu lchalot fanecha,
We have come to pray before You,
ki chesed vemet ykadmu fanecha.
for kindness and truth go before You.
Na al tvisheinu,
Please do not bring us to shame,
na al tshiveinu reikam milfanecha.
please do not turn us away empty handed from before You.
Slach lanu ushlach lanu
Forgive us and send us
yshu-ah vrachamim mimonecha.
salvation and compassion from Your dwelling place.
Atanu lvakeish mimcha kaparah,
We have come to ask absolution from You,
ayom vnora,
O feared and awesome One,
misgav litot batzarah.
strength in times of distress.
Tchayeinu, tchaneinu,
Give us life, grant us grace,
uvshimcha nikra.
and we shall call out Your Name.
Slach lanu ushlach lanu
Forgive us and send us
yshu-ah vrachamim mimonecha.
salvation and compassion from Your dwelling place.
,Li p t zFl g l Ep` z `
.Li p t En c w i z n ` e c q g i k
,Ep Wi a z l ` ` p
.Li p t l n m wi x Ep ai W z l ` ` p
Ep l g l WE Ep l g l q
.L pFr n n mi n g x e d rEy i
,d x R M L n n W w a l Ep` z `
,` xFp e mi `
.d x v A zFz r l a b U n
,ep p g z ,epi i g z
.` x w p L n W aE
Ep l g l WE Ep l g l q
.L pFr n n mi n g x e d rEy i
tvdm hrsi sls
The Thirteen Attributes reflect the thirteen different aspects of our relationship with the
Creator. They also allow forgiveness to take place, through which our souls are purified.
We stand as we recite the following:
Eil melech yosheiv
Almighty One, Sovereign who sits
al kisei rachamim,
upon the throne of mercy,
mit-naheig bachasidut,
who acts with kindness,
mocheil avonot amo,
who pardons the negative deeds of Your people,
ma-avir rishon rishon,
who removes them one by one,
mar-beh mchilah lchata-im,
who abundantly grants pardon to those who do negative deeds,
uslichah lfoshim,
and forgiveness to transgressors,
oseh tzdakot im
who performs acts of generosity with
kol basar varu-ach,
all beings of flesh and spirit,
lo chra-atam tigmol.
not in accordance with thier wickedness do You repay them.
Eil, horeita lanu lomar
Almighty One, You taught us to recite
shlosh esreih,
the Thirteen Attributes,
zchor lanu hayom brit
remember for us today the covenant
shlosh esreih, kmo shehodata
of the Thirteen Attributes, as You made known
le-anav mikedem,
to the humble one (Moses) in ancient times,
kmo shekatuv,
as it is written,
Vayeired Adonai be-anan,
And Hashem descended in a cloud,
vayit-yatzeiv imo sham,
and stood with him there,
vayikra vsheim Adonai.
and called out with the Name of Hashem.
a WFi K l n l `
,mi n g x ` Q M l r
,zEci q g A b d p z n
,FO r zFpe r l gFn
,oFW` x oFW` x xi a r n
,mi ` H g l d li g n d A x n
,mi r WFt l d gi l qE
m r zFw c v d UFr
, gE x e x U A l M
.lFn b Y m z r x k `l
x nFl Ep N zi xFd ,l `
,d x U r Wl W
zi x A mFI d Ep l xFk f
Y r cFd W Fn M ,d x U r Wl W
,m c T n e p r l
,aEz M W Fn M
,o p r A dedi c x I e
,m W FO r a S i z I e
.dedi m W a ` x w I e
Everyone recites the following verse, then it is repeated by the Leader:
:` x w I e ei p R l r dedi xa r I e
Vaya-avor Adonai al panav vayikra:
And Hashem passed before [Moses] face and proclaimed:
Everyone chants together:
,dedi ,dedi
Adonai, Adonai,
Hashem, Hashem,
K x ` ,oEP g e ,mEg x ,l `
Almighty One, compassionate, and gracious, slow
,c q g a x e ,m i R `
vrav chesed,
to anger, and abundant in kindness,
,z n ` e
and truth,
p ,mi t l ` l c q g x v
notzeir chesed
preserver of kindness for thousands of generations,
.d T p e ,d ` H g e ,r W t e ,oe r ` Up
noseih avon,
Forgiver of iniquity, willful wrongdoing, and error, and who absolves.
