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atropine metabolism
(epinephrine, norepinephrine,nd dopamine) are catecholamines and are rapidly metabolized
catecholamines are inactive by the oral route and must be given parenterally.
Phenylisopropylamines, are resistant to MAO &COMT
Alpha2 receptor activation results in inhibition of adenylyl cyclase via the coupling protein Gi
Beta receptors stimulate adenylyl cyclase via the coupling protein Gs, which leads to an increase in (cAMP) concentration in the cell.
norepinephrine will cause a direct 1-mediated tachycardia.
alpha 2 selective like apraclonidine and brimonidine USE IN
pure agonist () almost always increases the rate
The systolic pressure
pulse pressure
Beta1 agonists increase renin secretion
Beta2 agonists increase insulin secretion
Epinephrine is the drug of choice for the immediate treatment of anaphylactic shock
The short-acting 2-selective agonists (eg, albuterol, metaproterenol, terbutaline) are not recommended for prophylaxis
longer-acting 2-selective agonists, salmeterol, formoterol, and indacaterol are used in combination with corticosteroids for prophylaxis
Chronic orthostatic hypotension due to inadequate sympathetic tone can be treated with oral
none of these drugs is perfectly selective; at high doses, 1-selective agents have 2 actions and vice versa
Intrinsic sympathomimetic activity (ISA
local anesthetic activity
B1 selective
Prostaglandin like latanoprost use in
carbonic anhydrase inhibitor like acetazolamide ,dorzolamide use in
osmotic agent like mannitol use in
B blocker like timolol use in
chronic heart failure is often treated
acute heart failure can be precipitated
Bronchoconstriction revesed by
Phenylephrine, an agonist, induces bradycardia through the
Esmolol is a short-acting blocker for parenteral use only
Nadolol is a nonselective blocker,
metoprolol is a
Timolol is useful in glaucoma
-mediated effects (increased diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure) and -mediated action (increased cardiac force)
partially by liver & partially
by COMT and MAO
by COMT and MAO
Beta receptors stimulate adenylyl cyclase via the coupling protein Gs, which leads to an increase in (cAMP) concentration in the cell.
If the reflex is blocked (eg, by a ganglion blocker or antimuscarinic drug),
eg, phenylephrine
eg, isoproterenol
both and effects
by 1 receptors
because it is an effective physiologic antagoantagonist
of many of the mediators of anaphylaxis
they are safe and effective and may be lifesaving in the treatment of bronchospasm
they are not indicated for the treatment of acute symptoms
oral ephedrine or a newer orally active 1 agonist, midodrine.
Partial agonist action by adrenoceptor blockers eg, pindolol,
with blockers
with blockers
-blocking agents
baroreceptor reflex
1-selective blocker.
because it does not anesthetize the cornea.
Block by labetolol

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