Answers To Questionnaire OBT

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1) What was your understanding of this workshop?

Ans: The overall experience was ultimately refreshing. The main
understanding that I got from this workshop was that the tasks you go
through, give you a practical hands-on learning of the steps to
management of any task /activity in your day to day life e it personal
or professional in such simple ways which is never gained so easily
through theoretical knowledge. T!" #$#"%T &$' "()"*I"%+"
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2) What implication does this workshop have related to your
work issues?
Ans This workshop has touched every work issue e it into any
department. As far as my work issues are concerned as !* personnel,
the implication that this workshop has had, managing people / team is
very crucial for a !* personnel. Team uilding and onding, identifying
the strengths and weaknesses of team memers and utili2ing them to
the fullest is what I relate to my work pro3le. I manage the !uman
resource / the most productive resource of an organi2ation. This
workshop simply implies to follow thoroughly the steps of identifying,
planning, rainstorming, trial and error, documenting, mid-course
corrections, communicating clearly, implementation, prolem solving
and follow up action. I think this relates to every work issue.
!) Which part of the workshop you liked the most? Why?
Ans: The part that I liked aout the workshop was the type of execution
of the exercises and the way in which they could e related simply to
each ones work pro3le. The post-exercise session on 45hat you learnt
from this exercise6 was the est part as it opened up the arriers of
thinking and interaction. ,o many innovative inputs were given y the
participants and the faculty.
") Which part of the workshop you feel was not necessary?
Ans: According to me there was no such part which was unnecessary.
#) $lease mention # new things you learned on this workshop
Ans: It helped me to learn the following:
a7 8eeping your cool when things do not turn out as expected.
Thinking out of the ox is the key.
7 There should always e a )lan 496 ready along with )lan 4A6.
&ou never know when your )lan 4A6 would ack 3re.
c7 $ne can actually learn faster practically doing something
rather than mugging up theories. &ou can utili2e optimum
resources, work under any kind of restriction or pressure and
yet achieve results within the given time frame.
d7 Try and put yourself in others shoes efore communicating or
reacting in any situation.
e7 Identify strengths and weaknesses of colleagues: give the right
person the right kind of ;o.
%) $lease mention # new discoveries made a&out yourself on
his workshop
a7 I discovered that I can maintain my patience while in<uencing
a team memer to do something.
7 I knew I had leadership =ualities ut I discovered that I am a
democratic leader - I take along people with me.
c7 I do not give up in any circumstance, ut calling it =uits is no
d7 I tend to do things myself, ut I discovered that delegating the
right task to the right person helps achieve results optimally.
e7 To perform the est, you need to win over yourself. I feel much
more con3dent of overcoming the toughest of challenges.
') (ow do you think this workshop would change the way you
operate in your work setup?
Ans: This workshop has given me a total new, fresh perspective of
looking at my work pro3le and my people. I have emerged as a
democratic leader and have now known to maintain my patience at the
right place. .osing my temper has hampered a good ;o when it was
close to completion.
)) (ow do you think a workshop like this can change your work
environment if you organi*ation would conduct similar
workshops for their work force?
Ans: !onestly speaking, efore even going through this =uestionnaire I
had already thought of arranging such workshops for the work force at
Alfaa. I even ounced this o> with one of my directors today.
+) Would you like to &e part of a similar , advanced workshop in
future if conducted &y college?
Ans: 1e3nitely.
1-) What was your .rst impression of this work shop? /id it
Ans: #y 3rst impression aout this workshop was that it is going to e
something di>erent and fun 3lled. %o, it did not change ecause this
workshop was not only di>erent ut it was far more challenging,
ringing out the est in you, learning something at every step while
moving ahead - a truly experiential learning workshop?
11) What message you would like to give your fellow
/istance 0earning $rogram 1tudents?
Ans: @or those who were with me in this workshop, AAll you guys were
simply outstandingB and for those who missed it A9e sure that you do
not miss such a workshop in futureB. 8eep learning as it develops you
to make you growCC..
Thanks a lotCC..
#s. !arsha 9hosle
Admission %o: 1)-1/$+DE/DFGH

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