Everyone recites together:
.Ep Y l g pE Ep z` H g lE Ep pe r l Y g l q e
Vsalachta la-avoneinu ulchatateinu unchaltanu.
May You forgive our iniquities and our wrongdoings and make us Your heritage.
,ypa tlypn
This series of blessings is recited with the head down and resting on the left arm while
seated. This act is based on the actions of Moses, Aaron, and Joshua, who would cast
themselves down before the Creator when they were distressed.
Vayomer David el Gad,
And David said to Gad,
tzar li mod,
I am exceedingly distressed,
niplah na vyad Adonai,
Let us fall now into the hand of Hashem,
ki rabim rachamav,
for Whose mercies are abundant,
uvyad adam al epolah.
but into human hands let me not fall.
Rachum vchanun, chatati lfanecha,
O merciful and gracious One, I have transgressed before You,
Adonai malei rachamim,
Hashem Who is full of mercy,
racheim alai vkabeil tachanunai.
have mercy on me and accept my supplications.
Adonai al bapcha tochicheini,
Hashem in Your anger do not rebuke me,
val bachamatcha tyasreini.
nor in Your wrath chastise me.
Chaneini Adonai ki umlal ani,
Be gracious to me Hashem for I am feeble,
rfa-eini Adonai,
heal me Hashem,
ki nivchalu atzamai.
for my bones shudder with fright.
Vnafshi nivchalah mod,
And my soul is utterly frightened,
vatah Adonai ad matai.
and You Hashem until when?
Shuvah Adonai chaltzah nafshi,
Desist Hashem, release my soul,
hoshi-eini lma-an chasdecha.
save me for the sake of Your mercy.
Ki ein bamavet zichrecha,
For in death there is no mention of You,
bishol mi yodeh lach.
who in the grave will praise You?
,c B l ` c e C x n` I e
,c` n i l x v
,dedi c i a ` P d l R p
,ei n g x mi A x i M
.d l R ` l ` m c ` c i aE
,Li p t l i z` h g ,oEP g e mEg x
,mi n g x ` l n dedi
.i pEp g Y l A w e i l r m g x
,i p gi kFz L R ` A l ` dedi
.i p x Q i z L z n g A l ` e
,i p ` l l n ` i M dedi i p P g
,dedi i p ` t x
.i n v r El d a p i M
,c` n d l d a p i W t p e
.i z n c r dedi d Y ` e
,i W t p d v N g dedi d a EW
.L C q g o r n l i p ri WFd
,L x k f z e O A oi ` i M
.K N d cF i i n lF` W A
Yagati vanchati,
I am wearied with my sigh,
as-cheh vchol lailah mitati,
I drench my bed every night,
bdimati arsi amseh.
I soak my couch with my tears.
Ashshah mika-as eini,
Dimmed because of fury is my eye,
atkah bchol tzorrai.
aged by all my tormentors.
Suru mimeni kol po-alei aven,
Depart from me all evil-doers,
ki shama Adonai kol bichyi.
for Hashem has heard the sound of my weeping.
Shama Adonai tchinati,
Hashem has heard my plea,
Adonai tfilati yikach.
Hashem will accept my prayer.
Yeivoshu vyibahalu mod kol oyvai,
Let all my enemies be utterly shamed and counfounded,
yashuvu yeivoshu ra-a.
may they regret and be shamed in an instant.
,i z g p ` a i Y r b i
,i z H n d l i l l k a d g U `
.d q n ` i U x r i z r n c A
,i pi r q r M n d W W r
.i x xFv l k A d w z r
,o e ` i l r R l M i P O n ExE q
.i i k A lFw dedi r n W i M
,i z P g Y dedi r n W
.g T i i z N t Y dedi
,i a i` l M c` n El d A i e EW a i
.r b x EW a i Ea W i
larsy rmvs
When we choose to transform our ego nature, we arouse the Creators mercy and energy
of protection over us.
