Answers For Workshop OBT

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Answers for Alfa/Beta module experience.

1. What was your understanding of this workshop? (Experience)

From the workshop it was clear we have to look things in different ways if
we want to progress in future. Things are not so easy as it seems, we have to
coordinate with team to achieve the task given.
2. What Implication does this workshop have related to your work issues?
The implication what I feel is that it has shown the way of Time management
in daily work & always looking at positive side for the expectation of
organization/Superior even if the task is difficult. Also it has shown to
observe ways & means around you for achieving an difficult task.
3. Which part of the workshop you liked the most? Why?
Catapult was an interesting workshop, The reason I liked the most was it had
the element of making you think to be creative, time bounded, utilizing the
available resources & then making it presentable for the client.
Overall it has all the elements from Creation to selling.
4. Which part of the workshop you feel was not necessary? Why?
According to me whatever were the activities held had some learning &
nothing can be omitted.
5. Please mention 5 new things you learned on this workshop.
Coordination, Time management, Proper utilization of available resources,
Creativity, Confidence & Importance of motivation.
6. Please mention 5 new discoveries made about yourself on this workshop.
I really discovered that I can be a Good Coordinator, Creator, Motivator,
Time Manager, Confident & Above all Dynamic, Which I never got an
compliment from my last 10 years experience.
7. How do you think this workshop would change the way you operate in your
work setup?
Definitely, After knowing my strength I am confidence that I can change my
approach towards a particular task.

8. How do you think a workshop like this can change your work environment if
your organization would conduct similar workshops for their work force?
A workshop like this will help me guide the work force to be Confident, Be a
Good Coordinator, To be good time manager & to think creatively.
9. Would you like to be a a part of similar/advanced workshops in future if
conducted by college?
Yes I would love to be always a part of such workshop in future.
10. What was your first impression of this workshop? Did it change?
The first impression was that it will be a difficult task to achieve, But after
applying our thought process ideas started to come in and then it changed
the way to think differently.
11. What messages you would like to give to your fellow distance learning
program students who have not yet attended this workshop?
The message for my fellow DLP students will be that such an program will
change them for future.
12. Few words about the facilitator who conducted this workshop for your batch.
The facilitators were really very good and very sharp to point out the
problems and guided the way how to think differently.

Thanking You.
Kiran G. Singh. DPGD/OC09/0868.

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