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Demand Factors

Revit MEP
You use demand factors to adjust the rating of the main service for a building based on the
expectation that at any given time, not all of the electrical equipment will be drawing at the full
rated load You can specify one or more demand factors for lighting, power, !"#$, or other
systems in your project based on system load %n addition to the predefined demand factors, you
can also create your own
&or example, for the load classification 'itchen, with a demand factor of ()), if you have () lights
at *) "# each, the load is *) "# x () +lights, - *)) "# .herefore, the lights for the load of this
load category would be *)) "# .his value is accurate only if all the lights are turned on at the
same time .o account for only half of the lights being turned on at a time, you would specify the
demand factor as a constant value set to )/ +/)0, .he estimated load is then *)) "# 1 )/
+demand factor unit, - 2)) "#
3uilding codes determine what values to use for demand loads &or example, if the total
receptacle on a panel is 4),))) "#, the demand load could be (/,))) "# depending on the local
5emand factors are assigned to load classifications, and load classifications are assigned to device
connectors .he estimated load for a device is calculated by multiplying the load by the demand
factor 6ee 7oad $alculations and 5emand 7oad $alculation
.he estimated demand load is displayed in the panel8s instance properties +in the Properties
Palette, and in the panel schedule .he panel schedule can also display the load for each load
classification 6ee Panel 6chedules
You can specify a demand factor to calculate the estimated demand load on a circuit .he demand
factor can be determined by9
a constant value
the quantity of connected objects
You can specify a constant demand factor to be applied to the load
By Quantity
You can specify several quantity ranges for connected objects and apply a different demand factor
to each range or apply the same demand factor to all objects depending on how many objects are
%n the example in the table below, you can specify a demand factor based on a percentage of the
entire quantity and specify that the demand factors are calculated incrementally for each range
:reater .han specifies the lower limit of a range of objects #lways starts with )
7ess .han or Equal .o specifies the upper limit of a range of objects
5emand &actor +0, specifies the percentage of full rated load that will exist at any given
time for the specified connected objects
Demand Factors file:///C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Revit MEP 201/Program/!el"###
1 of 2 /$/201% &:&& AM
Greater Than Less Than or Equal To Demand Factor
) ( (4/0
4 2 ())0
; unlimited *)0
.hese settings will apply a (4/0 demand factor to the object with the largest load, a ())0
demand factor to the objects with the second and third largest loads, and a *)0 demand factor
for any additional objects after the third object
By Load
You can specify several load ranges for an object and apply a different demand factor to each
range or apply the same demand factor to the total load connected to the panel
%n the example in the table below, you can specify a demand factor based on a percentage of the
entire load and specify that the demand factors are calculated incrementally for each range
:reater .han specifies the lower limit of a range of loads
7ess .han or Equal .o specifies the upper limit of a range of loads
5emand &actor +0, specifies the percentage of the full rated load that will exist at any
given time for the specified range
Greater Than Less Than or Equal To Demand Factor
) 2)))"# ())0
2)))"# (),)))"# /)0
(),)))"# unlimited 2)0
.hese settings will apply a ())0 demand factor to loads less than 2)))"#, a /)0 demand factor
to loads between 2)))"# and (),)))"#, and a 2)0 demand factor for loads greater than
See Also
7oad $lassifications
Panel 6chedules
Topics in this section
#pplying a 5emand &actor
Demand Factors file:///C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Revit MEP 201/Program/!el"###
2 of 2 /$/201% &:&& AM

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