Shomeir Yisra-eil,
O Guardian of Israel,
shmor sheirit Yisra-eil,
safeguard the remnant of Israel,
val yovad Yisra-eil,
and let not Israel be destroyed,
ha-omrim shma Yisra-eil.
those who proclaim: Hear O Israel.
Shomeir go-i echad,
O Guardian of the nation that is unique,
shmor sheirit am echad,
safeguard the remnant of the people that is unique,
val yovad go-i echad,
and let not the nation that is unique be destroyed,
hamyachadim shimcha,
those who proclaim the Oneness of Your Name,
,l ` x U i x nFW
,l ` x U i zi x ` W xFn W
,l ` x U i c a`i l ` e
.l ` x U i r n W mi x nF` d
,c g ` iFB x nFW
,c g ` m r zi x ` W xFn W
,c g ` iFB c a`i l ` e
,L n W mi c g i n d
Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad.
Hashem our Elohim, Hashem is One.
Shomeir go-i kadosh,
O Guardian of the nation that is holy,
shmor sheirit am kadosh,
safeguard the remnant of the people that is holy,
val yovad go-i kadosh,
and let not the nation that is holy be destroyed,
hamshalshim bshalosh
those who proclaim three times the threefold
kdushot lkadosh.
sanctifications to the Holy One.
Mitratzeh brachamim
You Who become favorable through compassion
umitpayeis btachanunim,
and Who become conciliatory through supplications,
hitratzeih vhitpayeis ldor ani,
be favorable and conciliatory to the generation that is poor,
ki ein ozeir.
for their is no helper.
Avinu malkeinu,
Our Creator our Sovereign,
chaneinu va-aneinu,
be gracious with us and answer us,
ki ein banu ma-asim,
though we have no deeds which are worthy,
aseih imanu tzdakah
treat us with charity
vachesed vhoshi-einu.
and kindness and save us.
.c g ` dedi Epi dl ` dedi
,WFc w iFB x nFW
,WFc w m r zi x ` W xFn W
,WFc w iFB c a`i l ` e
Wl W A mi W N W n d
.WFc w l zFX c w
mi n g x A d S x z n
,mi pEp g z A q I R z nE
,i p r xFc l q I R z d e d S x z d
.x fFr oi ` i M
,Ep M l n Epi a `
,Ep p r e Ep P g
,mi U r n Ep A oi ` i M
d w c v Ep O r d U r
.Ep ri WFd e c q g e
hsin hm idn al vnxnav
After having prayed in every possible manner: sitting, standing, and bowing down "we
know not what we should do. We now plead to the Creator to hear us and have mercy
upon us.
We stand after the reciting the first line.
Va-anachnu lo neida mah na-aseh,
We know not what we should do,
ki alecha eineinu.
therefore our eyes are upon You.
Zchor rachamecha Adonai vachasadecha,
Remember Your mercies Hashem and Your kindnesses,
ki mei-olam heimah.
for they are eternal.
Yhi chasdcha Adonai aleinu,
May Your kindness Hashem be upon us,
ka-asher yichalnu lach.
just as we awaited You.
Al tizkar lanu
Do not recall against us
avonot rishonim,
the misdeeds of the ancients,
maheir ykadmunu rachamecha,
swiftly may Your mercies advance to meet us,
ki dalonu mod.
for we have become greatly impoverished.
Chaneinu Adonai chaneinu,
Favor us Hashem favor us,
ki rav savanu vuz.
for we are fully sated with contempt.
Brogez racheim tizkor.
Amid wrath You should remember to be merciful.
Ki hu yada yitzreinu,
For You knew our nature,
zachur ki afar anachnu.
remember that we are but dust.
Azreinu Elohei yisheinu al
Assist us O Elohim of our salvation for
dvar kvod shmecha,
the sake of the glory of Your Name,
vhatzileinu vchapeir al
rescue us and grant atonement for
chatoteinu lma-an shmecha.
our misdeeds for the sake of Your Name.
