Summary Tpam: Water Quality and Water Treatment in Japan

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Nama : Riska Indriyani Mangngalle
NIM :15312021
Kelas : 01

In last Tuesday, 9
of September 2014, we had a public lecture by Prof. Yamaguchi and
his student, Jun, from University of Yamaguchi, Japan.
First, Jun had introduced his self, he told about his hobby were aikido and riding the
bicycle. He also told that he liked concrete materials as bridge and he liked the bridges of
Indonesia too. Otherwise, he also liked the spicy food. I think Jun is a funny student, because his
gestures make me laugh and he was so friendly.
Second, we got lesson about water treatment by Prof. Yamamoto. Majoring of Prof.
Yamamoto is the wastewater treatment especially domestic waste and the provision of drinking
water. He is also an environmental consultant in Ube City.

Water Quality and Water Treatment in Japan
There are four sources of water in Ube City:
o Koto River Dam
o Ube Maruyama Dam
o Riverbed Water of the Koto River
o Koto River surface water
The water quality of Japan is very nice, the color of water is just 3 TCU, much different in
Indonesia that the standard of color is 15 TCU. Otherwise, 93% population can be served by this
water and the water loss is only 3%, whereas only 40% population that can be served by PDAM
in Indonesia and the water loss at 50%. And the reason why in Japan not need the complexes
water treatment is because the quality of water in Japan is very good.
There are three water treatment plans in Japan:

o First Plan
- Slow Sand Filtration removal the Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) and Total Suspended
Solid (TSS)
- Desincfection Tank
o Second Plan
- Rapid Sand Filtration
- Slow Sand Filtration
- Desinfection Tank
o Third Plan
- Asselator unification of the system of coagulation, flocculation, and
sedimentation in one unit
There are two kinds of chemical substances:
1. PAC for coagulation
2. Sodium Hipoclorite (NaClO) for disinfection
Slow Sand Filtration in Japan
o Low capacity and large are required
o Suitable for good quality of the raw water
o No coagulant is used
o Have a natural filtration
Rapid Sand Filtration in Japan
o Coagulated particles are adsorped by active carbons
The operation of water treatment is run by computer and even NaClO is made by water
treatment that the raw material is from NaCl. And the sludge from water treatment can be
used for cements raw material. May be we have a lot of question in our mind such as why the
water treatment in Japan is too simple? Why the river is so clear? And why the water quality is
also very good? The answers are because the Japanese people cultivate water conservation by

planting the trees and cleaning up the river to hold picket, so the water treatment system is
successfully. And as we know that Japan has more than two seasons, therefore how the water
treatment in Japan if was changing seasons?
o In winter, the water treatment in Japan was stopped, but can be replaced with a
different sources
o If in case of flooding and water treatment can not be executed, then there are trucks
with a tank that will provide water to the population around
In this session, Prof. Yamamoto told us about his research about water treatment in
PDAM of Palangkaraya (Central Kalimantan) and PDAM of Bengkalis (Riau).

PDAM of Palangkaraya (Central Kalimantan)
Prof. Yamamoto examines the quality of the water is when it is distributed to residents,
and in the fact he found indications of contamination of ground water into the pipe. To prove it,
he saw from the content of Eschericia coli in 22 point distribution, it turns out there are several
points that contain Eschericia coli in large number. And then he checked the content of sulfate
in 4 points, the result are 1 point that has the same sulfate with sulfate that owned by ground
water. Because has the same sulfate, he conclude that there has been contamination by ground
water during the distribution. Contamination that caused by ground water can occur if the
water pressure in the pipe is smaller than the ground water pressure, so that the ground water
can seep into the water pipes.

PDAM of Bengkalis (Riau)
He evaluates the raw water before water treatment is processed. In the fact, the raw
water has a high turbidity and color that caused by land of Bengkalis is still very young and
made acidic peat more easily dissolved.


In my opinion, the lessons learned from this course is that without a complex water
treatment, the Japanese were able to make a wastewater treatment system that is effective.
This is because they are in habit of conserving the environment such as planting the trees and
cleaning up the river make water in Japan has a good quality and no longer requires the difficult
system. So if we want the effective water treatment, we must change out not good habit and
always keep the environmental.

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