Kom 72 - Harrower Relic

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Knock-Off Monday 1 September 2014

Here is a new (and gruesome) xenotech artifact waiting to be discovered by a lucky (or unlucky) Agent division.

The three battered and bloody Agents quickly made their way through the dripping, narrow passage, skirting the vicious barbs that lined
the walls of the treacherous shaft.

Looking back the way they had come, the rear guard, Sergeant Miles, whispered Commander, I think I saw something moving down
that side tunnel back there.

Not bothering to turn around, the tall, rawboned man walking point spoke Did it say or do anything to piss you off?

Noting his superiors tone of voice Miles replied No Sir, just a heads up.

Squinting black eyebrows that matched the color of his military style haircut, Division Commander J ack Ryker growled Noted; now
keep it tight; Cabreras ID sig is just ahead, 40 meters.

With a final rush, Commander Ryker rounded a final, twisting turn emerging into a wide, gaping cavern, dimly lit by luminescent, low
hanging stalactites. Blinking at the unnatural, distracting light, Ryker activated his Anascan optics and gazed out over a great black rent
in the earth. In the center of the pit an island of black rock rose up from the depths, cradling a pair of large oval objects, each adorned
with anthropomorphic alien figures set in in bas relief. Within the farthest structure, a familiar ID Tag began pinging his SVC transceiver.

I have Cabreras signal confirmed, 28 meters, in the leftmost structure. Ryker muttered, Spread out, overwatch formationgo!

As his two team members took up defensive positions around the chamber, Ryker sprinted forward, nimbly navigating the narrow, stone
path leading to the center of the rock outcropping. Sweeping his carbine left and right, Ryker swiftly closed the distance on the large,
coffin-like structures. Passing the first, Ryker looked inside. Within, a thick, yellow slime covered the sides and bottom of the cavity
while over the top a misshapen, organic looking membrane lay stretched and torn. Ryker couldnt help but think something had ripped
its way out. A quick glance at the stony ground confirmed his suspicions; Ryker saw a trail of gory prints leading away from the
glistening structure heading back the way he and his team had just come.

Ryker swore and sent a heads up to his team Sergeant Miles, you may have been correct about that other tunnel. Everyone, eyes
open and fingers on the trigger; there are visible tracks, bipedal, leading away from my pos back up the tunnel.

With Cabreras ID Sig ringing louder as he approached, Ryker, moving cautiously, edged up to the second structure, noting the
membrane covering this pod was also peeled open. Peering inside, Ryker bit down on his tongue to keep from crying out.
Inside, Master Sergeant Alyssa Cabrera lay at the bottom of the sarcophagus in a fetal position, her five foot eight inch, 135 pound
frame reduced to a frail, withered husk covered in the same vile mucus he had seen in the other pod. Choking back the bile rising in his
throat Ryker looked into Alyssa Cabreras once beautiful face. Her graceful features destroyed, Cabreras once full lips were drawn
back over her teeth in a hideous rictus, her tongue protruding stiffly from her mouth.

Hoarsely Ryker spoke I found her; Alyssashes gone.

Ryker shakily leaned back from the lip of the structure but a sudden groan from within shocked him into action. Hurriedly looking inside
he saw Cabreras eyelids snap open fixing dark, pleading eyes on his

Ryker yelled in his commlink Wait! Shes alive! Cabreras alive! Daniels, Miles; go back the way we came and call in for retrieval. And
make sure they have a trauma team on board or Ill shoot every one of them myself.

Looking down at his devastated teammate Ryker whispered Dont worry Alyssa; youre going be ok. Rykers eyes hardened as he
spoke again And I promise you this. The sonofabitch that did this to you is gonna payin spades!


This set of slate-gray artifacts resembles a pair of ovoid, crystalline coffins, each over two and a half meters in length and one and a
half meters wide. Neither are capped and the pale interior of the devices are lined with odd whorls, knots and indentations.
Anthropomorphic figures set in in bas relief adorn the outside of the relics. There is space enough for two adult humans to fit inside
each with room to spare.

Should a sick or injured person be placed inside one of the artifacts yellowish, analgesic mucus wells up from the bottom of the
sarcophagus inducing unconsciousness. A congealing mist then forms around the patient creating an opaque barrier topping the
artifact. Moments later swirling motes of white light can be seen flitting about, crisscrossing back and forth beneath the cloudy surface
of the barrier.

Once a person is sealed inside there is no way of freeing them, short of destroying the artifact (AV10, 50 HP) or another living being is
placed within the other sarcophagus. If this is done, both will be entombed for a time with similar effects as above. Afterwards, the first
person entombed will emerge, completely healed of all ailments and injuries while the second will have taken on the afflictions, defects,
diseases and wounds of the first. Depending on accrued damage and relative health of the sacrifice, this may very well kill them.

These artifacts are capable of bio-empathically restoring any organic life form to full functionality within 2D6 hours. At that time the
opaque barriers dissipate and the original patient climbs out with all hit points restored, severed limbs regenerated and all toxins,
diseases and other harmful effects purged from their system. In the other sarcophagus, the sacrificial martyr will see their body and
health devastated from the transfer of physical damage, disease, toxins and other harmful conditions.

Because the casket was created and calibrated to restore alien biochemistries humans treated by the artifact display strange, irregular
scar patterns, discoloration and other abnormal physical details. Should the designated sacrifice survive their injuries, both they and
the person healed will share the same scar patterns and other odd physical conditions.

See When Good Wounds go Bad in Incorporated v1, Page 9 to determine specific effects.

Copyright Iam Nobody, Brutal Games (Knock-off) 2014

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