,d U r P d n r c p `l Ep g p ` e
.Epi pi r Li l r i M
,Li c q g e dedi Li n g x xk f
.d O d m lFr n i M
,Epi l r dedi L C q g i d i
.K l Ep l g i x W ` M
Ep l x M f Y l `
,mi pFW` x zFpe r
,Li n g x EpE n C w i x d n
.c` n EpF N c i M
,Ep P g dedi Ep P g
.fEa Ep r a U a x i M
.xFM f Y m g x f b x A
,Ep x v i r c i `Ed i M
.Ep g p ` x t r i M xEk f
l r Ep r W i i dl ` Ep x f r
,L n W cFa M x a C
l r x R k e Ep li S d e
.L n W o r n l Epi z`H g
,ls sydq
The Ari revealed that the Full Kaddish has the power of twice Light. One of them is the
Light within us all. The second Light is known as Or Makif or surrounding Light. The
Kaddish Shaleim is the tool which links these two Lights together.
Recited by the Leader, Everyone says the words in { }.
Yitgadal vyitkadash shmeih raba.
Exalted and sanctified be His great Name.
Balma di vra chiruteih,
In the world that He has created according to His will,
vyamlich malchuteih,
and may He let His sovereignty have dominion,
vyatzmach purkaneih
and cause His redemption to sprout
vikareiv Mshichei. {Amein.}
and bring near the Mashiach. Amen.
Bchayeichon uvyomeichon
In your lifetime and in your days
uvchayei dchol beit Yisra-eil,
and in the lifetime of the entire House of Israel,
ba-agala uvizman kariv,
speedily and at a time that comes soon,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and say amen. Amen.
{Yhei shmeih raba mvarach
May His great Name be blessed
lalam ulalmei almaya.}
forever and for all eternity.
Yitbarach vyishtabach vyitpa-ar
Blessed and praised and glorified
vyitromam vyitnasei vyit-hadar
and exalted and raised up and honored
vyitaleh vyit-halal
and elevated and lauded
shmeih dkudsha {brich hu},
be the Name of the Holy One, blessed is He,
.` A x D n W W C w z i e l C B z i
{.o n `}
,D zEr x k ` x a i C ` n l r A
,D zEk l n Ki l n i e
D p w x R g n v i e
{.o n `} .D gi W n a x wi e
oFki nFi aE oFki I g A
,l ` x U i zi A l k c i I g aE
,ai x w o n f aE ` l b r A
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
K x a n ` A x D n W ` d i}
{.` I n l r i n l r lE m l r l
x ` R z i e g A Y W i e K x A z i
x C d z i e ` V p z i e m nFx z i e
l N d z i e d N r z i e
,{`Ed Ki x A} ` W c w C D n W
leila min kol birchata vshirata
beyond more than any blessing and song
tushbchata vnechemata,
praise and consolation
da-amiran balma,
that are uttered in the world,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and say amen. Amen.
Titkabeil tzlothon uva-uthon
May the prayers and supplications be accepted
dchol beit Yisra-eil kadam
of the entire House of Israel before
avuhon di vishmaya,
their Father Who is in heaven,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and say amen. Amen.
Yhei shlama raba min shmaya,
May there be abundant peace from heaven,
vchayim tovim aleinu,
and good life upon us,
val kol Yisra-eil,
and upon all Israel,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and say amen. Amen.
` z k x A l M o n ` N r l
,` z n g p e ` z g A W Y ` z xi W e
,` n l r A o xi n ` C
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
oFd zEr aE oFd zFl v l A w z Y
m c w l ` x U i zi A l k C
,` I n W a i C oFdEa `
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
,` I n W o n ` A x ` n l W ` d i
Epi l r mi aFh mi I g e
,l ` x U i l M l r e
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
Take three steps back.
Bow left and say mFl W d Ur Oseh Shalom, bow right and say `Ed Hu,
bow forward and say l ` x U i l M l r e Val kol Yisra-eil.
Remain in place for a few moments, then take three steps forward.
Oseh shalom bimromav,
May the One Who makes peace in the heavens,
hu ya-aseh shalom aleinu,
may He make peace upon us,
val kol Yisra-eil val kol ha-olam,
and upon all Israel and upon all the world,
vimru amein. {Amein.}
and say amen. Amen.
,ei nFx n A mFl W d Ur
,Epi l r mFl W d U r i `Ed
,m lFr d l M l r e l ` x U i l M l r e
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e

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