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I Choose the best variant, a,b,c, or d:

1. If you pig out, you a. withdraw from a contest b. eat a lot very quickly c. make a mess of
things d. forget what you promised
2. Elisabeth I was the daughter of a. Henry I b. Henry III c. Edward I d. !hilipp I
". If you tell someone to put a sock in it, you basically tell them to a. shut up b. try harder c. give
up d. invest more in a pro#ect
$. If you use your loaf, it means that you a. use all your savings b. use your influence c. use your head
d. use your salary
%. & tosser is a. a sportsman b. an idiot c. an unskilled worker d. a teacup
'. & tenner is a. a monetary unit b. a top student c. a ten(storey building d. a highly(
skilled professional
). & quid is a. some kind of seafood b. a pound c. a wi*ard d. a type of vegetable
+. If it,s -monkey outside., then it,s a. full of people b. very hot c. very cold d. very humid
/. 0hat was the nickname of 0inston 1hurchill2 a. the wolf b. the bulldog c. the fo3 d. the rabbit
14. & nosh is a. a place in the house b. a strange person c. food d. drink
11. 5he big enchilada is a. the main dish b. the boss c. a big deal d. a 6e3ican man
12. & chap is a. a type of hat b. a boy c. an item of furniture d. clothing
1". If you -put your foot in your mouth., you a. hurt yourself by accident b. say something stupid
c. make a wrong decision d. see things in a wrong way
1$. 7ir 8rancis 9rake was a. a writer b. a sea captain c. a singer d. a poet
1%. If something is -on the off(chance., it a. has a great chance of happening b. has a slim chance of
happening c. is done on request d. is impossible
1'. 0hich actor is :ritish2 a. ;ussell 1rowe b. :rad !itt c. 1olin 8irth d. <im 1arey
1). If you are given the sack, you a. are told off b. are fired c. are beaten up d. are thrown out of a place
1+. Stop singing the blues! means a. I don,t like your voice b. stop annoying me c. stop complaining
c. play another type of music
1/. !orridge is a. oat with milk b. sausages and eggs c. cabbage with cream d. toast with
garlic and clotted cream
24. 7ir Elton <ohn wrote a song for =ady 9iana. It is called a. 1andle in the 0ind b. 9ust in the 0ind
c. 0ind of 1hange d. >one with the 0ind
21. If something takes -a month of 7undays., it a. will never happen b. takes a long time c. happens
quickly d. feels like a long time
22. 5o -mark time. means to a. be idle b. be busy c. be in a hurry d. do something leisurely
2". 0hen you,re -walking on air., you,re a. depressed b. lucky c. scared d. happy
2$. 5he ?orman 1onquest took place in the a. "
century b. 11
century c. 1/
century d. 21
2%. 0illiam 0allace was a. 0elsh b. a 7cot c. an Irishman d. a :rit
2'. 5he capital city of 7cotland is a. &berdeen b. >lasgow c. Edinburgh d. 1ardiff
2). -5o water down. means a. to drink quickly b. to cry c. to weaken d. have a beer
2+. 0hich festival e3ists in :ritain2 a. 5he =eaf(Eating 8estival b. 5he 0orm(1harming 8estival c.
5he 0indow(0ashing 8estival d. 5he 1urtain(9rawing 8estival
2/. 5he king notorious for the number of wives he had is a. Henry I b. Henry II c. Henry III
d. Henry I@
"4. -!int(si*e. is a. very big b. medium c. small d. none of the above
"1. 5he biggest of all isA a. >reat :ritain b. Eire c. :ritain d. 5he Isle of 0ight
"2. &n important conflict in :ritish history is the war of the a. lilies b. tulips c. roses d. cacti
"". 5he following is ?B5 a :ritish authorA a. <ane &usten b. Ernest Hemingway c. 0illiam >olding
d. Henry <ames
"$. 5he 7panish &rmada was defeated during the reign of a. Elisabeth I b. Elisabeth II c. Elisabeth III
d. Elisabeth I
"%. 5he national flower of 7cotland is a. the rose b. the daffodil c. the lily d. the thistle
"'. -5o wear on. somebody is to a. agree with b. annoy c. ignore d. imitate
"). =ondon is in the region of a. 9artmoor b. 7urrey c. E3moor d. 7alisbury
"+. If you -do a stretch in the #ar., you a. do your morning gymnastics b. go to the gym c. go to prison
d. study abroad for a while
"/. 5he capital city of Ireland is a. 1ork b. 9ublin c. :elfast d. >alway
$4. 0hen someone -gets on their high horse., they a. leave quickly b. leave une3pectedly c. stop
talking to you d. disappear
1 % / 1" 1) 21 2% 2/ "" ")
2 ' 14 1$ 1+ 22 2' "4 "$ "+
" ) 11 1% 1/ 2" 2) "1 "% "/
$ + 12 1' 24 2$ 2+ "2 "' $4
II. Give synonyms for the expressions in bold type:
&re you (1) jumpin throuh hoops to learn English2 Br, do you waste time with (!) mon"ey business2
=earning a new language can be a real nuisance and many people get (#) cheesed off and decide to ($) call it a
day very quickly. If you (%) hit a hurdle like this, donCt (&) et your "nic"ers in a t'ist, the best thing you can
do is (() et bac" on the horse and soon enough youCll ()) see the liht at the end of the tunnel. 7o, (*) pull
your soc"s up and carry onD (1+) ,ive into it and soon you,ll see the progressD
1 '
2 )
" +
$ /
% 14

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