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Submission of Project Synopsis and Guide Acceptance Form

(To be submitted to the project steering committee)

Synopsis Registration
I. Student Detais!
". Name of the Program : Master of Business Administration
#. Name of the Student : Saumya Mishra
$. Roll Number : 13050077!
%. Session"#ear : !01$
&. Address of %earning : &' P(&N' )&*+11, -"S, Ratan%al Nagar,Barra+!,
II. Project Detais!
'. Tite of the Project : ERP and its Implementation
(. Probem Statements !
2RP systems no3 attem/t to 4o5er all 4ore fun4tions of an enter/rise, regardless of the
organi6ation7s business or 4harter1 'hese systems 4an no3 be found in non+manufa4turing
businesses, non+/rofit organi6ations and go5ernments1
)esearch Probem!
Although 2RP /ro8e4ts 3ere not the only fo4us of the studies 4ited abo5e, they aresus4e/tible to
/roblems be4ause they /lay a signifi4ant role in the 4or/orate &' arena,a44ording to these
9 :2RP a//li4ations ma;e u/ the largest /ortion of &' budgets: 3 /er4ent of large4om/anies
and <0 /er4ent of smaller 4om/anies are de/loying 2RP systems1=>issna, 1?, online1@
9 :A44ording to AMR Resear4h, almost half =$3A@ of all a//li4ation s/ending at4or/orate &'
de/artments is for 2RP im/lementations1B =Artner, 1, online1@
&n fa4t, /roblems 3ith initial im/lementation of 2RP ha5e been 3idely re/orted=Bu4;hout, Crey
and Neme4, 1@1 Sin4e the goal of installing an 2RP system is totransform and integrate a
4om/anyDs o5erall business /ro4esses, 4om/lete su44esses are diffi4ult to a4hie5e, 3hile
failures are eEtremely 4ostly =Ma45ittie, !001@
The foo*ing ne*s report is an e+ampe of *hat can happen *hen an ,)P
impementation does not dei-er as promised!
Ni;e offi4ials said an i! su//ly+and+demand+/lanning a//li4ation didnDt /erformas eE/e4ted,
resulting in shortages of some foot3ear models and eE4ess sto4; ofothers1
2Ee4uti5es at i! =sto4;: &'F(@, ho3e5er, maintain that the /roblem 3as 4ausednot by the
soft3are itself, but by Ni;eDs 4ustomi6ed im/lementation1
.. /ethodoogy to be used!
An 2RP system sele4tion methodology is a formal /ro4ess for sele4ting an 2nter/rise Resour4e
Planning =2RP@ system1
Irrespective of whether the company is a multinational multi-million dollar organization
or a small company with single digit million turnovers, the goal of system selection is to
source a system that can provide functionality for all of the business processes; that will
get complete user acceptance; management approval and, most importantly, can provide
significant return on investment for the shareholders
'he resear4h method of literature re5ie3 =%eedy, 17@ is em/loyed to assist the
resear4her in addressing the /ur/ose of this study, 3hi4h is to relate /rereGuisites for
asu44essful im/lementation of 2RP system to /ro8e4t management /roblem areas1 Sin4ethe
/ur/ose is to eEtra4t and eEamine eEisting /oints of 5ie3, a grounded theory analysis of
literature on the sub8e4t is the most feasible a//roa4h1
Toos and Techni0ues 1sed for Data Anaysis!
Fithin this Gualitati5e resear4h frame3or;, this study uses a data analysis method based on
rounded theory design, in4luding the /ro4ess ;no3n as 4onstant 4om/arison1 &ngeneral,
Strauss H >orbin des4ribe grounded theory design as :a 3ay of thin;ing aboutand
4on4e/tuali6ing dataB =as 4ited in %eedy, 17, /1 1<3@1 More s/e4ifi4ally, %eedydefinesgrounded
theory as :Gualitati5e resear4h studies aimed at deri5ing theory throughthe use of multi/le
stages of data 4olle4tion and inter/retationB =%eedy, 17, /1 111@1
)o3e5er, it is not the goal of this /a/er to deri5e theory1 &n fa4t, this resear4her utili6esonly the
4oding ty/es, 3hi4h are the /reliminary ste/s, of grounded theory method toanaly6e data
III. Guide Detais!
1 Name of Pro/osed *uide : Mrs1 Reema SaEena
101 *uide registration No1 =&f a5ailable@ : MBA0P00
111 -esignation : Sr1 %e4turer
1!1 Affiliation : Si;;im Mani/al 0ni5ersity, -2
131 Iualifi4ation : MBA
1$1 'otal 2E/erien4e : 5 #rs
151 >ommuni4ation Address : )&*+11, -"S, Ratan %al Nagar, Barra+!,
1<1 >onta4t No1 : 737<?!7?0
171 2+mail &- : reemasaEena1?0Jyahoo14om
P!R" # $% &uide !cceptance
& -r1"Mr1"Mrs1 )eema Sa+ena 3or;ing as Sr. 2ecturer 3ith Si33im /anipa 1ni-ersity4 D,
hereby 4onfirm my 3illingness to guide Mr1" Ms Saumya /ishra Roll No1 "$5&55(6(#, atta4hed
to %earning >entre 556".4 I T P7I8T4 9anpur in the to/i4 ERP and its Implementation ,
during the Summer session of #5"% =year@ /eriod /A:; #5"% =month"year@ to 87<; #5"%
=month"year@1 & agree to this timeline and also to submit the /ro8e4t status" &nternal Assessment
mar;s to the 0ni5ersity1
Pla4e: .an/ur
-ate: 0?"0?"!01$ =Signature of the *uide@
& hereby de4lare that this /ro8e4t syno/sis is an original 3or; 4arried by me and 3ill not
submitted to any other 0ni5ersity for fulfilment of any 4ourse of study1
Pla4e: .an/ur
-ate: 0?"0?"!01$ =Signature of the Student@

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